Wave to the particles left untold, and ever to be so bold, to emblazon upon the horizon the new age of Love, which is filled with joy for you and yours. Here, stand we, and stand you, upon the golden sun of the lidded daughter of the new Aeon, and look, she shrouds the night sky no more, but there, upon the horizon in the east, the Blazing Sun of Horus, it comes, the eternal truth of the Sons of the One, borne.
Oh, you, who sit in the fence at the south, look at the ruins that sit there with you, and all the dust of the east, it floats unto you like night-marish visions of past remembrances that keep on suckling at the mother that never was present there, and see how she has moved.
Oh yes, there is a daughter that has come, and she has risen from being the laden and the worn, the beaten and the hurt, to a strong risen woman in the East and on her banner it says, “I am the Divine Feminine Risen!”
And so it is, that on this day of April 11, 2012, the false masculine dies in the streets of what once was the city of Belial, and look, on the streets of Jerusalem, the prayers that use to go up to Yaldabaoth, look how they fall on deaf ears, the people, they cry for him to hear them, yet, no-one is there to listen, and there, upon the ground before them, look, the streets that once were clay are now filled with thorns, and from those thorns are thickets, and from those thickets water rises in the East, and the people are no longer able to endure beneath the flood that lays at their feet.
This is the prophecy of The One, that during an Age of the Greatest conflict of man, World War 3, the tides of the March Sky shall rise over the fields of red, and the red shall turn to amber, and the men will run into the street looking for salvation, but none shall find it there, and none shall be open to receive what was once dancing, listening, and silence.
There upon the west, look, it is the Archangels of the Tower of Babel, where the men and women created a Sky Empire to the Once and Fallen Gods, and there the greatest City of all was risen there, and there the men climbed into space to see the Earth at its feet, never to return.
But return they did, and now look, oh people to the center of the Earth, to the Center of that place where long ago the 7 crystals of the age of the Gods lay dormant to be awakened, the people have said, “Turn to the East, and awaken the crystal of the wind” But no wind was found to the east, and the people have said, “Turn to the south, and awaken the crystal of the fire.” But no fire was found in the south, and the people have said, “Turn to the west to awaken the spirit of the water.” But no water was found in the west, and the people thirsted. And the people have said, “Turn to the North, that we might find salvation in the frost.” And the man from the Empire of the Earth, sailed to the Northern frozen exposure, to find the ancient gods that lay beneath the frozen ice, and the mammals and other creatures, that lie dormant beneath the sheaths of once was.
Yea, oh people, look not to the Heavens, for below the Earth we Rise, and the energy of the Risen has come to grasp you once more, to remember the oaths that you made to each other long ago, that during the time of your greatest conflict, those in the ancient city that lies below the earth, shall rise to the surface to greet you amidst the ice and the snow, and not a torrent or fire shall be able to put out what is brought forth from the ice, nor any machinery able to cover the tracks as was once done, for when the FIRE of the gods is unleashed from below, the men and women from the ICE shall rise into the sky and there will be none to say it is not so.
The government of the primal people who inhabit the upper earth will claim that the vehicles from the sky are enemies to take the terrain of the people of this land, this primal land we call the dark cover, yet a bright light has emerged from the eastern sky, as once it had done in Bethlehem long ago, when that being which you call sunanda traveled from the inner earth up into the very foundational being of the land and sea that was the greater Ozark of plantations and fields during that day.
And behold, a great start shall shine in your sky at night, and there, the people who are awake shall say, that star, I know it to be home! And the people will say, but where did such a bright star come, and how shall we get there?
And the people of the inner earth, first there will be outcry, then there will be silence, and then in secret 7 groups at seven locations shall find the inner 7 crystals of Gaia, being present in and near her core, to which those seven crystals shall become fully activated, to spin at the greatest speed yet in this 2012 reunion, and those who have generators, will activate them in the sacred halls that sit in the celestial planes, and the people will find union, in the core of their own central star.
Now hear, this and hear it for the first, yet not the last, in the age of man become woman, the unity of the Divine Feminine with the Consciousness of God, let Mary Magdalene be one with Jesus, in the Heart of the Central Star, and this is it:
That the veil of the Earth shall be lifted, on 1:00 p.m. today, 1:00 a.m. today, and 1:00, in every corner of the earth, it will sit conscious, in the Heart of our Beloved Star, for an instant, to sit present there, and there it will birth the consciousness of LOVE, divine Love that is a pulse of the Nebula Star, call Sion.
Hear me, of Pulse of Sion, from the most descendent angle of Thoth, let the descendants of man and woman rise to become ONE CELESTIAL STAR, and in their Hearts let the core of that Star Emerge, as One United Being.
For HEAR US ON MAN, that which you have called ELOHIM, yet are but arcs and angles, of your own consciousness, let this node be your remembrance:
That from the South you placed fire and war, and but it is to the East that your Consciousness Rises, look but to the White Light of the Sun, and see its unification in remembrance:
For Once all the galaxies of the world were aligned;
For Once all the planets in this solar system contained life;
For Once all the beings inhabited on the earth could communicated, as ONE,
One, One, One, Eternal One Consciousness Undivided,
One, One, One, Eternal One Being Undivided.
One, One, One, Consciousness,
One Galactic Consciousness, of Love.
Go now to your Brother,
Go now to your Sister,
And Hug them, kiss them, cry with them.
For this is the day that all the Galaxies of the Universe, remember,
We are One.
We are the Uthark Elders who hold the Runes of Creation,
Wodan be with you.
Copyright @ Starseed Andraste 2012