This may be the "advanced technology" that I saw with the horoscope of Flight 370!

Note that the flight path of Flight 370 is erratic and zig-zagging, as if it were a "test" of some kind by scientists presumed to be present (per astrology reading):

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Remote Control and the 9/11/01 Attack

Imagining that teams of hijackers could successfully take over four jetliners then flawlessly fly three of them into relatively small targets, even though none had ever flown a jet, requires enormous leaps of faith. In contrast, robotically flying the jetliners into their targets could have been accomplished using the flight control computers that were standard equipment on the targeted planes.

All modern jetliners have sophisticated flight control computers, which allow the planes to be flown with at least the precision of a skilled human pilot. The 757s and 767s used in the 9/11/01 attack were developed in the 1970s and employ similar avionics. Both contain integrated flight management computer systems (FMCS) which provide automatic guidance and control of the aircraft "from immediately after takeoff to final approach and landing." 1

Researcher Don Paul was among the first to describes the possible use of remote and programmed control in the execution of the 9/11/01 attack, in his 2002 book Facing Our Fascist State:

e x c e r p t
title: Facing Our Fascist State
authors: Don Paul

Home Run and Global Hawk

If the supposed pilots are impossible or unlikely prospects for flying a Boeing 757 or 767 through sharp turns and complex maneuvers, how COULD those airliners otherwise have been flown?

In an interview with the German newspaper Tagesspeigel on January 13, 2002, Andreas von Buelow, Minister of Technology for the united Germany in the early 1990s, a person who first worked in West Germany's Secretary of Defense 30 years ago, told about a technology by which airliners can be commanded through remote control.

The former Minister of Technology said: '"The Americans had developed a method in the 1970s, whereby they could rescue hijacked planes by intervening into the computer piloting."'

Andreas von Buelow said that this technology was named Home Run.

The German went on to give his Tagesspeigel interviewer his overall perspective of the 9/11/01 attacks: '"I can state: the planning of the attacks was technically and organizationally a master achievement. To hijack four huge airplanes within a few minutes and within one hour, to drive them into their targets, with complicated flight maneuvers! This is unthinkable, without years-long support from secret apparatuses of the state and industry ... I have real difficulties, however, to imagine that all this all sprang out of the mind of an evil man in his cave"'

Another technology devised by the U.S. military for remote control of huge airplanes is named Global Hawk. On April 24, 2001, four months before "'9/11,'" Britain's International Television News reported: "A robot plane has made aviation history by becoming the first unmanned aircraft to fly across the Pacific Ocean."

Britain's ITN continued: "The Global Hawk, a jet-powered aircraft with a wingspan equivalent to a Boeing 737, flew from Edwards Air Force Base in California and landed late on Monday at the Royal Australian Air Force base at Edinburgh, in South Australia state... It flies along a pre-programmed flight path, but a pilot monitors the aircraft during its flight via a sensor suite which provides infra-red and visual images."

According to the Australian Global Hawk manager Rod Smith: '"The aircraft essentially flies itself, right from takeoff, right through to landing, and even taxiing off the runway."'

Now, who or what would you trust for aerial missions as demanding as those of "'9/11'" (or trust to fly an airliner from one airfield in California to another in Australia): The Arab students who are described above, or the Global Hawk or Home Run technologies?

See this English translation of Von Buelow's interview with Tagesspiegel.

The 'Home Run' theory skeptically mentioned by Von Buelow is certainly intriguing: it both contradicts the official account's presumption that officials had no way to abort the attack, and provides a made-to-order means by which the same officials could have covertly piloted the planes their targets. But in the years since Fascist State no evidence of it has emerged. If Home Run is a hoax, as suggested by the 9-11 Research analysis of it, it actually adds weight to the theories of the crime involving remote or programmed control of the jetliners: hoaxes presented as alternative theories of the 9/11 attack are most often advanced to conceal realities of the crime behind similar sets of observations. 

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  • You provided me with a non-foundation-basis collage of an art-of-words of a so-called proof of the "Galactics protecting the passengers." Give me some sort of proof of this (OTHER THAN YOUR GOOD WORD) and I'll buy your so-called message from St. Germain.

    I'll be sticking with my astrology reading and interpretation; I've been posting on Ashtar since 2012 and have not had too many complaints with my analysis.


    And I have several other astrological readings posted on Ashtar to prove other analysis, notably the passage of Comet ISON.  This is in contrast to some posters (SUCH AS YOURSELF) with claims of very recent "visions" or "oratory words heard" in a manner similar to Jim Jones/Charles Manson/Israel Holocaust/ Pisces Age Style Of Words that are calling for certain people (I.E. SHEEP) reading your post to BELIEVE that this is what happened or will happened, and thus will happen IF YOU "believe" IT WILL HAPPEN..

    Silvermane, I've never seen you post much on Ashtar anyway, and thus you are suspicious and possibly not trustworthy.

  • Here's a couple of articles relating to 370;

     one is about how the nsa hacked into a huge chinese telecommunications giant and

    the other is a conspiracy theory claiming there were 20 employees of sub contractor who were on 370

    who worked

    for the nsa that spied on china

    if we have the tech to remotely control a commercial airliner you know china does too


      China doesn't come close to the type of remote control technology created by the U.S. and Israel.

      PLEASE STOP DEFENDING ISRAEL. The U.S. has given Israel 4x the cost of the Apollo Moon Program, and we have yet to see a giant leap for mankind.

      ISRAEL IS NOT A FRIEND OF THE U.S. Israel is a friend of the Rothschild banking cartel, and nobody else.

      System Planning Corporation (SPC)—remote airplane control technology

      Dov Zakheim
      Dov Zakheim

      The SPC Corporation provided the flight termination system and command transmitter system, the technology that allows planes to be remote controlled should the pilots be incapacitated or the plane hijacked.  It was headed by Rabbi Dov Zakheim.

      Zakheim co-authored the PNAC paper on rebuilding America’s defenses, advocating the necessity of a Pearl Harbor-like incident to mobilize America.  He served as Pentagon comptroller from May 4, 2001 to March 10, 2004.  Two large sums of money disappeared from the Pentagon under him.  In the beginning, $2.3 trillion was reported missing by Donald Rumsfeld (September 10, 2001) and later, Zakheim was unable to account for another trillion dollars.  Zakheim also had squads of American F-15s and F-16s sold as surplus to Israel at a fraction of their value.

      On May 6, 2004, Zakheim took a lucrative position at Booz, Allen and Hamilton consultants, one of whose clients was a charity said to be a front for Osama bin Laden, and it also offered consultancy to DARPA.

      Ptech Software systems—computer control backdoor

      Most national security computerized systems that would’ve scrambled jets in the event of national emergencies, such as multiple hijackings, were running on Ptech software.

      Michael Goff
      Michael Goff

      Michael S. Goff was marketing manager at Ptech.  Ptech was funded by Lebanese and Saudi Americans, but why did Goff leave a well-paying job at a Jewish law firm for the dodgy startup Ptech?  Goff was obviously working as a sayanim.

      Amit Yoran
      Amit Yoran 

      Michael Goff also worked for Israeli database company Guardium (Director Amit Yoran); Guardium’s been funded by Mossad fronts. 

      MITRE corporation (computer software)

      James Schlesinger
      James Schlesinger

      MITRE—major defense contracting organization headed by former Director of Central Intelligence James Schlesinger.

      Ptech was with the MITRE corporation in the basement of the FAA for two years prior to 9/11.  Their specific job was to look at interoperability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force in the case of an emergency.

      • where did I say anything about Israel-

        • PET ROCK: you've covertly defended Israel in past postings and used slang terms for Arabs in past postings.  

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