If you really want to know what´s going on behind the scenes and how ´all the world is a stage´, watch Stephen King´s TV miniseries ´Shining´, it´s in my opinion way more informative about how people should react when entities try to suck their energies than the original film.
When you watch all those reptilian videos and stuff, you´ll get what I mean.
It´s what Stephen King and related authors are trying to inform you about - those are pictures in a book like any other picture in a book.
I just saw a reptilian picture of Anders Breivik´s associates. I decided to remind myself that what I was viewing was a picture.
If I´d give the picture attention in a certain way, it´d try to suck me into itself.
When the picture felt it couldn´t suck myself into itself - it lost it´s hold over me.
I didn´t go say ´Anders Breivik is a reptilian!´or ´you´re being right when you say he could be half Jewish´and so on.
That´s all just meant to confuse people even more because those are words that people use to describe how those pictures work.
When the lady with the other eye being reptilian tries to suck you into the picture - you know what I get.
The more you know the less power the pictures have over your minds.
So that´s basically today´s lesson on the Oslo attacks - don´t let those pictures touch your mind in a certain way - or else, you´ll lose it!
And remember - they´re just pictures.
That´s all they are compared to consciousness, even though consciousness is a picture too.