(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The Vatican and the powers represented by it have long kept socially damaging information hidden from the public. Anything that threatens the status quo is quickly covered up by the Roman Cult, and its numerous intelligence agencies spread across the globe. Monsignor Corrado Balducci was a Catholic theologian who had close ties to Pope John Paul and Pope Benedict XVI. He has written about the occult, demonic possession, and extraterrestrials. The following is a paper recently shared by Dr. Richard Boylen of a talk Balducci gave in 2001, which stands as prima facie evidence that the Vatican and those close to them accept the reality of extraterrestrials.

Dr. Steven Greer is a prominent UFO researcher who allegedly met with Balducci to discuss the extraterrestrial issue.

What the paper reveals is that the Vatican has long known about extraterrestrials and is also aware that various government agencies are trying to keep it quiet. In addition, it suggests that spirituality is not just an artifact of Earth, implying that a brand of universal piousness is practiced by highly advanced races. This assertion corresponds with the volumes of mystically related information coming from various sources within the field of ufology.

It seems, as a society advances and discovers more of reality at various levels of comprehension (such as philosophic, scientific, material, energetic, and so on), eventually, the truth about the consciousness foundations of existence are recognized. This forms the basis of a spiritual understanding, eventually leading to the concept of a transcendent creato

But the religions of antiquity are largely based on myopic views of the Earth and humanity. That is to say, religious dogma tends not to address extraterrestrial life, advanced technology, and what these things mean in relation to existence itself. However, as Balducci asserts, if the cosmos is spiritual at its core, then it is highly likely advanced races have been shaped by the spiritual realities of existence, forming altruistic values as a result.

However, it is also arguable that not every advanced race is spiritual or altruistic. While some researchers, like Greer, contend that only benevolent races can become spacefaring, there is a preponderance of evidence to suggest otherwise

As a race of beings continues to evolve, mental abilities develop in proportion to the coherence of consciousness present within the population. The more mentally disciplined a person is the more likely they are to develop psi abilities, one of which, includes teleportation. Balducci posits that angels, being highly evolved of mind and spirit, don’t need spaceships to travel about. Instead, they use a kind of pure consciousness technique.

Unfortunately, the bulk of information gathered about extraterrestrials has been hidden in the secret places of this world, kept quiet by intelligence agencies and their predecessors, religious organizations. While we can discuss these topics to explore the meaning of what these ideas mean, we are not able to confirm some of these assertions with direct evidence, like photographs or recovered artifacts.

Sea Change at the Vatican

But according to several researchers and alleged insiders, a “war for disclosure” has been raging behind the scenes for a least the past four years. And the time frame of 2017 to 2022 has been proffered as a time of transition for the human race and civilization as we know it. Whether or not this is true remains unclear. However, there is a rather obscure prophecy about the Vatican, which might be motivating them to change.

I don’t have access to the raw prophecy—I heard it second hand from a colleague who is an avid researcher of the Holy See. Apparently, in 1917, a prophecy was given to the Jesuits that they had one hundred years to get their act together, stop acting like parasites, and start doing what they promised the heavens they would do—uplift the people to their full potential and prepare the Earth to receive the spirit. If they did not change, heaven would rain down upon them, ending hundreds of years of tyrannical rule.

In essence, if the prophecy is true, the occult powers behind the Vatican, tracing their origin to Mithraic cults of the pre-Christian era, derive their power from the spiritual realm, via compacts and covenants made with beings on the other side of the veil. Even though they are effectively a ragtag bunch of criminals who got their hands on a few cosmic secrets eons ago, they do—at some level—recognize the power of the spiritual realms and the importance of adhering to the divine law. And apparently, there are Jesuits with the Vatican who took the prophecy seriously and have been working to reform the organization from within.

Of course, there is no direct evidence to confirm this assertion, but there is a preponderance of data evidence to suggest some kind of sea change is taking 

At the very least, Balducci’s status within the church and views on extraterrestrials can be shared with those of religious leanings so as to open their minds to the reality of our living cosmos.

– Justin

Source – UFO Evidence

Ufology and Theological Clarifications

by Dr. Richard Boylen, January 2017

Summary: Finally I have obtained an English translation of the unprecedented paper Monsignor Balducci gave me at our historic Meeting in Rome in December (2002). In this seminal work, the Monsignor-theologian, (who is the Pope’s choice as Chief Exorcist for the Archdiocese of Rome/Vatican itself), not only makes an air-tight case for the reality and acceptability of Star Visitor contacts with humans, but argues that these Visitors are more highly intellectually and spiritually evolved than humans. (Boylan)

[[ Finally I have obtained an English translation of the unprecedented paper Monsignor Balducci gave me at our historic Meeting in Rome in December (2002). In this seminal work, the Monsignor-theologian, (who is the Pope’s choice as Chief Exorcist for the Archdiocese of Rome/Vatican itself), not only makes an air-tight case for the reality and acceptability of Star Visitor contacts with humans, but argues that these Visitors are more highly intellectually and spiritually evolved than humans.

The Monsignor gave me a copy of this Paper, and intends to share it with his Vatican colleagues. It must also be the first document by a high-level churchman to mention Area 51, Nevada

Richard Boylan, Ph.D. ]]



(Monsignor Corrado Balducci – Pescara, June 8th. 2001)


Over the last 150 years it have appeared sequentially and with an increasing spreading and frequency rate, two types of manifestations and phenomena, very different between them, but both so interesting, controversial and fascinating to divide public opinion into two different aspects: or everything is real, or well everything is false. These are spiritualism and ufology. It shouldn’t surprise us this approach, because it’s related only to the reactions and behaviour of the public before these two phenomena and not to their contents, obviously quite different between both of them

Regarding spiritualism, this is a practice for which there are testimonies across the centuries; in 1847, with the sisters Fox in Hydesville (New York), it had a special remark and spread rapidly in several countries. Very soon there was an explanation for the phenomena connected to such practices, even by the scientists: the souls of the disincarnated, better said of the dead people, are the cause of this. This was called the spiritualist hypothesis, against which theologians soon opposed to the so called demonic hypothesis.

Only by the end of XIX century there were made the first attempts to look for a natural explanation, and finally in 1922, with the thick book of the French scientist Charles Richet, Traitè de Mètapsychique , it began officially the so called Metapsychics, nowadays better known as Parapsychology.

When I began with my demonic and metapsychic studies back in 1950, I found myself in a period when, since two decades ago, it was denied the existence of spiritualist phenomena (and not only by some scientists, but also by a very wide public opinion), that represented at that time the most abundant cases of Metapsychics.

The same is valid since some decades on regarding Ufology.

After this premise, we reach our subject, for which I have two very brief clarifications to expose.

– The acronym UFO (Unidentified Flying Object), is used here in a wider sense, or even better, including also the existence of living beings in other planets.

– The aim of my intervention is to underline that something real must exist in the phenomena, and how this does not contrast at all with Christian religion, being considered positive even among theologians.

Let’s divide the speech in three points:

1. Something real must exist.

2. Theological considerations on the habitability of other planets.

3. Some testimonies favourable to it.

I – UFO: Something real must exist.

This is a statement coming out from basic considerations based upon common sense, human rationalism and upon a normal and possible course of our lives, considering not only individual and social aspects, but also religious.

In fact, today there is a great amount (still increasing) of testimonies regarding the so called flying saucers or spaceships and the extraterrestrials; and among them there are some coming from reliable persons, with a culture and initially non believers. There are already hundreds of thousands of eye witnesses in the world that state to have seen UFO’s at least once. There are so many, even in a smaller amount, the testimoniescoming from the so called contactees.

If we consider this, it seems impossible to deny at a rational level that something real does exist A totally sceptic behaviour is not justified at all, because a priori seems to be against to the elemental prudence suggested by the good sense.

It is also real that we could think rationally that so large average of testimonies could be due to illusions, hallucinations and to states of intense suggestion. In other cases it could be also due to particular light effects or well to atmospheric phenomena, such as clouds that over the mountains may show a shape similar to the flying saucers; we could use as an example the so called ball rays or well globular flashes of lighting.

Other times UFO’s could be confused with certain types of round-shaped aeroplanes, that were certainly built in USA since the so called Cold War (it is also certain that Russia built some aeroplanes of this type). This promoted in the period after World War II, the spreading of the idea that flying saucers were nothing else but new inventions with warring aim, obviously kept secret.

But these are always inaccurate explanations and considerations to explain the number of testimonies and the wideness of UFO phenomenon. The most severe and hard criticism could reduce largely this number, but never will be able to eliminate all of them.

We also have to remember that in several countries exist places, organisations and associations that collect evidences and testimonies on tape, in order to make them examine and study by experts and scientists as necessary; after that the whole set is catalogued in explainable and non explainable phenomena. It is not any longer a secret the existence of the so called Area 51 inthe United States, within a zone in the hearth of the Nevada desert; an enormous land area that has a larger construction underground than on the surface. In France is famous the SEPRA association; in Italy there is the CUN, Centro Ufologico Nazionale (National Ufological Centre), already on its 36th. year of existence, and with Dr. Roberto Pinotti as President since long ago; also in Italy there is since 4 years until now the CIFAS ( Council of International Federation of Advanced Studies ) dedicated to study the relationships between man and extraterrestrial space, which President is still Gen. Salvatore Marcelletti.

Regarding the existence of something real within UFO phenomenon, I must add another consideration that was left for last to better underline its importance. And this is, that a generalised, systematic and total incredulity finally would weaken and destroy the value of human testimony, with serious and unforeseeable consequences, because that is the base of life not only individual and social, but also religious.

In fact, testimony is a form of communication of our faith in our partner. This is a widely spread way on daily life (when listening news, spending, buying, etc.). Let’s imagine what could happen on individual and social life if the value of human testimony was weaken, with the logical decrease and disappearance of that faith many times is essential for daily life

After this, I have extended such inconveniences to religious life; in fact, also Christian religion is based upon human testimony, being the Divine Revelation an historical fact.

In 1937 Jesuit theologian Herbert Thurston wrote on purpose: From a logical point of view, christians that accept miracles and other episodes related on the Gospel… they cannot reject in an obstinate way the reiterated testimonies of modern and reliable witnesses, that relate what their eyes have seen… All our Apologetic system is based upon the belief in the Truth said in the Gospel ( Church and Spiritualism ; Milan, 1937; p.p. 179). For that: systematic demolition and discredit of humantestimonies regarding simple fact data, seem to me contrary in principle to all belief on the historic seriousness of Gospel, and indirectly, to every belief on Christian Revelation (Op. Cit. p.p. 157).

II. Theological and biblical considerations on the habitability of other planets.

First of all a clarification: we should exclude that angels use spaceships, due to the fact that they are merely spiritual beings, and that they are wherever they want to be, and in the rare cases when they show themselves, they don’t have any difficulty to assume a visible form. The very same we can say about dead people. Holy Virgin, in the very few cases when she could consider to be in contact with human people (very exceptional episodes and to be confirmed in their authenticity), continues to choose other very different ways to transmit us her maternal affection, to manifest us her urgencies, to communicate us her maternal claims or to give us her sweet reproaches. Even keeping their angelic nature, we shouldn’t think about the devils at all, because they are connected in their liberty to God on their extraordinary activity, and in that way they are disabled to express their terrible and malefic hate regarding us. Let’s remember St. August: If the devil by his own initiative could do anything, even a single living being would not stay on Earth (ML 37, 1246); let’s remember also to St. Buenaventura: Is so large the demon’s cruelty, that he would swallow us in every moment, if Divine protection don’t guard us ( Diaeta salutis , tit. 7 c.1, Verona 1748, p. 183).

Therefore, when speaking about extraterrestrials, we must think in beings like us, or well and preferably in other types of living beings, that in their spiritual part they have associated a material one; better said, a body in a better state than the one existing for us as humans.

There is not a scientific certainty yet about this problem, even if this seems to be closer and closer, thanks to the progress of science and study. Regarding the theological and biblical aspect of this matter, we can remark three points, three affirmations in favour from the various considerations:

1. Before all, that exist other inhabited planets is something possible. In the Bible there are not specific allusions to other living beings, but neither is excluded this hypothesis, that for this stays as possible, if we think that God’s omnipotence and wisdom have no limits, being infinite.

2. Furthermore, the existence of other inhabited planets is something credible. In fact, there is a great diversity between angels, merely spiritual beings and us, composed by spirit and matter; better said, soul and flesh, but a soul that cannot act if don’t use the body as an instrument; a body that makes with its passions and capital vices conditional the soul to the point of make human person so fragile, and more devoted to evil than to goodness. Therefore is credible that this enormous distance between us and the angels could be reduced by the presence of beings that, having also a body (even if more perfect), their soul is less conditioned on their intelligent and volitional acting.

If necessary, there is another confirmation upon the very ancient saying of Lucrezio Caro: Natura non facit saltus ; a very famous phrase (that I found on the De rerum natura ) and quoted – regarding that argument – also by some theologians.

Another consideration is taken for the aim of the creation, or well the Glory of God, a concept that you can find several times on the Bible. For instance, Psalm 18 begins by saying precisely: heavens sing the glory of God . But only human person is able to give this glory to God in a conscious way , because it has intelligence and free will.

Precisely for this, several theologians say, is not only possible but credible, that in the spaces that are distant and inaccessible for men and his scientific instruments, do exist other beings able to know God as their Creator, and also they give Him this Glory, that for them and their worlds represent the aim of Creation.

Jesuit Father Domenico Grasso, Professor of Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University wrote on purpose: Why all the perfection God has spread so widely in the universe should be kept hidden without singing the glory of God? Wouldn’t it be a discordance unsuitable for God? Who writes a book knowing that it will never be read by anyone, or well who paints a painting to hide it from anyone’s sight? .

He claims regarding the statements made by German theologian Joseph Pohle in one of his books of 1904 (page 457): It seems to be accordingly with the aim of the world that inhabitable celestial bodies are settled by creatures that recognise the glory of God in the physical beauties of their worlds, in the same way man does with his smaller world ( Die Sternewelt undihre Bewohner – The Stars of Universe and its Inhabitants ; Köln 1904; pp. 457). Finally Father Grasso concludes: we must think in the angels to know where God receives the glory from these worlds from, because them, that are purely spiritual, are not able to know the matter but indirectly, in the same way man does with the spirit (ib.).

3. Beyond to be something possible and credible, I would see desirable the inhabitability of other planets. In a future, even if very remote, these eventual inhabitants, superior to us, could be very helpful to us, specially in our spiritual path. In a non practical way, they could had been protecting and helping us since long time ago.

If it is the case that they do really exist intelligent beings on other planets, it would be easier to understand how to conciliate their existence with the redemption of Christ. As St. Paul says (cfr. Col. 1, 16-17), a real fact is that Christ is the centre and head of the creation of the universe. Therefore there are no worlds without a reference of Him. From the Bible is possible to assure that Christ, as Incarnated Verb, has total influence upon all the possible inhabited planets.

I quote what said by St. Paul to the Colossians: For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on Earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things and in Him all things consist… For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell. And by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross (Col. 1, 16-20).

The Church celebrates the last Sunday of the Liturgical Year (before the Advent) as the Feast of Christ, King of the universe, and in its liturgy the universality of His kingdom is remembered, which is also expressed in the daily Mass.

III. Algunos testimonios a favor.

There exist several interesting statements on the inhabitability of other worlds by lay scientists, theologians or servants of God which already qualified for a process of beatification or canonisation. Obviously I’ll limit myself to quote just some of them.

Beginning with the laymen, let me quote the great French scientist Charles Richet (1850 – 1935), that was, among otherthings, a materialist. In 1922, in his Traitè de Mètapsychique , he stated: Do we have any right to claim, just because of our limited senses and our mistaken intelligence, that man is the only intelligent being in this immense cosmos?… That other intellectual forces, different from us, exist, is not only possible but extremely probable. It is even certain… It is absurd to claim that we are the only intelligence in nature… The existence of these beings cannot be proven, but the probability of their existence is evident (loc. cit., Paris 1922, pp. 787-788).

I remember 5 theologians:

1. Cardinal Nicolò Cusano (1401 – 1464), philosopher and scientist that said: We are not authorised to exclude that on another star beings do exist, even if they are completely different from us .

2. The Jesuit Father and astronomer Fr. Angelo Secchi (1818 – 1876) wrote: It is absurd to claim that the worlds surrounding us are large, uninhabited deserts and that the meaning of the universe lies just in our small, inhabited planet. .

3. The famous Dominican preacher Jacques-Marie-Louis Monsabre (1827 – 1907) referred to the principle Natura non facit saltus when he claimed that other intelligent beings besides men and angels exist.

4. The already quoted English Jesuit Father Herbert Thurston wrote: Who can claim that there are no other intelligent beings besides these 3 categories of angels, demons and men in the Universe of God? I do not intend to confirm the possibility I indicated in my question as a fact, but I ask: Who can be sure about it? (Op. Cit., pp. 3).

5. German Theologian Giuseppe Pohle: Hypothesis of the plurality of inhabited worlds is totally favourable to the glory of the Lord. God creates for His glory, and any glory is possible without intelligent beings, able to know the creation of the Lord . I remember two persons for whom there is already going on their process of canonisation:

1. The Salesian Father and Servant of God Don Andrea Beltrami (1870 – 1897) who prayed also for the possible inhabitants of other planets. Of the 16 booklets he wrote, one seems to deal with this topic (and I say seems because unfortunately I was not able to know the titles of his 16 publications).

2. The second (with whom I want to close this paper), is the already sanctified Padre Pio, who was beatified by Pope John Paul II on May 2, 1999 and canonised on June 16, 2002. From St. Fr. Pio, the following dialogue is documented and officially published by the Cappuchin Order: Question: Father, some claim that there are creatures of God on other planets, too . Answer: What else? Do you think they don’t exist and that God’s omnipotence is limited to this small planet Earth? What else? Do you think there are no other beings who love the Lord? .

Another question: Father, I think the Earth is nothing compared to other planets and stars . Answer: Exactly Yes, and we Earthlings are nothing, too. The Lord certainly did not limit His glory to this small Earth. On other planets other beings exist who did not sin and fall as we did . (Don Nello Castello: Così parlò Padre Pio ; Vicenza, 1974).

Lac. Corrado Balducci