Sunday, February 2, 2014 9:26
January 25, 2014
Today Queen Elizabeth and UK Prime Minister DavidCameron were issued arrest warrants. The two were charged with sexual crimes against children as part of an international pedophile ring.
“We have enough evidence to prosecute and hold both the Prime Minister and Queen of England” said ex-Royal Military Policeman Matt Taylor.
Last Thursday Activist David Compan was released from the London Park Royal Mental Health Centre. The psychiatric facility had been swamped with calls about his forced detainment there. David, plus his wife, were arrested on three occasions this month – without being charged. His apparent “crime” was daring to post Brussels common law court arrest warrants on the Queen, Cameron, former Catholic Pope Joseph Ratzinger and 27 other global elites.
The present Catholic Pope Francis Bergoglio was alleged to be part of child trafficking in an international pedophile ring. Victims who were prostituted as children at the Vatican have come forward, along withsurvivors who alleged they were abused in international pedophile rings. Victims have also alleged sex abuse and murder of children by former Pope Ratzinger, Catholic Cardinal Bernard Alfrink of Utrecht, a second Catholic Cardinal, a French judge, Belgian priests, other members of the British Royal family and Prince Bernhard of Holland.…
A former Argentine government official recently agreed to testify about Bergoglio’s role in a pedophile ring during Argentine’s Junta “Dirty War.” A Brussels international Common Law court was slated on the matter to begin March 15 2014.
On Feb. 25 2013 six judges of a Brussels common law court found the Queen, Cameron, Ratzinger and 37 other global elites guilty in the disappearance of 50,000 Canadian indigent children. Cases were prosecuted by the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, ITCCS.
Evidence presented could be reviewed in ITCCS’s Kevin Annett’s “Hidden No Longer” and
Why common law courts?
Common Law court actions were proven effective. In Feb. 2013 Catholic Pope Joseph Ratzinger resigned within days of being issued his arrest warrant.
Should parents consider common law courts to protect their children?
Yes, evidently. On Oct. 10 1964 Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip were seen taking ten native children from the Canadian Kamloops Residential School. The age-ten children haven’t been heard of since. Canadian courts refused to hear the case that also involved the 50,000 Canadian missing indigent children.
Are we in danger if global elites were not held responsible for their crimes?
Evidently so. Two witnesses died of mysterious causes prior to the Feb. 2013 Brussels court that convicted the Queen, Cameron, former Pope Ratzinger and 37 other elites of Crimes Against Humanity.
Would our present court system prosecute international pedophile rings?
Evidently not. ITCCS efforts for excavation of 31 child mass grave sites of the 50,000 missing children have been thwarted since the first was discovered in 2008. The child mass grave sites were on grounds of 80 Canadian government-owned residential schools run by the Catholic and Anglican churches and the United Church of Canada. Victims of the Catholic priest abuse scandal have seen very few perpetrators find the inside of a jail cell.
“It’s time to display documentation so that common law verdicts can be understood and enforced by the community” stated Kevin Annett of the ITCCS. Annett will explain common law court action today on the Radio Warrior We the Jury show at 4 pm EDT
Along with the March 15 common law court on Popes Bergoglio and Ratzinger, several common law court actions were being organized for 2014. Survivors came forward from Ireland Templemore Forgotten Victims, Canadian Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared, Italian Rete L’Abuso and in the US, United Against Church Terror, plus government mind-control and Satanic Ritual Abuse survivors from SMART and Child Abuse Recovery
With help of legal experts and judges, the ITCCS has united survivors of genocide and child torture worldwide. ITCCS is active in 26 countries with over 50 affiliated groups.
To volunteer for the citizen juries of these court actions, contact A Common Law Training Manual can be found at
The ITCCS operates from an undisclosed central headquarters in Brussels, Belgium and regional offices in Vancouver, New York, Dublin, London and Paris. ITCCS officers and their legal and political advisers generally retain their anonymity for reasons of security.
The Tap Blog is a collective of like-minded researchers and writers who’ve joined forces to distribute information and voice opinions avoided by the world’s media.
Apparently these warrants expire every year because every year they are issued. Only name that has changed thus far is the pope because he is a new one from last warrants issued. These are only citizens arrest warrants, which we know the 99% doesn't have any pull.
Maybe, for the time being, it is hard to realize these arrests, but we live in a times of changes, and what is today hard to achieve- tomorrow can be piece of cake. I already see them behind the bars.
these stories have been around forever created by those that want the monarchy gone-out at the same time the pope is being accused by those that want the the catholic church gone-show me real proof-bring out the the children who are adults now and somehow show the proof
Have a look here Pet Rock; (you have video with testimonials of witnesses and relatives of abused and taken children) and more here:
Here is your proof! There would have been a lot larger number of witnesses, if the church did not kill about 50.000 of kids.
So, you still want monarchy, or Vatican? REALLY???????
Former altar boy sues Catholic Church over pedophile priest
A man who says he was molested by three Catholic priests is suing the Archdiocese of Denver in federal court.
The suit alleges that church officials knew that one of the priests was a prolific pedophile, but covered up his activities by moving him to different posts where he continued to prey on children.
“This is the worst of the worst,” said Merit Bennett, the lawyer for former altar boy Eran McManemy of New Mexico, in an article in the Denver Post. “They allowed him to roam free — church to church, diocese to diocese, children to children. Not one of them picked up the phone and dialed 911, including Denver.”
McManemy alleges he was raped as a child by Father David Holley in Alamogordo, N.M., the diocese to which Holley had been transferred after working in a hospital ministry in Denver. Holly was sentenced in 1993 to 275 years for molesting eight boys in New Mexico. He died in prison in 2008, the Post reported.
McManemy’s suit alleges the church knew about the sexual abuse, but never reported it, opting instead to transfer Holley from place to place. The suit seeks punitive damages
“This was an interstate conspiracy that each one of these dioceses willingly joined to harbor a known pedophile,” Bennett told the Post. “Everybody knew who this guy was. He was one of the most inveterate predators of children in the United States.”
McManemy’s suit alleges that he was 11 when Holley raped him; it also says he was repeatedly sexually abused by two other priests during the previous three years. Holley is tied to abuse in Texas and Massachusetts dating back to the 1960s, as well as in New Mexico, according to other suits McManemy has filed against the church.
Read more:
"Holly was sentenced in 1993 to 275 years for molesting eight boys in New Mexico"
And it all happened without any help from the ITCCS. :)
Justice works, ITCCS does not.
Good point. Maybe Holley's associates need to be accountable also.
It's only recently that the church in many western countries have been disallowed to care for their own criminals. Nowadays they're bound to the same laws as everyone else but those laws do not work retroactively. From the role they played at the position they had at that time in that kind of society (child porn was legal in many nordic countries during this time even), it's unlikely that you'd be able to prove criminal misconduct for those who weren't part of the actual abuse.
Everyone there have their own excuses, but what should have been obvious from the very beginning is that if you lock young boys and mature men into a structure and forbid the men to have sexual relations with women, then of course there will be those who choose to have sex with boys instead. Especially since most religions don't see children the same way they see adults. Raping a boy is not a homosexual act for most religions, it's just a "game" to them. Children are considered playthings in that aspect, and personally I find that rather disgusting.
But, it still is the perfect recipe for child abuse no matter how you look at it.
The Queen always said that she would dedicate her life to the Throne and 'her' people. Traditionally, monarchs stay on the Throne until they die. Now we know why she has handed the reins over to Charlie. She is obviously too scared of this international arrest warrant to travel abroad. I can't wait to see the arrests. Am really surprised that Cameron is involved.
Nice initiative, but ITCCS is just a peoples initiative and have no legal juristiction anywhere in the world.
Issuing an arrest warrant with the ITCCS would be equal to if Al Ciada would issue an arrest warrant for Obama's war crimes = Nobody would take it seriously and it would never reach a court room in the civilized world.
Anyone can prosecute and judge in secret. It's when you take it to the public courts that things starts to actually happen and you'll immediately know if your evidence will hold or not.