We are not even close yet!

Ive noticed an awful lot of hypocrisy on supposed lightworking sites and between supposed lightworkers, myself included!

Who came up with this title?

Who declared we were lightworkers?

How can we be, when we cannot even agree on basic things, like love, or truth, or unity?

Why is there so many channelings, which set us apart even further, because one agrees and one doesnt, causing more arguments?

I have heard the saying we are the ones we are waiting for, well, we will be waiting a long long time, if it is people like us that the world depends on, because we cant even agree on most things. yet, here we are, trying to make the world a better place!!!

Really, who are we kidding?

Oh, ourselves!!!!

All the GFL stuff and other channellings, all the stuff that says we are lightworkers, makes us think we are something special, set apart from others, superior, because we are not sheep!

Are you sure we are not sheep?

Are we not following stuff like ET's Channellings, just like others follow TV and media?

Just because we put a different name on ourselves, doesnt mean we are any different, we have just switched allegiances, and declared ourselves better, when in reality, there is no difference at all.

We put a shiny word onto ourselves, and think we are heroes, when we cant even get along, then how are we gonna make things better?

We cant until we realise, we are deluding ourselves, like we have been deluded all along by others, we have just moved into self delusion.

We are all amazing, we are all loved, we are all equal, but we are all thinking and boxing ourselves into another corner.

We are not perfect, and we have a hell of a lot of work to do before we even reach there, and if you think im being "negative" then that is what you think, im just pointing out some major blind spots we have, and we have to try to see them, before we can move forward!

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  • thanks for sharing, it is truly a divine act of love.

    i feel your statements are heavy in many layers of perception of what is, ready or not by many to able  take in its meanings.


    i feel this is how birds can fly in the hundreds close together in flight and turn instantly without hitting each other, this is a fact. many animals including ourselfs can somehow do this.

    i feel that e.s.p. has been proven by fact with many studies documented, and no longer questioned.

    the god particle in the atom has its reasons for it's  actions, i can only guess what is the reasons for its actions.

    blessings to all of us for we are all one


  • The truth is laid out in front of us. Not all of it because the truth spans infinitely into the divine and levels beyond which we can understand here in our earth suits.

    We are immortal souls all living the same life, experiencing the same thing through different filters/ lenses and thats the beauty of all of this that we call life.

    To some Channelings are malarchy/ BS and mean nothing because it is not a TRUTH to them. They do not relate to the information, it does not resonate with your higher self (*intellectual self)...while on the other spectrum to some channeling are the most joyous, spontaneous, sycnranicitiy that their life path needed them to read in that moment, a reminder from THEIR higher self that the truth IS out there waiting for us. And thats all the channelings are eluding to most of the time....

    We are on the edge of discovering that truth in so many ways its tangible now, any which way you look at it...(People are waking up everywhere on a mass scale!) whether you consider yourself a realist like Jim or an optimistic cosmic minded individual that aligns with the messages of the channelings just look at the worlds affairs and mindsets and you will realize that it  ALL is coming down.

    People are naturally tired of all this fear and ready to love each other again. Antagonism is the basic mentality of people around the world and now with these new happenings and changes i can tell people are changing. ITS HAPPENING- Just be patient loving and accepting of ANYTHING and you will realize the truth is right there in front of you and that if we start actually living your LIFE through your heart, or loving emotions and actually LIVE... 

    1 Love


    P.s. this video is very calming and i think everyone should watch it to at least relieve a little stress in our lives....!

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    • So very true, Kel.....Why would anyone join a site to discuss matters that are contrary to fundamental premise, that ETs are real and benign....??

      For example that critic on another blog here.... she claims that starseeds are "zomseeds," or "star steins."

      Now, why is she here if she feels that way...?? And of course, we have a group of SERIOUSLY anti-GFL trolls on ACC, who we mainy try to ignore, yet continue to get hounded by...almost non stop...

      This site is clearly PRO-GFL......So why are the haters of the GFL even here, unless they have EVIL intent...?? Lightworkers should be addressing this and not burying their heads in the sand..


  • Yeah, I guess I could fall back and communicate in a way that makes others feel good and joyful, but they will learn nothing. I cannot explain myself either, so here is the conundrum. How do I try to address what other people cannot fully wrap their minds around in the first place, I can't. The answer is that most people just cannot understand, because their is no understanding. I can give Compassion in person and dare people to seek me out. I am in Sandpoint, Idaho, come seek me out. The environment or background of what you believe your abilities to be is like the windows on a computer, they are not the operating system, just the environment. You have to go to DOS and mess with the computer files and have training to reach the levels of understanding that we seek. The truth is that we all have a level of capability and this level is mostly fixed. It is like magic, you need training to achieve your goals. That is why I am here. To say hello. Here I am.
  • In most cases here on Planet Earth, you can live and let be. You don't have to take it to hard, with what someone else things vs you. It all depends on what you want to do with your own truth, and how you are going to treat others along the way in the 3D world. The only time I would be worried about being placed in a Box, or not live and let be, is if you did something wrong on Planet Earth here, like committing a crime, or killing or anything like that. Then I would b worried, because your freedom of speech in this world, becomes real minimal compared to someone that hasn't committed anything in this life.

    All and all though, I would really just chill out, take it easy a bit more, and know that you voice will be important among those that resonate with you, or want to learn from it 

    Bless the Nite,


  • LoL, It's okay MOL, nothing was offensive at all. I remember you talking about your sister before on here, and how close you guys were. I'm sorry to hear that she had passed away, and sure she is with you in Spirit

    I have been taking a lot more time for myself these days, and just trying to mainly stay focus on the self more. Making sure that I can still get the Visions coming in at nite, and making sure to get more details of them as well 

    I have noticed that you have been away more on here as well, and glad to see you posting again

    Your avatar is funny, because it looks like something that a Hobgoblin would running around in lol

    Bless the Nite,


  • he is NOT my friend because to be friends with someone you need to communicate with them, i have never spoken with or met this supposed "jesus" character

    and if you actually reseached this fairy tale you believe you would know that the first person to preach about chrsit, NOT jesus, preached about christ conciousness, and he was doing it 30-40 yearsbefore the gospels of matthew mark luke and john were "compiled".  he never mentioned any man down here doing miracles, THAT is what the controllers made up to fool people and it works really well as i can see from your programmed responses

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