What is the Trumbull County Disturbance?

This incident is a remarkable UFO situation happening in1994 nearYoungstown, Ohio. The case involved the pursuit of alow-flying objectby numerous police officials from a wide area. One officerapproachedthe object at close range, saying it 'lit up the ground asif daylight,'and also declared that the electronic/radio instrumentationof hispatrol cruiser was "shut down" by the object.

When did this happen?

The incident actually began before 12:01 a.m. in the earlymorninghours of Wednesday, December 14, 1994. Before midnight, theTrumbullCounty 9-1-1 center had already logged several UFO reportsfrom residentsnear the Sampson Road vicinity. Curiously, UFOs werereported in thearea the previous evening, as well as two weeks prior.

Where, exactly, did this occur?

In an area within Liberty Township, about 4-miles north ofYoungstown,surrounded by Weathersfield Township to the west, ViennaTownshipto the north and Hubbard Township to the east. The happeningoccurrednear and above the Youngstown Air Reserve Station, wherepublic relationsofficers adamently deny the event ever transpired, despitethe acquisitionof 9-1-1 police dispatch tapes to the contrary.

How were the 9-1-1 tapes acquired?

Several telecommunicators at the Trumbull County 9-1-1center readthe 1996 report entitled: "The Trumbull County Disturbance:TheWrong Liberty," which appeared on the internet. Intruiged bythis account, they researched the case and acquired a dateof theevent. Acting strictly as private citizens and not on behalfof thedepartment, they retrieved the data from the audio tapesstored atthe center. The original tapes were said to have been'missing,' buta backup set was located in another storage area.

It can be demonstrated that police departments across Ohioand otherstates are more reluctant than ever to associate theirdepartmentsor officers with alleged UFO occurrences, and understandablyso. Thosearmed with the "badge of truth" do not usually relish theirposition as the 'middleman' between the U.S. Air Force andthe UFOphenomenon.

"From my information, calls placed from police departmentstoWright-Patterson Air Force Base are forwarded directly tosecret officesat the air base that are solely responsible for monitoringthe UFOsituation," charges George Clappison, UFO researcher andinvestigator.

The Mystery Tattler

To bolster his contention, Clappison cites a 1995 source heidentifiesonly as "a southern Ohio law enforcement official." Afterseveral confidential, tightly controlled meetings with hissource,Clappison was informed that his contact had a UFO sightingwhile on-dutyabout ten years prior. His dispatch office then alerted theair baseof the occurrence. The officer recalled that within days ofthe event,he was visited and questioned by several agents from theCincinnatioffices of the FBI.

The law enforcement official conveyed to Clappison hisbelief thatthe Air Force and various intelligence communities currentlymonitorand investigate the UFO situation, despite public denials.Accordingto the opinion of the informant, the U.S. Air Force monitorsand utilizesthe vast resources of police dispatch centers for thecollection ofUFO reports.

UFO Reporting to WPAFB

Even when reporting a UFO directly to the Dayton, Ohio, airbase,a phone receptionist taking the call will politely refer thecallerto "report the incident to your local police department."

It is known that certain air emergency situations are heldunder theauthority of the State Patrol for handling and disposition,and asthe Air Force position illustrates, this authority alsoextends tothe State Patrol for response and investigation of UFOreports.

One should also consider the curious existence of thestrange "SIGNAL50" code word utilized by The Ohio State Highway Patrolduringradio communications to announce the observation of unknownaircraft.

Reporting Procedures & The LeCI Incident

A heated UFO incident at the Lebanon Correctional Instituteoccurredon April 8, 1993 in Warren County, Ohio, in which a glowingred objecthovered for nearly three hours over a state penitentiary.The WarrenCounty Sheriff's Department and the Ohio State HighwayPatrol respondedto the multiple witness event, and calls were placed by thedispatchoffice to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton,requesting aircraftidentification.

Wright-Pat denied having any experimental aircraft in thevicinity,and furthermore stated that they had no radar track of theunknownobject, which, according to a statement given by CommanderH. Lakeof the adjacent Warren Correctional Institute, was"presentedto the Warren County Sheriff's Department by his shiftsupervisorupon their arrival."

Despite denials by the LeCI or WCI prison offices and theOhio Departmentof Corrections and Rehabilitation that any internaldocumentationof the event exists, H. Lake stated emphatically, "I don'tknowwhat they're talking about. A report does exist because Iwrote thereport myself."

Presently , public relations officials at Wright-Pattcontend thatthey have no documentation available regarding any incomingcallsfrom the Ohio State Highway Patrol regarding the April 8,1993 UFOincident at LeCI. However, FOIA Manager Paul Cassidy statedthat "ifa phone call was indeed made to this base, there should beSOME kindof documentation SOMEWHERE, whether it be in the form of alog entryor scribbled notes."

To the contrary of WPAFB public relations department, O.S.P.log entriesacquired by UFO investigators revealed that several callswere indeedplaced to the Dayton, Ohio, air base. Dispatchers at theOhio StatePatrol and Warren County Sheriff's Office even confirmedthat Wright-Patthad been alerted by utilizing a special, confidential phonenumberthat gives them direct access to the high-tech air base.When askedfor the number to be released to researchers, eachrespective officerefused to disclose it, saying it was a restricted line, andnot releasableto the public.

It can be said with certainty that this writer did hear anddetectabnormal aircraft activity above the Cincinnati region inthe formof jet engine sounds which were heard constantly from around4:15A.M. until daybreak on the night of the incident. The jetsounds weredeep and powerful, unlike common air traffic heardfrequently aboveCincinnati. Not until the evening news later that day didthis writerlearn of the events at the Lebanon, Ohio, prison, upon whichtimethe heavy droning sound of the jet noise was recalled.

Event From The Past...

There is a healthy historical precedent for UFO mix-upsbetween Ohiopolice agencies and UFOs, with the U.S. Air Force alwayshaving adistant and uncertain role in the drama.

Case in point: at 4:50 A.M. on April 17, 1966, two sheriffsdeputies,Dale Spaur and Wilber L. Neff, were advised by the PortageCounty,Ohio, Dispatch Center to investigate a low-flying UFOreportedly headedin their direction. The twosome watched as the glowingobject approachedtheir position, illuminating the roadside.

"It's about fifty feet across, and I can just make out adomeor something on the top, but that's very dark," Spaur yelledinto his microphone. "The bottom is real bright, it'sputtingout a beam of light that makes a big spot underneath. It wasoverheada minute ago, and it was as bright as day here."

The dispatcher advised Spaur and Neff to keep the UFO insight, asa car with camera equipment had been sent out. Soon, thetwosome wereracing along Route 14 at ninety miles per hour.
Hi all.

Other police officers soon joined the chase. Wayne Huston ofEastPalestine, Ohio, witnessed the UFO pass his location at morethan80 miles per hour, and also joined the chase. "It was afunnything," he later said, "but when the object got too farahead of us it appeared to stop and wait."

One police officer later recalled that he had seen twojet-fighteraircraft being followed by a bright object shaped like afootball.The vehicular pursuit took multiple police officials on aneighty-fivemile journey into Pennsylvania before the object allegedlyshot offat great speed and disappeared.

Radar Operators at the Pittsburgh airport control toweradvised theConway Police Department that they had picked up the UFO ontheirradar screens, but later denied this.

Police chief Gerald Buchert of Mantua, Ohio, claimed that hephotographedthe object, but was told by the United States Air Force notto makethe pictures public.

The official Air Force conclusion was that Spaur and theothers hadbeen chasing the planet Venus.

Months after the drama, Deputy Spaur was found in hiding by areporter.Working as a painter, Spaur lived in poverty residing at aseedy motel.He had resigned from the police force, and had been divorcedfromhis wife. "If I could change all that I have done in mylife,"he said, "I would change that night we chased that damnedsaucer."

Given the sad but true public belittlement of UFO witnessesby theAir Force, the news media and the debunking celebrities, itis understandablewhy police officials such as those involved in the LeCIIncident andthe Portage pursuit are reluctant to talk about their fullknowledgeof these events.

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