8110239882?profile=originalPLEASE NOTE; NO INSULTS ARE INTENDED WITH THIS POST. Are you ready for a scary bedtime story? The world of lies never ceases to amaze me. The people on this picture evolved supposedly into the guy to the left from the guy to the right. Whola, or at least from the pair to the right. Ok, so we´re told this is basically how homo sapiens sapiens evolved.

Can anybody prove this to me?

It is indeed true that evolution happens - it takes place on every planet where there is life.

Survival of the fittest - yet sometimes the fit don´t always survive - look at earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, forest cleansing and other stuff that happens every day that causes the fit to die. So who are the ´fittest´according to the theory of human evolution?

It must boggle the mind that so many people allowed themselves to get conned into thinking they´re actually  homo sapiens sapiens.

What happens when they find out? They can reclaim so much land, that´s what´s going to happen.

They can also start creating community centred governmental structures which will work in the best interests of the family and the community.

8110239677?profile=originalThe official version they told me was of myself in school, ´homo sapiens sapiens´. Google ´homo sapiens sapiens´and you usually get lots of interesting maps and then you come across this pair.

Yet it is obvious that you and me are not this pair. Whoever this pair is, they are supposed to be determined by the State to be homo sapiens sapiens.

I have been told by people I have had conversations with about this highly important topic in the chat room here that I am not to bother.

I have every right to bother about my evolutionary origins, particularly my biological evolutionary origins.

And so has every other member on this website and especially this website´s creator, mister Ben - Arion.

What possible reason should Ben - Arion thus have not to give much damn about his evolutionary origins?

The people on that drawing do not seem to match the descriptions of homo sapiens Neanderdthalensis or homo sapiens Cro - Magnon.

So my question is; WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE????

If there is no such thing as homo sapiens sapiens these two people cannot possibly be homo sapiens sapiens.

8110240061?profile=originalThis man does not look one bit like the people on that drawing. He looks every bit like a Neanderthdal does. On the website where I read the information about him, I read that he is identified officially as homo sapiens sapiens.

Here is a reconstruction of ´homo sapiens´or ´homo sapiens sapiens´from the website z1.zetaboards.com.

8110240074?profile=originalHomo sapiens sapiens has no basis in existence whatsoever - and in this post I am challenging anyone to prove me wrong who is knowledgable about homo sapiens sapiens.

Now compare this image with this one.......

8110240087?profile=originalSame facial features except she´s female - she looks almost identical to him - what´s more - she´s officially recognized as homo sapiens Neanderthdalensis.

People are being told they´re not who they really are evolutionary, they´re being told they´re somehow seperate from each other evolutionary, which is a lie.

From the website; www.aswetravel.com. Here is a picture of a type of human being I´d like to call Asian Man. These people look exactly like homo Florensis would look like - small statured. Yet there were also in Asia hominids known as the famous Homo Erectus. This one is in my opinion actually a ´homo Florensis´child.

8110239892?profile=originalHow can this person be the same person as the Neanderthdal man and how can ´homo sapiens sapiens´be somebody or something ´else´? She isn´t. There are more species out there than Neanderthdal and Cro - Magnon.  I rest my case with Nikole Kidman. Can somebody please be so kind to contact the Royal Academy of Science and get someone to send me a 100% proof positive that there is a type of human being operating on this planet right now known as homo sapiens sapiens? Here is another Thai from the www.industriesthailand.wikispaces.com.

8110240255?profile=originalWhy are these people being told they´re homo sapiens sapiens? I guess that probably even the Thai Royal Family is ignorant about it!! See how different she is from the Neanderthdal Man images? See how similar Neanderdthal Man and Cro - Magnon Man are on these images? Suddenly you begin to realize things, and something seems very fishy indeed!

This lady looks exactly like a modern Thai woman. She´s from www.losttownproject.blogspot.com. Here is her profile. 8110240268?profile=originalShe looks so like the elderly Thai woman that she could be her in her younger years, yet these two women were living countries apart, and indeed millenia apart from each other. How can it therefore be that homo sapiens Florensis is extinct? It´s another lie, designed to keep people in the dark about their evolutionary origins. Homo sapiens Florensis was in my opinion actually a little bit bigger than the official version of evolutionary history says he was - something like a modern Thai would be today - perhaps between 150 to less than 170´cm tall. All talk about that homo sapiens Florensis died out is in my opinion an insult to the Thai people.

8110239686?profile=originalThe famous Pleiadeans of modern UFO lore do not prove anything about the ´Pleiadean looking´drawing depicted by Carl Sagan and fellows. If it is indeed true as people like I would like to believe that such beautiful beings interbred with apelike creatures in the Alps or Andes or wherever in the past, it´d make sense that they would look like their descendants who would by the passing of time look more and more like today´s humanity - with no homo sapiens sapiens being present.

So what was the purpose behind the creation of the term ´homo sapiens sapiens´? It was to fuse the entire human race into one species, basically.

This would advance towards the agenda for globalization. Take all the races existing in the world and fuse them into one racial identity - and then keep telling them to identify themselves with an empty term devoid of any tangible meaning - ´homo sapiens sapiens´. ´Sapiens Sapiens´is just a repeat of Sapiens and thus a repeat of Homo Sapiens Neanderthdalensis and Homo Sapiens Cro - Magnon. If you want to control society globally you must first give them a global identity, including and specifically a global racial and cultural identity.

The famous Homo Erectus is said to have died out in Asia hundreds of thousands to a few million years ago - the exact location of the Chinese people and people like the Japanese. Now let´s take a good look at this Homo Erectus figure and you´ll eventually find out that Homo Erectus is in fact not extinct, contrary to what you´ve been told. 8110239695?profile=originalThis man looks exactly like modern Asian cave people do. This is from the page www.corante.com.

Look at how much like Homo Erectus this modern day homeless Chinese is like (from the page www.prlog.org). 8110240281?profile=originalAnd compare him to this Chinese gentleman........8110240294?profile=originalAs you can notice on www.madebyafriendofmine.blogspot.com there could be a reason for why the Chinese are so similar in appearance to Homo Erectus - perhaps Homo Erectus never went extinct. Perhaps Homo Florensis didn´t go extinct either. Here you can notice yet another hauntingly similar Homo Erectus - like image, from www.chinasmack.com. It appears that the Asian peoples have changed a little bit over the course of hundreds of thousands of years biologically to resemble modern day Asians - but the truth in my opinion remains - homo erectus didn´t go extinct. They, like Neanderthdahl Man, Cro - Magnon Man and Homo Sapiens Florensis, survived.......and evolved. And I´m not trying to insult anyone here who´s Chinese.

Homo Sapiens Sapiens is an empty word, that´s all it is.

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  • Agreed on the lol and a few other thoughts on my post. The point I am making is this; what better way to oppress people globally than to fuse them together so that they will have the same cultural identity?

    What better way to create a one world government, and a one world religion, a one world army than to create a one world government through division and conquest based on the homo sapiens sapiens ideology?

    Why are there so many Creationist organizations for example supporting while claiming to oppose the New World Order at the same time?

    The Creationists want to be stuck on a date, while some atheists want to be stuck on a date, like 10,000 years BC, 6000 years BC, 40000 years BC, etc. What better idea to control the masses than to give them the same mass identity? Homo sapiens sapiens.

    Tell them they´re so wise, so clever that they deserve to be entitled ´wise man´.

    Shortly after the term ´homo sapiens sapiens´started to be used en masse people began to identify with being ´homo sapiens sapiens´when ´sapiens sapiens´is latin as we were told in school which means ´those who have become wise´or ´wise people´. The term ´homo sapiens sapiens´is so blatantly rude that it has created an identity crisis for the entire human race!

    Now you are having serious trouble if you proclaim yourself to descend from Homo Erectus even though everyone knows that Homo Erectus and Homo Habilis existed. Then there is the question of the Neanderthdal Man and Cro - Magnon Man with some telling me like Lancia that they are one and the same species (Lancia Man?). The level of deception that the homo sapiens sapiens concept has been literally forced onto mainstream society has translated the term ´homo sapiens sapiens´into the term ´mainstream society´.

    It´s a shame that so many people got deluded into thinking they have to define themselves in a latin term if they want to be considered smart on a global level - i.e. ´sapiens sapiens´.

    Latin is just one of the many languages and according to rumours the unofficial language of ´the royal and political elite´but I should stress then of modern times.

    The very use of the term ´homo sapiens sapiens´is impossible in today´s society.

    If you´re asked what kind of person you say you cannot say ´homo sapiens sapiens´but if you say ´I am a Neanderthdal´you are accepted as being correct even though you might be a later generational Neanderthdal or even a Cro - Magnon or some other hominid species.

    Is one of the greatest coverup of modern times one which speaks of many rather than one human species running the show on this planet?

    What if that hunch is in fact more than just a hunch? What if the number of species of human beings existing on this planet´s surface right now, is slightly more than 22?

    With that knowledge in your hands you create a nightmare scenario for any New World Order supporter - you basically divide and conquer the New World Order and then destroy it by teaching people that they are not only uniquely different from each other racially and culturally but that there are multiple human species operating on this planet right now and that they have got mostly no idea who they are.

    And I´m not asking people to start to go to war with each other over what human species they belong to, etc.


  • still LOL~!~
    • Interesting observation, and I also say LOL.  I do think I can see where you are coming from on this.  Gets pretty tricky doesn't it.  I have to admit chuckling while I was saying to myself LOL....heartily. You really analyze things don't you Apis.....I like that about you.  You always make me think outside the box which is a very good thing.
  • LoL..... :)
    • Exactly! And it´s time to raise the loudness of the lol!!!!
      • I am not attempting to offend the Chinese or the Thai peoples or anything - I am beginning to realize why ´homo sapiens sapiens´is used to oppress people of various cultural biological backgrounds into believing they are one and the same biological entity.
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