Nowadays it common to see people wearing ear phones listening to the music of their choice and chilling out in their own world.
Well and good but most are putting in their ears dirty ear phones with their dirty hand and there is a high risk of getting ear infections. I have seen people drop their ear phones on the dirty floor and just pick them up and plug in without realising that germs and bacteria are building inside their ears and will eventually result in ear infections.
The solution to this problem is getting water proof ear phones so you can wash and wear daily and whenever they fall on the dirty floor.
You can also carry with you natural wipes so you can wipe the ear phones before plugging in.
Same with headphones keep as clean as possible and only put them on when you are sure that they are clean.
Also don't listen to loud music for hours as in the end eventually you will end up a bit deaf or completely deaf.
I sometimes wear dummy ear phones just so as not to listen to abusive language which some people use on the busses and trains.