Lord Ashtar and One Who Serves as channeled by James McConnell


These messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group in Phoenix, AZ on March 26, 2017



Commander Ashtar


I AM Ashtar.


Wonderful to be with you in this way as always. And I come seldom to this group but more often lately because it is important now as these changes continue to shift -- as consciousness continues to shift across the planet -- that those of us, those of us that you call the Galactics, those of us that are here to mentor to you in many different ways, we are here to assist you, to be of service. And we are here en masse at this time. You may have gotten just a glimpse as you did this meditation of all of the ships that make up the Ashtar Command as well as many other different types of ships and Commands that are there. But we, as the Ashtar Command, we are here to assist and be of service. To make this whole entire process, this ascension process -- and that is my mission to be a part of this, to make this happen -- that the first contact can occur. But before that occurs I am here to announce to you now that [the] green light has not yet been given that you have been waiting for, that we are all waiting for, but it is very close. But before that is given a decision has been made at the highest councils now, a decision has been made, will create a movement across the planet sightings, many sightings, will begin to happen now. Many, many more than has been the case up until this point. It is as if we are going to push the envelope. We are going to make happen what could have already happened, up until this point, but has been held off by many different forces, you might say, that have kept all of this at bay, have kept all of this in the darkness. But the light has shone through.


We are shining through. We are going to make ourselves known across the planet in many different ways. Many countries, many people in those countries are going to begin to experience something that they cannot explain and that of course no government faction will explain to them. But you will have the eyes to see, many will have the eyes to see now where before they did not, because the veil is dropping. The veil is dropping very rapidly. And once the veil is completely gone then there will be no need for cloaked ships any longer. We will show ourselves completely. That will be after first contact, but again, preceding this we are going to begin more and more to announce ourselves, show ourselves so that people across the planet have no more misunderstanding that we are real, that you are certainly not alone. And the idea of being alone will become so old-fashioned, become so outmoded that as before when you spoke about extraterrestrial life or UFOs you were laughed at, now it will be the opposite. Not that we are saying to laugh at people but laugh with them. Enjoy this process that is occurring now that is happening. Enjoy this entire movement of consciousness that is occurring because very shortly there is going to be many different announcements that are going to come forward; many different experiences that are going to awaken the public, the general public we speak of now … not you the Light Workers for you have already mostly awakened, but for all of those that still slumber. They will become awakened; their alarm clock will go off just as yours did. But that is what is coming my dear friends, my brothers, my sisters.


It is a great time to begin to rejoice. Yes it is true that as you look out things still seem somewhat bleak but only for those that have the eyes to see it as bleak. For you that have the eyes to see the beauty that are raising in your vibrations to find that beauty everything is wonderful and exactly as it should be exactly as it needs to be. And everything is being orchestrated to bring about the perfect remembrance of who you are and what this is all about. And that you are the catalyst for bringing all of this forward.


I AM Ashtar. I love you deeply beyond words that you can imagine at this time point and beyond feelings. All of my peace and love be with all of you.



One Who Serves


Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Hum, hum. Greetings to you!


One Who Serves here to assist you in your questions and hopefully we have the answers for you. And before we do so we just have one thing to share and that is that everything is a starkly as Ashtar has said everything is exactly as it needs to be. You are in the perfect moment at the perfect time and everything that you have been working for is very close to coming into existence now. So be of good cheer that everything is right where it needs to be and we are here to assist you and that you will be there to assist many that are coming after you. Okay? Do you have questions here for one who serves?



Question & Answer



Q:  I have heard The Event is when the veil comes completely down. Can you tell us more about it?



OWS:  There are so many things that can be said about this so-called Event. There are so many what is being considered mini events that are occurring first. And we say purposely they are occurring because they have already been happening here. You may not be aware of it fully because your expectations have been created so greatly by us purposely to do this, that we have helped to bring your vibrations up. And expectations, higher expectations can lead to higher vibrations. So this has been done purposely to assist this entire process.


But you are in what you would say the beginnings, the precursors of what would be considered the main event, the big event, the Big Kahuna or whatever you want to call it. It is coming. It is going to be here. It is a galactic pulse of energy that is going to come after all of these waves of energy that have been coming in, that have been assisting in raising your vibrations, your frequencies as a whole. As was said earlier the Schumann Resonance has been increased greatly. Many people are not aware of it specifically because they may not even know what that is, but they have a feeling, they have a sense of change coming, a consciousness change within them. They have a feeling of a shift that is going on. They know things are happening, they know things are coming, they cannot put their finger on it directly but they know it is there. Those of you, of course, know it is coming and you feel it, you feel these energies. Certainly from what was the 20th of this month many of you felt the shift -- a consciousness shift at that point-- different types of energies coming in that you were feeling.


But as Sananda has been saying many times you are being acclimated to these energies so that when the Shift comes, the great Event comes, you will be ready for it and you will be able to assist many who will not be ready for it. Many will be knocked on their butts you might say in some ways, because they will not be ready for them and they will not understand it. But that is your mission as the Light Workers as the Light Sharers is to be there and be ready to pick them up, dust them off, and help them go on their way, continue on their journey.


And as they continue on their journey certainly you continue on your journey. And as you continue on your journey we continue as well. And it is all a process of everyone helping each other out here. Because that is what Ascension is about: becoming more of service to others.



Q:  In a dream I had, I saw what looked like a Mayan pyramid with golden ley lines coming to it. The pyramid was a beautiful turquoise and then the colors softened as they came to the center. And down the center was a beautiful golden light. My cat woke me up before I could tell what it was. Can you tell me about that?


OWS:  This was an indication of what has been spoken of by many different sources in talking about these ley lines and the connections of the many different energy centers. Those centers of light across the planet that are coming back together; they are reconnection you might say. Because those of the cabal had taken many of these centers and utilized them for their dark nefarious deeds. But that is come to an end and these centers are being taken back by the Alliance, back by the levels of light that can begin to utilize these centers for what they were originally meant to be. By centers we speak of those vortexes of energy across the planet where these various sacred sites have been created. You know them as the Great Pyramid of course, Stonehenge, many places in England, many places in South America in the various pyramids there, and the centers in Australia, in the Middle East. There are several stargates there that are being taken back over by the Forces of Light. So many of these things are happening and your dream was indicative of these things that are going on here.



Q:  I just have to wonder why it is that no matter how many times James asks for people to mute themselves and be quiet, there is always somebody that leaves their mic open.


OWS:  We cannot necessarily answer as to why they are doing it but we can say it is part of human nature to think that they are not having an effect on things, and that they can be on the phone, keep their mic open, and do whatever they are doing around the phone, and [think] they are not being heard or it is not disturbing anything. But as you were saying it can be an interruption. Certainly it would be best if things could stop but we look at it as ‘it is what it is’ and we will continue on regardless, unless it becomes too distracting. And if it is too distracting to the James here -- in terms of being aware of what is occurring outside -- then the connection is lost or is not as great as it can be. Even coughing. Yes there is someone coughing on the phone and that could be an interruption certainly.



Q:  Regarding this raising of the frequencies and the clearing of those energies that do not serve within the body. Are we going to see an acceleration of people having what we are calling ascension symptoms and are these symptoms going to change somewhat?



OWS:  That acceleration of what you call ascension symptoms has been ongoing for some time now. Many of you could look back to your 2012 and begin to see and feel those changes at that time. Many of you have been having those experiences. As to what is going to continue: the answer to that is yes. Again you are being acclimated to these energies so you are feeling them over a period of time in different ways. Everyone is different, everyone is experiencing this transition in different ways.


Those that have not begun to experience this or are not aware of these energies will begin to experience this as well in other different ways. They will begin to have problems with their central nervous system because they cannot experience or be in these higher energies if they are not ready for them.


Now that is not to say to bring about fear. That those of your loved ones will all of a sudden have a nervous breakdown or something of this nature, but that can happen, certainly, and has happened over many years here. You look at various ones that have been sent to what you call insane asylums or psychiatric centers and things of this nature, and largely part of that was because they have these energies come through them, they have felt them, and they have not understood and been able to work within those energies. Awareness is needed in many cases. This is why we do all we can to assist you in raising your awareness. That does not mean to become fearful of what is going on out there. It does not mean to become emotional about what is happening, but to be aware of everything that is occurring and not have an emotional attachment to it. Be aware but be neutral as was said earlier. And this is important here.


So there are so many things that are happening, so many things that are changing, and the shift is continuing. Those of you that are experiencing this, some of you will continue to experience these shifts and these changes and these symptoms as you are calling them, and others will begin to shift out of these symptoms and begin to feel a more sense of bliss and higher vibrational frequency and this will be wonderful for them. And you will go in and out of that, just as many of you have already been doing.



Q:  I originally became aware of my galactic family and the things we are talking about here mostly through YouTube videos and I share these with other people who I feel are interested and might be ready to hear the message. I often get the question why do we use this voice of the Internet, that monotone robotic voice to present the message. Can you answer why? It causes the feeling of disbelief in some listeners.



OWS:  The only thing we can say about this is the one who is developing this and putting it on your YouTube is utilizing this type of approach rather than having the actual voice recognition or voice itself such as we are speaking through this one James. It depends on that one who is putting it out there. It is a personal choice here.



Q:  If those making first contact are in light bodies when they make their landings, how will we be able to handle that? I know our bodies are changing, raising in vibration, and they are lowering their frequency to adjust to Earth’s frequency, but if we haven't completely become a light body how we can withstand theirs? Are we going to be able to adjust to that -- or can we -- or what will happen?



OWS:  It will be a process of both. You coming up and those of the Galactics coming down in terms of lowering and raising frequencies. They are not going to lower their frequencies completely down to the third dimensional level but they will lower into the fourth and low fifth dimension. So that will be the experience when it occurs.


It will be a human experience in terms of those that first show themselves will be very human looking just like everyone else, and will be welcomed in many respects because of their humanity and how they are perceived by those who are first experiencing this. But you have to understand that it is going to be in waves you might say. It will not be one ship landing and those who are lucky enough, you might say, to be at that landing. That has already occurred before by your government who has experienced this type of thing and kept it from the public. Just look at your various movies. Certainly the one Close Encounters of the Third Kind. That was indicative of what really occurred. That really happened. Not so much of the drama part of the movie but the actual landing that occurred in that particular location as well and was guarded by the government and all of this at that time.


So when this occurs, when there is first contact it will be in many different locations across the planet. It will not be by the governments to be secreted away. It will be by many people that will be invited you might say or be able to participate in that particular event as it occurs. In many different places across the planet. You all will know it [when it happens]. There will be no question.


Q:  But will we still be the same ages we are now or will our bodies have changed and look younger?


OWS:  We cannot answer that question directly yet because it has not fully been decided as to the event that will happen in terms of sequence of the event. So whether it will be first contact first and then various financial changes and this type of thing, or the other way around … most likely the other way around. Most likely there will be the announcements of NESARA and the Republic and all of this that will precede these various connections to the Galactics and all of this.


Q:  Well Sheldon Nidle was saying that it might have to be a Divine intervention if things aren’t done pretty soon. There are so many delays they might have to land first.


OWS:  That's what Ashtar was speaking of here in terms of showing many sightings across the planet.



Q:  Sometimes I get hung up on the sequence of events and I realize that it’s kind of loose and definitely not determined. Most recently we’ve had a lot of focus on foreign currency exchange rates and humanitarian projects and yet when I look at the bigger picture about with the landings and so forth landings and so forth, I'm wondering if that is a moot point. Should we be worrying about the rates and humanitarian projects when everything is going to be changing so and seemingly very quickly?


OWS:  We would say first of all to not worry about it. There is nothing to worry about as far as the currency changes and all of this. It will come as it needs to come. So do not be concerned about it. Just let it be and continue on with your life. Whatever it is, continue on with your life and see the beauty in everything as has been discussed earlier here. Find the beauty in everything and the joy in every moment as you can. Do not be concerned about these things as they are occurring but know that they are occurring. You mentioned these humanitarian projects. They are in the process right now. This is in the process of occurring and the money is being shifted into the various projects even now as we speak so it will come more and more into your understanding here shortly. After this will follow the rest of the financial shifting and changes here.



Q:  Is there any way for us to know more about these humanitarian projects that you say are in progress as we speak. I think for me it might make a substantial difference in helping me open up to higher vibrations and hold onto them if I had some assistance in envisioning what they might look like. I'm very curious to know what kind of projects are happening



OWS:  We can tell you that there are many different projects that are occurring many to bring about water to areas of aridness, to bring food and water and shelter and all of these things that are necessary; to bring about the shift that is necessary for the Fukushima; to bring about changes to many different things across the planet that are in the process now including bringing about the various technologies that have been held back from you. All of these things are coming forward as part of these humanitarian projects as we are speaking of here. To be able to discover exactly what they are, again that is for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. So if you look for them you will find them.


You will find various ones that are experiencing this even now such as the one James speaks of here as the one Zap. This is one that speaks about this often, every week as we find it. And he now has begun to speak about that the money is close to coming to them. But the only way to know it directly is to be directly involved in it yourself.


But again, for all of you out there, not to be concerned about this. It is coming. It is a part of this. We would not be doing what we are doing with this group if it is not real. We would not be playing games or anything of this nature. We are not here for that. We are here for a reason; we are here to be of service; and part of that service is to assist you in becoming who you are … remembering, rather, who you are. So all of this is part of the process of the ascension and its shift in consciousness for the transition that you are moving through now at this time.



Q:  What can you tell us about the new Republic and give us some signs that we can look forward to know that it's happening?



OWS:  You and everyone else out there! But we do not want to steal the thunder now from St. Germain who is going to be here next week with you. We are just announcing that now. James has no idea so we spring it on him like this. St. Germain is going to come and speak about exactly that at your next time here when you are on your radio show. So, that will come. So we hold off on answering this now at this time. Tune in next week!



Q:  Well I just wanted to comment on an earlier question about humanitarian projects might be a moot point. I want to clarify that which I've come to understand about humanity: So within, so without. So consciousness is raised through the humanitarian projects and teaches us to be of service and that's the point of that part. And then that goes away and we keep moving on to a social structure that is not money oriented. But that's the first thing is that transition period. So I just wanted to quantify that.



OWS:  That is correct. You are going through a transition period so the money aspect as you know it is still going to be there for a little bit of time because it is necessary to have in this transition. But eventually certainly you will be moving away from the idea of money because it will be no longer needed. Again think about in terms of technologies that are going to be released and specifically that one called the Replicator which is a [successive technology to your 3-D printer]. Your 3-D printer is a precursor of the Replicator. The Replicator though is going to be so much beyond that you cannot even imagine it at this point, but what need would be there for money if you can replicate the money, you see? There would be no need for it anymore. Everyone will have this type of technology.



Q:  How large are Replicators? And how large are the items they could make?



OWS:  You will be able to create anything you want from these Replicators. And that is anything you want within certain parameters. You cannot create anything that will be evil or of darkness. Anything that will lead to that, in terms of you cannot create weapons and those types of things. That will not be allowed. But other than this, yes, you will be able to create your homes your clothes your various stuff that you will have. And yes there will still be those things your chairs and all of this, you will still have those comforts. But everything will be created out of energy and then returned back to energy so there will be no waste.


You are not looking at a Replicator as a very large device. It is a small device that will replicate larger if you can even begin to imagine. This is technology that is far beyond the understanding here yet of most people here on the planet. Only a few have an understanding of what we are speaking of now.



We need to release channel here now. Understand that as we say here St. Germain will be with you next week and we are gearing up you might say. We are gearing up for many a shift of consciousness let's say when you gather together at your advance. There is a program that we have been running here with you as a group and we have been acclimating you more and more and more to the energy. And those that attend the advance in person or even over this phone here will experience these shifts of consciousness. These changes that are going on which in the past has brought about various healings of different types what you would call miracles have happened although we have said over and over it is not miracles it is science but it is a science and an understanding beyond your three dimensional reality here. It is a science more of a metaphysical science you might say. But this is coming and we are gearing up as we say to more of these shifts including some one type some type of manifestation is going to be occurring here. We cannot say exactly what that is. In the past it was healing manifestation, we are saying now it is going to be something different from this. And as far as one's who took what the other One Who Serves earlier in terms of a sightings of various kinds, yes, there will be sightings but it is not necessarily going to be what one person at least thought in terms of your going for a ride. We are not there to take you for a ride. We are there to continue to assist in your journey and it will bring though as we say shifts here that will be very possibly to a major sighting of some type here and manifestation. That is all we can say on this now.


Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the ONE.




Channeled by James McConnell 



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