

Dear friends,


I have some US State Department hoax evidence, for your perusal and serious contemplation.


Amerika is scamming the world into supporting it's globalist agenda in all nations. Riots have been provoked and engineered in certain target countries, including Ukraine.


See this strategy of using "Human Rights Groups" and fake protestors, to serve the US global control apparatus..


This is all Wallstreet-backed, of we know, as the US admin is totally controlled by financial elites seeking global domination.


When you now observe speeches by US government politicians, including Obama, you will never look upon them in the same way, especially after learning these truths.....


And for all those who seek an Obama "saviour figure" I ask them, where is his promised change...?? My answer is, he is part of the very propaganda machine that you thought he resisted and is actually wicked, manipulative, and destructive, like his masters in the dark cabal.


Obama and other officials are working with corporations, NATO and CIA psyops to control your thoughts, support western interventions and destroy all dissent....This is actually what has happened in Ukraine, recently, so I ask you all to ponder this seriously, lest you will be caught short in the skills you need to discover truth.

How can you know yourself, if you cannot even know the world you live in...??


We each have our own truths and one of mine is based upon a necessary freedom from mind control by the US State Department.....What are yours.....?? ;-)


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  • I have been indirectly accused by another member of spreading anti-American sentiments and would like to place my response to her, on that alternative blog, so as to clarify to all TRUE American patriots my REAL position...

    I provided evidence that the US State Department ran a programme using a corporation, to undermine nations around the world, including Ukraine.....This is not the real America at work here, but your USA corporation..This is not anti-American, but anti-Amerikan...

    So when you suggest "demonizing," it makes it plain that you are serving as a CIA psyops troll, defending the USA Corporation agenda of creating wars, riots and general mayhem among nations, for fiscal corporate profit..

    Why else would you fear the truth and pretend that this revelation is demonizing nations...?? TRUTH IS TRUTH.....

    You are the senseless, non-constructive distraction here, Nancy....The appologist and tool for USA imperial propaganda..

    The American people are not being demonized when I reveal truths about the evil empire.....Most agree with my stance.

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    • thanks for sharing Drekx.


      overwheming evidence on the existance of a  shadow goverment that President Kennnedy stated about this in one of his addresses to the nation, as well others  have also have stated that there is a secret goverment pulling alot of strings relates right back by to the international banksters and their gang of enforcers, of starting wars for profit and ownership of all assets thu liens, contracts of ownerships, and deeds of rights to all resources of every country they can invade, your skulls and bones flag of maritime laws they make and break as needed.

      is it not international laws of the few, and for the few, as needed by the coneheads demands. (who are the coneheads)

      blessings to all of us for we are all one.

  • thanks for sharing Nancy.



  • ...Cobblers + Oh Bummer ....Such An Exciting Life....One Doth Live....Lol......May I Join In............

    • Feel free to join in, Sky ;-) Any views on the US State Department strategy of insighting riots all over the globe?? as to achieve regime changes to "governments," ensuring that they follow the globalist agenda and austerity for the masses, as a programmed rollout by dark banks...??

      People wonder why the world is in turmoil.....There are two opposing forces at work, the energies of Pisces and the energies of Aquarius....By definition, the reactionary dark have latched onto the former..

  • hi Mr Ed.

    i feel the times are getting into true revelations of what, why, how, and NOW WHO. is the master hiding behind the veil of racism tactics,my team is better than your team,  and false ego that keep us the human race from being more compasionate for our fellow man.

    the animal d.n.a. codes in us makes us a pack animal predator in the animal kingdom and is a must to survive, it is just that some of the elite really like to be a monster predator without the pack mentallity, just wants it all for themselfs.

    they love the hunting trip parties where they invade and then enjoy traping and scarcing the prey before they do their glory killing with a real monster weapon the prey does not chance with. this entertainment seems to be the bird hunting raids, or the people raids.

    yes many black organization are condeming the actions of obumer, and want his impreachment.


  • thanks for sharing Mr. Ed.


    i too feel that obumer is nothing more than a talking head puppet who likes to vacation and spend money like he is a real important muslin king, i ponder who he really is maybe one the many prince of the arab elite, who somehow was push thu into power, and have the congress and senate scarce stiff to even stand up and do there job..

    reports say he is only 7% black, 43% arab, and the rest is white, this is by his d.n.a.  test done recently by some agency in secret, it was by him grabing a glass of water, and that was taken to get the d.n.a.  but he sure does like to  use the "you are picking on me cause am black", what a joke on the black community, he shames them, and the bushes are also who he blames them for all his b.s. excuses. n.s.a. spying and other tactics of his, is not a funny.

    Karan Hudes has stated that the elite 1% is a race of cone heads, or longated brains ""THEY ALSO WERE TESTED FOR D.N.A. ORGINS"", and is why IN  the vatican all WEAR those fish head hats to hide the skulls of these rulling race AMONG THEM. and if so the b.s. of no intervention by the e.t. famiilies REALLY COMES TO MIND, and for the trolls: there is no way it can be called a lie or woo woo, for mankind has the bones and skulls to for all to see, FOR THE TRUTH IS WHAT IT IS.

    blessings to all of  us for we are all one


  • I believe this to be complete TRUTH.

  • You're most welcome, Jon....

    Also, about the intel on the ISS ET visitation....Preliminary findings point to a race on a genuine peace mission, from beyond our galaxy and from outside our GFL...These beings are from a star within the Andromeda galaxy, of high evolution and related to colonists originally from the Nol system, planet Druan, within our galaxy...They are in diplomatic protocol with the earth elites, seeking peace and reconcilliation and are acting independently of the GFL, but with our full approval...

    Hope this explains....Of course, NASA made a cock-up, as they sometimes do... ;-)

  • Well I was giving you a sound explanation as to why Assad is favoured by Moscow....The reasons are sound, logical and sensible, in contrast to your zealous support for the chaos that would prevail without Assad....He is in the midst of civil war and they are always messy...Take the English Civil war, or the American...?? If Obama had to fight a new civil war on his own turf, you would find him extremely ruthless, no doubts...And like King Charles I, he would have to be dealt with his own people...

    Get real, Avatar...Civil wars are always messy and Assad did not seek that.

    Russia is pragmatic in these matters...

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