US President Barack Obama has revealed plans to send American Astronauts to orbit Mars by 2030 but this is what Easy Journey to Other Planets has to say:

The adaptability of organisms in different varieties of planets is described in the Brahma-saṁhitā as vibhūti-bhinnam, i.e., each and every one of the innumerable planets within the universes is endowed with a particular type of atmosphere, and the living beings there are advanced in science, psychology, etc., according to the superiority or inferiority of the atmosphere. Vibhūti means “specific power,” and bhinnam means “variegated.” Scientists who are attempting to explore outer space in an attempt to reach other planets by mechanical means must realize that organisms adapted to the atmosphere of the earth cannot exist in the atmospheres of other planets. As such, man’s attempts to reach the moon, the sun, or Mars will be completely futile because of the different atmospheres prevailing on those planets. Individually, however, one can attempt to go to any planet he desires, but this is only possible by psychological changes in the mind. Mind is the nucleus of the material body. The gradual evolutionary progress of the material body depends on psychological changes within the mind. The change of the bodily construction of a worm into that of a butterfly and, in modern medical science, the conversion of a man’s body into that of a woman (or vice versa) are more or less dependent on psychological changes.

In the Bhagavad-gītā it is said that if a man, at the time of death, concentrates his mind upon the form of the Personality of Godhead, Śrī Kṛṣṇa, and while so doing relinquishes his body, he at once enters the spiritual existence of the antimaterial world. This means that anyone who trains the mind to turn from matter to the spiritual form of the Godhead by performance of the prescribed rules of devotional service can easily attain the kingdom of God, in the antimaterial sky. And of this there is no doubt.

And in the same way, if one desires to enter into any other planet of the material sky, he can go there just after quitting the present body (i.e., after death). Thus if someone wants to go to the moon, the sun or Mars, he can do so simply by performing acts for that purpose. The Bhagavad-gītā confirms this statement in the following words:

That upon which a person meditates at the time of death, quitting his body absorbed in the thought thereof, that particular thing he attains after death.

Mahārāja Bharata, despite a life of severe penances, thought of a stag at the time of his death and thus became a stag after death. However, he did retain a clear consciousness of his past life and realized his mistake. It is important to realize that one’s thoughts at the time of death are influenced by the actual deeds which one performs during his life.

In the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (Third Canto, Chapter Thirty-two), the process of entering the moon is described as follows:

Materialistic-minded men, who have no information of the kingdom of God, are always mad after material acquisition of wealth, fame and adoration. Such men are interested in the progressive weal of their particular family unit for their own self-satisfaction and so are also interested in the progress of social and national welfare. These men attain their desired objects by material activities. They are mechanically engaged in the ritualistic discharge of prescribed duties and are consequently inclined to satisfy the Pitās, or bygone forefathers, and controlling demigods by performance of sacrifices as prescribed by the revealed scriptures. Addicted to such acts of sacrifices and ceremonial observances, such souls enter into the moon after death. When one is thus promoted to the moon, he receives the capacity to enjoy the drinking of soma-rasa, a celestial beverage. The moon is a place where the demigod Candra is the predominating deity. The atmosphere and amenities of life there are far more comfortable and advantageous than those here on earth. After reaching the moon, if a soul does not utilize the opportunity for promotion to better planets, he is degraded and forced to return to earth or a similar planet. However, materialistic persons, although they may attain to the topmost planetary system, are certainly annihilated at the time of the cosmic manifestation’s dissolution.

As far as the planetary system of the spiritual sky is concerned, there are unlimited Vaikuṇṭha planets in the para-vyoma. The Vaikuṇṭhas are spiritual planets which are manifestations of the internal potency of the Lord, and the ratio of these planets to the material planets (external energy) in the material sky is three to one. So the poor materialist is busy making political adjustments on a planet which is most insignificant in God’s creation. To say nothing of this planet earth, the whole universe with innumerable planets throughout the galaxies is comparable to a grain of mustard seed in a bag full of mustard seeds. But the poor materialist makes plans to live comfortably here and thus wastes his valuable human energy in something which is doomed to frustration. Instead of wasting his time with business speculations, he might have sought the life of plain living and high spiritual thinking and thus saved himself from perpetual materialistic unrest.

Even if a materialist wants to enjoy developed material facilities, he can transfer himself to planets where he can experience material pleasures much more advanced than those available on the earth planet. But the best plan is to prepare oneself to return to the spiritual sky after leaving the body. However, if one is intent on enjoying material facilities, one can transfer himself to other planets in the material sky by utilizing yogic powers. The playful spaceships of the astronauts are but childish entertainments and are of no use for this purpose.

The aṣṭāṅga-yoga system is also materialistic, inasmuch as it teaches one to control the movements of air within the material body. The spiritual spark, the soul, is floating on air within the body, and inhalation and exhalation are the waves of that air containing the soul. Therefore the yoga system is a materialistic art of controlling this air by transferring it from the stomach to the navel, from the chest to the collarbone and from there to the eyeballs and from there to the cerebellum and from there to any desired planet. The velocities of air and light are taken into consideration by the material scientist, but he has no information of the velocity of the mind and intelligence. We have some limited experience of the velocity of the mind, because in a moment we can transfer our minds to places hundreds of thousands of miles away. Intelligence is even finer. Finer than intelligence is the soul, which is not matter like mind and intelligence but is spirit, or antimatter. The soul is hundreds of thousands of times finer and more powerful than intelligence. We can thus only imagine the velocity of the soul in its traveling from one planet to another. Needless to say, the soul travels by its own strength and not with the help of any kind of material vehicle.

The bestial civilization of eating, sleeping, fearing and sense-gratifying has misled modern man into forgetting how powerful a soul he has. As we have already described, the soul is a spiritual spark which is many, many times more illuminating, dazzling and powerful than sun, moon or electricity. Human life is spoiled when man does not realize his real identity with his soul. Lord Caitanya appeared with His disciple Nityānanda to save man from this type of misleading civilization.

Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam also describes how yogīs can travel to all the planets in the universe. When the vital force is lifted to the cerebellum, there is every chance of this force bursting out from the eyes, nose, ears, etc., as these are places which are known as the seventh orbit of the vital force. But the yogīs can block out these holes by complete suspension of air. The yogī then concentrates the vital force in the middle position, that is, between the eyebrows. At this position, the yogī can think of the planet into which he wants to enter after leaving the body. He can then decide whether he wants to go to the abode of Kṛṣṇa in the transcendental Vaikuṇṭhas from which he will not be required to descend into the material world, or to travel to higher planets in the material universe. The perfect yogī is at liberty to do either.

For the perfect yogī who has attained success in the method of leaving his body in perfect consciousness, transferring from one planet to another is as easy as an ordinary man’s walking to the grocery store. As already discussed, the material body is just a covering of the spiritual soul. Mind and intelligence are the undercoverings, and the gross body of earth, water, air, etc., is the overcoating of the soul. As such, any advanced soul who has realized himself by the yogic process, who knows the relationship between matter and spirit, can leave the gross dress of the soul in perfect order and as he desires. By the grace of God, we have complete freedom. Because the Lord is kind to us, we can live anywhere—either in the spiritual sky or in the material sky, upon whichever planet we desire. However, misuse of this freedom causes one to fall down into the material world and suffer the threefold miseries of conditioned life. The living of a miserable life in the material world by dint of the soul’s choice is nicely illustrated by Milton in Paradise Lost. Similarly, by choice the soul can regain paradise and return home, back to Godhead

At the critical time of death, one can place the vital force between the two eyebrows and decide where he wants to go. If he is reluctant to maintain any connection with the material world, he can, in less than a second, reach the transcendental Vaikuṇṭha and appear there completely in his spiritual body which will be suitable for him in the spiritual atmosphere. He has simply to desire to leave the material world in both finer and grosser forms and then move the vital force to the topmost part of the skull and leave the body from the hole in the skull called the brahma-randhra. This is the highest perfection in the practice of yoga.

Of course man is endowed with free will, and as such if he does not want to free himself of the material world he may enjoy the life of brahma-pāda (occupation of the post of Brahmā) and visit Siddhaloka, the planets of materially perfect beings who have full abilities to control gravity, space, time, etc. To visit these higher planets in the material universe, one need not give up his mind and intelligence (finer matter), but need only give up grosser matter (the material body).

Man-made satellites and mechanical space vehicles will never be able to carry human beings to the planets of outer space. Men cannot even go on their much-advertised trips to the moon, for, as we have already stated, the atmosphere on such higher planets is different from the atmosphere here on earth. Each and every planet has its particular atmosphere, and if one wants to travel to any particular planet within the material universe, one has to have a material body exactly adapted to the climatic condition of that planet. For instance, if one wants to go from India to Europe, where the climatic condition is different, one has to change his dress accordingly. Similarly, a complete change of body is necessary if one wants to go to the transcendental planets of Vaikuṇṭha.

If one wants to go to the higher material planets, he can keep his finer dress of mind, intelligence and ego, but has to leave his gross dress (body) made of earth, water, fire, etc. When one goes to a transcendental planet, however, it is necessary to change both the finer and gross bodies, for one has to reach the spiritual sky completely in a spiritual form. This change of dress will take place automatically at the time of death if one so desires. But this desire is possible at death only if the desire is cultivated during life. Where one’s treasures are, there also is one’s heart. When one practices devotional service, one cultivates a desire for the kingdom of God. The following details outline a general practice by which one can prepare himself for an easy journey to the Vaikuṇṭha (antimaterial) planets, where life is free from birth, old age, disease and death.

Easy Journey to Other Planets [pdf] 1.08 free download at



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  • Ravinder,

    I'd suggest you look beyond the words in all our hindu scriptures... and there lies your answer. According to the pinda-bramhanda vad, what is in the macrocosm is also in the microcosm (yatha pindade, tatha bramhande).

    Your mention of the thrid canto of the Srimad Bhagvatam, only suggests many many words. Please read every word carefully. Every word has a magnificent visual meaning behind it (that is the greatness of the sanskrit language - and all its syllables - vyanjana, svara and matras included). Here I am compelled to ask you, what is the MOON? And why a materialistic man cannot approach the moon?

    To this my answer would be, if you can attain the Moon in your own body, nothing and no one in this universe, not even the creator God can stop you from going to the physical moon that exists outside of the earth. That is why the wise people say, if you cannot go within, you will mostly go without.

    with intent,
    much love, light and laughter,
  • Boriska the boy who has incarnated here from Mars has this message for us all:
    -"Sickness comes from people's inability to live properly and be happy. You must wait for you cosmic half. One should never get involved and mess up other peoples destinies. People should not suffer because of their past mistakes, but get in touch with what"s been predestined for them and try to reach those heights and move on to conquer their dreams". (These are the exact words he was using). He went on to say...

    "You have to be more sympathetic and warmhearted. In case someone strikes you, hug your enemy, apologise yourself and kneel before him. In case someone hates you, love him with all your love and devotion and ask for forgiveness. These are the rules of love and humbleness. Do you know why the Lemurians died? I am also partially at blame. They did not wish to develop spiritually any more. They went astray from the predestined path thus destructing the overall wholeness of the planet. The Magic"s Path leads to dead end. Love is a True Magic!"

    Before we even think of going to other Planets we need to heal ourselves at the Soul Level by bringing in more Love and HUMBLENESS.
    • well said..i agree with Boriska, except from the part: "when someone strikes u... hug him, apologize yourself, and kneel before him....
      ...all the rest are ok i guess...
  • interesting, for me though one can travel to mars and focus on earth at the same time. its matter of balance from my humble prespective. i am reminded in book two telos a physical goal and something greater then ourselve i think would bring a positive humor to america besides ready or not its time to visit cydonia plane and see what there maybe demi gods might open mars up to assist changes occuring on earth i dont know last time this type changes occured i was in my birthmother womb and birth before the summer of love in 67 so i dont have anything to compare too so
  • Boriska the Boy from Mars was asked the following question:
    Boris, why do our space stations crash before they reach Mars?

    HIS ANSWER -Mars transmits special signals aimed at destroying them. Those stations contain harmful radiation.

    I was amazed by his knowledge of this sort of radiation. This is absolutely true. Back in 1988 a resident of Volzhsky - Yuri Lushnichenko, a man with extra-sensory powers - attempted to warn Soviet leaders about the inevitable crash of the first Mars Soviet space stations "Fobos 1" and "Fobos 2". He also mentioned this sort of an "unfamiliar" and harmful for the planet (Mars) - A radiation threat. He was dismissed as a Fool-Mad...Obviously, no one believed him then!

    From this information we can gather that there are beings living on Mars plus Earthly Space Crafts cannot get there safely.
  • If humans cannot live in Peace and Harmony, Love and Light...Harmlessness and Love on Planet Earth what do you think they will do on another Planet??? They will soon mess up the other Planet for it is not a question of looking for another Planet but changing yourselves and creating Heaven on Earth.
    This does not apply to the few who are in the Mode of Goodness on Planet Earth at the present time.
  • When more humans get into the spirit of Harmlessness and Love, no harming Nature and no harming any Living Entities and hold within themselves more Love and Light being always in the Mode of Goodness we can create Heaven on Earth.
    This should be our GOAL IN LIFE.
    If humans harbouring within themselves greed, control, darkness and violent nature go to another Planet they will soon mess up that Planet as they have done to Planet Earth.
    We need to work on ourselves and all get in the Mode of Goodness and create Heaven on Earth.
  • We are going through a crucial time with the Earth changes taking place and now is not the time to plan exploring other Planets.
    All countries who have Space Centres and are planning Space Projects should keep them on hold and CONCENTRATE ON PLANET EARTH. They should spend all their time,money and effort to improve Planet Earth. Once Planet Earth is in a pristine condition then think of going to other Planets.
    We all need to get together, help each other and create HEAVEN ON EARTH.
  • US President Barack Obama should concentrate on how to improve Planet Earth instead of thinking of Mars.
    He does not need to worry about exploring other Planets as beings of other Planets are here NOW exploring Planet Earth.
    To name a few The Galactic Federation of Light are surrounding the Planet Earth, the Spaceships from other Planets are here watching us, Inner Earth beings are trying to unite with us. As 2012 is approaches fast day by day it is not a time to think of exploring other Planets.
    US President Barack Obama views are materialistic .....
    Srila Prabhupada who wrote Easy Journey to Other Planets views are Spiritual
    Nasa has fooled you lots of times but do not let them fool you again. The trip to the Moon was a fake for a start. All the Time and Money can be spent on improving Planet Earth.
    Only those who have Spiritual Knowledge, who follow Divine Laws and who follow a Spiritual Life should be allowed to govern or the Planet Earth will be messed up in the hands of wrong materialistic people so says the Vedas and Adama Head Priest of Telos. Remember only those who follow Divine Laws will be allowed to govern after 2012.
    • First Contact will be made by 2012 and a Cosmic Party is planned for 21st Dec 2012 and the most important time will be 11:11. The Galactic Federation of Light, beings from other Planets and Inner Earth beings have long ago wanted to make first contact but beings living on the surface of Planet Earth are not ready for them. But in the near future when more and more disasters take place we will soon be crying out for help.
      Humans cannot go to Mars in Shuttles or any other Space Crafts for the simple reason that they must be ready in Soul Level. Most Planets are inhabitated by beings who live inside the Planets if not on the surface.
      To go to a Higher Dimension you must be ready at a Spiritual Soul Level in order to ascend to a Higher Dimension.
      At this time as 2012 approaches the last thing on your mind is to plan trips to other Planets when Planet Earth needs HELP NOW.
      When we become friends with the Galactic Federation of Light, beings from other Planets and Inner Earth beings they will lift us to their level of advancement and then we will be able to go to other Planets.
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