Adama, Ashira channeled by Dr. Susan Sammarco

One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell

(Note: These messages were given during our Sunday Prepare For Change group in Glendale, AZ)


Greetings. Usually I speak through the James in this group but it was decided this day to share with my daughter, Ashira, through Susan, with this group. Ashira serves this group well and we keep close track of all of you.

For those who have eyes to see these are the times that have been prophesized. For those that have eyes to see there are glorious signs in the heavens. For those that have eyes to see, there are ships caught in the early morning or in the corner of your eyes. They are our (Hollow Earth) ships. They are the ships of you Galactic brothers and sisters. Yes, as the dimensions and the frequencies continue to change more and more of these are being sighted by you.

It make catch you quite off guard when you snap your head around to see what you thought you saw and it was gone already. But it is because you are seeing not with the eyes of your body but with the eyes in your Third Eye region. Those dimensional eyes that you strive hard to develop every day.

You are the Lightworkers amongst others on the planet. You have called yourselves to be responsible. For this time and place and that responsibility first is being conscious, being awake, being aware. And telling the story even when the time is not comfortable. Telling the story and then sharing. We have been asking for you to keep cameras handy and to take pictures when you see the ships and when you see other beings.

We are indeed, showing ourselves to you more and more. Not only in this manner when we speak with the assistance of another but in the manner of showing up in your world in our own bodies as our own being. I would say that those of us from this realm you call Inner Earth, Hollow Earth, the realm of Agartha, we do appear more and more because we are helping those who are working with these energies to bring them to higher frequency and higher truth. We stand beside you, behind you, embracing you, encouraging you. At times we may come into the coffee shops and visit with you. There are times you may see us stand beside you at a fast food restaurant. And we may not exchange words but you will look at one of us and think, “My, that energy is different.” And we communicate with you, many not with words but with our presence.

And so it does behoove you to keep an open mind and an open eye and an open heart. For as more of us are allowing ourselves to be seen in your realm and to be more active with you in your realm, again it falls upon your shoulders to explain what those activities will mean, especially for those who are not awake. For it is our job to not only visit with you who are aware of us and know about these times but it is also our job to take our energy and influence others who are waking up. To basically give them an embrace of the higher energies to kick start them, to give them a jump! And that is only with the dearest of love for all of our brothers and sisters on the surface.

We are excited to share with you whenever and whatever, in your minds and your hearts, you wish to discuss with us. Some of you are visiting the Inner Earth during dreams. You do so in your meditations. Some of you have become quite attached to your healing light chambers. When you have visited them in this group during other meditations and it is our joy and pleasure to welcome you home. It is always our joy and pleasure to share with you in these ways.

These are the times you have been waiting for. And as the discussion ensued earlier, you see that it is the perception that is so important. You have the choice to see things as dark and gloomy or you have a choice to see things as a celebration for the ending and the beginnings. It is your choice.

It is our choice to continue planning the party for you. It is our choice to celebrate the success that is already manifested. It is our choice to be here with you today and to share with you our greatest love; our greatest respect and indeed, that you are our brothers and our sisters.

I am going to allow Ashira to come and speak with you now and to answer questions. We are proud of the way she has served this group. We are proud of the way she has delivered the messages and the way she has come to touch your hearts in so many different ways.

Blessings. We will be with you another time, speaking through the one, James. But for this day, thank you.


Good morning! I am so glad to have had our father share with you this morning. This was a bit of a surprise for our dear, Susan, was not expecting to make that adjustment. She appreciates a good “switcheroo” sometimes.

There are so many still teaching out there the many ways you MUST be prepared for these times you are in. And it makes us a little “crazy” sometimes, using your terminology, for you are perfect exactly as you are. And all of those who would teach that you must come “clean” with every aspect of who you are in this life, to come clean in this moment for any activities that you may be doing or anything you may be eating or drugs you may be taking, for any of those things from which you must be perfectly clean to move forward we ask you to be nice to yourself, to be good to yourself, to be kind to yourself. For indeed, self-judgments and criticisms, those are dark energies that will be in your way more than anything you could possibly be doing. Every single one in this room, every single one in the group, the wider audience that reads these words are all welcome here at this moment in time.

You are light. You move in the light. You have your being in light. You see light in the world. You see light in your families. You call forth light in every activity. You are not expected to be perfect beings. That is part of the old programming of needing a savior. You need someone to redeem you. Having the goat or the sheep die for you so that you might have your sins forgiven. That is old programming, my friends. You are way past that time! You are perfect, Divine Beings who are only now coming into more of an understanding of what that means. And as you continue in the opening of your consciousness you will see all that you are, all that you have been, all that you will be. All of these things are great and wondrous, Masters!

So this day release and let go and call forth those Masters that you are most attracted to, that you resonate with and call for them to come and embrace you. The Divine Mother is here at all times. I am here at all times. You have all felt and heard the love of Sananda in this group. Sananda is here for you and the Buddha. All those who are serving this group would gladly come to each of you and all of you and embrace you with our love and energy and light that you might be lifted during any time of loneliness or darkness.

We know that some of these times have been very challenging for you and your families. And we know that the programming that you have is that there is a Heavenly Father sitting on a throne somewhere. And that One is too far to really have a personal connection. That is not true. All aspects of creation are one with you and you are one with them. And we are all at your beckon call.

As the times are changing do not lose track of those in your world and in your own families who are going to be reaching out to you. You, coming from a place of greater and greater love, will have more and more love to give. Remember too that in giving love, it is without judgment, without attachment and no expectations. For each soul is on its path. Each soul is in its own experiences. If you are called upon, just as when we are called upon, you are called upon in love without strings.

Love is changing this planet. And as simple as it sounds that “All you need is love”, you are coming to understand that love is that aspect that is within you and around you. It is also called “God” or “Creator” or even, “Life”.

You have been told these are wonderful times and we are excited, as we see the changes upon this planet, changing exponentially every single moment of every day as the planet fills with this beautiful light, changing light, dimensional light. And yes, trillions of ships not so much outside of the planet’s atmosphere any more but so many millions of them present around this planet. All sizes, shapes and all types of beings. As Adama said, “They are there for you to see.” And every day as your frequency rises more and more you will have more of those experiences. And as others who have not been awake but are rising in their frequency too, whether or not it is clear to them, they are also beginning to see ships, seeing beings from other dimensions and to hear those things we talked about last week, the heavenly song, and spiritual visions. You have been prepared to be able to speak to them about these things. Each of you has an important part of this puzzle that has been unfolding.

So we will take questions today. We know that there are questions burning in the hearts of some. I do not want to steal “One Who Serves” thunder so make sure you keep a question or two for them as well!

Are there questions that are appropriate for my vision at this time? Please feel free to ask.

Question: Many of us are waiting for the re-val that we expect to change our lives dramatically. We also hear that we are able to manifest things more easily than ever before. From your perspective, what would you suggest to manifest more effectively and what could be important for me to know?

You snuck one in there. (Yes, you could whisper the last part to me-laughter) Susan is always very careful about making sure that she keeps the names out of the transcriptions so the guilty party is not recognized. (There is no guilt. Right. I am joking. More laughter).

First of all we will share what others have shared and that is first and foremost, take care of yourself and your family. Take care of those bills that may be pressing down upon you. NESARA should not be long after the other changes take place. But, as you know, when we say, “Not long”, not long might be very different in our terms than in your terms.

Again, release of the money, packages that are being prepared for release to all of humanity, all of these things will be very close on the steps of one another. So the first thing to do is to take care of anything that will slow you at this moment. That would include taking care of health issues that you may have put off. It may be replacing an old vehicle or taking your vehicle in for repairs, very mundane things. But this is time to take care of those things that have diverted your attention

We are excited about seeing you out of the jobs that you had to do, the jobs that people have to go and those that take so much of their time and energy each day. Because the jobs will be shifting into things you want to do. Those such as (a group member) who enjoys teaching will see her teaching change. And the hours that she spends will be greatly reduced, so that they have that responsibility of jobs every single day, that will be relieved for you.

Next is to take care of your family, your brothers, your sisters, your parents. Whatever needs they have had that again, kept them from the opportunity of focusing on spiritual matters at hand. Help them to relieve themselves of the burdens they have had.

Some of you may have need or want for new homes or cars. We are not going to tell you that those are things you should not have because there are purposes. There are times that a change in one’s environment is going to be essential if you feel so driven for the next step of what you choose to do with your life.

So there are many different answers just as there are many different people because it depends upon what your soul contract is, what you came in to do and how quickly things move forward into the new Golden Age. Thing such as how many people choose to leave the planet when their brothers and sisters come in the ships. How many people choose to move into Hollow Earth for other experiences. All of this will be changing over the next weeks and months and years to come.

You in particular, brother, we would say keep your eye on new opportunities that come out of nowhere for you. Things you haven’t even thought of yet because you have not allowed yourself to go into those areas for the planning for your future. Look for changes in relationships and friendships.

Look for opportunity that you may take part in for an alternative living community outside of the United States where you will be able to put in your organizational abilities and relish the people and the weather in the community. Something you may do for a part time basis that can lead into a full time basis. For these are people of your heart and people you will come to love.

The manifestations that are taking place first, of course, are things people can buy with money that they have not been able to purchase before. But even more than that is the manifestations of new jobs, new relationships for some, the manifestation of things that will feed your soul for the next thousand years. What are you going to do? So much will come to mind and manifest quickly once it is within your awareness and within your planning.

Does that answer your question?

Q: I’ve been noticing that when I go to the coffee shop everyone is nicer. I notice people that have strong eye contact and then they sit next to me. Who are they?

Sister, there are a couple of different questions in there actually. First of all, people are attracted to your light. They are attracted to your heart energy that reaches out from your body and out from the walls of the coffee shop. When people come into that space they are attracted to you. They want to catch your eye. They want to experience your heart energy.  Sometimes you forget you are a Master. You wait for other Masters to come to you but you, indeed, as each one in this room is, a Master.

That is the first part of your question. And to people being nice, people are being nicer across the planet because of the Tsunami of Love that has been called forth. This love energy that is present is helping people to become more comfortable, helping people to see the One-ness within each other, the commonality and when you let those guards that were up because of insecurity or fearfulness or the other things that were driving people to now having love as the driver, people are reflecting that in being more kind and more generous with one another.

It is wonderful that you shared this with the group because this is an important statement and an important acknowledgement for what is happening on the planet. Just see that in your mind being multiplied across the town, across your country and across your world. And know that so many of the stories that would contradict have no substance and that the world IS getting to be a nicer place to live.

Does that answer your question?

Q: Recently my Arcturian gave me her name, “Alana”. I was on the ship and I saw the burning fire that did not burn you and I saw a chief on a large White Buffalo. What was the meaning of these things? Do Alana and Adama know one another?

You have many questions. Many of the Galactics and those of Hollow Earth know one another because they are all working the same mission for the planet and working at the same time in projects. Those who are working with people in this group know one another and work together to organize efforts.

The fire that you moved through actually was a cleansing your energy and bringing you into a higher energy for the purpose of bringing you on the ship. The buffalo and the chief upon it was a manifestation of one of your guides showing that you have that connection with the indigenous ones in this country but also it caught your eye to give you motivation to explore the prophecies around the presence of the White Buffalo. And so it was a way to get your attention and to let you know that yes, it is part of your heritage, but also part of the aspect of one of your very strong guides.

Q: What is the message we are missing from the Crop Circles on our planet?

Crop Circles, I am trying to think of a way to put this. In old technology on the planet here, there was a time that people would send telegraphs, are you familiar with that? So people would send messages across the wires and then they would be received, they would be written down by the person who translated that and then they would relate the message to the appropriate people.

Think of this experience in this manner. That the Crop Circles are the teletype messages being received. There are others who would interpret or translate them. The Crop Circles do not come from one source. They come from many sources. And yes, we will take those who play at trying to make Crop Circles out of this picture for we know this is a room full of believers.

This is technology that is not known on this planet, so that is the first message. There are those who have greater technology than that which is present and they have been trying to share these messages for a very long time. If you look back over many years, even forty years or so when people started paying more attention to them initially, that there were times that there were very similar messages, that they would look very similar. And if you look at these historically, a good exercise for you for you have a questioning mind, you will find that there is information you can share. There will be a period of animals would show up. There would be a period when caterpillars and butterflies were depicted. Those types of animals and figures that people could easily recognize that might show up for a year. It would seem as if there themes. And now, as you look back at those times now, most of the Crop Circles have symbols and Sacred Geometry.

These are designed to trigger humanities recall, to trigger humanities DNA changes and to activate the DNA. As they are spread around the world now, no longer primarily in England but also in Europe, in the United States and other locations, they are able to touch people more and more and as people go to visit these sites they are also activated by the magnetic fields that are left from this experience. So, it is many, many different levels. Some of these have been placed there inter-dimensionally from higher dimensions down that wire into whatever field is selected. Many times the locations that have been selected are because of the portals of energy that are present in those places, around the planet there locations that have much higher energy than others on the planet. Those are the types of energies that are utilized with the wire coming down to the message end. Does that make sense visually for you?

So, again, some of these have come from your brothers and sisters from the stars. Some of these have come from those of us of the higher dimensions from within the planet. Some of these are coming from other beings that exist in the fifth dimension and higher planes of existence. So there are many different locations and they are the handiwork of many different beings but the message is designed to help raise awareness on the planet of activity for good outside of the three dimensional world and to activate the human population at this time.  Does that answer your question? We will look forward to your report later!

Q: Can you share the intention today that we have had as a group with the others in Minnesota today? Maybe a brief acknowledgement and explanation of what has happened?

Every connection that was intended today was absolutely complete. This plan for the groups to come together was all in Divine Plan. So even if there was not a direct connection we know that in all messages there is energy that knows no time and space or distance that will make a difference. The intention for joining is complete. It is complete.

And for that group there, know that they came in with you at this time to experience the expanded awareness of who they are within this realm and within other realms including the Hollow Earth realm and the Agarthan existence and into the Galactic realm that you work with. They are eager for all of these things and the best picture I can give you is that you, each of you, came to your workshop as caterpillars and in the retreat you went into your chrysalis and at the end of the retreat you are going to each be beautiful butterflies with a transmutation and transformation taking place for each of you.  Bless you for the work you are doing there and know that all of us are with you there as well.

At this time we are going to bring this part of the day to a close. We are so grateful for the time always that we have with this group. We are here to be of service. Call upon us. Let us know when you need us. When you want to speak with us. Want to share with us. We will be there in a beat of a heart.

Blessings. All of our love. Namaste.


Greetings to you. Good to be here with you again, always in this way.  Do not be concerned about “stealing our thunder”. We can always be here. No big deal. But please understand the excitement that is going on. Do you feel this excitement?

The excitement within Adama, the excitement within Ashira and the excitement within us. The excitement within many of the Galactics and the Ascended Masters that are looking on and all the Celestial Hosts that are looking on and sharing this moment in time with you. It is a grand moment in time! Grand moment in frequency we would say here. Because so much is changing as you know it. We want you to understand the great responsibility that is yours and the great value that is given to each and every one of you.

In terms of what you have done coming up into this present moment. What you have gone through. What you have experienced over the many lifetimes. And the experiences and levels of consciousness that you have moved through in all of your various experiences and travails that you have gone through. We wish you to understand how grateful all of us are who are watching over this entire process and marveling at who you have become within yourself within your own three dimensional understanding here.

In terms of, “You have come a long way, baby,” You have. You have! You must understand this. Many have called you Masters. And you hear this and say within yourself, “How can I be a Master when I am still on this three dimensional world and within this consciousness and not in the higher levels in terms of frequencies and understandings?”

We would say to you that you volunteered to come here and to be a part of this and let yourself drop down in expression and understanding and you may have done this without knowing that at times you would feel yourself completely separated or cut off you might say. But there is a portion of that higher self that you are that has never let go. It has never separated. It is that part of you that is holding on here to that level of consciousness. You can never be separated and never have been separate. We hope that you would understand this.

We want for you to be excited just as we are because so much is on the verge of happening. And yes, you have heard this over and over and over and nothing is happening and nothing is occurring. It is the same old same old but please understand it is not. It is not at all. For those that have eyes to see, as Adama was saying. Look around yourselves and see what is really there! Not the old programming. Not the old way the eyes have looked before. But the new ways that are opening up within your Third Eye center. See the world as it is, as it is becoming and as you are creating it to be.

That is what you are to be excited about! It is a grand new world opening up in front of you. Please understand that and be there in that type of understanding and then everything will be crystal clear to you. And you will feel a sense of belonging in this New Age, a sense of being able to let go and let it be, whatever it is. In the final reality, that is all you can do. You can only let go. You can only go with the flow. Because if you continue to fight against the current, what happens then? You drown! You see. We don’t want anyone else to drown here. We want you to float free and easily along with the currents.

That is our message. If you have any questions we will answer. No need to ever worry about stealing our thunder! Are there any questions here?

Q: Can you please clarify what the Light Body is?

Oh, my goodness that would be a long involved process to help you understand that. Briefly, your Light Body is you, your higher levels of you. And you are moving back into that understanding of those levels of yourself. You see the Merkaba is that portion of your Light Body, that which connects you to your Light Body and it is something that has always been with you, it has never not been with you. It has just been lost in the three dimensional understanding of the connection. So your Light Body is you and you are it and as you continue to move up in vibration you will be moving more fully into this Light Body and with an understanding that you are moving into it. You see? Does this make sense to you?

Q: I am seeing more light around people like a white shadow. Is this part of the aura or part of the Light Body.

Yes, in many respects the precursor of that which you are seeing. It is also the auras that you are becoming more and more accustomed to seeing. As you continue to exercise this part of yourself, this Third Eye center, you will see auras around people more and more. As you ask for it and expect it to be, you will see it more and more. There will come a time that you will try to shut it off because it will become too much. Depending on you progress here. If you progress rapidly into the higher levels of consciousness then it will all come easily and will be able to acclimate to this new understanding. You see?

Q: Would you say an easy explanation of the Light Body is an embodiment of the Christ Consciousness in our soul?

Yes. We are not usually that simple with our answers.

Q: I was asking for help this morning and I asked help from everyone, from Arch Angel Michael, Sananda, Jeshua, (names several more).  I began to feel an intense pressure in the middle of my forehead almost like a headache. I heard an internal message that said, “Open your Third Eye”. What was that message about?

When you call upon all the individual beings you can shorten it a great deal and just say, “Hey, you guys!” You do not need to go through the motions of including each and every one because then you will feel guilty about forgetting one. (laughter) You left one out. Just say, “All of you guys, listen I have something I want to say.” And then say it.

Yes, the Third Eye is opening. Whenever you work diligently with that area, with the Pineal Gland, you might feel pressure there. It is almost as if there is an indentation that is happening there in the middle of your forehead. And it in many respects that have happened in some cultures that they actually took a knife or a sharp instrument and cut out part of the area to open it up. Do not go that far! You do not need to worry about that because it is already opening. Now there are various things that are keeping it from opening fully because in some respects it is not the time for it to happen because if it were to happen all at once it would overwhelm you in some respects.

So it is a somewhat gradual process that is happening but it is happening. And that is what you must understand. It is happening and it is going to continue to happen. You could not stop it now if you wanted to. That is not correct but we know that there is no one in this group that would do that is there? Certainly not! Does this answer your question?

Q: Can I use it to help with things? Use it as a tool? Yes.

Q: During the meditation I got this message that said:“Each experience that is the human experience that we have has four elements to it. The first element is the personal meaning for each person and it is up to us to find the meaning of that and interpret for ourselves as human beings.

The second is each experience has a message for those close to us that surround us that love us, the closest to us. We must learn how to interpret it so it is meaningful for them.

The third level of the experience, like an onion peeling away, is how does it affect the world and how does that message affect the entire world.

And fourth, how can that personal experience and message change the world for good?” That is what I got during the meditation. Would you say that is accurate?

Yes and we would say to you take it from writing in your mind and write it down on paper. Type it out. Let others experience this wonderful understanding that you have come to. Share it! Share it with the world.

I would be happy to write it down to help others.

Guess what? It will be written down and it will go out to many. It was your effort to call out to all of us and to help you experience a new understanding here. Your “aha” moment let us say!

Q: Can you elaborate on the job that Ashira mentioned?

It is not so much of a job we see here but it is more of an experience, more of a movement here, from one into another. To understand the idea of a job you are still in the old programming. Because when you are in the new Golden Age it won’t be called a job anymore. You will not look at it in this aspect. You may call it that but it will be in a completely different connotation, the idea of “journey of bondage” or “just over broke” or any of these things. It will be a new experience. A new life understanding as you work in an area that is joyful for you and it brings the joy and the love and the oneness out in the expression that you are finding yourself in at that moment. You see?

Q: I saw an Extraterrestrial here on Earth and he communicated with me telepathically. Was there a reason for this experience? Was it to help me get over any fear and to embrace these beings?

Yes. You remember, not too long ago, when Aramda shared with you about Disclosure and the idea that Disclosure does not necessarily have to come from the President or other world leaders? Disclosure can come through the grassroots movements, you might say, those of you and others in groups such as this. And certainly, at that time it was somewhat a precursor that was going to come to this group. To those here within the group who are going to experience many more of those things, be able to see beyond the veil and having many more of these experiences. Whether it is seeing Extraterrestrials on the planet and conversing with them or telepathically communicating or it is looking up and seeing ships in the sky. Whatever it is, it is going to happen more and more and as these things begin to happen more and more you will be able to capture it with your photographs and things of this nature.

Why do you think you have cell phones and these things with cameras on them now? This was not all by happenstance. It was meant to be. So you can capture them in the moment, you see? This was all purposeful. Not by the Cabal but by those of us who have been working to bring about the changes to bring about new understandings and Disclosure and all these types of things. You see?

Keep the cameras out with for the selfies! Yes!

Another that came up earlier in the discussion is not to be worried about those things like the Ebola virus and all of these types of things. This will only be of a concern to you if you are concerned with it. You see? Do not be concerned about it. Let it go. Move beyond it for it is not anything that is going to affect those of you who are already in higher levels of consciousness. This is what we were trying to give to the James earlier, or rather we did give. He picked it up somewhat, that you are already in those higher levels of consciousness. And these things CANNOT affect you. Not like they could to those who are still mired in muck of the three dimensional programming that they have been accustomed too and the fear and all these types of things.

But the powers that were are still trying to get that across. They are still spreading the fear and that sense of doom and gloom and that everybody is going to die from this virus and all of these things. Think about this. Do you think we have gone through all these issues and troubles and all of these things we have done to bring this all about and have you all die from a virus? (laughter)

Wouldn’t that be pretty crazy? It is the same thing as the thinking that they are going to come down from the skies and destroy the planet. If they wanted to do it, they would have done it a long time ago. So be of good cheer. Be in joy in every moment that you find here.

Q: There was a blue pillar of light in the meditation. There is a very strange blue pillar that was built in Scottsdale and it is very odd. At the time it didn’t coincide with any of the surrounding structures and was an eyesore. Is there any significance to that?

You must understanding that everything that happens in architecture and similar arts comes first from higher levels of consciousness. Someone, somewhere picked this up from those higher levels and brought it into being. Probably not understanding at the time what they were doing. But it is a sense of moving into those higher vibrations now so as someone at this time begins to experience or see it, they will not see it as an eyesore but as a beautiful blue light and what a wonderful thing to have in this place called Scottsdale.

As a beacon maybe?

Yes, As a pillar of light, as a beacon of new understanding of the higher vibrations. You see?

Q: What color is the flame of the Statue of Liberty?

 It is not so much the color of her flame that is mattering here. The Statue of Liberty had dual understanding here. The Statue of Liberty came from those of the founders of this nation and it had a wonderful idea and understanding with it. It represents the eternal flame of freedom, the eternal flame of higher levels of understanding. And it has been “bastardized” over the time here by those of the Cabal to be something completely different in many respects.

Yes, it is the beacon that is calling those to America. Come to the Land of Freedom and yes, this was what it was meant to be but it has not become that in these times now. It is not seen in those respects now especially by those of other countries on the planet. They do not see it this way anymore.

But it is an experience or understanding of the eternal flame that burns forever. And still to this day, not in today in this three dimensional world but it will be returning when you move fully into the fifth dimension and higher, you will experience it once again, that flame that has no fuel and burns infinitely. It can have many different colors and eventually will turn into the Violet Flame.

Q: My daughter wants me to come for Christmas. I am experiencing some money challenges. Will I get to go there for Christmas?

When you focus on the idea of a money situation and the focus of lack thereof, then you will continue to have that lack and the way will not open to you. When you focus on abundance, then the way will be shown to you.

 I will try to do that.

In the immortal words of Yoda, “Do not try. There is no try. There is only do!”

We are going to release channel now. Did not need to worry about stealing the thunder! By the way, Susan, please include some of these anecdotes and humor along the way. It is helpful for those that read these discourses to feel that we are in some ways, as human as they are. They like seeing that.

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.

Channeled by Dr. Susan Sammarco and James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated


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  • Yes, I have seen angels.  They look like "regular people".  They do NOT have wings.  They have a "glow" about them - it's not something that you can actually SEE (like a neon sign) but it's THERE.  I saw one at an animal rights meeting and his name was Noah.  I didn't think about it at the time - but later I realized - Noah and his animals!  They have opened doors for me at shopping centers.  There's a sort of "knowing smile" on their face - like:  yeah, we're here - we're watching over you!  Have also seen a "strange woman" - didn't know what she was.  Was wearing clothes like from your grandmother's attic.

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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
9 hours ago
Love & Joy posted a discussion
   Welcome to The Other Side ...May all fear be erased, starting tonight with the lunar eclipse, which will be visible here in Europe but even more in the Americas!...In deep GRATITUDE for our Divine Soul Connexion which allows us to act as ONE even…
14 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Music for your soul.
Edward posted a status
** Info (knowing)...!!!
Justin89636 left a comment on Music for your soul.
Justin89636 left a comment on Music for your soul.
"Steve Jablonsky makes some powerful music scores that's for sure."
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall