This clip when Jodie is asked “Wanna Take a Ride” -- Has always gave me chill’s and goose bumps when its spoken. Every single time! So I tend to play it alot. Tell us if you feel any sture in your journey. Useing Contact as back ground.
I would like to explore this feeling, as well when Jodie was standing on the Galactic Sea Shore of the unending Universe of unlimited possibility’s -- Way, way, beyond words begs to wonder -- how small is our wonder and sight.
“ Care to take a Ride ?”
@ljwheat....Good post! I enjoyed the movie and reading the reply's to it....Thanks
ps I had a couple of similar experiences like you did when time slowed down for you, not the same, but unexplainable. We are more than our bodies. Our body is but a vehicle to carry our consciousness around in. It is so amazing to think about it all, it really is.
I know Huu, like twilight zone stuff, but really cool when it happends to you 'a',
I made so many connections threw out the movie its very inlightening.
Thank you , it was fun to watch .
The only other film I find on equal footing, addressing the big questions, is 2001 A Space Odyssey. Both have high repeat watch value.
Very good indeed, this interview with Jodie is reviling that she isn’t that brave as her character in the movie.
This movie totally hit on some VERY deep levels, loved it :)
They still want an American to go Doctor!!! :) <3 <3
And I am convinced that Haddon was an "Ultra-Terrestrial" of sorts, or shall we say "Angel"? :)
Thanks for posting this!
For the alterative community, the wealth of this movie dose reach very deep, way past our shallow languages. And points to greater understanding in spirituality were words simply have no value. Very deep indeed. Ready to wear out this You-tube copy.
That scene at the beach was very touching, it reminds me of the scene in "Ghost" with Patrick Swayze. That was also done in a spiritual setting. Enjoy the movie...Namaste!
Favorite spots in the movie that relate to real life for you Kelly? :-)