Very drained and tired

Hello to all my brothers and sisters, i thought i would let you know how i have been feeling the last few days.
Although i am sleeping, or appear to be sleeping fine throughout the night, i am waking in the morning very drained of energy, i am feeling very lethargic throughout the day, it could be some kind of depression but who knows, and i could end up back on my bed at any time of day to sleep, and sleep i do get.
This does not help, for when i awake i still feel the same, completely drained of energy.

Yesterday, i was looking at the clear blue sky,, but it seemed i was looking further, i could see black objects flying in the distance, they were flying around in the sky like you would see stunt kites flying, moving from left to right, diving and then climbing back to their original position. i called my son in law to come take a look, but he could see nothing, i could not work these objects out, they were so far off. I began to then think they were flies lol, but when i thought that, two flies crossed my vision in front of me and they moved as if in slow motion, very strange, the objects though were still moving at normal speed.

Today i have a slight headache, very rare do i get headaches, if i run my Amethyst crystal across my forehead the slight pain fades and disappears for a short while.

Well that's it really.

Peace and love to all.

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  • Well to let you know you are not alone. It has been a very trying past several days for myself with body pain, exhaustion, major emotional spikes, and I have been having terrible sleep where I am always wrestling and wake up multiple times a night with no rest at the end of it. This is one reason I have been gone for a bit. So be happy that you at least get sleep haha. I will be sending you energy James and know that I am always inspired by your writings and responses.
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