We should look at ourselves and find out where we stand before the creator of all. The Vedas declare that there are millions of Universes in the Material World and the Material World is just 1/4 and 3/4 is the Spiritual World with millions of Spiritual Planets each the size of a Universe. Our Universe in the Material World is the smallest and we are on Planet Earth. You can compare the Material World like a bag or rice and when you see that it contains millions of grains of rice our Universe is like one grain of rice .Each Universe in the Material World has Planets that have life forms some more advanced then the others. They say in this Universe The Arcturians are the most advanced. When we realise how small we really are compared to how vast the creation is then it is time to become as humble as a blade of grass and get into the Mode of Goodness so you can do your Spiritual Work and try to ascend by evolving your souls. Our ultimate aim is to get Back To Godhead where we belong.

We need to bring more and more ONENESS into our lives as 2012 approaches and we move into 5th Dimension along with Mother Earth.

There are so many companies competing against each other on this planet but the time has now come for them to start uniting and merging with each other to bring closer to oneness.

There are so many Supermarkets on this planet but the time has come for them to start uniting and merging with each other to bring closer to oneness.

There is so much Technology and Science centres all over this planet but the time has come to unite and merge with each other to create oneness.

There are so many religions on this planet and around 2012 most of the inhabitants of this Planet will be Christ Conscious following the true teachings of Christ.

Instead of competing with each other we need to unite with each other and in this way help each other and save the Planet resources. When we compete against each other we also bring in price wars, corruption, monopoly over materials instead of sharing etc..etc..etc 

We are going to be a Galactic Society soon with access to Universal Wide Web instead of World Wide Web.

As we move into 5th Dimension, The Seventh Golden Age for 10,000 years, become Galactic Beings we need to bring more and more oneness in our lives on this Planet. There are lots of things you can think of where more unity and oneness would create wonders so ask the Governments and Leaders of each countries to bring more unity and ONENESS on this planet. 



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  • Meg please check out new discussion The King of Kings..... plus watch two informative Videos.
    I have a strong feeling Lord Kalki will appear 2012.
  • I have put some info on a new discussion and a video on Yuga calculations.Please check out The King of Kings will appear sooner then calculated by some holy scriptures.
  • According to those who calculated the Yuga cycles they have stated in the Bhagavad Gita and other holy scriptures that the Kali Yuga lasts for 432000 years and we have app gone 5000 years in it so 427000 years remain and then the 10th Incarnation of Sri Vishnu called Lord Kalki will desend and start the Golden Age. The way things are on this planet it seems a long...long time to wait for Lord Kalki and i do not know if i will still be here then so his presence is required NOW and i mean TODAY. Then again he could be here as the calculations seem overstretched to say the least. Type in Swami Yuketeswar on google search as he is a Saint who says the calculations are all wrong and Lord Kalki will appear 2012.
    The other alternative is that we all best start becoming warriors of Mother Earth and stop all those people who are killing living entities and destroying Nature.
    The main thing is that more and more people everyday should start living in the Mode of Goodness and then and only then will they ascend to 5th Dimension and create Heaven on Earth.
  • Yes the Ascension from 3D to 5D is a process which will last for about 2000years and then we will be well into the Golden Age for about 10000 years. Saint Germain is in charge of ushering in The Golden Age with the help of high spiritual beings and those among humans doing their spiritual work and preparing themselves for ascension.
    I have found out a lot more about The Galactic Federation of Light and will start a discussion in the near future. www.pao.com is a good site to keep updated on their activities.
    A grand Cosmic Party has been planned for Dec 21st 2012 when we will meet up with our brothers and sisters from higher dimensions.
    For First Contact they are waiting for God to give them the go ahead signal so no fixed date is yet known.
    Much of the Vedas were lost, stollen or burnt up but the cream of the Vedas is the Srimad Bhagavatam and the ice cream is Krishna and Radhe is the strawberry on top. His Divine Grace Swami Prabhupada translations are the best available and you can find them online to download at www.krishna.com.
    As far as i am concerned waiting another 427000 years for Lord Kalki seems a long time to wait as things are pretty bad on this planet now. So i think the calculations are wrong because we need LORD KALKI NOW otherwise i better start looking for a White Horse and a blazing sword and start doing some clearing work myself for Mother Earth as things look pretty bad out here....Ha..Ha..Ha.
    Lord Sanat Kumara is helping with the ascension and will return to Venus in 2012. Sanat Kumara sits upon his regal throne in the centre of Shamballa. This is where he normally abides, but at the completion of Earth's periodic cycles, when the male and female energies become equally strong then unite, Sanat Kumara will assume his form of the fiery, planetary Kundalini before riding out of Shamballa with the mission of catalyzing wholescale destruction and transformation. We are living during one of those periods when Sanat is leaving his home in Shamballa. The King of the World and his spiritual army began emerging from Shamballa at the beginning of World War 11. Sanat's army of "Kundalini" warriors began marching at that time. THEIR INFLUENCE UPON OUR PLANET IS DESTINED TO REACH ITS APEX BETWEEN 2000-2013,years when there will be full scale purification of the Earth's Surface. THE PLANETARY TRANSFORMATION WILL INCLUDE ALL ASPECTS OF HUMAN SOCIETY, INCLUDING ALL GOVERNMENTAL, RELIGIOUS, AND ECONOMIC INSTITUTIONS.
  • There is a bit of confusion as The Hare Krishnas state that Lord Kalki will come after 432,000 years from the time Sri Krishna left this planet which is about 5000years so far and it seems a long time to go yet. Some say like Swami Yuketsvar a Saint that the calculations are all wrong and Lord Kalki will in fact come in 2012 and start the Golden Age..so there is more investigation needed to which is correct. If you look at all the bad things happening on this Planet now you would want Lord Kalki to come sooner like today..or by 2012 and destroy all the evil on this Planet and establish Divine Order. I am still investigating and one theory that i have come up is that THE KING OF THE WORLD from SHAMBALLA and originally from Venus and one of THE SEVEN KUMARAS known as SANAT KUMARA is here now on the surface of the Planet and he is doing a lot of work for Ascension 2012 and then he will go back to Venus and Lord Maitreya [note not called Surya as Surya is the Sun God ] will take his place. The King of the World is here now with a Spiritual Army but only highly spiritual beings can connect with him and sense his presence and i have a strong feeling that he is here. I did some investigating and you can check on Facebook by typing in sriradhe1080@yahoo.co.uk [ Ravi Singh ] and i put some results that i came to about The King Of The World. Very interesting.....
  • Meg you are very clever as you have a lot of knowledge. True the man on the White Horse called in the Revelations ' The Faithful and the True' is in fact Lord Kalki the 10th Incarnation of Sri Vishnu. In the begining was the VEDAS and all knowledge comes from the Vedas. The Vedas have named him as Lord Kalki and the name of his White Horse that travel at the speed of wind is Devedatta. The Vedas have also described where he will be born and the names of his earthly Father and Mother. Again look for KALKI PURANA [describing the Glories of Lord Kalki who is yet to come in www.sacred-text.com or type in Lord Kalki the 10th Incarnation on your search engine and there will be a lot of info about him.
    Lord Ram was the 7th Incarnation of Sri Vishnu and in actual fact The Mahabarath describes that Lord Ram came from AGATHA which is the inner Kingdom in INNER EARTH.
    It is nice discussing with you Meg as you show a lot of interest.
  • If we all become good boys and girls and start living in the Mode of Goodness ie in Love and Light, Peace and Brotherhood, Unconditional Love and Harmlessness, equality and ONENESS etc...etc.. Mother Earth will change her plans and will not do more demolishing work but if we do not get into the Mode of Goodness then Mother Earth will get us in the spirit of oneness the hard way. The choice is ours to make and we need to make the choice soon as 2012 is approaching fast......
    • Personally MEG i would be very happy if Lord Kalki was here today and by 2012 creates Heaven on Earth. But then again this would mean that the Vedas gave wrong information and they say that the Vedas are Gods Laws based on Truth straight from Gods Mouth and this would mean God has given false info. So where do we stand now ???
      Lord Kalki when he comes will kill...kill...kill all the evil doers and start the Golden Age but even those who he kills will go to the Spiritual World as the Lord is most mercifull....this really means that like Archangel Michael with his flaming blue sword does not physically kill but kills the negativity, bad karmas in the person and aligns them to following Divine Laws and become in the Mode of Goodness. We both think that he should be here now and not after 427000years so maybe he is here assisted by Gods Army which would include The Galactic Federation of Light, the Ascended Masters who have reincarnated here, beings from higher dimensions, Inner Earth beings all from The Great White Brotherhood...??? so he could be here but not revealing himself but is behind all this mission coming to a climax in 2012. This is what i would like to see happen.
      Then again the Galactic Federation of Light are sending their messages preparing for First Contact but i have heard this First Contact going on for sometime but still not officially announced so what are they waiting for CHRISTMAS. In actual fact i think they are doing a lot but secretly as they are ready for First Contact but a lot of people on this Planet are not...hence the delay. What do you think ???
  • Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and he then Manifests as VISHNU and Lord Vishnu has 10 incarnations and his 9th and most recent incarnation was Lord Buddha and the 10th one to come at the end of Kali Yuga will be LORD KALKI on a White Horse. He will be dressed as a prince and on his thighs will be inscribed KING OF KINGS. He will come with a Spiritual Army and remove all evil on this Planet and establish the Golden Age. During Lord Vishnu's 8th incarnation KRISHNA himself in his full form took birth on this planet and once in while in a very very long time Krishna desends in this Universe. If you check out www.sacred-text.com you will get a whole load of Spiritual Books that you can download and read. Bhagavad Gita is available and tells all about Krishna.
    Your last question Meg is a very good question. I personally like Jesus Christ just as much as i like Krishna. The Hare Krishnas believe that all Ascended Masters or Avatars are incarnations of Krishna but not 100%. They have the divine spark amplified a million times more then us as they embody Divine Love which is a million times more then human love. So all the holy scriptures advice us that the highest path is Prema Bhakti [Divine Love] where in the end the devotees merge in the Lotus Feet of Krishna and become one with him.
    The Galactic Federation of Light who are here, Ascended Masters incarnated here now , Beings from other Planets incarnated here and the Beings from Inner Earth will bring in True Christ Teachings on this Planet and that is why i say that all those who will get into 5th Dimension along with Mother Earth will be Christ Conscious soon...ish and oneness and unity will be established along with love and light, peace and brotherhood etc ..etc so that everyone will be in The Mode of Goodness and create Heaven on Earth.
  • The Vedas declare that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He resides in all living entities as his divine spark. But his other resident is in the highest Spiritual Planet and true devotees refuse the pleasures and enjoyments of higher dimensions in the material world but by Prema Bhakti [Divine Love] aim to merge into the Lotus Feet of the Lord and become one with him who is the highest of the high. This is stated in the THE SONG OF GOD [The Bhagavad-Gita]. I am aware Kama means desire but if you read again i did write Karma. I totally agree with you Meg... That the one resides everywhere and the sacred fire of the one resides in the sacred chamber of the hearts OF ALL and in every atom and throughout the ethers which form the Unifield field ...and those that are devoted to the one [true devotees] are aligned with the one and find joy in doing the will of the one and see the one in all and the all in one which brings you back to my point ONENESS for all. If we do not start bringing ONENESS into our lives we will move further from the principles of the One.
    Please Note that although i have stated Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, all beings of this Planet Earth will be Christ Conscious and follow True Christ Teachings soon...ish and this is The Divine Plan for this Planet Earth. The Krishnas say that Christ is one of the highest devotee of Krishna.
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