We are programmed.


by Mary Elizabeth Croft.



My friend and I went to a mind/body/spirit exhibition, specifically to investigate one fellow’s wares. We both spent a bundle, but I spent more.  I did so because these products are so “out there” and I dig stuff that is so “far out”.  I figure anything so out of the ordinary must have something to offer, if only a deviation from same old, same old. I had pre-determined that they would work for me and so I dived in. He was slightly more hesitant and, within a few days, he told me that his friend has now told him that this stuff doesn’t work. I told him, “well, he gets to be right. It does NOT work…. for him.”  So, my pal told me that he was adamant about asking many other people, who knew about this sort of thing, and find out what they thought about these mystical products.

Meanwhile, I had used the product with the intent to solve a serious problem which had been very much on my mind for nearly a year.  Within a week, I found a solution which was, incredibly, corroborated from a second source within the same week. My friend was still wanting to “test it” by asking the brilliant minds of the day. Finally, I suggested that he just ask himself because his will be the only answer which will apply to HIM.

Years ago, whilst still working as an RN, I overheard two nurses complaining that Alberta Health was no longer going to cover the cost of … some diagnostic procedure. They were very concerned that patients would be unable to afford it and, ergo, doctors unable properly to diagnose and treat whatever ails them. I told them that this is good news. They were stunned. So, I explained that every time we are ostensibly robbed of the alleged benefits of the state, we are forced to become more reliant upon themselves. Isn’t this what our parents always wanted for us. I can still hear my father saying he wanted me to be “self-reliant”.  Patients can no longer afford to believe that their health comes from outside themselves. Diagnoses are a waste of time because no one needs to know anything other than they aren’t feeling well and so they ought to get healthy which simply is NOT difficult to do. The medical mafia, however, creates an entire enterprise out of egregiously costly diagnoses, expensive and dangerous treatments, and ludicrously meaningless prognoses, all of which works for THEM, not us. As soon as we dump these parasites from our lives, we will become healthier.

A couple of years ago, I went to a notary public who happened to be an attorney, since, here in the provinces, it is hard to find a notary who is not an attorney. In the states they hang out on street corners. I even had two friends who are public notaries. Alas, this notary would not notarize my documents because he didn’t like what I had written. I explained that his opinion was immaterial as his job was only to witness my signature the purpose of which was to indicate that I was the author of the document or, at least, that I corroborated its message.  He was insecure, as he was a recent grad and was working for the most dishonest lawyer in town and so he declined. I left cursing and asking, “What is it with these damn lawyers that they bloody won’t notarize our documents?!”  What my intuition then expressed was “Maybe you don’t require a notary.”  I have since learned that it is rare that we truly require the services of a notary and two or three verifiers are enough to authenticate our signature on a document.

So far, my experience has indicated that we need neither doctors or lawyers. What next?

Every day, I receive fearful emails about how the F’nDA and Stealth Canada are raiding “health” doctors, destroying natural food stores, withholding supplements, irradiating our food, selling poison under false labeling, etc. etc. etc.  So, needless to say, the senders of these emails are frightened and, since “misery loves company”, they intend for the rest of us to be miserable with them. This only makes the problem worse though because then the parasites have all that fear on which to feed. Think of sharks in a feeding frenzy.  The way to defeat the sharks is to let them know that we no longer care, first by quitting the spread of their propaganda and second by realizing that we are above all that and we do not need to be concerned.  What?!  Not need real food?

Probably not. I suspect that what we require is “light energy”. The most available and utilizable form is sunlight and air (prana). I suspect that what we think of as “food” is a very low frequency form of light energy. What these parasites are telling us, without saying so, is that we are on our way to learning to live without anything external to ourselves and that includes “food”.  We all know of people who have put their bodies to the test on food, water, sleep, etc. Decades ago, I lived for 10 days on nothing but distilled water. If we are, indeed, becoming “light beings”, I’ll bet that this means that all we need is …. ah …. um ……. “LIGHT”. What a concept! (see:  sungazing.com and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlCJPxxKoaY)

We are programmed. We are fascinating, eclectic, and charming little bundles of “programming”.  We come to this planet with the basic programs:  we must breathe – we have air; we must sleep – there are soft spots on the earth;  we require hydration – we have rain and streams from which to drink; we need shelter from the elements – we construct clothing and housing; we desire food – there are plants and animals we can eat; and, we need the affection of one another – we have fellow computers.

As we go through life, we discover and can choose to incorporate or not other more sophisticated programs––language, mathematics, religion, science, etc. But none of these is anything other than what we opt to believe and toss into our own particular computer. Each of us has opted to download particular programs. Accordingly, none of us has programs identical to another’s. If we did, many of us would be redundant. “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”  We must be unique; otherwise we are unnecessary to the grand plan. Yet, so many of the computers on this planet also contain a program which operates thus: “other computers with which I am in contact (friends) ought to have the same programs as I do.”  Adolescents are notorious for this and it only gets worse as we age, unless we wake up to the concept of “programming”. Every institution on the planet is geared to control our programming and only our hearts can discern whether or not it is in our best interest to download particular programs.

Since we already know that, if we see it on TV, hear it on the radio, see it in the newspaper, from politicians, doctors, lawyers, priests, or most teachers, we can count on the opposite being the truth, then, we must remain vigilant to what programming we opt to download. This is all that seems to be our make-up, but we know better. There is a spark of reality within us and we must remain constantly attuned to that because the information which comes from the mind is nowhere near as accurate as the information which comes from our intuitive heart.

Be vigilant!

When we are told that we can no longer be ……., can no longer do ……, and can no longer have ….. then, just figure, “I guess it is time to de-program. I guess I don’t need to ‘be, do, or have whatever.”  We are so much huger than all that we believe we require.  What we require is the gumption to quit allowing them to frighten us into believing what they want us to believe. We must quit listening to the programs they are intending to download into us. They are filled with viruses. Their programs only upset our original, necessary program which is that we are magnificent beings and need nothing from outside ourselves.

“The only thing we don’t have is the experience that there is nothing we don’t have.” – Werner Erhard



…Taken from http://spiritualeconomicsnow.net/

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