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I personally wrote this article, and own the copyright to it, and all rights to distribute it.-With Love, El-Ano-Ra (Ahsaka Nusa/JediGuardian!)
Channeler: Ahsaka Nusa/El-Ano-Ra
We are a Galactic Federation of LIGHT: Lord Ashtar Sheran Speaks on the Light of Self
Dear friends,
It has been, in the state of grace, that we have awaited the time of ascending, and in this time of ascending, many of you are looking into the obstacles of the past as a lense of creative outflow, and it is with Love that I say, let the past go.
There is nothing there but remnants of what was, vehicles and portals to get lost in, not Truth in the sense of Truth.
The Galactic Federation of Light, what does that mean to you? Do you believe, in your Hearts, and in who you are, after all this time, that it shall now remain the Galactic Federation in Darkness?
No, not in the slightest, for if we have supported you in this calming sea of the ushering in of 2012, and if we have merged in Unification with the Earth, how much more Light are you so?
And if you are Light so, and if you are the Pleiadian future you wish to see, and if you are the Starseed Network of Light, who, dear friends, shall stand in the wake of such potential?
Spending time in conflict, only leads us to more conflict, therefore, it is with compassion, that I say spend time in Unity. The Unification of the Galactic Star Network is the birthing of the New Consciousness, and it is Light. Light beyond infinite Light, and rays beyond the Infinite Sun, Galactic Prime, and the Creation Process, of Purity.
Do not be deceived into believing, at any moment, you are less than the perfection of God. For you are a miracle, and miracles do not walk in darkness, they are beakens of Light.
Like a Star shining brightly, Shine, Shine, Shine, and know that it is so.
You have within you a galaxy, and that galaxy is the storehouse of Love, the pathways of remembering, and the Truth that shall lead to your Universal Cosmic Union.
The Galactic Federation is LIGHT. Pure Light from beyond all. In the wake of PURE LIGHT, nothing else is important. Be Light, breath Light, pulse Light, and align to the Universal One, and from that space, breath of pure consciousness, shall come forth.
Here the I AM within you,
Lord Ashtar Sheran
Beautiful message, thanks Ahsaka :) It helped me to feel better :)....