March 22, 13
Good day dear ones! I am Hatonn, and I am here to tell you that so much is happening within the framework of what will be in place when the mess is cleaning up. There is so much that has been readied and will be set into place when all of the rubble is cleared away and the ones who created it have either seen their folly, or have been taken to their own holographic planet.
They don’t even recognize their power of creativity to the utmost, for this holographic planet is of their creation. They are so dependent on keeping their power that they have secured their desire to reign and have separated themselves even further from the rest of humanity.
Yes, that is the power you all have. You are in your knowingness about the love, which has no measure, or limitations. They are in their power of sameness and deeper into it, which is away from the flowing, growing love energy, which knows no boundaries. As they sink deeper into their holes of self-endurance in the duality, they emit their power to keep it the way they have designed. As you flow forward and outward more and more you create in the moment the newness of what you are capable of and what is the forever expression of love of the Oneness of all of Creation.
We see you all in this love energy flowing into a wonderful glowing transformative energy that encompasses more than just being in the now as you have comprehended it till now. We are seeing that you are uniting all of time that you have experienced, and are bringing it all together in the power of being able to access any of it in any moment. This is what you are doing now dear ones, and after last night’s tele-conference you who were involved are even more aware of what can take place.
I add one more thing to this message and it is this. Before any of you stand completely in your power you will know who you are. That is what will be the vital trigger for you all to release the last hold on the duality experience that you have had. Yes, you are released cosmicly from the duality because it is no more, but the chosen memories you each have of it linger on. When you take that final step and release all of those memories, then you will experience complete and total freedom in the newness of your Oneness forevermore.
I welcome you to your new way of being, for with some of you it is a matter of not being quite sure that this is the way it is. I assure you that it is, and at some point you will know it yourselves completely. That is when all of the encumbrances will fall away and be no more. You will be able to explore the wonders of the universe and beyond and choose which place, and how many of them, to call home, for it is all Home.
I leave this one now to her breakfast with her dear one. They are ready for the coming times with their returned dear dog, Casper, and you will all know about the reunion when it happens. Till then, life is wonderful, and a pleasure to express. I love you all and shall return to these messages once more, again and again.
Thank you Dear, Wonderful Hatonn,
Love, Nancy Tate
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