The Guardian and Ashira channeled by Dr. Susan Sammarco

Adama and OWS channeled by James McConnell


(Note: these messages were given during our weekly Prepare For Change group in Glendale, AZ on May 24, 2015)

“The Guardian of New Music of the Realms”

I spoke with you maybe two months ago. We had not long been here on this planet. There have been those who have picked up on the new energy upon the planet. Of course, there are those who would say that it has to do with this or it has to do with that. We don’t know what it is but it is new. We have spoken to some but MORE it is the message that gets through and into the collective consciousness of this planet.

We have been seen in the skies when those known as chemtrail pilots have sprayed their contents expecting to have the same consequences but they have not. We have come in behind them. We have come behind them to shift their energies, to shift that which they spray turning it into something merely mists that is water in the skies. We have turned them into cloud beings. We have turned them into angels and birds. We have turned them into symbols for some.

We do this because we love you and we are you. That indeed is one of the parts of the messages that you have come to learn more and more each day. You are not separate! There is no truth to that. You are not separate from one another. You are not separate from the Mother. You are not separate from the bees and the birds and the animals. Or the waters or the land. You are one with all who are known as “Ascended Masters”. You are known as “Archangels”. You are one with all! And the Galactics too!

And what is that “Oneness? It is that truth of your being that you are here indeed! To love. To experience. To be in joy. To be light. And some of these things we have been able to gift to those upon the planet. I have been singing at the peak of my voice to share the tune others that they may pick it up in the collective and move forward with new songs. I have been able to sing songs that are angelic to some. You will find in your “YouTube” as we see it in this world that you will find more and more postings of songs of the angels. They are not songs of the angels; they are songs of the Guardians! It is all right that these are called songs of the angels for if you but listen to these you will hear these of which we speak.

What are the new songs for? They are to bring to you the patterns, the scores, those things that continue to be downloads into your physical body as well as into those other bodies that you have in this life stream, You are an amazing being and all of these things that are happening to you and through you are being supported, at least in one way, by the songs that have been brought to you at this time. And there are songs that will be picked up by those who are spiritual song and music makers and you will hear the difference of the tunes and difference of the words.

We have attempted to encourage this one to share our music with you. We have yet to be successful in getting her to let go enough to share the music with you but do know that there will be a time in the future when this group too shall be singing new songs and new tunes.

This is a time of joy. Let go! Let go of all of those things that do not seem to be of joy, do not seem to be of love or peace. For those are of the old and we are here to help with the new. New dreams. New consciousness. The new music. The new!

Last time we visited with you, we took you other places to see other worlds in their manifestations. We took you as the Guardians. You can imagine us in much the same way that “One Who Serves” comes to you. We are One in consciousness and yet there are parts of us that are one in themselves. It may not make sense in this moment but we know it shall in the next.

We will be here to give “Ashira” answers if questions come forward for us from that section of this day. We will continue to smile with you and bring you cloud formations in the skies to assure you we are near. We invite you to thank us from your cars as you are driving. Thank us and ask us for a cloud that you would like to see. Perhaps it is a dragon or perhaps it is unicorn or perhaps it is a heart. Communicate with us. Believe us! See what happens. See the gifts in the skies with that consciousness that we share. And know that we are near. This is one of our ways of communicating more directly with you.

Please do not think that you are just one of billions upon the planet. Know that you are loved. Know that you are heard. Know that you are doing all that you are to be doing at this time and so much more is to come. That will be a joyful time and a joyful thing.

We bring this to a close and we will join you in the singing of the “ohms” so that our brother, James, might be able to go forth to in order to allow those that serve through him might come through. Thank you. Blessings of plenty. We are so thankful for you!

Comment: The skies have been beautifully clear of chemtrails lately and I want to thank you for your part!

Thank you so much! More and more of those who are down in the ladder, let us say, are getting the messages not to spray, not to do this anymore. There are changes about! There are changes afoot!

What our job is is to take those things that have been sprayed and encourage you! Thank you for sharing the blessing! Know that if ANYTHING is in the skies, we are RIGHT on it and transmuting it into good. Thank you!

“One Who Serves”

Greetings to you. As we say, here just to pave the way and we bring the one who is standing by here.


This is “Adama”. It is so wonderful to be with you, my brothers and sisters, once again. For this group finds a fondness within my heart because of who you are. As I gaze around this room and peer upon your faces, and yes, I can do that, for I am very much here with you in your presence. And as I look upon your faces and feel your vibrations within you I feel the connection and I wonder if you also feel the connection with me, because we have been together many times before, you and I.

We are once again drawn back at a time that is fast approaching, those times that we spoke about a long time ago. If you look deep within you and search within your memories now you may remember the conversation that we had. The one when we knew all was going to go to darkness but that the light would shine through once again. When that shone through once again, we would be together and we would be part of this grand undertaking that is afoot now.

For there are many things that are changing, many things that are happening and yet, still behind the scenes in some respects but there is much that is coming forward now. Much that is being revealed in all of your various sources, your media, your movies etc. All of these things are coming together at a moment we spoke of a long time ago. We knew we would all be back together once again when we knew that those of us who reside within the Earth would join those of you who stand upon the surface.

That time is now. That time we spoke of at that time, we are entering in this moment. Many of us from within the Earth have come forth now in various ways. Some even in a physical body and we have infiltrated within you. Not to spy upon or anything of this nature but to integrate our vibration into yours, to bring us together at a higher vibration. Because that is what is necessary to bring us together, a higher frequency. It is all about frequency and in order for us to be together in a physical body, your frequency must raise. Yes, we can bring our’s down some but we will not do this to the point of finding ourselve’s inside this 3D vibration. You must come up to us to meet us!

And you are doing that! That is why we are here and that is why this infiltration is happening now. And very soon to be the full emergence of those of us to be ready to stand next to our brother and sister as we did  before.

You are dear to me. More than you can possibly know at this time but again, if you search within your memories and they are there for you to reach now, they are being opened to you if you would but look at them. Remember those times in Lemuria in the Mother Land where life was grand beyond anything you could envision at this time. But there is an inkling, there is that small remembrance coming up within you of those times together and what our lives were like in that Golden Age.

We return together as One once again. You and I and all of those that are prepared, that the times are coming, before and after “the Event” and all of the events that make up “The Event”. We are going to find ourselves together and close as we once were.

It is wonderful to be here to share with you. And as you have been hearing, soon we will be together in a more physical matter in this sharing process. All of my peace with you, Adonai.

“One Who Serves”

Greetings to you once again. Yes, it is the “One Who Serves” with this funny accent coming to you. Not so funny though to Mahendrin and Raj! Raj, welcome back here. Good to have you back with us to continue this process. There are those who have been working with you who have guided you back here to this group. And it is important that you find yourself back here and you will understand this more and more as we go on here. As you have heard many times, much is happening, much is going on and there is much to be revealed very shortly.

You will continue living your daily lives and having your processes unfold but you continue to go with the flow, right? Yes! Always go with the flow and let it be what it is going to be. Because, before you know it will become so much more than what  is in your wildest imagination and your wildest dreams are going to be revealed and realized.

And we can tell you this, as the “Guardian” said, the chemtrails are rapidly retreating now because what was a part of that program is coming to a close, coming to a finish now. It is not to say that you will not see one here and there but you have been aware and we think you look at the skies and you have seen less of this, have you not? This is not only here but all over the world, in many respects. These projects are coming to an end because the money is drying up. And those that are being paid for this are not going up for nothing. And this is happening and it is coming to a close because it is time. It is time for those behind all of this to come forward and take their medicine because that is what is going to happen.

They are going through a process now where they are holding on to the bitter end. But they know the time has come. They now know this is at an end. They have known this for a very long time. They have known that this Ascension process was going to be the end of understanding of life as they have it. It is the beginning of a new life, a new age, a new Golden Age. It is also, as the “Adama” said, it is the remembering of the old Golden Age. The one in the past that most of you were a part of in various points. You have come together once again to be a great part of this new age, this new beginning. Finding yourselves freed from all the various stresses that you have had and some continue to have. We understand that as you are having these stresses you are looking at them in a different light, not so much stresses but now in gratitude for what could have been but was not because you are already operating at a higher vibration. This is not only for the one who shared this story this day but for all of you here and all who resonate to these words, this is for all of you. Because you are all a part of this great program, this great process, and the time has come for you to settle back and watch the fireworks. There are going to be grand fireworks!

There is going to be a great party and a great celebration. Just a little while longer, as you go through and live your life, and it is very important that you do live your life. Do not let go. You must continue in it until there is no more need to! And you will know when that moment arrives. Until then, do everything you can to raise your vibrations at every moment. Be in the moment in every NOW moment. Know that as you are living your life in the NOW the past will no longer be important and the future will no longer bring stress upon you. Know that stress is causing the physical abnormalities that are still continuing on within the body. It is the relieving of stress and the letting go and the going with the flow that will bring your body into a complete unification with mind, body and spirit.

Anyone who is continuing to use those expressions of the medical sciences that are very much in many aspects poisoning the physical bodies. Do all that you can to move away from this medical  science and move into the natural health and natural living. This is what you must work toward. Find a way from these various poisons and yes, they are poisoning your bodies. We are not saying completely let go. We are not saying go completely “cold turkey”. Let it go as much as you can. Wean yourself off these medications. Find yourself in nature as much as possible. Drink pure water. If it is not pure, purify if yourself with your Light Mental Body. That is one thing you can use it for, to purify the water.

There are many things you can do to cleanse the body and we would even say, if it is possible, to go through a cleanse process. There are many ways of doing this and there are many aspects of this. Find one that works for you. If it is a total cleanse then go for it. If it is a minor cleanse, do that. Go more and more to purge the body of all of those poisons that have been within it. Allow the vibrations within your body to purify the body, the emotions, all of this. Be at perfect unification with body, mind and spirit. Bring it all together! OK?

We are going to answer questions here. “Ashira” is standing by as is the “Guardian” to answer questions through “Ashira” and “Adama” possibly even.

Question: Thank you for the mention of the energies! Many of us have been dealing with the energies coming in. What can you tell me about the negative energies I was attacked with?

OWS: My dear sister, let me put you at ease right here and right now. You are not being attacked! No one in this room, in this group can be attacked in this way anymore. There are not those negative forces that can come in you because you are protected. You are protected by those who work with you and you are protected by your own individual barriers that you have put up.

Have you not worked with your Merkaba? Yes. Have you not worked now with your Light Mental Body? Yes. Know that is protection enough. Because of the vibrations that are out across the entire planet there is very little they can attack because vibrations are becoming too high. Those “negative” vibrations cannot interfere with the higher vibrations. You see?

You are completely at ease! Know that what is going on with you is a changeover, a shift in the process here. You have heard many times that your bodies are changing, have you not? Your bodies are changing from carbon to crystalline. Your DNA process is evolving as well and as you go through this there will be those aches and pains and those seeming “attacks”. It is simply a shift. If you look at it this way, as a shift, and a shift into the higher vibrations. It will pass each time and you will find yourself more and more at the higher vibrations and remaining there.

Yes, you will be experiencing more of the “lifting up process” seemingly like you are lifting out of your body. For in many ways is that not what you want? No one is going to disappear. When your vibrational raise happens, especially at the time of the “Event” and after, there will be more and more that sensation of seemingly disappearing. That is because of the raising of the vibration and those that did not raise up, will not see you anymore. That is yet going to happen at some point but you will be able to turn around and come back but not in the sense of being back in the third vibrations and being trapped again. Once you raise fully in the next dimensions you won’t have the feeling of being trapped as you feel now. Does this answer your question? Yes. So much.! Anything you wish to add, Ashira?

Ashira:  No. We have been watching the energy fields and we see as each one continues to make the Ascension Journey. This is the reason that those in this group are here. As you experience these and understand them, you are then available and part of the force that moves out into the world as others experience these types of things with the “Event”. You will be able to be there to assist them, to explain to them so that they might move forward with more ease.

You are the warriors on the path, the “Light Warriors” on this Ascension Journey that St. Germain spoke of at the Advance. As he said, “This is not for sissies. This is tough work”.  One of the reasons we enjoy working with this group so much is that you enjoy working with one another and supporting one another, understand one another and laugh your way through it after you step back a moment. Is that not correct?

Comment: Very much so. I keep getting that I cannot teach and cannot lead unless I am willing to experience this first.

Question: I wanted to know why I came back (to the group after a long absence).  I have had that question in my mind for some time (which had already been answered in an earlier part).

OWS: Funny how that happens! We do not read your minds! This is not the process that is occurring. We do not move into your privacy but we do pick up on your vibrations. We, all of us working with this group and to all of those who resonate to these words we are very much aware of you at all times. By your vibration we know you! And we know where you are at any given moment within that vibration and frequency. Where you are on the path towards Ascension. OK?
Other questions here?

Question: I feel so blessed to be here. My vibration is different and how the clutter of my life is being removed. I am able to be the being I truly am. Is there something you can tell me about my life?’

OWS: Yes. We can see a picture here. You are looking forward. See the entire pathway opening up for you. See things opening up for you. That the space is opening up. There are no more dark corners there for you. We know that they have been there in the past but there is a wide open space now. What is the song? You can see clearly now! The rain is gone and there are no obstacles in our way! Nothing but clear skies! Yes, that is what we want you to have a picture of now. You see this? That will help you to go forward.

Ashira:  We would just say that as you move forward in creating this new being that “OWS” talks about, if you have a bump in the road, move through the bump and don’t look back, move forward. Be nice to yourself, forgive yourself. That is a part of the process on your journey. That is a little nugget we would drop in, in addition to that which OWS shared.

OWS:  Very good. You get lots of “golden nuggets” from us, do you not? You could make a good book about the sayings and messages we share. But not for this life. Not for the next one either. You will see!

Question: This person having issues with regulators in her car and now in her refrigerator. What is the significance of the regulators?

OWS: We can see here that there are various circumstances that are happening in this one’s life that are leading her in various directions and movements in certain ways that are bringing about many changes, mental, physical, emotion and spiritual as well. These process that are happening are bringing about what you might call obstacles in a sense in the terms of things breaking down. This is the breakdown of the old ways, the breaking down of the old ways and the bringing in of the newer processes that are coming upon her.

The new regulator is bringing about, this was the Higher Self’s way of pointing out that your life is being regulated, it is being orchestrated in the way in needs to go. Everything is happening for a reason. You are going through this, as the window fell down and would not work anymore, the regulator brought this back up. It brought back up, your process, to bring you to the next level of being. Not that you are going to get a  new car or anything, but it brought you back to being fully functional again. You see?

And the refrigerator in the same way. Nothing deep or symbolic but you know that your life is being regulated by your Higher Self. Being orchestrated. You see?

Question: The hieroglyphics that came across my TV during a commercial. Can you address this with any specific meaning it might have?

OWS: We cannot give you the meaning of the symbols because they are varied but we can tell you why it was going on there, what occurred. Understand that it was a glimpse. A brief glimpse not from the “Powers that Were” but from the Light Forces you might say.

These ones sent this message out as a subliminal message. It was not meant for many to see as you have and as you have recorded it and all of this. It was sent as a subliminal message to all of those who were tuned to that show at that time so they would have this message go into their consciousness to be ready, to prepare. That there are changes coming here. It was done as a preliminary here. Just more will be able to see it and eventually it will come to those who will share this on your Internet. At some point it might become “viral” as it can be found throughout the Internet as it occurs more.

Question: Did the date May 11th mean anything? Did Mother Earth go into 5th dimension?

OWS: That is a different question to answer because she has been in 5th dimension previously during the shift of 2012 time. But there is a continuing process that is going on here too. She continues to leave the 3D program open but it will not be much longer. When the moment comes in what you call the “Event” you will find that this is the complete movement and shift for Gaia herself and for all of those ready to come with her. As well as all of those who are staggering behind who will be assisted by those of you who go forward. Does that answer your question? Anything more, “Ashira”?

Ashira:  We find that this one straddles many worlds, do you not? You know this on some levels and some not! This vision was not by accident! It is for you to continue to have an aspect that knows the reality of these changes. It talks to that part of you that is the rationing side, that part of you that is the reasoning side. And it gives you an audience with this group that helps give you credit!

Take this knowing that this is a gift. You have been selected to hear and to see and to capture. As this continues to unfold, as “OWS” shared, you will find yourself in a similar position. Is it not wonderful that you have the technology to stop and capture this? Not all in this room have that but it is part of that which you have received at this point in time to have what you need at your disposal to capture these words.

It is easy to hold on to or capture a date that disappoints. That is the reason that those who are assisting you and helping you have moved away from the use of dates. Because it is too hard to watch you as dates pass by and you try to put a meaning to those dates. If you look at this to see if the card held before you can be retransmitted, that in itself is an amazing thing! We are so glad that you are in that position.

We look forward to hearing others in this group report that they too, received a transmission. Let us see if that happens for not one TV show but for a variety of TV shows that you are watching are listening to. Others may not have the same storage abilities but each can share. Would that be of assistance to you? Blessings.

Question: I have a question about the Kundalini energies, is it just for a few or is it changes in all of us?

OWS: That is a wonderful question and we will attempt to give you an answer that makes sense. Understand that in the past, the Kundalini energies have been worked with by those in the Eastern influences in their way of doing meditation and all of this and yoga and more. The Kundalini rising would take them through the shift, through their Kundalini process.

But the Kundalini will rise in all of you but it is not to be worked with in a similar way that has been done many thousands of years in what is called the “Ancient Mysteries” or the ancient knowledge. Now it is to be worked with in the ways we have worked with you here.  We have not expected you to go into a cave and sit for days, weeks or months in meditation. That is not for you and your physical bodies cannot handle this. But your DNA changes, your Light Mental Body, your Pineal Gland, all of these are being done in more of the Western civilization here. Being done to assist your particular make-up, your physical bodies and emotional bodies too, in working to bring about the Ascension process in ways you can handle. The Kundalini Energy is part of this but it is not the full Kundalini process that has been done in those Eastern influences. Does that make sense to you?

Comment: Yes it does. I have had thoughts the past two weeks that my Kundalini was rising or I worried about my body.

OWS: Yes, And we would add to this to go with the flow. Don’t be concerned about pains or getting worse because you will draw that to you, You see? Let it be and go with the flow. Don’t let stressors come into your life. Let all of that go! Be as a reed in the wind. Go in whatever direction you are needed. Anything else, Ashira?

Áshira:  No, I think you have done a splendid job!

Question: I have been having tire troubles on my car, We talked about that earlier in the group. Is there a message for me in the tires?

OWS:  There is always a message for those who are aware of the message in it and you are aware. The others would look at this and say, “A flat tire here and a flat tire there. Why is God punishing me like this? You see?

You though have a different perspective here. The tires flattening is your consciousness. When we look at a car it represents movement, your changing consciousness, you have as your saying is, it is a stopping of your consciousness at that point or rather It is not a stoppage but an awareness from your Higher Consciousness that says go on! Get it fixed and move forward.

Just as you were not concerned, in your story this morning you are in control. Does that make sense to you? Anything you wish to add, Ashira?

Ashira:  We would add only this. As you are moving forward in this road of life, you are moving forward and occasionally things turn up. You have a new interaction with the road, a new communication within your journey. See this, every one that has happened you have taken care of and moved forward. Look at the situation in your life to see what is happening around it and you will see that you perceived it very differently. These are the messages that give you the opportunity to examine them momentarily and then move on and continue on your journey.

OWS: Look at your past and see how things have changed. It once was, a situation rose up and it destroyed your entire day. You might lash out at others and the day may have gone to “hell in a hand basket” .

The difference though is how you respond now. How you remain in the higher vibrations and are not drawn back down. You see? We congratulate you whether it is a flat tire or a regulator going bad, or whatever it might be. Keep in the higher light and it won’t have the same effect it once did. The reactive nature that once came about here. Any more questions?

Question: This is a follow-up on cleansing. I am curious about karmic cleansing and what to do to help that cleansing to prepare us for Ascension?

Áshira:  I am taking a moment to be with you. The Guardian has spoken with me and has asked me to share this message from the “Guardian” first.

The Guardian says the reason they came to the planet was because the karmic cycle was done. And so those things you continue to feel as karma from the past are also things that are being released because that is what you have decided to do as humanity. To allow those old hurts, those old issues, those times when you may have behaved in a way that is not like what you would do now, as an Ascended Master, and that is what all of you are at this moment in time!

See yourself letting go of all of this for none of this affects you at this time and at any time forward any longer. All of these things from your past are not who you are now or who you are in the future. If you choose to cleanse your body in ways such as “OWS” gave today, then you are still concerned or consumed from the past, sit in the Light of Love. Have a meditation where you have the flood of Light filling you in every way, in every memory. Allow that light to move into the past. Know you played the part you came to play. Release yourself of guilt of any perceived sins or shortness of handling things in an inappropriate way.

This is an opportunity to feel these things. We have talked about this for the past two years. How to forgive yourself. How to feel that self-forgiveness now and into the future where you are going. All of this is the NOW. Now is the time to forgive that other person fully and completely.  See them in the Light. Know that all of you has played these roles out perfectly for each of that karmic game you had but it is no longer a part of who you are. This moment of one moving forward. We know that OWS also wants to share here.

OWS: We add here that as the Guardian spoke through Ashira, the karmic cleansing is done. The need for karmic cleansing is done. Now it is time to work on your physical, emotional and mental bodies. So, work in that way. Know that the past is past and not a part of you any longer. This is time to take care of your body. This is your vessel that you have. This is one you are going to continue on in at least until the Ascension. If you wish you can have a whole new body. You will see when the technology is shown for this process. But for now take care of what you have here in all the ways you know how. There are more things being revealed for clearing, healing and come off the old ways as much as you can and move into more natural well-being.

Question: The last weeks I have been experiencing a lot of changes in my body. I feel as though I move through a lot but that I have attachments trying to get into me.

Ashira:  I can take this. OWS has spoken at great length today about issues that apply to you. Take note when you read these notes and see “OWS” message to another in the group. You are not being attacked in ways you think you are being attacked. It is what your body is reading when the energies that feel unfamiliar come to make the changes necessary throughout your entire being. These are changes in DNA, change in your Chakras and these are changes in your energy systems.

There has been an upsurge in the energies coming into the past week or so. These are having the results of working with this energy to have the body jumping around a little. Having a pain here or there. Having all these different experiences coming into many different peoples’ bodies.  It is amazing to listen to people around the world talk about their physical bodies feeling so different. Their bodies are different and many have different sleep changes too. This has “caught” the attention of many.

What we would say is to do your very best to get into a meditative state. Inhale that protective Golden White Light and know that it is for the good of you, it is for the best. It is part of your Ascension Journey. It will continue as you progress. If you feel that you need to feel less, this is a task for your Light Mental Body. This is part of the reason it comes forth for you. Ask your Light Mental Body to turn things down a bit for you to recuperate. You may need to turn down the regulator a bit, to go back to that term. See if you can’t find a more peaceful state at times.

You were at the Advance and we know you heard St. Germain talk about the different things that are happening to bodies. Some are feeling more at this time. Some not so much. Instead, of having expectation in your mind of being attacked to knowing that this is something good and part of your  Ascension Journey and something to be celebrated.

We know that is not what you wanted to hear but that is the message we bring forth today.

Question: I have a question about ancestors. Some cultures send prayers to ancestors. How can we assist ancestors who may not be in a good situation?

OWS: Assist ancestors? Ones who came before? The idea that you need to assist them is not something you need to be concerned about. Those that have passed on from the physical body they are continuing on their journey and they are just fine! You see?

The idea of sending prayers or love to those who passed on is wonderful but understand that when they pass on they are in better respect than you are! You see? It is not necessary that you assist them it is more that they are there to assist you! You see? Little bit different way of looking at this we know but the various cultures have called for respect for the ancestors and to help them go into the Light. But none of this is necessary. When they pass over they go perfectly into the Light all on their own!

They do not need your assistance. The more you focus on those who have passed the more you hold a connection to them and they with you. That is not always in their best interest. You see? They have their journey as you do. You might come back sometimes to be with each other.

Now with that understanding the idea of passing on is becoming passe’ for you. The death process is not something you have to become concerned about. We are not saying that nobody is going to die, we are not saying this. There is still going to be that process. Some have in their contracts to go through a death process but there are many, millions even billions that are not going to go through that process in this lifetime as you know it now.

Ashira:  All of you are thinking in the higher consciousness here. This is part of the old that is being released. All of the different religions that have prescriptions for success, happiness and part of that is respect for the ancestors.

The times are changing. It is not necessary to hold on to those religious beliefs. Much like the conversation that you had with Susan about dogs on the Advance. Do you recall that? The bottom line is, as you move into the future you will find more and more people like yourselves! More people who believe in wholeness and unity and the entire experience with one human family. It has been choreographed but it has not been written in tiny squares from which people have to operate. So, does that make sense to you?

OWS: Any more questions?  Here is another who wishes to share with you quickly!

“OWS #2”

It is good to share with you and experience these processes. I am here to provide you with the idea of all these fun things that are coming. To give you the idea again of another Advance but there are various activities going on that may preclude the Advance. It may not be needed or we may change it up a bit. It may not be necessary to have these Advances in the same way.

I just wished to pop in and give my two cents! Well I have more than two cents to share and I was with you more than that at the Advance. I gave you lots to think about and also had a grand time, a jovial time! One of these times I will ask you to share jokes. Good ones, funny ones. Not the other kind. I will share a couple jokes about Ascension.

We are answering about Obama and the Pope. The whole process may be a mute point because so much has been ready to celebrate. There are many things that need to happen behind the scenes. So many things have to be orchestrated,  to come together and in tune at the same moment and the same frequency. You see? At one time. The maestro is orchestrating all of this. That is Prime Creator here. He She or It is bringing this together in one moment and you are all part of these processes.

Please understand, don’t look at one particular person or one particular situation that is coming up for it is all only a part of the whole. Don’t look for one thing to be the all, end all here.

We know that you hoped that you would see worlds collide but it is not quite that. It could be but that is not what we see now.

There are times we can be funny and times to be serious. What would people think out there if they heard some of our talk? They are not quite ready yet. There is time for seriousness and time for jovialness…we just made this a word! Be ready people!

Another time we will come in and joke a little more.

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One!


The Guardian has released her energy and thanked you for the time.

I am Ashira. What I wish to share today is the appreciation all of us have as you are going through this Ascension Journey.  Each of us cares for this group, shares with this group and teaches this group. But we are also here to watch over you, to speak in your ears and to point you along your path. To help you maintain the frequency you are called to hold at this time and to continue to move higher and higher!

Watch the skies for the Guardians. Put those thoughts of gratitude in your heart minds and send them your requests for images in the skies. This will assist you in building a deeper relationship with them. Know that we are here sharing in the same way.

And yes, we have told you the times are here, the times are here. When you come to the understanding of the perceptions we have you will see how it is difficult to say this day or that. There is so much in constant flux. Everything depends on how this person is going to act or that person is going to behave.

We do not have a chess board with lines delineated or the movement on the pathway delineated. We are observers. And so we do the very best we can. We share with you and we love you. Sometimes that call brings one of us to embrace you and whisper in your ear. We do our best to support you.

We thank you for all you are going through and all you are experiencing. It is so worthwhile.

We bless you, We love you. Namaste.

Channeled by James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated










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