UFO skeptics often question why, if aliens have traveled half way across the galaxy to visit Earth, they only ever abduct American hicks and leave pretty patterns in corn fields.
But a group of U.S. Air Force officers say they're now breaking silence to reveal UFOs have been hovering above UK and U.S. nuclear missile sites and deactivating weapons.
It's claimed that not only have UFOs been flying over military bases and interfering with nuclear missiles since 1948 -- but governments know all about it and are hushing up the activity with misinformation.
Captain Robert Salas - one of the six former U.S. Air Force officers to come forward - says he first experienced an event first-hand while on duty at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana in 1967.
He claims an object - which he thinks was "not from planet Earth" - hovered directly above the base. At the same time, ten Minuteman nuclear missiles instantly shut-down. The exact same thing is said to have happened a week later at another site.
Other instances being cited - with witness testimony from 120 former military personnel - include a UFO landing inside the nuclear storage area at RAF Bentwaters, near Ipswich 30-years-ago, and alien interventions at nuclear sites in the U.S. as recently as 2003.
The airmen, and one former enlisted man, are set to present declassified information which backs up their findings at a press conference today in Washington. They will also urge authorities to come clean and admit aliens have long been visiting Earth.
The Link: http://www.asylum.co.uk/2010/09/27/u-s-airmen-aliens-have-deactivated-our-nuclear-missiles/#ixzz05juPpmkk
I suspect this will become an increasing thing now as the days go by.
Have you got any storys like this I would love to here them.......
Views: 100
For years and years people calling you a freak and off your head and
In the blink of an eye they are all converted just because it was on the
News, we need to grow quicker than that to make the necessary changes.
Here’s another bit of news.
UFO update
Published: 27 Sep 2010
RETIRED US air officers will today sensationally claim aliens tampered with nuclear weapons on British soil.
They are set to lift the lid on the "ongoing and disturbing" intervention of UFOs at nuclear weapon sites.
Their claims include how several missiles inexplicably malfunctioned while an unidentified disc-shaped object hovered nearby.
One alleged incident they say was covered up is the Rendlesham Forest UFO sighting in Suffolk — known as the UK's Roswell by the alien watchers community.
It was claimed that 30 years ago a UFO directed beams of light into RAF Bentwaters, close to the forest — one of the few US military bases in Britain to hold nuclear weapons at the time.
The base's deputy commander Colonel Charles Halt has long claimed the incident was covered up.
He said: "The security services of both the United States and the United Kingdom have attempted, both then and now, to subvert the significance of what occurred at RAF Bentwaters by the use of well-practiced methods of disinformation."
Col Halt, now retired, added: "The UFOs I saw were structured machines moving under intelligent control and operating beyond the realm of anything I have ever seen before or since.
"I believe the objects that I saw at close quarters were extra-terrestrial in origin."
Col Halt will be among six former officers, and one other enlisted man, who will break their decades-long silence on the matter at a press conference in Washington today.
Robert Hastings, the author of UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites, will host the press conference.
He said last night: "At long last, all of these witnesses are coming forward to say that, as unbelievable as it may seem to some, UFOs have long monitored and sometimes tampered with our nukes."
Mr Hastings says the group will discuss the national security implications of the UFO incidents and will urge the US government to come clean on the issue.
Nick Pope, who investigated unexplained air threats for the Ministry of Defence, called for a US probe into the claims.
He said: "There's no middle ground here. Either it happened or it didn't. Given the seriousness of the claims and the credibility of the witnesses, the US government should launch an inquiry.
"The UFO community believe aliens may have tampered with nuclear weapons so they cannot be used in space."
The Rendlesham Forest incident made headlines in December 1980 when UFOs were reported three nights running.
UFO reports to be destroyed in future by MoD
The Ministry of Defence will destroy all future UFO reports it receives so it does not have to make them public, a previously secret memo discloses.
Published: 9:03AM GMT 28 Feb 2010
National Archives handout image of a drawing and description of a UFO sighting from a flight out of Heathrow Photo: PA Britain's official UFO investigation unit and hotline were closed down at the start of December.
Since then reports of strange sights in the skies sent to the MoD have been kept for 30 days before being thrown out, the newly released policy document shows.
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Dauntless task for Scottish shipbuilders on the ClydeThis stance was adopted so defence officials would not have to publish the information in response to freedom of information (FoI) requests or pass it to the National Archives.
The memo, dated November 11, 2009, sets out the MoD's reasons for shutting its UFO unit and ceasing to invite the public to send in details of sightings.
It notes that the number of reports the department received soared last year, taking up extra resources and diverting staff from ''more valuable'' defence-related activities.
The MoD recorded 634 UFO sightings in 2009, the second highest annual total after 1978, when there were 750, according to UFO expert Dr David Clarke.
This compares with an average of about 150 reports a year over the past decade.
The memo states: ''The dedicated UFO hotline answer phone service and e-mail address serve no defence purpose, and merely encourage the generation of correspondence of no defence value.
''Accordingly these facilities should be withdrawn as soon as possible.''
The official document covers what defence officials should do when they receive reports of UFOs in the future.
It says: ''Reported sightings received from other sources should be answered by a standard letter and... should be retained for 30 days and then destroyed, largely removing any future FoI liability and negating the need to release future files post-November 30 2009.''
The memo reveals that MoD chiefs made a point of not discussing their plans to close the UFO unit with other countries because of fears this could be perceived as part of a global cover-up.
It states: ''We have deliberately avoided formal approaches to other Governments on this issue.
''Such approaches would become public when the relevant UFO files are released, and would be viewed by 'ufologists' as evidence of international collaboration and conspiracy.''
But the document includes as an annex a printout from the US Department of Defence website explaining that the American government stopped collecting reports of UFO sightings in December 1969.
Dr Clarke, a lecturer in journalism at Sheffield Hallam University, obtained the memo through an FoI request.
He said: ''This is the final rubber-stamping of the decision - they just want to totally wash their hands of the UFO business altogether.
''It's just been a millstone around their necks ever since the Cold War. They have decided that whatever they do, it reflects badly on them.''
The expert said the MoD's new policy on destroying UFO reports would make it much more difficult to uncover the truth about incidents in the future.
''It's like they're desperately trying to avoid having to answer FoI requests on this subject,'' he said.
''Even if something quite serious happened, perhaps where there was a near-miss with an airline, the MoD will say, 'we may have had a report on it, but we've destroyed it'.''
The MoD is releasing its historic UFO files gradually through the National Archives.
Five instalments have been made public so far, amounting to about a third of the total.
Nick Pope, a former MoD employee who worked on the UFO files, said: "It's ironic that the UFO project was cut because sightings were increasing.
"MoD disengaged because they were inundated. It's laziness as opposed to a conspiracy.
"Destroying UFO reports to avoid dealing with FoI requests isn't illegal, but it's a great shame. Who knows what fascinating material will be lost?"
I feel like one day they were laughing at the whole thing and the next its TOTALLY SERIOUS
i don't know it just seems to controlled, I mean the events actually happened, but the media is definitely up to something not so good, as always
We just need to be aware and watchful if they try to pull some blue beam garbage
and this NORAD guy who says their coming Oct 13 to CLEAM UP OUR CO2, definite NWO carbon tax angle
stuff is getting WAY out of hand
Lets just hope for the best