So lets act as We are..
Mijn name is Ananka:Goddess of Magic..shining through the light of Grandfather Sun ,Grandmother Moon and the Big Star-nation..cherished by Mother Earth and FatherSky..honoring the Universal laws of spite of all those lies..
Magic because i do not Know anything..i do NOT Know..i just jump on my windhorse in a breeze of delight(Always available and owned by nobody!!)Using Imagination and movement(heaven and Earth) Alighning with All the Air ,Fire ,Water ,Earth inside and around the truth comes out..
Creating Awareness..with Celebrations.. save on a mountain..growing,enjoying the foods of the Gods..(Real food,nuts,seeds,oil,honey,wine,herbs,fruits etc)living a Godly live(64arts of beauty)
For ALL of US..each and one of us..4 Always and ever the BEST!!XX