Hi All
There are countless levels of energy in the thirddimension, each of them has a purpose and a place in the grand plan ofascension. Even though you have chosen the level at which you willfunction,there are many levels that will wish to interact with you. Some of themwill bechallenging and will bring forth anger and hurt. Others will besupportive andwill confirm your growth and healing. When you choose to walk the pathofascension you stand in unconditional love that allows you to respond toeveryenergy with forgiveness, before you speak.
By extending forgiveness to each person and situation, youare accepting everything in its state of divinity and acknowledging yourrole ascreator of your reality. Nothing 'happens' to you and there are noaccidents orchallenges you face which you did not create for your learning andhealing. Yetyou are tempted to attack those who challenge you, believing that it istheirresponsibility to treat you with kindness and respect. But each personconnectswith you at the energy level they are comfortable with, not the one youdesire. 
Those who are in fear wish to maintaintheir fear level and bring you to that level. When you extendforgivenessyou respond to their fear with love and allow them to know that energy.Thisallows them to choose it for themselves because you have awakened themto thepossibility of  ascension through your forgiveness. In this way youcontrolthe energies you allow in your reality. After you extend forgiveness,you canspeak or interact from your most powerful self and deflect any lowerlevelenergies that have been directed to you. Without forgiveness, you canfeel hurtand angry. With forgiveness, you extend compassion and stay in your ownpower.
There are times when you will be tested by those who wishto experience your light but who can only do so at their level. Theperson whoattacks you is acting from their level of anger and frustration andreflectingtheir level of self love. You can respond to them through their anger orfromyour position of power. By extending forgiveness you remove the cords toeveryconnection you have at the level of fear and maintain control over theego'sdesire for validation. Before you speak, forgive those who hurt orchallengeyou, any situation of lack or fear and every experience of pain. Thenyou canallow your words to come from the place of light where love exists andstay inyour power.
Article Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman. Allrights reserved.

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  • Beautiful... I read "Your immortal Reality" by Gary Renard recently and he talks about Quantum forgiveness--forgiving everything before it happens, just being prepared to forgive always, for everything. So, the more you forgive, the more you become aware that you're just dreaming, we're undoing the ego and setting ourselves free from the illusion!! That makes sense to me! Thanks for posting Jason, I needed to be reminded how important it is to forgive time and time again, because their is only is one of us here!

    In The ONE Heart ;-)
  • Wonderful and important message, I agree, thanks for posting this Jason :)

    But what if the the person how challenge your ascension wants you to do something you know isent right. And the person feel so frustrated over you saying "no, I wanne do whats right" that he ether wants to beat you up or leave you out of his life, and in worst case choose to beat you up then.. Whats better: to fight back/defend yourself ore to just get beaten up and let the person learn from it..?

    I feel the violence will never heal with the same violence returned, but if i'm wounded as a consequence I will still keep on ascension I guess..
    • Hmmm Bruce Lee or Grasshopper violence that is the question.
  • Acceptance of Self, and forgiveness of other-Self.
    Keep it up Jason, I acknowledge your determination to spread Illumination!
  • never before since i been on this site since 2006, have i ever be been on top of the charts, or so to speak, on this site board, as this is an accidental honour to be the leaderboard, i dig deep on the internet, seen i can not channel messages, but i do try to dig further and and deeper, and i really do try harder to research great stuff to read, thanks all, i try real hard to search, i truly hope people see i try to help more, thanks everyone, thanks for seeing my hard work paying off, it made me feel i did a good job.
    • I see you!

      • ~dear Jason, you are loved! never, ever doubt it!~ thank you for this post, if only we could post it across every sky, in every town & every country, for all the world to see.. right now!!~ the eart & all her inhabitants need this message, just as i did today, just like a life preserver! thank you! ~namaste~ ;0) & carry on...
  • This is a beautiful reminder! Thank you for posting it, Jason. It seems like challenges are ever present for me lately and this is a great nudge for me to look at forgiveness, or my lack there of to be honest. Forgiveness for Self as well.
  • "There are times when you will be tested by those who wish to experience your light, but, who can only do so at their level." So, true, so true, and this is such a very valuable tool in compassion and understanding, and, thus, the ability to practice "instant forgiveness". If one understands that each of us is at varying levels of Soul growth, then, it makes it so much easier to forgive.

    I have felt for some time that it is the lack of forgiveness, or holding on to experiences that "eat" at us that causes cancer, for is not cancer something that "eats" at the body?

    While I feel that forgiveness is beneficial for all the world, to me, it most benefits the one who is forgiving rather than the recipient of the forgiveness. Try it......you'll like it. :))))
  • Ive thought of writing something similar, this is important. AUM*
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