Nick Fleming, [24.05.20 06:35]

Our military intel contact got this to us late night Sat 5/23--it is VERY ENCOURAGING for NEXT WEEK--he said repeated info below is not a sign of confusion or a cluttered mind, but it's a sign of a cluttered desk with other pressing assignments, forcing him to get this out quickly tonight:

He is confirming that WE ARE AT THE END OF THE JOURNEY; He confirmed that all RV teams, Judy Shelton, POTUS, DoD HAVE TO GET THIS RELEASED NEXT WEEK BEFORE MON 6/1 because (1) CHINA MUST HAVE the RV / GCR funds NOW to stave off economic implosion, so CHINA CONTINUES PUSHING THIS OUT and the USA is STILL TRYING TO KEEP UP; and because (2) THE USA MUST HAVE the RV / GCR funds NOW to stave off economic implosion due to the Covid-19 pandemic shutdown destroying the economy and producing greater-than-Great-Depression unemployment levels happening right NOW; and because (3) POTUS and DoD are under CONTRACTUAL MANDATE NOW to RELEASE ALL BEFORE MON 6/1; he said therefore DoD, POTUS, Judy Shelton, and the RV teams KNOW that the RV / GCR CANNOT BE STOPPED NEXT WEEK so that RIGHT NOW the security teams are working on REMOVING EVERY OBSTACLE THIS WEEKEND and he said they are working on arresting EVERY DEEP STATE BODY THAT BREATHES with ANY POTENTIAL of impeding or delaying the release NEXT WEEK. They KNOW they have to get this over with now!

[11:35 PM]

He is confirming that we can celebrate that THEY WILL BE ABLE TO FINALLY GET THIS OVER WITH NEXT WEEK, because the release sequence is IN MOTION TO FINISH NOW because account liquidity in USN has been VERIFIED ALREADY by the RV teams on 1000s of accounts and because NOTIFICATIONS OF LIQUIDITY RELEASE HAVE BEEN GOING OUT for the PAST 48 HOURS Thu-Fri 5/21-22, meaning paymasters and banks are calling people saying their accounts have funds that are live and waiting for account holds to be removed--he confirmed that this WOULD NOT HAPPEN unless final live access to account funds was COMING NEXT WEEK to ALL TIERS when T4B starts.

He emphasized again that THIS IS GOOD NEWS showing THE LINE AHEAD OF US IS MOVING THIS WEEKEND because WF account holds are scheduled to be removed, or are in process of being removed between now and Tue 5/26 and all the pre-T4B recipients and paymasters, including the T3-T4A groups and SKRs are to receive disbursements and live access by Tue 5/26 ahead of our start in T4B starting by next Tue or Wed 5/26-27 with 800# notifications; and DoD will step in if there is non-performance of pre-T4B release sequenced items by Tue 5/26.

[11:38 PM]

He confirmed that when the 800# notification emails come out, the email will link currency holders to the Safe Link Web site, which will give each currency holder a personalized 800# encoded directly for each currency holder, after entering their personal information; that personalized 800# can only be used once to call the 800# call center and the call center operators will direct each currency holder from there to the closest redemption center in their zip code.

He confirmed again that many of the T3-4A groups that are going before us in T4B have been receiving notifications of payout / disbursement over the past 48 hours (most or all should receive notification by Tue 5/26)--this is part of the sequencing leading to LIVE ACCESS to FULL ACCOUNT LIQUIDITY coming to all levels NEXT WEEK when T4B is started.

He is confirming that as of yesterday Fri 5/22, all is in place for the QFS to be utilized fully by the global banking system, the USN has gone through a conversion process over the past several days so that the digital USN is now registered for global trading and use and has been recognized and discussed as such in UST and Federal Reserve meetings and in IMF meetings of global finance ministers.

[11:39 PM]

Nick Fleming, [24.05.20 06:35]

He is confirming again that the Federal Reserve Bank and the IRS have been in process of being moved under the UST with Federal Reserve ledgers being moved under the UST, and IRS staffing has been severely reduced as part of the transition into GESARA / NESARA protocols under the restored Republic.

He confirmed that much money movement started yesterday Fri 5/22 and is continuing today Sat 5/23 and over this Memorial Day weekend, and the most important disbursement activity from Fri 5/22 to Tue 5/26 is aimed at getting all upper level priority accounts available for liquid access by Tue/Wed 5/26-27; he confirmed that the disbursements this weekend are for downline account liquidity release in USN final amounts to T2-3 Intermediates (CMKX, F&Ps, adjudicated settlement accounts) and upper level T3-4A accounts, Paymasters, SKR holders who have been receiving notifications of payouts for live full account access when T4B exchanges start next week from Tue-Wed 5/26-27 on; he is confirming your contact who says that his T3-4A account holders and SKR holders have not seen any action (any access to liquidity) yet--his info is that most end recipient T3-4A account disbursements and SKR disbursements are now sequenced for Tue-Wed 5/26-27 when T4B starts; he is confirming that Tue 5/26 is now the target day for value declaration by the UST for final rates for the T4B exchanges / redemptions.

[11:39 PM]

He is confirming that the payouts and disbursements being done this weekend are tying the upper level priority accounts for T2-3 Intermediates and T3-4A accounts to the USN, because these accounts were previously tied to the fiat USD, so that as disbursements in USN final amounts are made, these accounts are being converted over to the USN under the QFS for final release NEXT WEEK.

He is confirming that all accounts for T1-4 globally have to be released sequentially, and account holds removed, to give live access to funds under the USN to account holders over a 72 hour period starting AT THE SAME TIME NEXT WEEK when T4B starts, so that all the closings under the USN under the UST and the restored Republic go through at relatively the same time to get T1-4 releases started / completed BEFORE MON 6/1; he confirmed that this weekend's sequencing, disbursements in USN, and preparation of 1000s of accounts is to be done by next Tue 5/26, still the current timing goal of the RV teams.

He again confirmed that by contractual agreement with the Chinese, POTUS, DoD, Judy Shelton, and the RV teams are pushing hard to get the release sequence done prior to the start of T4B exchanges NEXT WEEK BEFORE Mon 6/1; he confirmed that NEXT WEEK ALL Tiers T1-4 MUST receive live fully accessible liquid funds BEFORE MON 6/1;

[11:40 PM]

He is confirming that last night Fri 5/22 the White House did sign off on approval for final disbursements to get started, and by just after midnight EDT last night Fri 5/22, final disbursements were released to start between then and Tue 5/26 to be going into the sovereign accounts, priority accounts, Intermediate accounts, and into the upper level accounts of the Admiral and his team (account hold status sequenced to be removed between now and Tue 5/26 accd to his info); the push is on he said because POTUS and the RV teams are under a CONTRACTUAL MANDATE with the Chinese to get all tiers liquid and started BEFORE MON 6/1;

He confirmed that the IMF wants the new Mon 6/15 date to start the public (T5) to be the LAST MOVING OUT OF THE PUBLIC START DATE; so the IMF is saying THIS IS IT, which is another sign that POTUS, DoD, Judy Shelton, and the RV teams HAVE to GET US STARTED NEXT WEEK.

Nick Fleming, [24.05.20 06:35]

He is confirming that accounts for all tiers, T1-4, are now being filled with USN money-of-account (funds that are not yet accessible till T4B starts) under the QFS that will be ready for live access and start of all levels NEXT WEEK when WF removes the current holds off accounts and begins to send out the 530,000+ notification emails to start T4B exchanges NEXT WEEK.

[11:41 PM]

He confirmed again that on Mon 6/1 there will be a whole new level of activities beginning under the QFS and the USN: Mnuchin is to tell the banks that everything in the banking system has been converted over to the digital asset-backed USN that is backing the QFS (which will be known to bankers as the "New Digital Ledgering System"); Mnuchin will also be telling the banks that everything is fully transitioned and fully tested to move forward, that the New Digital Ledgering System (QFS) has been tested over the past week and is fully operational and compliant at the levels needed for secure global transactions;

He confirmed again that on Mon 6/1 the SWIFT system that the Deep State has used to delay the RV release will be completely disconnected from the banking system that will be under the USN and the QFS so that by Mon 6/15 the banks will be ready to start exchanging the public T5 under the new USN and QFS system; he said as of this past week, the QFS system and the security teams have taken every necessary action so that the Deep State cannot get access to RV / GCR funds with which they had hoped to re-hydrate their criminal cartel activities post-RV, and THIS WAS A VERY IMPORTANT MILESTONE to be able to FINALLY RELEASE US NEXT WEEK.

[11:42 PM]

He is confirming that through the weekend, the DoD security teams are getting all obstacles out of the way and arresting everyone who has been obstructing the process of release; he confirmed again that as of now there have been about 27,000+ arrests of Deep State criminals behind the scenes for obstructing the RV release and other Deep State criminal activities.

. He also confirmed that on Mon 6/1 Iraq has been planning with the UST and the Chinese Elders to bring out the Dinar RV rate under the QFS, so that ALL RELEASE SEQUENCES including T4B start HAVE TO BE DONE NEXT WEEK for Iraq's live RV rate to be made public and for all other Mon 6/1 transition items to happen.

He confirmed that also on Mon 6/1 the restored Republic is taking over legally and politically and GESARA / NESARA debt relief will become more and more public, and this is ANOTHER REASON that THE GCR / RV RELEASE NEXT WEEK CANNOT BE STOPPED and MUST HAPPEN NOW; he said this is another sign that WE ARE AT THE END OF THIS JOURNEY, and it's the reason that the RV teams and many behind the scenes are CELEBRATING NOW.(edited)

[11:43 PM]

He said again WE ARE AT THE END OF THIS JOURNEY, it's OK to begin to breathe a sigh of relief, to keep baby stepping forward toward the finish line, to keep CONTINUED PRAYERS going up over all, and to get ready for next week to be THE END for us all, the beginning of blessings post RV, and the BEGINNING OF HEALING for this planet.

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