Dear people of our beloved Earth, 
as of April 2011 the European Government is trying to pass behind closed doors a new law to ban all natural foods, supplements, books on natural healing, etc.... 
PLEASE ... I urge you to click on this link below to get the info what our shady government is trying to take away from us. This has been silently in the works without the knowing of "We the People"!!! Even if you do not live in Europe ... PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, sign it anyway. 
Thank you ALL and may we reach the FREEDOM and PEACE that we all stand for.

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  • They are trying to become compliant with international "fake law" with the standards set forth by Codex Alimentarius and ratified by the WTO. All member nations of the world trade organization must eventually become codex compliant by international law standards or face trade restrictions embargo and other such penalties.

    Funny part is, the Codex was conceived and drafted by 'Fritz der meer' then president of nazi germany's IG Farben, and designer of the 'Auschwitz model camp'
    • - Codex Alimentarius
    • Hey Daniel ... I know that this is all part of the Illuminati - Nazi - Zionist, or what ever they wish to call themselves, plan. They try to keep us docile and retarded so that we can keep being obedient slaves. I for one had enough of this crap, whatever with their codex. I AM Violet Flaming the Gangsters like its going out of style, pfff!
  • Good on ya, Ora!
    This petition started on May 1, 2010; but perhaps, due to this post (thanks to you and others like you), it's gathering momentum very quickly!
  • :)))) bear hugs
  • ...they just need a strong KICK in the anything....if we are so stupid as to accept their silly laws...then, we clearly deserve this....
    • And how exactly would that strong KICK in the butt look like/be like?? And we are clearly not accepting their toxic silly laws...
      • not watching their silly t.v news all day...but not playing on their not going to vote for not participating...
        i dont know if we will accept their toxic silly laws...but so far, we have accepted all their major stupid decisions, which resulted in the downgrade of the environment, and the killing of thousands of people worldwide... take it literally..i have signed the petition too.... but this is not a safe solution.... ;)
        • Well, Vagelis ... I don't watch TV at all and I haven't for years, I have never voted for any politician in my life, I never paid any church taxes, and I certainly don't eat the crap they try shuff down our throats. I know for a fact that petitions work, it shows that enough people are aware of the BS they are trying to sell us and we are not going to take it. As far as for the downgrade of the environment .. well ... money talks but, there are also many situations where the voice of people were heard and things did change. Nevertheless ... no one is forcing you to sign anything ... FREE WILL!!!
          Much LOVE and blessings to you
          • yes..its ok...dont raise shields....i dont talk about you...or most of the members in this sure that u do all these things...when im talking "We", i mean the humanity in general... ;)
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