Message from Saida Khatoon
Channelled by Shazi
Further Reading: Signpost to the Source
Hello Son,
Waking to the Outside world to see the Inner Flame
To enjoy the fruits of this world we must first taste them; by just looking at them and say they look beautiful is not enough. By experiencing them through the taste buds we build the experience through the senses. If we taste more of these fruits then we build further the different tastes of the fruit.
There are some people in life who have forgotten to experience life and they shun away from the world; whilst there are others who take the opportunity to experience and enjoy the moments in front of them. These people are not observing but living the events and moments of their life, not worried about repercussions.
Have you wondered why there is so much beauty in nature? Or even why there is so much variety and colours?
There is a simple answer to remind you that there is a higher presence that has made creation and for you to enjoy and experience.
Nature and life are challenging but it is our own actions that confuse our mind and the events in life too. But this should not be a challenge as life too can be controlled and organised towards your own needs and wants. If we ignore what is around us and say that we are participating in life; are we actually living our life or ignoring it.
The events of 2012 which are unfolding require everyone to still build upon the experiences as you have done during your life; but with a new perspective and greater insight which you all have.
With your new awakened mind wisdom is igniting the mind each day.
There is a need for the mind, body and soul to be further nourished in the material values of life. This is because you have two set of senses, the inner and outer.
The outer senses you use in everyday events and moments of life, whilst we are all building up the inner senses. This can be accelerated when our outer experiences are understood and lived through.
It is the very reason God has made almost everyone busy with tasks, responsibilities and jobs. The list is endless yet we have forgotten this.
Your mother; do not hide away from the world or ignore its beauty; there is more to life than you think. The gateway is upon you when you share and build upon life’s events. Let your actions do the talking, you are all wiser than you think and dearly loved by all.