Before it was We, the People
It can still be We the People
But why not We the Neanderthdals?
We the Neanderthdals would be a constitution which requires a dramatic change in the creation of the U.S. Constitution and which requires the European Central Bank to forcibly close as a banking operation, requering Europe to create more central banks who in turn will be operating as community banks.
We´d be able to establish our royal & political elite, and have them represent us, just like the Tibetans do, with the Dalai Lama officially representing them as a people.
We the Neanderthdals could become a Constitution which exists seperately alongside the U.S. and most other European Constitutions.
It breaks Europe up into it´s original European States, and renders any remains of the now collapsed European Union obsolete.
Ever wondered why Neanderthdals have no elected representatives?
Because they have no Constitution which can confirm their right to elect representatives which will be working for them.
In some countries like Finland the Constitution puts the people before everything else which is very good, but still the people are not recognized on a community level.
Could it be theoretically possible to create a Constitution based on a specietal level?