Was Oil Spill and Possible Disclosure in the Pyramid Timeline?

Written by David Wilcock Saturday, 22 May 2010 18:23

For at least the last 85 years, Pyramid scholars have predicted 2010 as the year "the bottom falls out of the world" -- but this is a necessary trigger for a coming Golden Age.

Historical events are now unfolding in real time, validating ancient prophecies!


If you haven't yet watched our new release, 2012 Event Horizon, I recommend it -- as I give valuable information in the video that I'm not going to reiterate here, due to time constraints.

Suffice it to say that in 1864, Piazzi Smyth discovered a key alignment involving the Great Pyramid, where the former pole-star Alpha Draconis shined down to the bottom of the Descending Passage while Alcyone of the Pleiades was directly overhead -- in about 2170 BC. (It was later corrected to 2141 BC.)

Pyramid researcher Robert Menzies had already theorized that the passages within the Great Pyramid were a "Message in Stone," conveying historical information.

After finding out about Smyth's alignment, Menzies expected to find a marker inside the Descending Passage that would indicate where you would begin counting a hypothetical timeline, expressed in Pyramid Inches.

Sure enough, Smyth noticed that the "Scored Lines" fit the intended description very nicely.

And once you began counting "one inch equals one year" from this point, all sorts of highly noteworthy events in history jump out as key points where the passages change.

What's so cool about Pyramid Inches is there are exactly 500 million of them in the diameter of the Earth from the North Pole, through the center, to the South Pole.

They amount to 1.00106 British inches in length.

Therefore, it appears the Pyramid's designer scaled everything to the natural measurements of the Earth in a very precise manner.


Even well-meaning and polite readers of my material often have trouble believing in the Pyramid Timeline, so I've gone significantly out of my way to strengthen the Pyramid data in my upcoming book 2012 Enigma: Blueprints for a Golden Age, which should be available as of late this Fall.

I must admit that the complexity of this section of the book has been nothing short of staggering to work on -- but my forte is writing it up in such a way that it doesn't feel difficult to read.

I should finish the entire Pyramid section today and move on to much easier parts to write, since I've been dealing with them much longer and their data has already been outlined and structured in much more detail.

To be perfectly honest with you, it is very difficult to tear myself away from this intense of a creative process in order to update you as to what is going on -- but events are happening so rapidly now that I cannot content myself with letting weeks go by without new posts.

Let me be clear that I am not doing this to appease people who write in and complain.

I'm doing this because I genuinely don't want you to suffer needlessly as you watch these events unfolding.


As the oil disaster has mushroomed in scope, I found something I had forgotten about: namely the year 2010 is directly flagged in the Pyramid Timeline as the year where "the bottom will fall out of the world."

If you look at a diagram of the internal passages of the Pyramid, and look at the Subterranean Chamber, there is an area that dips lower than the others that is called the 'Pit.'

The lowest depth of the Pit begins in the year 2010.

This was openly predicted in Lemesurier's 1977 book as the year where the materialistic world would reach the full extent of its visible collapse -- to help usher in a mass awakening.

The events that are now happening show us that we are indeed living through those prophecies.


We've had a few downright vicious letters come in, as if this oil disaster somehow invalidates everything we've been saying about where we are all heading as a planet.

I do understand and empathize with you if this disaster is really freaking you out.

Let's not forget that there are so many diverse prophecies relating to 2012 that we absolutely SHOULD expect that things will get really intense as we head into this time.

That's part of the script that we're going through.

The script is intended to create a mass awakening.

The greater reality is that our entire experience of life on Earth is ultimately a grand illusion, whose purpose is to awaken us to the basic importance of loving and respecting each other.

Therefore, I believe the high-level ET Management permitted this disaster to occur.

It very likely is an inside job by the wounded lion of the New World Order, slashing at everything around him in his final death throes.


Why, you ask, would something like this be permitted?

Remember -- we are at the end of the entire third-density cycle.

This is truly a monumental event -- for the entire history of this watery blue planet known as Earth.

Therefore, we should expect that world events will become increasingly monumental as we get closer to the Big Moment.

In this case, we are being given a very powerful lesson that it is time to stop using this century-old technology of oil-burning internal combustion engines.

There are many, many power players in the world who are ready to roll out alternative technologies that can eliminate our need to pay for energy.

So, when I see this happening, I see a worldwide teachable moment.

Unfortunately, humanity has been so ridiculously stubborn and unwilling to change on this planet that events of this magnitude are necessary to shock us into greater awareness.

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  • Seems they stopped the leak....http://www.expressen.se/Nyheter/1.2003203/olja-har-slutat-lacka-i-m...
  • Thanks, really paints a picture doesn't it?
  • As the oil disaster has mushroomed in scope, I found something I had forgotten about: namely the year 2010 is directly flagged in the Pyramid Timeline as the year where "the bottom will fall out of the world."

    This was openly predicted in Lemesurier's 1977 book as the year where the materialistic world would reach the full extent of its visible collapse -- to help usher in a mass awakening.

    ~WOW SATR*BASE!~ thank you for posting this. Wilcock often has some very interesting, & solid points to make, & despite the criticisms of many other opinionated folks, for some reason, his information, organization & delivery really resonates with me. before i comment too much on this above info., i must apologize for my inability to reference exact names & details of the ideas i'm going to put forth; as i am constantly gathering information/perspective "on the go" as it were, while driving, or running to & fro busying myself with the activities of daily living, therefore, it's a challenge even to contain all of it. ;0) (plus, my early onset dementia!)

    ok, so yesterday, i was listening to one of my favorite local liberal "hard news" stations here in the bay area, & the host had a guest speaker (sorry, can't remember his name) who was previously an investigative government attorney's assistant during the exxon valdez oil spill (which he says was ultimately the fault of BP at that time! not having the safety/containment & clean~up protocol/ equipment in place & expeditiously applied!) back in the late 1990's, & subsequently became an investigative journalist, & is now one of the many in a throng of journalists/etc/ trying to get some real info./facts out of this current BP crisis. he was alluding to (bottom line) something very similar to what Wilcock is saying above; that this oil spill ~primarily the way in which it is being handled, or not handled (expeditiously & intelligently), not only by BP and the environmental regulatory committee, as well as the media (or, repeat~edia, as he calls them) but by President Obama as well! he asserts that the rapid cover~up & permissability of the scope of the spill is no accident at all & is going to usher in this "domino effect" of worldwide collapsing & shifting currencies & economies, power~plays, massive increases in mass~populous desimating cancers (he sited the effects of the exxon~valdez/etc. oil toxins on the amazonian population over the last decade plus), ever more toxic food and water supplies worldwide, increasing extinction of oceanic & land based wildlife... etc.

    it was an interesting & enlightening intwerciew to say the least. i really wish i could post it here. ;0) anyhow, of course, despite our collective emotional reaction ( :0( ) & despite what we are told via the media etc.(lies and all) & even despite what we can imagine, there are many invisible lines linking one thing to the next, and the dots are being connected more & more rapidly! i really don't believe it to be coincidence either. time is accelerating, & it's coming to "a head". i also don't believe that the increasing amount of man~made (or nature~responding) catastorhes, "earth changes" are all bad. i believe, as Wilcock points out, that this is all a part of the unravelling big picture, as we usher in a new age. it always hurts & stings before the healing can commence. & it has.. ~in love, peace & hope~
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