.......remote from Universal nature, man in civilization surveys all creatures through the glass of his knowledge~we patronize them for their incompleteness , for their faith of having taken form way below ourselves..........and that is a great error.......Because animals should not be measured by a man. In a world older and more complete than ours they move perfect and complete , gifted with extension of the senses we have lost or never attained , living by the voices we never hear.
They are not underlings , they are other nations caught with ourselves in a net of Life and Time , fellow witnesses of the splendor of the Earth.................~Marrianna Shaggila
Ianimals are like us on a different level and frequency they are very important.
That music touches my heart. :)
(music rarely touches my heart. These artists or the tune must be special in some way :) )
The Kat Came Back: I try to use the term guardian at all times, I remember when I was in school, and I heard the word "owner". It sounded like such slavery to me.
Thank you for this post Assiya.. You are a Great Lightworker,,helping those
that most need it!..
I have a award for your cute posts here...............even One gets a high five , just for the heck of it.................
that mute cat, what a blessing I send....................