Full Investigation Report @ http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/new-mrsa-superbug-strain-found-in-uk-milk-supply-8431187.html

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  • #1 Recommendation: USE COMMON SENSE. If you need to see a doctor, see a doctor (why do people need to be told to do this, especially in the last minute? Are people this dumb?) MRSA is a fancy name for penicillin (or methicillin) resistant bacteria (or staphylcoccal aureus). Hence the acronym M.R.S.A. It is a supergerm resistant to penicillin, and treatment for it vaires usually consisting of IV cocktails that include vancomycin (which is very expensive) as the primary antibiotic,  and usually with clindamycin or piperacillin as secondary antibiotics (which are also very expensive).

    Otherwise here are some ideas if you aren't sure about the dairy that you consume. Interestingly, marijuana is last on the list, and you can grow this at home (and have you home taken away from you if you are caught growing it by law enforcement, depending on your part of the world).

    MRSA Treatment: Alternative Options

    “All disease begins in the gut.” Hippocrates “You are what you eat. Literally.” Me

    If I had MRSA, I’d consider the below critical elements of my alternative MRSA treatment. I wouldn’t leave out a single thing and I’d jump in with both feet. I already do most of this and have for years. Btw, I’m not a doctor and this is not medical advice. If you try any of this, do so at your own risk. Really. Please read my full disclaimer.

    26 August 2012 UPDATE: I’ve stumbled across some excellent info on MRSA and thought you might like to see it. The first is MRSA30day.com (recommended on my Weston A. Price Foundation chapter leader yahoo group).

    The second is a treatment called bacteriophage. Fascinating stuff — 2 videos here:

    MRSA Treatment: Food & drink I’d consume

    ♥ 2 Tbsp ACV + 1/2 tsp baking soda upon rising and after dinner. When fizzing stops, I fill my glass 1/2 full with cold water (makes it more palatable) and drink. Tastes kind of like stale beer. I drink this 2x a day, first thing in the morning and after dinner, plus whenever I feel the burn in my throat from acid reflux. Stops it immediately. I could add a tsp of Manuka honey (with the highest UMF possible) to this, but I don’t. Why ruin the honey? Oh: ACV is Apple Cider Vinegar and I only use Bragg’s because it’s unpasteurized so still has all the good in it.

    ♥ Probiotics via supplements or via unpasteurized fermented foods like kefir, whole milk yogurt, kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi. Pasteurization kills all the probiotics. Store-bought yogurt and kefirs have had probiotics added back in and is the easiest way for us to get probiotics when away from home. At home, we make our own kombucha and drink 8-16 oz every day. We love Dave’s GT Kombucha at Whole Foods or Good Foods Co-op. If I had to buy kombucha again, I’d buy in bulk. Worth every penny.

    ♥ Diatomaceous earth (food grade, not the pool stuff): 1 Tbsp in a glass of water. Tastes like muddy water because, well, it is. I drink this every night before bed. Yummy! I buy my DE here. Last time, I bought 9lbs. Next time, I’m buying 50.

    ♥ Eat a raw organic non-irradiated garlic clove once a day: crush the clove, mince, mix with honey, swallow. I mince it teensy because it goes down easier that way. Crush it first — crushing releases allicin which is the pertinent compound! Garlic is believed to kill parasites and to be good for lung health. Definitely do not want MRSA in my lungs.

    ♥ 2-4 Tbsp organic coconut oil everyday. I buy this in the 1 gallon tub. I put a Tbsp in my coffee every morning, 1/2 – 1 Tbsp in my tea during the day and use 2 Tbsp to make my (1/2 Cup) organic popcorn at night. Why? It’s antibacterial — I put it on a cut and watch the healing begin! It also numbs the cut which is a bonus. Plus, coconut oil has been shown to fight dementia and coconut oil is full of good fats and enzymes.

    ♥ Manuka honey: 1-2 tsps morning and night, midday if I felt like it. The higher the UMF, the better. The highest I’ve found with a quick search is the ApiHealth at 20 UMF. You can also apply this externally to staph lesions.

    ♥ 1 tsp organic turmeric powder in half a glass of warm water 3x a day for several days. This can make me constipated, so I start slow and build up. It is sold in capsules (expensive). I buy in bulk from Mountain Rose Herbs or Good Foods. Turmeric is a traditional Ayurvedic Indian spice, is anti-inflammatory and a blood purifier.

    MRSA Treatment: Supplements I’d take

    Every one of these is critical. Amounts are per day. I buy my supplements from iherb.com. Use this code BOY303 to get $5 off your first order. Free shipping on orders over $40, too. I like NOW brand just because I’m familiar with it. I use powders whenever possible. There is nothing added and they are much more economical. I make a palatable concoction by mixing my powders and iodine in either kombucha or plain full-fat yogurt with a little honey.

    ♥ Iodine: either Lugol’s solution or Iodoral tablets. I take 10-15 drops of Lugol’s a day now. I used to take much more as I was recovering from my hospital stay. Lugol’s can be hard on my stomach so I take after meals in a little kombucha. I started with the 12mg Iodoral tablets (= to about 3-5 drops of 2.2% Lugol’s), but that got expensive for me. Many consider the tablets better because they dissolve further down in the intestines. I have had excellent results with Iodine and I would not go without it. It also protects us from radiation. If the Lugol’s link does not work, search “full_orchestra ebay.”

    ♥ 4.5mg Naltrexone to boost my immune system. This requires a prescription. If my doctor wouldn’t prescribe it, I’d find a naturopath who would. This is a good place to start for a naltrexone education. I joined the yahoo group — you’ll see a link about halfway down the page. A good yahoo group on any topic is worth its weight in gold. Seriously.

    ♥ Magnesium oil 10 drops 2x day rubbed on feet, inner arm and/or hips. I make my own mag oil, so easy. I buy Mag Chloride flakes (3lbs which should last the four of us quite a while!) I mix 2/3 cup of Mag Chloride and 1/3 cup of filtered water in a mason jar and stir. In about 15 minutes, the flakes are all dissolved, the mixture goes from cloudy to clearn, and I have mag oil. It actually feels oily. There is a bit of a sting after putting it on, but not bad.

    After 8 years of reading, I consider Magnesium a miracle cure for many ailments. I wouldn’t go without it. I can also drink this: 10 drops in water 2x a day. But Magnesium is hard on the bowels like Vit C. Transdermally, we get more of the good, no effect on bowels and we can take more at a time.

    ♥ Vit D3 5000iu Here — get the kind that is made with non-GM oil. So no soy, canola or cottonseed. Ditto for any oil-based supplements.

    ♥ Vit K2 500mcg Here

    ALA 100mg, increase to 600mg Here

    ♥ Zinc 30-50mg Here

    ♥ Selenium 200mcg Here

    ♥ Vit C 1000mg every couple of hours to bowel tolerance. Build up to 8,000mg. Here I used to take the powder: 1/2 tsp in half glass of kombucha gives me 2500mg. BUT it’s made from GM corn… if your Vit C is ascorbic acid, it’s probably made from GM corn. Still looking for an affordable alternative…

    ♥ L-Lysine 500mg 2x day when sick, 1x a day when well. Here

    ♥ 2-4 Fish oil tablets everyday, 2 at a time after meals. I take the 365 brand from Whole Foods. I take after meals to avoid burping up a little fishy taste. But, hey, I figure it’s so good for me, I’ll relish in the taste!!!

    ♥ Vit C intravenously (usually 25,000mg to 50,000mg a shot) Takes about an hour to hour and a half. If my doctor wouldn’t do this, I’d find one who would. There are plenty.

    We also take Vit A 25,000 iu, Vit E 400 iu, B-50 complex, niacin 300mg (we use the flush, too much unknown about the no-flush and the flush is good for detox), folic acid 800mg. I wouldn’t call these extra supplements critical. Just really, really, really important.

    NOTE re. Colloidal Silver Since we take iodine every day, we don’t take silver, but I have no fear of it and many friends use it with great success. It is also one of the “experimental” treatments listed on Wikipedia. I have used it on external wounds, dropped it in my eyes and taken it internally, all with no harm and often with relief of the problem. But I know little about it with regard to MRSA, and haven’t felt a need to research. If it speaks to you, by all means!!!

    MRSA Treatment: What I’d stop eating, using

    ♥ No sugar of any kind, including fruit and honey except for Manuka and only as directed

    ♥ No white flour products

    ♥ No bread of any kind

    ♥ NO low-fat/no-fat/skim milk products. Mainly because they are filled with chemicals and simple carbs that translate to sugar in our bodies. Sugar is BAD, especially when we are sick!!! Here’s the other thing, fat is essential: our brains and bodies need this! When we want dairy, we only consume raw or cultured. Read up on pasteurized milk. It’s disgusting. Raw dairy is full of the good bacteria and enzymes our guts need to fight off infection and inflammation and to properly digest food.

    ♥ Stop using all chemical hygiene and cleaning products. I use coconut oil and baking soda for deodorant (rub coconut oil on pits, pat on some baking soda, wipe off around the pit so excess bs doesn’t get on clothes), baking soda to wash hair (1 Tbsp for my short hair mixed in a little water, rub thru hair till hair feels silky, rinse well). Baking soda and white vinegar for cleaning, can add a little Dr. Bronner’s soap to the mix.

    MRSA Treatment: What I’d put on it

    This, if I could get it.

    ♥ Milk of Magnesia for a poultice. I’d get the generic kind that is only MoM, no additives.

    ♥ Iodine tincture or Lugol’s externally

    ♥ Garlic Baths, 2-3x per week: Crush 4-6 cloves of organic non-irradiated garlic (look for white/green sprout in middle of each clove). Let stand 20 minutes to allow allicin to develop. Add garlic to warm bath. Submerge as much of the body as possible. I’d soak as long as possible, two or three times a week. I’ve been told that a garlic bath may make skin condition appear worse after the first bath. But that is my experience with many of my alternative remedies: sometimes things get worse before they get better. I have learned not to be scared off and I’ve learned to trust my instincts.

    ♥ Manuka honey externally

    RASH UPDATE: Just after I wrote this, my husband got a rash all over his body. Nothing worked to relieve it or diminish the itch. It took 2 weeks to fade significantly just like it says all over the internet. I researched the heck out of this and, other than allergic reaction to any number of things, there is no known cause of a rash. And pinpointing what that thing might be in the normal course of a day with nothing obvious is nigh impossible.

    A little about MRSA

    MRSA is a bacterial staph infection created by the overuse of antibiotics (says the Mayo Clinic. You can’t make this stuff up.) So I’d be hard pressed to continue any antibiotic treatment. Especially after I’d done that treatment once and the MRSA came back. That means the antibiotic didn’t get it all.

    Besides which, “antibiotic” means anti-life. It kills everything in the gut: all the bad and all the good. This does not leave us healthy enough to fight any infection or inflammation on our own.

    Symptoms of MRSA in humans and animals include:

    • Skin and soft tissue lesions, like boils
    • Necrotizing fasciitis (necrotizing means tissue-killing)
    • Necrotizing pneumonia
    • Sepsis (a septic infection)

    (Surprising) MRSA treatment @ Wikipedia:

    Wikipedia offers a wealth of information on the topic. Near the bottom of the Wikipedia page is a list of alternative treatments (look for Big Pharma to heavily edit this page at some point) currently being researched by mainstream doctors, like:

    Essential oil diffusion: An in vitro study on the inhibition of MRSA by essential oil diffusion found that 72 of 91 investigated essential oils exhibited zones of inhibition in soy agar plates streaked with MRSA (strain ATCC 700699). The most effective being lemongrass oil (Cymbopogon flexuosus), lemon myrtle oil (Backhousia citriodora), mountain savory oil (Satureja montana), cinnamon oil (Cinnamomum verum), and melissa oil (Melissa officinalis) essential oils. Of these, lemongrass essential oil was the most effective, completely inhibiting all MRSA colony growth. … Tea tree oil also kills all MRSA strains that have been tested.

    Since MRSA begins in the nasal passages, I would definitely be investigating lemongrass oil. Cuidado! Essential oils are very powerful medicine. We use several essential oils now for a variety of things, but I researched as well as I could first.

    The psychedelic mushroom Psilocybe semilanceata has been shown to strongly inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus. [Love this! I never took these in my party days, but many smarter people than I did with no regrets!]

    Initial studies at the University of East London have demonstrated that allicin (a compound found in garlic) exhibits a strong antimicrobial response to the bacteria, indicating that it may one day lead to more effective treatments. [And I love it when the mainstream starts to investigate "home made" remedies!]

    A report released in 2010 details the efficacy of the active ingredients of a new composite dressing (hydrogen peroxide, [bunch of pharmaceuticals], and silver) against MRSA.

    A 1990 study tested MRSA isolates obtained from veterans and found they could be killed by several substances … and suggested that topical applications of hydrogen peroxide may be useful to reduce MRSA on skin and some mucous membranes. [There is a wealth of information regarding H2O2 treatments for a variety of ailments. On my list to research along with colloidal silver.]

    A 2010 study noted significant antimicrobial action of Ulmo 90 and manuka UMF 25+ honey against several microorganisms, including MRSA. The investigators noted the superior antimicrobial action of Ulmo 90 honey, and suggested it be investigated further.

    And dead last in promising MRSA treatments on Wikipedia? Marijuana.

    Cannabinoids (components of Cannabis sativa), including cannabidiol (CBD), cannabinol (CBN), cannabichromene (CBC) and cannabigerol (CBG), show activity against a variety of MRSA strains.

    This is probably the thing that works best. But why would a corporation spend money pursuing this? It’s just a weed and ya can’t make money on a weed anyone can grow in a backyard. Just sayin’.

    Author’s Notes

    As I said above (just before reminding you that I am not a doctor and to read my full disclaimer), I do most of this already and will not hesitate to do all of it if I get MRSA. And I would do all of it, attack if from every front. Maybe I’ll never know what actually killed it, but I can live with that.

    I’ve been obsessively reading alternative health sites for about eight years now. As a result, we’ve changed the way we eat and started down the road to detoxing the poisons from our bodies that our government has allowed be put there, like GM foods, dangerous pesticides and whatever the hell it allows to be sprayed in our skies all day every day.

    The FDA will never seriously study alternative MRSA treatments because there’s no money in it for the head regulators of said agency nor for the companies they silently represent. If I want to find any treatments outside the mainstream, I must search the world wide web and depend on anecdotal evidence. Of which there is a MOUNTAIN. Thank goodness people are eager to share. Over the years, I’ve learned to separate the wheat from the chaff. After a couple of years, you’d start to get good at that, too.

    Here’s the other thing: I won’t get MRSA because my gut is getting healthier and my immune system stronger every day. I believe I can ward off any disease. Big Pharma isn’t interested in funding any study on how to ward off disease.

  • Best to avoid milk and use alternative milk like Hemp, Almond and Coconut which I do anyway
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