I think it was the 28th of October last year when my vision changed.

I still see perfectly well the only difference is this distortion, which is called Visual Snow. I had no idea what had happened to me and why, I just seemed to wake up one morning and I saw all these 'pixels' as some call it. It's like watching cable tv all the time. 

I started looking on the internet for information, but It was hard to find anything useful about it. If you would check Wikipedia they mainly state that they have no idea how healthy people can just wake up one morning and have this 'condition' (I still see perfectly fine but just different so it's not really a negative thing) 

After searching the web, finding more and more people who suddenly saw like this, some are even born with it, I noticed that a lot of people who recently got it all seemed to notice it late October/ early November, could there be a connection?

Does anyone on this forum have it and how did you get it, what's your story?

I also want to bring a thing called Scheerer's Phenomenon under the attention, because I suspect a lot of people here see the same thing I do. You know those white specks you see when you look into a blue sky? Wikipedia claims they are just white blood cells moving in the capillaries in front of the retina of the eye, but how is it that not all people can see them? 

I can remember seeing them as a child but there weren't as obvious as they became to be since last summer, I always had to focus on a bright blue sky and I would see a few 'sprites' moving around like molecules. I've been trying to find answers, why do people see them and other's don't? As is happened suddenly I was more interested in the spiritual explanation, I just want to know why I see them and others don't. 

As much for the spiritual explanations I found; Seeing 'Prana' , apparently Jesus and Buddha saw them too. So that would mean you see them after a Kundalini awakening..

Do you have another explanation?, I'd love to hear it!

(This is an awesome site I found with simulators and many informative stories!)(If you have no idea what's I'm talking about check out this simulator gallery)>http://www.migraine-aura.org/content/e27891/e27265/e42285/e42288/e57536/index_en.html

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  • Dr. Goadsby and Dr. Schankin from UCSF are 100% committed to this research, and are very motivated to help find the cause and hopefully a treatment plan.

    To participate in this Visual Snow study you must:

    1) Suffer from 24/7 visual snow
    2) live in the U.S.
    3) Be willing to travel to San Francisco for testing
    4) complete a short, very simple phone interview to determine if you are eligible

    Contact details for the study can be found on http://www.eyeonvision.org or contact the doctors directly at VS-Research@Neurology.ucsf.edu

    These doctors 100% believe in this condition, and that is a great comfort to many patients.

    Eye On Vision Foundation
    Eye On Vision Foundation - Floaters, Visual Snow, Macular Degeneration
  • Everything you said is true, I also passed that stage flash sparks, now I have a bigger problem, I have already 4 days a pressure in my head and my heart is not working as it should, I feel great pressure, have a midnight blitz moments that made me like you want lead to another dimension, but my body is resisting because I feel too much pressure and darkness in that fraction of a second, I can not be removed, can not speak, could only mutter a loud voice so that my wife woke me. at that moment I wake up I became currently very cold and I have a strange feeling in the body, through my whole body tingling go. If someone has the same experience or knows what might be happening that we would like to clarify a bit

  • Oh my goodness, thank you!!! I've been experiencing both of these for years and had no idea other people were as well, I thought I was just weird. (Well, I am weird, in many ways, but I've grown to love it!)

    I've always enjoyed seeing the white sparks every now and then; the visual snow is something else, though. It's almost like seeing the world pixellated. A couple of times I thought the entire landscape blipped in front of me, like a tiny jump in a DVD, but I figured I was just going a bit mad. Unless the universe is indeed holographic, and I caught a rare glimpse through it, somehow.

    Something else related: every now and then, I see a little flash of white light out of the corner of my eye. It's different to the tiny sparks of Scheerer's Phenomenon; I've never understood it, or found an explanation.

    Thank you for posting! :)

    Love and light x

    • Yes, that flash of white light, sometimes I don't see it for weeks and suddenly twice a day, Haven't been able to get any info on that, but it doesn't bother me since it only rarely happens..

  • there are lots of people who seeing this ... i call them 'luminous light energy particles' moving at fast pace. the first time i've notice them i felt my heart just expanded, like some kind of veil was lifted and i become a part of 'tiny whole' you can see them even in cloudy day as well (like millions), now i see them in the dark but the color is blue. I believe that anybody who is expanding awareness and conscious in any form (righteous life or meditation and etc) ... seeing this energy as space is never empty ... and we are part of this space .... as whole.

    Thank you for sharing this Aranka ... good one ... ;)

  • Hi Aranka,

    I think I was born with the 'pixel' view you talk about, because I don't remember a time when I didn't see any. It's funny actually, I've never talked about it or attached special meaning to it, because I've always experienced it, so I thought everyone else did too. Now you made me curious about the meaning lol.

    Love and Light to you.

  • True Spirit! Go and check out my reply to Tyler's post called "I get in now". It is under the  Spirituality in General tab.


  • I thought I was having an issue with my eyes at first...now I know better. Actually,it's quite interesting and I believe it it one of the "special abilities" we are now receiving.

    • I'm not sure how Visual Snow can be beneficial in any way though..    As for the white sparkly thingies in the sky, they're just pretty. :P

  • Hi Aranka! Please see Tyler's post in the Spirituality in General!!! Below his post, you can see my response. I am and have been doing and seeing the same exact things!!

This reply was deleted.

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