The following article by Mike Adams was transcribed verbatim from:



New research shows vitamin D slashes risk of cancers by 77 percent; cancer industry refuses to support cancer prevention


MikeAdams.jpgFriday, June 08, 2007
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of



Exciting new research conducted at the Creighton University School of Medicine in Nebraska has revealed that supplementing with vitamin D and calcium can reduce your risk of cancer by an astonishing 77 percent. This includes breast cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer and other forms of cancer. This research provides strong new evidence that vitamin D is the single most effective medicine against cancer, far outpacing the benefits of any cancer drug known to modern science.

The study involved 1,179 healthy women from rural Nebraska. One group of women was given calcium (around 1500 mg daily) and vitamin D (1100 IU daily) while another group was given placebo. Over four year, the group receiving the calcium and vitamin D supplements showed a 60 percent decrease in cancers. Considering just the last three years of the study reveals an impressive 77 percent reduction in cancer due to supplementation. (The full press release of this study is included below. It provides more details about the findings.)

Note that these astonishing effects were achieved on what many nutritionists consider to be a low dose of vitamin D. Exposure to sunlight, which creates even more vitamin D in the body, was not tested or considered, and the quality of the calcium supplements was likely not as high as it could have been (it was probably calcium carbonate and not high-grade calcium malate, aspartate or similar forms). What does all this mean? It means that if you take high-quality calcium supplements and get lots of natural sunlight exposure or take premium vitamin D supplements (such as those made from fish oil), you could easily have a greater reduction than the 77 percent reduction recorded in this study.





This research on vitamin D is such good news that the American Cancer Society, of course, had to say something against it. An ACS spokesperson, Marji McCullough, strategic director of nutritional epidemiology for the American Cancer Society, flatly stated that nobody should take supplements to prevent cancer.

If it seems surprising to you that the American Cancer Society -- which claims to be against cancer -- would dissuade people from taking supplements that slash their cancer risk by 77 percent, then you don't know much about the ACS. In my opinion, the ACS is an organization that actually prevents prevention and openly supports the continuation of cancer as a way to boost its power and profits. The ACS is the wealthiest non-profit in America and has very close ties to pharmaceutical companies, mammography equipment companies and other corporations that profit from cancer. Notice the name, too: It isn't the American Anti-Cancer Society, it's the American Cancer Society! What they really stand for is right in the name!

Click here to read more about the ACS and its financial ties to chemical companies, pharmaceutical companies and radiology equipment manufacturers.

The cancer industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, and I've written extensively about the criminal organizations that protect and promote the industry. Just about everything the public is told about cancer by these cancer institutions is a lie. Those "race for the cure" cancer walks are a complete scam (they really aren't searching for any way to prevent cancer or cure cancer, they're only searching for new patented drugs to profit from cancer).

This research on vitamin D is a huge threat to the cancer industry profit mongers because it reveals a way to prevent cancer for free -- by seeking natural sunlight exposure and letting your skin manufacture your own powerful anti-cancer medicine (vitamin D). The idea that the cancer industry could lose 80% of its patients due to widespread education about vitamin D and sunlight scares the living daylights out of the cancer industry. Billions of dollars in cancer profits are at stake here, so the pro-cancer groups have to do everything they can to discredit vitamin D by creating doubt and confusion. The degree of dishonesty at work here is almost unbelievable to those who don't really know what's happening in the cancer industry.



Consider these questions:

#1: Why does the cancer industry refuse to educate people about cancer prevention?

#2: If people keep donating money for the "search" for a cancer cure, why won't drug companies pledge to "open source" their patents on cancer drugs to benefit the people whose donations funded them in the first place? In other words, why do people donate money for cancer research but then get charged for cancer drugs?

#3: Why does the entire cancer industry so strongly dissuade people from using sunlight exposure to dramatically reduce their cancer risk? (Hint: Follow the money to the sunscreen industry...)

#4: Why have all the really good cancer supplements, clinics and naturopaths been banned, arrested or run out of the country? (Look up the FDA's oppression of Lane Labs over MGN-3 for a fascinating review of this...)

#5: The U.S. has poured billions of dollars into the cancer industry over the last three decades. Cancer cures were promised in the 1970's. Why are cancer rates still essentially the same today as they were in the 1970's?

#6: Why does the cancer industry continue to use chemotherapy, radiation and other toxic procedures to "kill tumors" when the latest science clearly shows that cancer tumors are only the symptoms, not the cause, of cancer? Chemotherapy destroys immune function and causes permanent damage to the heart, brain and liver...

#7: The World Health Organization says that 70% of all cancers are easily preventable through dietary and lifestyle changes. This latest research shows that sunlight and low-cost calcium supplements can slash cancer risk by 77% in women. Why won't conventional medicine embrace this low-cost, safe and highly effective method for preventing cancer?

#8: The cancer industry routinely attacks anti-cancer herbs, superfoods and supplements. Why is the cancer industry opposed to anti-cancer nutrition? Why does it believe that only man, not nature, can manufacture anti-cancer medicines?

#9: Dark skin pigmentation blocks ultraviolet radiation, meaning that people with black skin need far more time under the sun to generate the same amount of vitamin D as someone with white skin. Not surprisingly, black women suffer extremely high rates of breast cancer while black men show similarly high levels of prostate cancer. The white-dominated medical industry pretends to be "mystified" by all this. Why won't conventional medicine simple tell black people the truth about vitamin D, skin pigmentation and cancer? Why do oncologists try to keep black people ignorant about their vitamin D deficiencies?

#10: Why is it illegal for nutritional supplement manufacturers to tell the truth about the anti-cancer effects of their products? Broccoli, garlic, onions and sprouts all have powerful anti-cancer effects, as do dozens of rainforest herbs (Cat's Claw, for example), Chinese herbs and Western herbs. But the FDA threatens and censors any company that dares to mention cancer prevention on its supplement products. Why is the FDA enforcing a policy of nutritional ignorance with U.S. consumers? Why does the federal government want people to remain ignorant of methods for preventing or treating cancer?

You probably already know the answer to all these questions, because the answer is the same for each one: Corporate profits. Cancer is hugely profitable to treat. Substantially preventing cancer would result in a loss of billions of dollars in profits for the oncologists, drug companies, hospitals and clinics that currently prey upon the finances of cancer victims.

The cancer industry is operated like a criminal racket, using false information, intimidation, political pressure and propaganda to protect its power base and keep its corporations profitable. And that, my friends, is exactly why the industry is against the use of sunlight to prevent cancer. Free medicine from the sky? The very thought of it makes the cancer industry cringe. Sunlight doesn't even need a prescription, you see, and it can't be patented, either.



Let me tell you how I prevent cancer. I take long walks in the desert with no shirt on, and I don't wear sunscreen. I soak up the sun's rays for many hours each week, and I never get a sun burn because I eat lots of antioxidant-rich superfoods, berries and fresh produce.

I drink a raw superfood smoothie each morning, made of fresh produce and superfoods. My two favorite recipes are chocolate (with raw cacao, coconut oil or macadamia nut oil, raw avocado, spirulina, quinoa, banana and almond milk) and super berry (fresh berries, freeze-dried berries, egg white protein, stevia, aloe vera gel, fresh cucumber or watermelon, celery).

I put no personal care products on my skin whatsoever: No deodorants, no fragrance, no skin creams, no cosmetics and no sunscreen. This alone saves me from exposure to hundreds of cancer-causing toxic chemicals added to personal care products. I refuse to use chemical laundry detergent and, instead, use natural laundry soap that grows on trees: Natural soap berries that we sell as a replacement for chemical laundry detergents.



The U.S. government doesn't want the population to be free of cancer. That's a strong statement, so let me offer you an undeniable piece of strong evidence to back that up: The artificially low RDA numbers for vitamin D.

One of the best ways to keep the population suffering from cancer is to enforce long-term nutritional deficiencies that lead to cancer. The US government accomplishes this by keeping the recommendations for vitamin D artificially low, practically guaranteeing that anyone who follows the recommendations will eventually be diagnosed with cancer. Vitamin D deficiency is the leading cause of breast cancer.

Most educated nutritionists agree that the daily dose of vitamin D for an adult should be at least 1000 IUs, perhaps as high as 1400. But the U.S. Institute of Medicine (IoM), which controls the recommendations on these things, currently states that adults under 50 only need 200 IUs of vitamin D a day. This policy is, in my opinion, an organized conspiracy to keep the American people diseased by making sure they stay deficient in anti-cancer nutrients. It serves the interests of all the powerful corporations and non-profits that run Washington. And yes, it is a conspiracy. I've documented it in far more detail in my book, Natural Health Solutions and the Conspiracy to Keep You From Knowing About Them, which reveals shocking details, documents and photographs showing how modern medicine is a system that's literally designed to keep the people in a state of chronic disease.

The FDA doesn't want people to prevent cancer either. That's why they've aggressively attacked companies offering anti-cancer nutrients, and completely censored the very mention of the word "cancer" by supplement companies. In fact, the only reason I can print the information you're reading right now is because I sell no food or supplements and my free speech writing is not regulated by the FDA. If I were selling supplements and writing these same words you're reading right now, I would be arrested, charged with federal crimes, and put out of business by state and federal authorities. That's the reality of the oppressive medical environment under which we live today: Health is outlawed, and only disease is allowed to be promoted.

The cancer industry, you see, is not merely incompetent; it is criminal. Intentionally keeping a population sick so that you can profit from disease is a crime against humanity. And yet this is business as usual in America's modern cancer industry.

Discrediting simple, free and safe cancer prevention strategies is also criminal, and yet this is what the American Cancer Society seems to do at every opportunity.

Plotting to profit from the suffering of other humans beings is evil. And yet the entire revenue base of the cancer industry is based on precisely that: Keeping people alive long enough to "treat" them with overpriced toxic chemicals that can be billed to Medicare at 50,000% markups over their manufacturing cost.

Cancer is big, big business. And curing cancer is a threat to all the criminals participating in that industry: The non-profit employees, oncologists, doctors, federal regulators, drug company executives, med school propaganda teachers, pharmaceutical reps and many others. These people cannot allow cancer to be prevented or cured. Their jobs and careers are at stake.

Another outstanding source for learning more about the evils of the cancer industry is G. Edward Griffin. Click here to read our article about Griffin or click here for his website.

Click here to see his video documentary on vitamin B17



Personally, I believe we could create a world virtually free of cancer. We could accomplish it in two generations by taking tough action to outlaw cancer-causing chemicals and investing in genuine cancer prevention education. Drug companies would lose trillions of dollars in profits, hospitals would lose huge amounts of patients, and pro-cancer non-profit groups would lose power, money and prestige. But guess what? We'd all be better off without cancer.

Here's a startling statistic: Did you know that reducing the cancer death rate by just 1% would be worth almost $500 billion to the U.S. economy over the next hundred years or so? (Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Drop the cancer rate by 10% and it's worth $5 trillion dollars to the economy. (These gains are due to increased productivity and life spans of working, contributing people.)

We know right now that vitamin D and calcium can slash cancer rates by 77 percent. Do the math on that, and you realize that sunlight and calcium could result in a $38.5 trillion boost to the U.S. economy over the next century.

That's enough economic productivity to pay off our entire national debt, build new schools in every town and city in the country, provide free college educations to all young people who wish to go to college, invest billions in new energy technologies and even fund massive health education campaigns to keep our population healthy. $38 trillion is a lot of money. With that kind of increased abundance, we could build a whole new society of health, wealth and education.

But guess what? The cancer industry won't let that happen. There's too much short term profit to be made in keeping everybody sick. The cancer industry is so evil that it will sell out our future in order to maintain power, profits and control over the people today. The cancer industry doesn't want cancer rates to go down, regardless of the benefits to society or individual lives. The cancer industry wants there to be MORE cancer, which is exactly why it opposes commonsense prevention strategies that would reduce cancers. (It's true, this industry actually opposes removing cancer-causing chemicals from the workplace...)

Read more at Dr. Sam Epstein's website:

The bottom line in all this? New research shows us that using low-cost calcium and vitamin D supplements (or just natural sunlight), we could slash cancer rates by an astonishing 77 percent. The cancer industry opposes this and is firmly positioned as an opponent of cancer prevention. The industry depends on cancer to grow its own power and profits, and it will invest in the de-education of the public in order to maximize its own revenues.

Cures for cancer exist all around us: Sunlight, rainforest herbs, anti-cancer foods and superfoods, etc. The causes of cancer are well known: Toxic chemicals in foods, cosmetics, personal care products, home cleaning products, and so on. So why don't we, as a nation, take steps to outlaw the things that cause cancer while promoting the things that prevent cancer?

The reason, once again, is because there's too much money at stake here. The corporations are in charge, and as long as they're running the show, cancer cures or prevention strategies that really work will simply not be tolerated.



Here's the original press release about the new findings on vitamin D and cancer prevention:

OMAHA, Neb., June 8 -- Most Americans and others are not taking enough vitamin D, a fact that may put them at significant risk for developing cancer, according to a landmark study conducted by Creighton University School of Medicine.

The four-year, randomized study followed 1,179 healthy, postmenopausal women from rural eastern Nebraska.* Participants taking calcium, as well as a quantity of vitamin D3 nearly three times the U.S. government's Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) for middle-age adults, showed a dramatic 60 percent or greater reduction in cancer risk than women who did not get the vitamin.

The results of the study, conducted between 2000 and 2005, were reported in the June 8 online edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

"The findings are very exciting. They confirm what a number of vitamin D proponents have suspected for some time but that, until now, have not been substantiated through clinical trial," said principal investigator Joan Lappe, Ph.D., R.N., Creighton professor of medicine and holder of the Criss/Beirne Endowed Chair in the School of Nursing. "Vitamin D is a critical tool in fighting cancer as well as many other diseases."

Other Creighton researchers involved in the study included Robert Recker, M.D.; Robert Heaney, M.D.; Dianne Travers-Gustafson, M.S.; and K. Michael Davies, Ph.D.

Research participants were all 55 years and older and free of known cancers for at least 10 years prior to entering the Creighton study. Subjects were randomly assigned to take daily dosages of 1,400-1,500 mg supplemental calcium, 1,400-1,500 mg supplemental calcium plus 1,100 IU of vitamin D3, or placebos. National Institutes of Health funded the study.

Over the course of four years, women in the calcium/vitamin D3 group experienced a 60 percent decrease in their cancer risk than the group taking placebos.

On the premise that some women entered the study with undiagnosed cancers, researchers then eliminated the first-year results and looked at the last three years of the study. When they did that, the results became even more dramatic with the calcium/vitamin D3 group showing a startling 77 percent cancer-risk reduction.

In the three-year analysis, there was no statistically significant difference in cancer incidence between participants taking placebos and those taking just calcium supplements.

Through the course of the study, 50 participants developed nonskin cancers, including breast, colon, lung and other cancers.

Lappe said further studies are needed to determine whether the Creighton research results apply to other populations, including men, women of all ages, and different ethnic groups. While the study was open to all ethnic groups, all participants were Caucasian, she noted.

There is a growing body of evidence that a higher intake of vitamin D may be helpful in the prevention and treatment of cancer, high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases.

Humans make their own vitamin D3 when they are exposed to sunlight. In fact, only 10-15 minutes a day in a bright summer sun creates large amounts of the vitamin, Lappe said. However, people need to exercise caution since the sun's ultraviolet B rays also can cause skin cancer; sunscreen blocks most vitamin D production.

In addition, the latitude at which you live and your ancestry also influence your body's ability to convert sunlight into vitamin D. People with dark skin have more difficulty making the vitamin. Persons living at latitudes north of the 37th parallel -- Omaha is near the 41st parallel -- cannot get their vitamin D naturally during the winter months because of the sun's angle. Experts generally agree that the RDA** for vitamin D needs to be increased substantially, however there is debate about the amount. Supplements are available in two forms -- vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. Creighton researchers recommend vitamin D3, because it is more active and thus more effective in humans.

* Study participants came from the Nebraska counties of Douglas, Colfax, Cuming, Dodge, Saunders, Washington, Sarpy, Burt and Butler. ** RDA recommendations for vitamin D are 200 IU/d, birth-age 50; 400 IU/d, 50-70 years; and 600 IU/d, 70 years and older.

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  • The following excerpt was transcribed verbatim from:

    "Dear X,

    I am glad and excited that I am allowed to possibly assist you with this! There is so much I could tell and send you! My best friend’s mother had colon followed by liver cancer and I searched for information on causes and healing modalities far and wide, looking quite extensively into the various approaches and proposed causes of it. When it comes to healing cancer and other diseases, there are basically two major approaches in the “nature camp” - the mental/emotional/spiritual approach and the approach involving “material” agents such as nutrition & diet, herbs, supplements, physical detoxification etc., and of course, the combination of the two. I am largely ruling out the mainstream approach here for reasons that will become clear when you study my “Why Choose Alternatives” pages. Reading the many testimonials of top-notch physicians, oncologists and other cancer specialists and researchers on these pages should make it easy to shed any kind of unquestioning belief in conventional allopathic doctors and their predictions (which work as suggestions).

    The body is basically energy and in my view can be ruled by the mind, if the mind is properly trained. I further believe that any disease is basically due to an energetic “imbalance”, “contraction”, “blockage”, lack of energy flow or similar. Even so-called “terminal” cancer is known to have been completely cured by simple prayer alone as well as by a fundamental shift in consciousness!

    In the following, I hope I will find the right words to touch and help you.

    1. First of all, don’t be afraid of your body - your body is innately healthy and self-healing (for instance, we all produce cancer cells probably on a daily basis, but our natural immunity - the God-given innate “drive to health” - normally takes care of them swiftly).

    2. Take heart from the many “terminal” patients who cured themselves using natural approaches while refusing to listen to mainstream doctors: an outstanding example is Michael Gearin-Tosh diagnosed in 1995 with myeloma, bone marrow cancer, one of the most lethal cancers known. A well-known example is Dr Lorraine Day, a high-ranking physician who had been diagnosed with breast cancer and who cured herself by natural/spiritual means. Some recommend watching her main video as a confidence booster when starting their journey of alternative cancer healing. You can borrow this video (no need to buy it) detailing her method at the library (which is similar to what you will find here described in great detail) (unfortunately, she seems a bit too commercially orientated but this is just my personal impression).

    3. There are MANY proven noninvasive cancer cures (i.e. cures that have worked for various people) including the afore-mentioned simple prayer (again see the excellent article “My Grandmother's Liver Cancer Vanished” about a woman diagnosed with terminal liver cancer who chose to forego radiation therapy and chemotherapy and completely recovered from this disease within a few months, the only treatment consisting of many friends praying for her return to health. If you visit the author’s Cynthia Sue Larson’s website, you’ll also find a link to “Scientific Research Confirms Distant Healing” and other breathtaking true stories surrounding the theme “thought influencing/controlling matter”.) Some of the most extensive and exhaustive alternative sites on the subject of cancer causes and cures can be found at and

    4. There is also a number of prayer groups in CyberSpace you can easily ask to be included in.

    5. An “alternative cancer treatment specialist”, Karen Eck, will gladly provide you with more info on anything related to cancer treatment:

    6. Healing is such an extremely complex issue:
    I remember Seth (world-famous “entity” channelled by Jane Roberts) saying that people who develop cancer are “looking for a way out” - maybe some more food for thought and soul-searching, especially since this statement is confirmed (whilie somewhat qualified) by medical observers such as Dr. Jürgen Buche MD and Dr. Hans-Peter Zimmermann.... This might possibly be true for many people developing life-threatening illnesses, but then again I believe this may be only part of the truth, and once they resolve the reason that makes them absolutely want to be "out", they may quickly find a way to heal themselves, including spontaneous remission.

    You can read a story on one of my real-life healing stories pages about a “terminal” patient who found out that one part of his psyche actually enjoyed the tremendous pain involved in the cancer he had developed, and who got completely well after this realization and “changing his mind”.

    Also, one of my observations is that some people seem to have major spiritual growth experiences from their disease(s) (and possibly from those of loved ones), which makes me think that at some (probably unconscious) level of their being, they might actually "cling" to the disease state... . This theory among other reasons makes it understandable to me why occasionally (or often?) people seem quite closed to anyone or anything suggesting that healing can be (and sometimes even relatively quickly) accomplished, see my article Why even very ill and suffering people - in spite of mainstream therapy failing to help them - may ridicule, reject, and attack medical alternatives in cancer treatment.

    7. There is a number of cancer survivors out there who have turned their previous challenge into a wonderful way to serve the world by spreading truths about nature’s healing and/or spirituality. I feel this is one of the wonderful things about any great challenge we face and manage to overcome - the experience, knowledge and power gained to really help others facing similar challenges!!!

    8. Realise that YOU are in charge of your body. After cleaning up your diet, detoxifying and properly nourishing your body, I feel it is very important to ask (you probably do this already) what the message(s) and lesson(s) behind your symptoms is/are since I think these symptoms may be “just” one of those lessons we create to teach ourselves something important we need to learn and have “refused” to learn in an easier way so far (perhaps for you it is “realizing your own power of creation” and “trusting”?). There must be some great gifts of learning in (seemingly) tremendous challenges such as this! One of my favourite spiritual inspirers, Orin, says (freely paraphrased) “the greater the pain/challenge, the greater the gift that awaits you...” If we realize that our body is basically just empty space made of energy moving in a certain pattern with atoms thrown in at very long distances from each other, and that the body only seems solid because of the way our (highly selective and very limited in frequency scope) senses perceive it, it somehow seems very easy to influence this “material” but in reality so ethereal and unsubstantial thing called body with our thoughts and other “non-palpable” things. I feel that apart from a physical “cleaning up one’s act” (diet upgrade, detoxification), a mental, emotional and spiritual searching and cleansing may be the most important thing to do in any type of disease to “remove” or clean the energies (such as your thoughts and negative emotions, for instance) which prevent your body from functioning at peak performance and health (As Orin says [paraphrased], and the premise Traditional Chinese Medicine is based upon: “Disease is a blockage of energy.”). In recent years, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) has emerged as an outstanding DIY “energy healing” tool which I most highly recommend and use myself on a daily basis to help me clear “heavy” emotional issues in my life.

    9. And last but not least, as you may be aware, our present-day medicine is not mainly based upon love but upon power (over people) and money interests. From there, all the rest follows including the widespread failure to cure. If you read my “Why Choose Alternatives” pages (a must read if you are in doubt which route to choose), you will find renowned conventional cancer specialists themselves telling you the truth about the inefficiency and failure to cure of the allopathic treatment of cancer and many other diseases, as well as modern medicine’s monetary foundation in the pharmaceutical industry whose interest is not to cure. As Orin says in “Spiritual Growth”: “ need to see the world clearly. Don't accept things just because others do. Question what you are hearing and reading. Learn to go beyond what is commonly held to be true and discover your own truth.” Seth writes about “giving your power away to doctors” and doctors gladly assuming power over you. Seth’s take on this was considered so dangerous (to whom?) that it was actually censored out of the German rendition of his book.

    I do know that you can be healed and healthy. In the words of spiritual healer Bruno Gröning: “Any disease can be healed - but not every person.” And in those of Edgar Cayce as expressed in Reading 3744-1: “There are in truth, no incurable conditions ... that which exists is and was produced from a first cause, and may be met or counteracted, or changed, for the condition is the breaking of a law.”

    I wish I could just wave a magic wand for you - but I suppose there may still be too much to be learned for you from all this ...!!

    Love, light and joy,


    P.S.: Don’t hesitate to ask me more."
    Welcome to Healing Cancer Naturally!
    Welcome and detailed overview page of Alternative Cancer Treatment website: Healing Cancer Naturally.
  • The following article was transcribed verbatim from:

    Vitamin D Aids Colon Cancer Treatment and Survival

    Sunday, May 10, 2009 by: Henri Junttila, citizen journalist

    (NaturalNews) Colon cancer was one of the most common cancers in the U.S in 2005 according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. About 150,000 Americans are told each year that they have colon cancer and about 35 percent of these will die. There are many contributing factors in why someone gets colon cancer but the most commonly acknowledged one is diet. Diets high in fat and non-organic non-grass fed red meat are especially dangerous. Other diets help prevent colon cancer such as diets high in fruits, vegetables and other natural raw and organic foods.

    Vitamin D May Increase Colon Cancer Survival

    A study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology (June 20, 2008) conducted by lead researcher Dr. Kimmie Ng, from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, United States, found that high blood levels of vitamin D increased colon cancer patients survival rate by 48 percent. In this study, Dr. Kimmie Ng and her team collected data on 304 patients who had been diagnosed with colon cancer between 1991 and 2002. Everyone in the study had their vitamin D blood levels measured a minimum two years before being diagnosed with the disease. The patients were tracked until they died or when the study ended in 2005. 123 patients died, 96 of them from colon or rectal cancer during the follow-up period. Dr. Ng and her team found that the patients with highest vitamin D levels were 39 percent less likely to die from colorectal cancer, compared to the patients who had the lowest levels.

    What Can You Do to Prevent Colon Cancer?

    Dr. Ng does not yet advocate vitamin D supplements as a prevention or treatment for cancer, however she says "Definitive evidence that our results are due to vitamin D would require a randomized clinical trial". Clinical trials are planned to determine if adding vitamin D to chemotherapy after surgery improves colon cancer survival, a researcher told the Washington Post.

    Dr. Michael F. Holick, a professor in the Department of Medicine`s Endocrine Laboratory at Boston University, is convinced that high doses of vitamin D can reduce the risk of malignancy and aid in colon cancer treatment. "This finding is outstanding," Holick told the Washington Post. "It is consistent with dozens and dozens of observations that have been made in the past decade," he said. Holick thinks that most men and women do not get enough vitamin D in their life and says that vitamin D deficiency is the most common medical condition worldwide. He recommends that everyone, including children should supplement with at least 1,000 International Units (IU) of vitamin D a day.

    The recommended daily dosage of vitamin D is currently around 200-600 IU per day depending on your age. Holick says that this is way too low and that most experts agree that these recommendations need to be markedly increased. Holick also said that many people today are avoiding sunlight because they are afraid of skin cancer. This puts people at high risk of developing vitamin D deficiency.

    Short Summary

    What we can all be certain about is that sunlight is good for us. If you want to lower your chances of skin cancer you can avoid being in the sun when the sun is the strongest, usually around noon, and eating a healthy natural diet with a lot of fruits and vegetables will decrease not just your risk of colon cancer but also other cancers and diseases.

  • The following was transcribed verbatim from:

    Vitamin D Emerges as Treatment for Prostate Cancer - Cuts PSA Levels by Half

    Thursday, November 19, 2009 by: David Gutierrez, staff writer

    (NaturalNews) Treatment with vitamin D supplements may slow the progress of prostate cancer, according to a study published in the journal BJU International.

    In the United States, prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among men, after lung cancer. Approximately 240,000 new cases are diagnosed every year, leading to 30,000 deaths.

    Researchers have suspected for nearly two decades that the so-called "sunshine vitamin" may play a role in the risk and progression of prostate cancer, but no studies have previously been conducted on its usefulness as a treatment.

    "It's very interesting - there has been no significant trial of vitamin D," said lead researcher Jonathan Waxman of Imperial College London. "This is a treatment which is unlikely to have significant toxicity and is a welcome addition to the therapeutic options for patients with prostate cancer."

    Waxman decided to do the study when he learned of a prostate cancer patient who recovered after his wife bought vitamin D pills for him. Waxman and colleagues recruited 26 men with prostate cancer and assigned them each to take a daily vitamin D supplement. In five of the men, reductions in levels of the prostate specific antigen (PSA) were reduced.

    In men with prostate cancer, PSA levels are an indicator of disease severity. One participant experienced a decrease in PSA levels less than 25 percent, two experienced decreases of between 25 and 50 percent, and two experienced decreases of more than 50 percent. In one of the participants, PSA levels remained reduced for a full 36 months.

    Vitamin D is synthesized by the body upon exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight. It plays a critical role in calcium absorption and bone health, and deficiency in the vitamin can lead to rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults. Recent research has also suggested that vitamin D can help prevent autoimmune disorders and a variety of chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Some scientists have stated that if everyone increased the amount of time they spent in the sun, far more lives would be saved from cancers prevented than would be lost from increased skin cancer cases.

    A light-skinned person can get enough vitamin D from getting 15 minutes of sun on the face and hands each day, while a darker skinned person might need up to 45 minutes. More sun exposure is needed at more extreme latitudes.

    A connection between vitamin D and prostate cancer was first suggested in 1990, when researchers suggested that the vitamin might tie together a variety of observed risk factors for the disease. A wide body of research has demonstrated that prostate cancer risk is higher at northern latitudes (where people get less vitamin D), among older people (with reduced vitamin D synthesis) and black people (who absorb less UV rays). Researchers have also found that men diagnosed with prostate cancer in the summer or autumn, when vitamin D levels tend to be highest, have a better prognosis than men diagnosed in winter or spring.

    In 1992, researchers also suggested that higher vitamin D consumption in Japan might account for lower rates of prostate cancer there, relative to the United States. Japanese men consume more fatty fish, which is high in both vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids that increase the vitamin's stability in the body, and soy, which slows the rate at which bodily vitamin D breaks down.

    Since then, studies have found that many prostate cancer cells contain vitamin D receptors, and that vitamin D can inhibit the growth of some of these cells.

    Researchers also hypothesize that vitamin D might inhibit the action of the androgen receptor, which produces male sex hormones that have been linked to the disease.

    Sources for this story include:
  • The following was transcribed verbatim from:

    Breast cancer virtually "eradicated" with higher levels of vitamin D

    Monday, February 08, 2010
    by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
    Editor of

    (NaturalNews) In a gathering of vitamin D researchers recently held in Toronto, Dr. Cedric Garland delivered a blockbuster announcement: Breast cancer can be virtually "eradicated" by raising vitamin D levels.

    Vitamin D is "the cure" for breast cancer that the cancer industry ridiculously claims to be searching for. The cure already exists! But the breast cancer industry simply refuses to acknowledge any "cure" that doesn't involve mammography, chemotherapy or high-profit pharmaceuticals.

    Vitamin D is finally gaining some of the recognition it deserves as a miraculous anti-cancer nutrient. It is the solution for cancer prevention. It could save hundreds of thousands of lives each year in the U.S. alone. Even Dr. Andrew Weil recently raised his recommendation of vitamin D to 2,000 IU per day.

    This is the vitamin that could destroy the cancer industry and save millions of women from the degrading, harmful cancer "treatments" pushed by conventional medicine. No wonder they don't want to talk about it! The cancer industry would prefer to keep women ignorant about this vitamin that could save their breasts and their lives.

    Below I'm reprinting the full statement from Dr. Cedric Garland following the Vitamin D conference recently held in Toronto.

    Statement from Dr. Cedric Garland

    Breast cancer is a disease so directly related to vitamin D deficiency that a woman's risk of contracting the disease can be 'virtually eradicated' by elevating her vitamin D status to what vitamin D scientists consider to be natural blood levels.

    That's the message vitamin D pioneer Dr. Cedric Garland delivered in Toronto Tuesday as part of the University of Toronto School of Medicine's "Diagnosis and Treatment of Vitamin D Deficiency" conference - the largest gathering of vitamin D researchers in North America this year. More than 170 researchers, public health officials and health practitioners gathered at the UT Faculty club for the landmark event.

    Garland's presentation headlined a conference that reviewed many aspects of the emerging vitamin D research field - a booming discipline that has seen more than 3,000 academic papers this calendar year alone, conference organizers said. That makes vitamin D by far the most prolific topic in medicine this year, with work connecting it with risk reduction in two dozen forms of cancer, heart disease, multiple scleroses and many other disorders.

    Dr. Reinhold Vieth, Associate Professor in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology at University of Toronto, and Director of the Bone and Mineral Laboratory at Mount Sinai Hospital, organized the event in conjunction with Grassroots Health - an international vitamin D advocacy group founded by breast cancer survivor Carole Baggerly.

    Baggerly implored the research group to take action and encourage Canadians to learn more about vitamin D and to raise their vitamin D levels.

    An estimated 22,700 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009, according to the Canadian Cancer Society's latest figures.

    As much as 97 percent of Canadians are vitamin D deficient at some point in the year, according to University of Calgary research - largely due to Canada's northerly latitudes and weak sun exposure. Sunshine is by far the most abundant source of vitamin D - called 'The Sunshine Vitamin' - with salmon and fortified milk being other sources. Vitamin D supplementation helps raise levels for many as well.

    Grassroots Health's "D-action" panel - 30 of the world's leading researchers on vitamin D and many other vitamin D supporters - recommend 2,000 IU of vitamin D daily and vitamin D blood levels of 100-150 nanomoles-per-liter as measured by a vitamin D blood test.

    Vieth pointed out that natural vitamin D levels of mammals who live outdoors in sunny climates is higher than that - up to 200 nanomoles-per liter. And Garland, whose presentation was entitled "Breast Cancer as a Vitamin D Deficiency Disease" presented data showing that raising one's vitamin D status near those levels decreased breast cancer risk more than 77 percent.

    'The Sunshine Vitamin' was once thought of only for bone health, helping the body process calcium. But more recent work has shown that all cells in the body have "vitamin D receptors" which help control normal cell growth. Additionally, Garland presented new evidence that low vitamin D status compromises the integrity of calcium-based cellular bonding within tissues, which when eroded allow rogue cancer cells to spread more readily.

    Grassroots Health is trying to raise vitamin D awareness among Canadians. Despite epidemic-level vitamin D deficiency in Canada, fewer than nine per cent of Canadians have ever had their vitamin D levels checked by a professional and most who have do not know their vitamin D blood level.
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