This excerpt is from an article written by Drunvalo Melchizedek in response to a channeling said to come from Metatron. His words have made me realize how important it is that I check inside, before I accept anything that is stated as being channeled, or actually anything at all that I am told.While Drunvalo agrees with some of the channeling he refers to, there are also points that he disagrees with on the specifics of the Mer-Ka-Ba and sacred geometry, about which Drunvalo has been teaching for many years and is a leading expert in that field.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please realize that less than one percent of all the channels on Earth are real. The majority are simply speaking through their own egos and calling it what they may.And further, all channels, real or not, are extremely dangerous to follow because no one knows for sure who is really speaking. It takes time to know who is really speaking. Just because he says it is Lord Metatron does not mean that is who is speaking.A channel opens themselves to the universe, which anyone, including you, can do, and it is like making a random phone call to anyone on Earth. The person who answers may tell you the truth of their real name or they may go along with you and say they are who you are asking for. And then, why would they know any more about a certain subject than anyone else? It is a real problem in the channeling world, and it is therefore extremely dangerous to believe them or to use their information.Yes there are a few very important channels on Earth, such as Kryon, but you still have to be very, very careful before you accept something as true.There was a small group from the Pleiades who entered our consciousness back in the 1980's. They first contacted Billy Meyers and then several other channels. Everyone thought at first they were on our side. But then it became obvious to many that they were not. They had banded with the Greys and the Reptiles, and their sole purpose was to eliminate the human race. And you have to understand, these beings are vastly more intelligent than a human being and can appear in any manner that they want you to see them. Your belief in them means absolutely nothing.And it is interesting that the method this Pleiadian group was using to separate humanity is almost identical to what is being used with James Tyberonn. They would go on and on about a subject and 99.9% of it was the truth. Almost anyone reading their statements would believe that it was the truth. They would continue with the truth until the heart of the audience is wide open, and then a deception would secretly take place. In the middle of a paragraph they would insert something that is definitely not true, but since you were agreeing with them on everything up to that moment, the human being simply allows it into the mind as true, even though it is not. To be clear, the purpose of doing this was to divide humanity so they could conquer.... I would suggest you stop listening to channels, and learn how to enter into your own heart. All knowledge and wisdom is contained there, and it will never be a lie or deception. It will always be the TRUTH. Trust yourself, and believe in yourself. Find the Sacred Space of your own heart, and you will not need anyone but yourself and the Source of All Life Everywhere that lives, and has always lived, within your heart.From my heart,Drunvalo Melchizedek

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  • Hi Meg.

    Thanks for letting me know. I have also posted this same posting at least 3 times previously on this site and even on the original AC site as is the best info i have found on using discernment whilst reading any channelled info and so many readers have trouble telling truth or "their truth" apart from fiction.
  • We would also like to suggest the following guidelines on how to practice discernment.

    Guidelines On Discernment - New Realities Magazine - July 1987

    1. There will always be useful information for everyone. Beware of the channel that gives you useful information for only a few, or tells you that it's only for a special group or a sequestered number. It must be useful for ALL humanity, every single Human. This is an area of discernment allowing you to know you are hearing the truth.
    2. The message should be uplifting. Watch for an empowering message - NOT ONE OF FEAR, not one that drags you down - not one that makes you want to take fearful action or hide - but an enabling message! This is a staple of God energy. It must be there. It should inspire the listener and reader. Every recorded angel appearance before a Human Being has begun with "Fear not!"
    3. Spirit (God) will never, ever channel a message that asks you to give up your free will. Never! For your free will is what your experience on Earth is all about as you sit in your "chairs of gold" (a metaphor created in Kryon Book Six). Free will! FREE CHOICE is what drives your future.
    4. Spirit will never give you a message - ever - that asks you to violate the integrity of what you believe. You are honored in your thought processes. Spirit will never trick you or "talk you" into anything. The message must never violate your integrity. You must feel comfortable with it, and it must ring true to your heart.
    5. Spirit will never represent a channeller as being the only source. Watch for this, for there are many channels of Spirit and they all coordinate their information to create a bigger picture, especially in this New Age. They will NEVER represent themselves as the ONLY source of information.
    6. Watch for the fact that the information is normally new information. Beware of the channel that simply re-hashes the old, for they are not channelling anything but the ego of the Human Being. New information is necessary. It is the entire reason for the channel. Think about it.
    7. Watch for the fact that channelled information should have spiritual solutions presented. Solutions to life challenges on Earth, via new information, is the purpose of channelling.

    Lee Carroll (of on Discernment:

    The next time you sit before a channel or read a transcription, consider these seven items presented above. As you listen to or read the words of a channeller, also try to ask "what is the intent of the human speaking?" Is there any ego or Human agenda? If you detect it... then stop. There cannot be Human ego present for the information to be accurate and true. Spirit demands this of the channeller... I know. I also know from over twelve years of live channeling experience that the message will ALWAYS be filled with love, and not fear. Watch for this!

    Do you "recognize" the energy as familiar and feeling like "home?" This is another key. If you don't, and you can't identify with the entity or entities that are channelling through the Human, then perhaps you should pass on the message for now. Not all channelling is from an entity. Much of it comes form your own spiritual center. Don't always try to determine "who" it is, asking for a name or trying to put skin and bones to it. Consider that your core is the Love of God... and is also able to give YOU messages for YOU.
    • I guess I agree to a certain degree about what you are saying Meg about statistics and whatnot, but I guess I may be in a minority where what I believe in my heart has not necessarily been the truth. Maybe I do not know how to distinguish a head feeling for a heart feeling. I know that my "heart" has been broken repeatedly by believing to my core in someone only to be hurt and betrayed. So I guess what I am saying is that I do not trust my heart for much of anything, it seems to have a lack of discernment. I tend towards anyalyzing more when making a decision, but I may be the only person like that. I am not sure....I guess you could say I wrote the book on wishy washy.....
    • This I have read many a time before and still continues to be so true and I think is a very good guidelines. Actually I posted this on another group whose name I will not mention and it got banned, which I think spoke volumes about the group...I will leave it at that. I find nothing objectionable about these ideas to consider when wondering whether a channeling is something that you want to believe and or not.
  • It says in 1 John 4:1 "Dear friends do not believe every spiritbut test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world."


    2 Peter 2:1-3 "But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies....(further down we read)......many will follow thier shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute."

    We need to have the eyes of truth and the way of discernment within ourselves!! At the begining of Peters statement he's talking about thier time, (but as we read on he says) "just as there wil be false teachers among you"....that's talking about the future, OUR TIME!! I fell prey to this deception back in the 80's when I was into witchcraft, I was recieivng training and instruction from a couple channelers/witches and it nearly cost me my life!! The only thing I got out of all that was a lot of pain, suffering and heart ache. That's why I personally have trouble with ANYTHING that is (NEW AGY) or if I even percieve as (NEW AGY) becuase I'm begining to believe that everything associated with the New Age movement is associated with the "Black Hats"!!

    We need to have the eyes of truth and the way of discernment within ourselves!! I've really developed these things within myself and I just KNOW the truth or rather "FEEL" it when I read it or hear it and I know if the person I'm dealing with is being honest or not!! Because it's NOT just "spirits" we have to be careful with but we have to watch out for these chanellers as well....because as human beings tend to be they often develop an (AGENDA) of thier own and if they're dealing with "spirits" it's even worse because the spirit could influence and/or manipulate them into perpetrating the agenda of the "Black Hats", where the chaneller themselfe doesn't even REALIZE that they are/have become and agent of the EVIL!!

    ALL knowledge trully is of GOD and of we have GOD within our hearts we will KNOW the truth and be able to discern it from TRUTH and FABLES/DECEPTIONS!!

    Furthermore there are (TRAPS)....spiritual traps set by the "Black Hats" to ensnare the UNWARY and if a person is really not armed with the rights tools they can fall into these traps and become a victim....WILLINGLY OR UNWILLINGLY, the BLACK HATS don't care HOW you come, they just want you to COME, one way or another!!
    • Verrrrry well said, Sashia. Thank you for being "my" spokesperson. ;o)
      • I so agree with what you have just said OOTB. Wonderfully articulated and so true.
      • I so much resonate with what you have said and agree wholeheartedly - thank you for sharing and unraveling Blue :)
  • Thanks for this very important reminder. My inner knowing always spoke to me of using discernment when it came to channelings. I may read them, but about the only one that really speaks to my heart is Kryon. As for Billy Meiers Plejarens, they or their supposed messages never resonated with me. The minute the message was out that they are the only "aliens" in contact with humanity, that turned me right off....I think Billy was mislead....just my opinion....I knew differently having had unwanted contact with the never believed a word attributed to them after that.
  • There are beings out there called Jins and they are so good at deception and get in on everything they can so as to decieve us, mediums is one of their favorites, they set themselves up to be anyone, could be a deceased relative or a so called master and there is always the human element to take into account. So beware.
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