A groundbreaking vegan documentary from German filmmaker Marc Pierschel, The End Of Meat, is now available to own and stream online following sold-out premieres in Berlin, New York, L.A. and Toronto.
In The End Of Meat, Pierschel sets out to discover what effect a post-meat world would have on the environment, the animals and ourselves. He meets internet phenomenon Esther the Wonder Pig; talks to pioneers leading the vegan movement in Germany; visits the first fully vegetarian city in India; witnesses rescued farm animals enjoying their newfound freedom; observes the future food innovators making meat and cheese without the animals, even harvesting “bacon” from the ocean.
The End Of Meat reveals the hidden impact of meat consumption; explores the opportunities and benefits of a shift to a more compassionate diet, and raises critical questions about the future role of animals in our society.
The documentary is available to stream worldwide on iTunes, Amazon, Vimeo and other streaming and VOD platforms as well as being available to purchase on DVD, Blu-ray and digital download.
Speaking about what makes this particular documentary stand out from other recent releases, director Pierschel explains, “Instead of focusing on the negative consequences of consuming meat, I wanted to show the hugely beneficial possibilities of a post-meat world and what that might look like for humans, animals and the planet.”
Find out how you can watch the film online at www.theendofmeat.com/en/watch
Shame on those that eat dead animal flesh .. shame on them in this life and their future life in hellish planets ...you are what you eat and if you do not give up eating meat then this Planet will no longer accommodate you .. in other words SHAPE UP OR SHIP OUT