Why Big Pharma is willing to murder people to protect its scandalous profit model

Big Pharma is a functioning drug cartel that enjoys anti-free market monopoly protections enforced by corrupt FDA and FTC regulators.

The purpose of the pharmaceutical industry’s entire existence is to extract the maximum amount of money from the U.S. economy by pretending to make sick people healthier through the widespread consumption of high-profit pharmaceutical medications. However, the profit model of the industry is almost entirely based on convincing healthy people they need lifelong medications to be healthy. This requires, of course, the “marketing of disease” that scares people into thinking they need drugs for completely normal physiological conditions (such as feeling depressed from time to time, which is a normal human experience).

The more medications people take, the sicker they become, requiring yet more secondary medications to “treat” the negative health symptoms caused by the primary medications. The real profit model of the pharmaceutical industry is to keep people sick, then charge them monopoly prices for dangerous medications that utterly fail to achieve any lasting improvement in health. Any effort to reduce drug prices or monopoly profits will be met with extreme resistance… and perhaps acts of murder funded by the industry itself.

The statin drug / cholesterol scam, all by itself, is a multi-decade long quack science medical scam that has extracted nearly half a trillion dollars from the world economy by pretending that cholesterol is a “disease.” In truth, statin drugs cause accelerated aging, brain damage, diabetes, extreme muscle fatigue and a long list of other serious health complications that demand further medication. That’s why statin drugs are known as gateway drugs that ultimately recruit lifelong patients to boost Big Pharma’s profits. There’s also zero evidence that statin drugs improve patient survival at all.

The entire sham is rooted in utterly faked science, ghost-written “science” papers, the bribery of regulatory officials and the incessant propaganda indoctrination of med schools with Big Pharma brainwashing materials. Statin-pushing quacks like Steven Nissen have been exposed for extreme conflicts of interest, drug “prostitution” and science denialism.

If you don’t realize that Big Pharma murders people to profit its profits, you have no idea what Big Pharma really is. Their entire business model is based on human suffering, exploitation and death.

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  • Big Parma needs a taste of its own medicine ... Their Karmic reaction will come back to them ..they may be making a lot of corruption money but sickness and suffering will fall on them and their families.

    what they are earning is BLOOD MONEY and their karmas will catch up on them.

    Go for natural alternative healing like AYURVEDA 


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