The knowledge has been kept back from you, as has much else that will soon be made known to you. Proof of these connections lies hidden in the Vatican secret archives, but it will be revealed in good time

Life as you have experienced it on Earth was never going to be a permanent condition, but simply a step up to enable you to take the next one to Ascension. Your real home is in the higher dimensions, and you are about to take the first step that will return you to it. This is where we come in, and you are assured of a happy conclusion to this cycle. Certain events resulting from Mother Earth's need to carry out her own cleansing will result in upheaval, but we will be there with you to minimize the affects. Between us all, the final year will not be anywhere near as cataclysmic as some have prophesied. However, as we have intimated previously, still be cautious if you live in areas prone to earthquake activity. If there is any real danger we will give out warnings, but we cannot stop the physical changes that are necessary to help return your Earth to its original pristine condition. As you have been informed by other sources already, in some areas where activity may be more severe our Dear friends who are also your ancestors of the Inner Earth will give you a safe haven. The Lemurians and the Atlanteans were both civilizations that nearly all of you would have had lifetimes with, and both ended with almost complete destruction. The Lemurians that were forewarned of the impending disaster like the Atlanteans emigrated to survive, but the Lemurians went underground where they built beautiful cities. They will come up again to make themselves known to you, but not until it is safe to do so. You have much to learn about your ancestors, and other life forms that live within the Earth. The knowledge has been kept back from you, as has much else that will soon be made known to you. Proof of these connections lies hidden in the Vatican secret archives, but it will be revealed in good time. Your whole history going back thousands of years is quite different to that which you have been led to believe, and will be correctly laid before you.
- SaLuSa - Sirius Star Nation - Galactic Federation of Light 2nd January 2012 (part of update)
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OCCUPY THE VATICAN will probably find me in the Vatican Library