Hello my dearest,

I have come to leave you a warning here as it is my duty to do so.

This site has enriched many of us and has been doing a good job to inform us, and to make some of us come together as friends.

There are some among us that are indeed incarnated souls from the higher realms, some of them are direct co-workers of the White Brotherhood, others are even more directly related to it...

In the last few months I have been discovering the world from a huge and new perspective, many secrets have been revealed and many of them will never be revealed whatsoever. 

Now, by revealing who they are these people are putting themselves on a danger line that is enourmeous.

I want to tell you that by revealing your identity you will be easily exposed to attacks from "them".

You might feel disturbed, depressed, or experience very heavy symptoms without knowing what is going on. You will feel weak as they will do all that is in their might to harm you and avoid you from following your very important path.

I am friends with some of the greatest channelers you will find in this time and I will tell you this just like they told me to warn you, do not expose your true identity, your higher self's identity on any site, wall, or public place. Do not call it out loud.

I also want to tell you, that big changes are about to occur as some ascended masters are about to ascend again and allow their successors to take their place. 

The dark forces will be hunting these people as they alredy are as it is of the biggest importance to protect yourself using the help of archdangel Michael and Rafael, and also the flame that belongs to your ray or hierarchy.

I want to greet you all with love and tell you,things are comming together slowly but with much precision.

For now this is my message to you, take good care of yourselves.

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  • ... more Love to you.. and Minvera.. you are also completely right in your perspective, of course.. I understand that...

    I wish you pure Love always.. and thank you...




  • Minerva.. I am glad you got over your anger issues.. anger covers fear, the root of all negitivity...

    I think you misunderstand me here and there, but no worries. I am not putting you in any bag as you say.. so please dont think that, thats your perception.. you are another aspect of me.. as I am of you.. as we are all ONE.. we all come from the same tree so to speak..

    Of course I am not telling you that you harbor fear, I am simply stating that focusing on it may not be that uplifting.. thats it.. nothing negitive sister.. just an opinion.. but you know how it is when we write, one dot connects another and before you know where you are.. youve written a book.. lol..

    so.. okay.. Minerva.. I will tell you.. we all choose what we do in order to learn and serve... whatever happens to us is chosen by us befiore we are born.. our entire lifes blueprint in written by us prior to our conception.. we make aggreements with certain souls to undertake certain expierences during that particular lifetime.. its all connected .. and its where Karma fits in..

    these are deep insights for a young soul to wrap his or her head around because they dont have the expierences, the knowledge to understand until they learn about it.. we choose it all my sister.. no one in any Multiverse chooses the expierences that you expierence.. you are doing it all..

    all of us.. so both positive and negitive.. all of us... we all choose it.. think about it for a while.

    You may think you dont choose negitive stuff, but dont forget, you have lived before this current lifetime.. and some of the stuff you expierence this time around is a result of what you gave in a past incarnation..  make no mistake, everything going on in your conciousness is you... so all that happens on the outside is a result of what is taking place within the individual.. your outside lifes expierences are a direct reflection and projection of what is going on inside of you. Therefore, you cannot blame anyone else for anything that happens to you.. best is to accept it.. because you create it, all of it.

    Now that sounds tough, for why would anyone choose to expierence negitive stuff on such heavy levels.. the answer is because we get what we give... and if it is not apparent in one lifetime, it shall rear its ugly head in another.. and that is gaurenteed.. until the lesson is learned.

    So its about balance, balancing our own past misdeeds or mistakes by accepting that they come full circle right back around on us. It happens to all, until the Karma is cleared.

    Our lives run far deeper than we can comprehend, and thinking we know it all is ignorance at it finest.. we dont.. humility is an artform really.. and when we get humble, then we begin to grow big time.

    Generally, block capitals are a sure sign of anger, its a raising of the voice because the Ego has been hurt.. and anger covers fear.. weve all done it.. each one of us.

    There is no analizing here, communication is wonderfull.. the thing about the Ego is it wants to surpress the natural flow of loving communication.. it has to get the last word in.. its like a spoiled child.. because it always feels the need to be right, to be the victor.. instead of gentle heart centered communication where Love is the highest reality.. God is Love is God is Love is... on and on... adinfinitum.. we live forever my sister !

    Of course you wish no harm to anyone.. for in harming others is aiming right at self..

    The Christ Conciousness is where its at, basically.

    We Love each other unconditionally .. its pretty simple really.


    Its all cool Minerva.. Hugs and more Hugs... Love to you forever.. and ever !









  • You might feel disturbed, depressed, or experience very heavy symptoms without knowing what is going on. You will feel weak as they will do all that is in their might to harm you and avoid you from following your very important path.

    I dont think everyone is choosing the same reality... obviously not.. for those who Live in Love, this warning as it were is non existent... yet as BarberaLee said, the Light is always under attack.. we win.. dont worry.. damm right !

    I understand where you appear to be comming from but this paragraph also appears to be focused in on negitive stuff.. not just this paragraph...

    It appears to me that by not even focusing on any of this stuff and just continuing to raise vibrations by focusing on Love speak is far wiser than pointing out what negitive situations people may attract to themselves, most of us know about the law of attraction.. but not only that....

    most of us are aware of psychic attacks and lower vibrational parasitic energies but putting it under the microscope dosent really appear to raise vibrations, instead it only puts a spotlight on what nobody wants.. and what is focused on expands.. in generates and grows, it developes and when enough energy is given to anything, it will eventually manifest.. who wishes to manifest the horrors.. not many of us... because its already done and dusted.. been there, seen that, done that.. wore the t shirt.. ate the Ham Burger.

    now I appreaciate if the poster has concerns for the well being of all, but not everyone is choosing to expierence these realities or illusions, and in fact, for the lighthearted amonge us, these kinds of concentrated interests are like water off a ducks back because we do not and will never allow it into our vibration..

    but there are those who are somewhere inbetween .. doing all they can to pull themselves out of the fear vibration.. I say they, but that is all of us..  but perhaps these types of warnings may serve to heighten the fear in some individuals.. its like saying.. dont go into the dark room because there is danger in there.. and here is what willl happen to you if you dare go in there.. explaining in graphic detail that the boggy man will come after you if you show your true identity, personally, I dont believe that for a solitary moment.. but maybe some frightened folk may begin to believe it..

    and saying that the dark forces are hunting people down could put the fear of God into some.. telling people that they may feel depressed etc could easily cause a highly sensitive soul who is a little lost in the fear vibration to get pretty down in the doldrums..

    I personally know some folk who couldnt get out of bed, curled up in fear and anxiety for weeks, months, simply because they bought into negitive channeled messeges in what they read..  hook, line and sinker..

    thats not very uplifting.. and if the big changes are about to occur as you state, then focus on that and bin the rest, because that is what we really should be doing..

    If all of this Ascension is about raising vibrations into pure Love, then that is more important to focus on than what some channel has reportedly recieved.. obviously this post has triggered some members to respond by expressing their view that there is a high degree of fear involved.. in the wording of the post.. and that generates fear in them, or at least the acknoledgement of fear energy.... and so they rightly express how they feel.

    I take most channelers with a grain of salt.. and like I stated ealier, everyone is creating their own version of events, their own realities and what may be true for one, may differ vastly to that of their neighbour.


    Now I respect Minerva and I applaud your post because if anything, it has served to discuss the nature of the two oppisite aspects of the same energy.. and in that respect, hats off to ya..

    I just feel that when posting, we should bear in mind who is reading them.. for many are observing and all on different levels of awareness.. the ones who are zoned in on unconditional Love and only that, may view this posting as fear mongering... and in many ways, harmfull to those who are less aware, or to those who may be prone to fear moreso than others, or prone to believe everything they read online...

    if someone expierences some form of psychic attack then remember, they also choose to do so.. to expierence it.. in order to learn and move on.. many folk in here have expierenced it and have been offered boundless love and various healing advice as to how to deal with it..

    perhaps another way of wording the same basic message would be to write a short article on how to heal parasitic energies or psychic attacks.. in that way, the viewer is not subjected to bringing their magnet towards what they dont want.. like being hunted for example.

    I suggest we point our compass in the direction of Unconditional Love always, our magnifying glass under the same .. and whomever dishes out warnings to lightworkers with written consequences of such high fear vibrational frequency degree, sounds rather strange in my books.. when our main aim is always to focus on Love and only Love.

    The best channeler you will ever be friends with is yourself and the greatest teacher is life expierence.. but no disrespect intended here, I fully respect your claim to be best friends with the greatest channelers around apparently.. cool.. thumbs up.. good for you and I mean that most sincerly.

    There is a number of different reasons people dont show their true identity, from shyness, to far deeper reasons, perhaps some folks feel that their face looks like a pumpkin gone wrong, or maybe they are on the run.. who knows..

    personally.. I dont really give a shit about it, I am Luke Skywalker and thats about the size of it.. no biggie... I shant reveal my own real identity because I prefere being the Jedi purely for the hell of it... thats all there is to it.. I dont need to reveal any other name.. okay.. just for you, my real name is Mickey Mouse.. okay.. so now you know.. as for my avatar.. again, I choose cyberpunk visuals simply because I like em... I dont care if other people wish to see who they are talking to and get irritated by conversing with an picture of a flower or whatever...

    Listen, I appreaciate your post okay.. no bad vibes.. this is just my entitled opinion, at least for the moment.. yet moments a fleeting..

    Certainly, I think we are all going through all kinds of stuff...  of course.. and indeed, your posting is completely relevent..  you obviously felt a need to express it..  perhaps moreso for your own sense of well being moreso than the general lightworker populas..

    Yes, there is a lot of truth in it, in that shit happens... but shit happens every day.. in practically every way... and we are no strangers to shit happening to us..

    my 2 cents, dont feed the fire of Ascension .. its hot enough under our arses already... and furthermore, I may recieve opposition to this viewpoint .. if so,  thats fine.. each to their own...

    lastly Minerva.. I want you to understand.. this is not a personal attack towards you or anyone.. I feel you are doing a great service here.. because in many ways.. the whole idea behind the entire posting most likely will serve to raise vibrations.. rather than have some hiding under the covers... I just dont resonate with warnings from channels... even if Sananda appeared in the flesh and told me that the world is about to blow up... I would probibly light a cigarette, shrug my shoulders and tell him to remember what I said !

    Love, Peace and Goodwill to you.




  • Bring it!

  • thank you for the heads up i have been dealing with many telepathic attacks i simiply say only light and love dwells here acknowledging their nonsense as just that nonsense invoking the angel michaels protection. may the divine light surround you and protect you love and light your friend in light sally

  • the light is always under attack...may we all join together as the unmovable race...don't worry, we win..much love

  • Hey Minerva, hope u r well.. I feel actually, we as a collective are to unite.. Not hide.
  • "How is protecting yourself and protecting / caring about others related to ego?"

    Because you see yourself as yourself.
    You're not. You're the sum a many beings. Some chose to be in you, some didn't, but you're still the sum of them and their influences on what is originally you, and your original mission here is not to shun these beings, your mission is to modulate them so that all can function whithin the same body/entity/structure/universe.

    Before I started to stand in the light and later learned to BE light, I assimilated each and every energy that I came across. I processed the energy and can easily make gold out of poop. :)

    When you stand in the light or choose to BE light, dark entities can't come near you. Not because you're protected, but because the light itself is lethal to them. They are simply not compatible with that form of energy. Light is for them, like Antimatter is for our bodies. We go Poof! ;)

    If a person, who's standing in the light, become to protect defence, the light becomes a polarized force, and descend right back to 3D again, and Become Ego.

    Now, you also said "caring for people".
    That's the biggest Ego-boost of them all. :)
    You don't care for people because you care about how that makes them feel. You care for people because of how that makes You feel. It feels GREAT to help people, but.. Would you do it if it felt HORRIBLE but you still KNEW that it was help you were giving?

    You know that you TRULY care for people when You're ready to suffer so that others can be able to not in the future.

    But, then again.. The "caring for others"-part position, is only vulnerable in 3d-focused individuals. Those who stand in the light or choose to BE light, can do whatever they want and will feel great all the time no matter what, or choose to feel like shit .. we actually get to decide all the details of our emotions by ourselves. It's very libetrating, but also aggrevating since it robs my ego of being able to be angry on someone else than myself in any situation I encounter :)
    But, that's My ego speaking. :)

    "Some spiders are not very wise"

    But all of them are telepathic and easily "mesmerized" by Human Unconditional Original-Love-focus.
    How do you think I get wild birds to sit in my lap and eat? ;)

    "and sometimes we step on them even by accident...Did you hapen to know?"

    I know that all too well I'm afraid. Over a period of 4 years, 2 small wild birds have died against my windows after coming in the house and all of it was because of MY negligence. I remember how each of those birds looked.
    I also, out of lazyness, placed rat-poison in the cellar once.. And at least 3 rats dissappeared. Again, their very being there was because of MY negligence. I later learned how to adjust the environment so that unwanted houseguests no longer choose to stay and simply move out. Some I let stay since they amuse me. I have a squirrel in the attic now and after having yelled at him for some times at night, he learned when he can make noise and when absolutely not to make noise, so I'm cool with him living there. :)

    I have Red Ants and Black Ants in my lawn. The Red Ants don't like me very much and I'm VERY allergic to them. Luckily I have Black Ants here as well so I feed them loads and loads of "sweet rock" (the name for sugar-cubes or candy in the 'microcosm'), so that they can raise armies and take back this territory. I will not be able to use my lawn until this battle have been won however so here I need your advice actually.

    I have come across a microcosmic chemical weapon that is harmless to the environment but deadly to the ants.
    I am able the distribute this weapon so that the Black Ant casualities will be minimal, but.. Would it be right for me to use this?
    The black ants would be given a paradise in my lawn. I'd treasure them forever and keep them strong. :)

    So you see, I am VERY immersed in the questions of animal rights. I LIVE the animal world :)

    "And whatever your opinion about Saint Germain is, spreading hate is even worse than fear."

    I'm not incuraging you to hate him, I'm incuraging you to let him go.
    He can't lead you no more. You're better.

  • This is complete bullshit-The Angelic Forces a kin to the Great White Brotherhood -who are not all white people-the negative propaganda from the lower realms is astonishing

  • "I am glad that you are understanding my point here (which is not directly mine but Saint Germain's)."

    Uhh, that son of a bitch have infiltrated too many minds throughout his reign, even in death he's a moronic pain in the etheric ass and he spills thru here all the time, this time thru You. I can shimmer his footprint in your palate ;)

    "You can say you have no fear from spiders, you will still get hurt by their bite if you dont protect yourself from them."

    A properly tuned Human does not get bit in the first place since the spider recognise him immediately as "familiar".

    All this talk of protection and power only serve to strengthen the Ego, which will DETER you further from ascension rather than approach you to it.

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