in CHAZ or CHOP some gangs are running a protection racket-pay them to protect you from them robbing you-best thing now is seige and prevent supplies getting in;


VIDEO: Costumed ‘Superheroes’ Deployed In Place Of Police Within CHAZ

A new superhero team has emerged in Antifa-occupied Seattle.

A team of vigilantes, who identify both as the ‘Seattle Superheroes’ and as non-binary, has emerged in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in riot-ravaged Seattle, WA.

Governed by nothing but a bizarre ‘Conflict Reduction Advisory Council’ and a rogue warlord, the CHAZ has quickly descended into chaos. At night, the Zone is plagued by addiction, crime and violence.

The NOQ Report summarized reporting by conservative journalist Jack Posobiec on the rapidly deteriorating situation within the CHAZ:

According to mainstream media, The CHAZ is more like a version of Coachella with live music and street art, a truly festive atmosphere. As Posobiec reported, this is mostly true… during the day when mainstream media’s cameras are rolling. At night, it’s completely different story. But at night, the narrative is difficult to capture because anyone with a camera out is instantly mobbed by people asking questions and attempting to block off filming. Like Democrats and mainstream media, many living in The CHAZ do not want the truth getting out.

Horrible situations were revealed throughout the journalists’ final night in Seattle. A break in and attempted arson of a local business owner. An accused thief attacked and searched before being further assaulted. Rampant drug use. Unspeakable sanitation issues. “Medics” who shield assaults rather than treat the assaulted. These are just some of the things revealed by Posobiec in his flurry of videos posted to Twitter and live-streamed from Periscope.

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  • In those leftist-run cities and towns, where defunded police have disbanded, or quit, for now the BLM_Antifa marxist will destroy neighbourhoods/property/businesses and frighten truckers from delivering food and supplies....THIS "IDIOTS" UPRISING IS UNSUSTAINABLE>>>



    The left will plead for help and voters will get behind Trump's military solution....the only way...

    • Marxist playbook?  Here's an article by a liberal, the type I grew up with, left brained but(occasionally) reasonable;

      Rolling Stone editor unloads on media, says ‘the American Left has lost its mind’

      Image: Rolling Stone editor unloads on media, says ‘the American Left has lost its mind’

      (Natural News) Rolling Stone magazine is a liberal rag, and editor Matt Taibbi is unquestionably a liberal. And yet, by some miracle, Taibbi has seen the light and isn’t afraid to point out what is so clearly obvious to conservatives. “It feels liberating to say after years of tiptoeing around the fact, but the American left has lost its mind,” Taibbi wrote. “It’s become a cowardly mob of upper-class social media addicts, Twitter Robespierres who move from discipline to discipline torching reputations and jobs with breathtaking casualness.”

      (Article republished from

      “The leaders of this new movement are replacing traditional liberal beliefs about tolerance, free inquiry, and even racial harmony with ideas so toxic and unattractive that they eschew debate, moving straight to shaming, threats, and intimidation,” Taibbi continued.

      They’ve conned organization after organization into empowering panels to search out thoughtcrime, and it’s established now that anything can be an offense, from a UCLA professor placed under investigation for reading Martin Luther King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” out loud to a data scientist fired* from a research firm for — get this — retweeting an academic study suggesting nonviolent protests may be more politically effective than violent ones!

      Taibbi then examined what’s been happening within the media itself. “By my count, at least eight news organizations dealt with internal uprisings (it was likely more). Most involved groups of reporters and staffers demanding the firing or reprimand of colleagues who’d made politically ‘problematic’ editorial or social media decisions.” Taibbi lamented at the Intercept writer Lee Fang being denounced as a racist for daring to ask if a black life only matters when a white man takes it. The outrage that followed forced Fang to make a public apology. – READ MORE

      • Communism and Satanism are increasingly conflating, into singular clear focus....SHEER NAKED EVIL

  •   There is a lot more happening in the world than what is seen on the streets of American cities. Tensions between China and India have risen to time high and the middle east has been raging war for decades and the situation there is getting worse, not better. There is a lot of activity in space such as the lunar eclipse on June 21.2020 and more people are seeing monitor falling to earth and geologist are concern the Cascadia fault could cause a major earthquake in the city of Seatle and other nearby states including some parts of Vancouver Island. The blood moon will appear on July 4th, 2020. Throughout history, many tribes and other cultures have fought against invasions of their land, cities, towns,  and have tried to rebuild their once-thriving towns and villages but were unable to start all over again.  There have many tragic events such as the ''Rosewood incident' in 1931, The Red Summer of 1919'' The Tulas Race incident, and other events that shaped America 's race relations with other people of different backgrounds. The city of Tulas was once a thriving city of the black race in the early part of the century they were among the wealthiest people in America until it was burned to the ground by mobs and rioters 

    • Spiritual ignorance, individual karma, race karma(all races/ethnicities  go through it according to Hinduism), nation karma

      Here's a town to live in;

      Beverly Hills Safe From ‘Autonomous Zones’ And Protests After Emergency Order Passed

      Hypocrite celebrities can rest safe in their mansions while sending money to mobs elsewhere

      While celebrities and wealthy virtue signallers are all too eager to rally behind leftist mobs with support and donations, they will be assuredly safe in their gated mansions as the city of Beverly Hills issued an emergency order to ban all protests in the area, ensuring there will be no lawless ‘autonomous zones’ springing up on their doorstep.

      “To preserve the peace and tranquility of residential neighborhoods, effective tonight and until further notice, no more than 10 people shall gather in an assembly in a public right of way in a residential area between the hours of 9 p.m. – 8 a.m.,” an announcement proclaimed on the city’s social media accounts.

  • Are you enjoying the deep state dem show...? Of insanity, lawlessness, murder, theft, vandalism, stupidity, depravity, sedition, treason, distractions....? From collusion, to impeachment, from covid to riots, from betrayed policemen, to mass resignations of police forces, from Antifa thugs, to BLM fakes, from warlord rappers, to costumed & masked wokery....???

    THERE IS PLAN & AND IT IS MILITARY>>>A solution to this cultural/political crisis....


    • probably the plan Drexk but Trump cant wait too long ;

      CHAOS ALERT: New CHAZ Antifa / BLM mini-cities to pop up in every single Democrat run state in every metropolitan city and all mayors will be sworn to stand down

      Image: CHAOS ALERT: New CHAZ Antifa / BLM mini-cities to pop up in every single Democrat run state in every metropolitan city and all mayors will be sworn to stand down


      (Natural News) If the death of George Floyd wasn’t planned by the Left, it was a timely catapult for Soros-funded chaos. It was only a matter of time before George Soros’ money was enough for bored, young, chaotic, frustrated, brainwashed dudes in their twenties (and their stoned girlfriends) to go buy some liquid courage, drugs and spray paint, and take over a small section of downtown Seattle (the artsy-fartsy district, by the way). Now, the nation of libtard or “CHAZ” (acronym for Capital Hill Autonomous Zone) is a mecca, a prototype, a litmus test and a perfect model of what at least 100 more metropolitan “districts” will look like next month. In fact, a new autonomous zone already popped up in Chicago.

      Bill Gates and George Soros fuel the violent, demented, and sickly atrocities of the world today

      It was a rather simple formula. Have Bill Gates release a disease. Shutter all small businesses and create massively long lines for food, so everybody gets used to it. Make them all wear face coverings so it becomes so inhuman, nobody even cares about anybody else at all.

      Then fund dozens of Hate-Trump groups where most members already have an arrest record and no jobs, and pay them to go be violent, also promising them, and this is the key to it all… to get bailed out or get off Scott-free because the police are told to stand down, the judges are sworn to Obama, and there’s no bail set anyway.

      Yes, here are all the companies that FUND Antifa and Black Lives Matter, just so you know. Go ahead and click and read. We can wait. Ads are literally being run, hiring these brainwashed freaks the media spit out in just 4 short years, to create the most chaotic, idiotic, outright dangerous “protests” that are supported by every single Democrat in office right now.

      Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are instructed by Obama and the Clintons. Obama and the Clintons answer directly to George Soros and Bill Gates. The Governors of New York, Virginia, Minnesota, California and Washington bow down and do anything they’re told, and the crap rolls down hill to the mayors, and finally to the scum of the earth, Antifa.

      It’s all brought to you by the Nazis that run the social media platforms. It’s time to cage the “beast” by voting every Democrat out of office over the next two years.

      Make no mistake, the Democrats want to get RID of all police, not just “defund” them, as the media spin goes

      Socialism means absolute chaos for the middle and lower class. Socialism is what all Democrats want now for America, and the few who don’t won’t matter, because the money is coming from one of the richest people in the world, George “Nazi” Soros. Socialism means getting rid of all the police, not just taking away certain funds for certain expensive weapons and gear.

      Socialism means nobody owns their own business anymore, and all income is taxed at 70 percent or higher for embezzlement hoaxes and schemes, better known as climate change and the military industrial war complex. Are you stressed yet? Vote them out, or it will come.

      Now, you’re probably ready for the best stress relief about politics you can find right now, especially since all the late shows and SNL are in the toilet (play laugh track here). Get ready. Learn just how dumb the “No Police Democrats” have become as the brilliant and hilarious Hodgetwins (they’re also comedians) rip into the biggest political lies ever besieged upon the Sheeplecrats.

      Watch this short video, then find more by the Hodgetwins on Hodgetwins channel on YouTube. The truth is out and it’s hilariously out in the open when you hear it from the Hodgetwins’ perspective.

      CHAOS ALERT: New CHAZ Antifa / BLM mini-cities to pop up in every single Democrat run state in ever…
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