


Welcome To The New Timelines By Emmanuel Dagher

July 2023 Energy Forecast



It’s such a blessing for me to connect with you in this way!

Wow has the Intensity Meter been turned up a few notches these last few weeks!

Are you feeling it?

So many of us have been graduating from timelines we’ve outgrown. And without skipping a beat, we’ve been launched into new ones, at full speed ahead.


Adjusting to New Timelines


At first, many of these new timelines may make us feel as if we’ve taken steps backwards on our journey into greater personal expansion.


This can feel disheartening, especially if you’ve been putting a great deal of time, energy, and dedication into creating your highest vision for your life.


This “going backwards” feeling can show up in several ways. It can happen due to the stirring up of old, unresolved emotions that still need to be addressed and healed. It can also show up as feeling stuck, as if situations in your life are at a standstill.


If like many people, you have experienced any of these feelings in the past few weeks, know that it’s just part of your integration process with the new timelines you’ve entered.


Often when these kinds of experiences show up, it’s actually a confirmation that great expansion is occurring. They allow us the chance to take a closer look at our inner lives, and to make the appropriate adjustments, so as to align with the kind of reality we’d like more of.


Awakening Waves of Change


Have you noticed the amplification of unusual weather patterns and seismic activity lately? How about the global unrest?


So what is really Happening?

For a very long time now, the foundations of our global society have predominantly operated on patriarchal principles. If allowed to continue, these principles, combined with the mind’s forgetting the Soul’s true Divine nature, abilities, and purpose, would have eventually created a world entirely motivated by control, separation, and fear.


Instead, the patriarchal system we’ve lived under for so long is crumbling. We can clearly see this happening all around the world. All systems and ideologies operating in a covert and selfish way, without integrity, will no longer be able to continue operating.


The reports coming from these systems may try to convince us that things are only getting worse, pointing to the political unrest and climate changes taking place.


But this could not be further from the truth.


The changes taking place are confirmations that the collective consciousness and our Earth herself are awakening to higher states of consciousness.


These changes are a result of the cleansing effect that is supporting our move out of the old paradigm and into the new one.


The new awakening waves of change are actually sacred activations that our Souls called forth long before we entered this paradigm. These sacred activations are quickly moving us to live and breathe from the heart.


These energies are asking us to think less, and to feel more.

They are magnifying our ability to love more. They are also guiding us to embrace, honor, and listen with our intuition.


Our intuition is the way in which our Spirit communicates with us. When we are following our intuition, we move back into being the powerful Creators we have always been, back to a place where nothing can ever hurt or harm us in any way.


Intuition is not to be mistaken with instinct. Instinct, though beneficial at times, is more about survival. If we always choose to operate from survival mode (motivated fear), then the mind begins to believe it is disconnected from the Spirit.


Being in survival mode at all times also puts a great deal of stress on our emotional and physical bodies, which leads to an imbalance in our state of well-being.


That’s why things like meditation, mindful breathing, exercising our creativity, prayer, showing gratitude, and taking time to rest are some of the most important things we can practice at this time, because they strengthen the mind’s connection with our Spirit.


Once this connection is strengthened, we start to allow our intuition to guide us on our life’s path.  


Video - Your Purpose Of Peace - https://youtu.be/2fE_3ivc2Ig



Divine Surrender


This time we are in right now is asking us to move into a place of Divine surrender.

The idea of surrendering has nothing to do with giving up anything. In fact, giving up and surrendering are completely different vibrations.


Divine surrender simply means we are able to release all that hinders us from living in the natural flow of life where we are able to create our greatest lives. So we surrender to the release of everything that's blocking the natural flow of our life.


Many of us who have been hanging on for dear life in the current energetic climate are literally being pushed to our breaking point, so that we can finally come to a place where we completely surrender.


If we are someone who is still identifying with our story and our past experiences, or what society has told us we should be, then we may still be holding onto the old fear-based world.


In this vibration, there is still great struggle. If we are in this space, let’s be willing to give ourselves full permission to let go and surrender all the doubts, worries, fears, and resistance keeping us there.

Let’s allow ourselves to enter our very new, miraculous life.

It’s here, and it’s waiting for us.

It’s important to note that living from a place of surrender does require some practice and intention. The more we practice living our lives from this space, the more it will become second nature to us.


Seeing Through the Eyes of the Universe


For those who have consciously made the choice to surrender, there’s some major magic happening right now. We are gifted with the opportunity of remembering that our outer and inner sight are indeed the eyes of the Universe.

In return, we are actually beginning to see the world in a brand new way. The veils have completely lifted.


When a newborn baby comes into the world, he or she sees magic and wonder in every person, place, thing, and experience.


The only difference is that their mind is not fully developed enough to digest and comprehend it all the way we adults can. With all that we have learned and remembered about ourselves and life itself (which mostly comes through lifetimes of experience), we are now able to look at everything with childlike wonder as we take in all the beauty and splendor around us.


At the same time, we are able to see through our magical eyes with an expanded awareness and wisdom that can only come with experience. Every single experience we have gone through, no matter if we deemed it good or bad at the time, is what has led us to this miraculous moment in time, where we are able to see the magic in everything.


This is what it means to see through the eyes of the Universe!

Allowing Everything to Be New Again


As we start to see through the eyes of the Universe, many of us may notice that everything becomes new again.


Energetically, many of us are feeling called to see old friends we have not seen in a very long time.


Some of us are feeling a pull to visit our hometown or locations we grew up in, which we may have moved away from a long time ago.


This pull can also be to locations and geographical vortex points we may not necessarily have been to in this lifetime, but rather in a previous lifetime.


Others feel guided to resolve any unfinished business from their past. If we feel a pull to do any of these things, that is part of the “everything is new again” energy happening right now.


A big part of the current “everything is new again” experience is creating a massive collective healing for our world.


We are being guided to go back to those times and locations in our lives that may have become a distant memory, and are being asked to shift any old or outdated beliefs around them that we may still be carrying.


By doing this, we are able to heal them, and actually bring them into our present moment, where we can have a brand new perspective on them.


With this new way of looking at our past, we no longer allow it to hinder us in any way. In fact, we can now easily move forward and create the miraculous life we have always known was possible for us.


Video - How To Release Stagnant Energy - https://youtu.be/WOwcdDH_tI4



A Collective Emotional Cleanse


Right now, we are individually and collectively being asked to let go of the recycled stories we once created for ourselves, which have prevented us from being fully in our power.


Some of these stories may include:

  • The idea that we or anyone is lacking in any way, and believing we or they are less than, broken, victims, not good enough, or unworthy
  • The idea that we need approval that comes from outside ourselves, or that we need something or someone outside of us to fulfill a desire
  • The idea that we have to put ourselves last
  • The idea that only other people are blessed and lucky 
  • The idea that we only have one soulmate or twin flame
  • The idea that money and spirituality are separate, and that it’s wrong for a spiritually aware person to experience financial abundance
  • The idea that we have to keep hiding and playing small
  • The idea that we must be hard on and criticize ourselves and others
  • The idea that we are unsafe, and have to live in a world where life is about survival of the fittest 
  • The idea that we are separate in any way from anything, for any reason 


These energetic patterns we have carried for ourselves and our ancestors are coming up to the surface now, to be released once and for all. As mentioned earlier, this can feel amplified now. It leaves many people feeling as if they have lost their sense of self.


That reaction is simply the mind’s way of protecting itself, so just know that it’s normal. We are loved and supported through everything in ALL ways, even if our mind may not recognize it right away. 


The key ingredient to moving through this time is to simply remain flexible with ourselves, others, and the world around us.


This will allow us to surf the energy waves much more smoothly. 


The Kooky Meter Turns Up A Few Notches


You may have noticed that the “Kooky Meter” has been turned up a few notches all around. You may even find yourself participating in that!


Because we are all so unique in the ways we experience our realities, it’s important to understand that not everyone processes us in the same way.


When referring to the “Kooky Meter,” the word “kooky” in this case has nothing to do with most standard definitions. 


In most dictionaries, there is an insinuation that when someone is “kooky,” they are lacking something in some way.


In most cases, it would be a lack of good sense, or being out of one’s mind.

If this is the correct definition, then being kooky would actually be quite a beneficial thing to tap into, because it moves us out of the mind (and its limitations) and into the heart, where it’s easier to connect with our core essence.


However, the kind of “kooky” I’m referring to here is when a person is so stuck in their mind that they begin to imprison themselves into thinking that the circumstances around them actually decide who they are in the world.


They begin to fall into the mindset of survival and victim consciousness. Many of us are noticing that this type of “kooky” behavior is coming to the forefront in abundance, and making its presence known. 


We may not have noticed this kind of kooky to this degree before in people (family, friends, colleagues, even strangers), because it’s usually managed or hidden well, even throughout an entire lifetime for some.


Don’t take it personally, even if their kookiness is directed at you.


Because the energies we are in right now are just NOT going to allow this type of kooky to continue for much longer, it’s looking for a focused outlet to reaffirm to itself that it’s still the driver.


This energy prevented us from being our truest selves for too long. Yet the tide has turned, and there’s no looking back. 


In the case of this kind of kookiness, tough love is necessary.


Tough love is not to be confused with being judgmental, mean, or intentionally hurtful in any way.


Tough love does, however, mean we remain steadfast in choosing to embody who we are in all circumstances, to such a degree that in time, others are empowered to align with who they really are as well.


Some manifestations of tough love include: 

  • Creating healthy boundaries
  • Letting go of the need to fix or change others
  • Releasing ourselves from responsibilities that have kept us co-dependent
  • Expressing ourselves freely, honestly, and openly in a mindful manner—speaking up
  • Offering an emotionally balanced compassion, instead of feeling sorry for ourselves and others
  • Stepping into our power by choosing to be authentic
  • Taking care of our well-being
  • No longer sitting on the sideline of our lives, but taking positive action when needed, and sharing our full gifts with the world 
  • Making peace with and releasing relationships that no longer serve our greatest good 


The heightened energies we are navigating through right now are intense, but they are serving a greater purpose to help refine and evolve humanity.


It may feel otherwise at times, however things are moving forward in Divine order, exactly as they are meant to. 


We are all in this together! 

Till next time,

With love, Emmanuel



Video - Let The Universe Serve You - https://youtu.be/F9AMl_ikd_s



















777 Portal Meditations & Activations To Help Birth

The New Earth


Solara AnRA:

The 7th of July in THIS year of 2023 is a TRUE 7-7-7 Portal! Because this year of 2023 contains the numbers 2+0+2+3 which adds up to 7! In numerology, the number 7 means logic, understanding, spirituality, and intellect. This means that it is an opportunity like never before to understand and accept from a left-brain (i.e. logical, intellectual) perspective what is truly happening right now on Earth!


The Time Is Now to decide for yourself what beliefs are blocking or compromising your ability to see and experience the NEW EARTH being birthed ~ and to progressively let go of them! It is time to get off the fence and choose to trust; to know; to BELIEVE that the shift is already taking place and that our success is already assured!


Why is this so important? I remind you here that your beliefs and your emotional frequency field are in every moment creating your now-reality. Your trust and belief in your Purpose and Path of Light; your optimism and commitment to assisting your brothers and sisters transition with you into the New Earth Reality ~ all of these are creating the version of the world that you are experiencing right now.


Video: 7.7.7.Activation - Part 1 - https://youtu.be/vTG2IvwdY8A


By the same token, your fears and insecurities; your choice to be spiritually disillusioned or disconnected from your Light Tribe in any now-moment ~ these are of course also influencing your frequency field, and potentially compromising the reality that you are experiencing.


Unless you are already in an ascended or permanently awakened state ~ in other words if you, like myself and 99.99999 percent of humans on Earth, are experiencing BOTH positive & negative states of being for different percentages of the time ~ your commitment must be to simply increase the percentage of time where you are holding the vision of the future Earth Reality as whole, healed, peaceful and joyful.


I am describing the NEW EARTH ~ a reality on Earth where all sentient beings live in a state of loving-kindness and cooperation with each other. Now consider the BIGGER PICTURE ... Our individual frequency field is constantly feeding into the collective frequency (consciousness) field ~ creating the collective reality that we are experiencing on Gaia.


At any one moment, the reality you are experiencing is also being experienced by others with the same or very similar frequency! The result? There are an infinite number of different parallel versions of Earth Reality being experienced by different groups of people. And it is the strongest of these potentials that is ultimately going to manifest our future on Planet Earth.


Video: 7.7.7.Activation - Part 2 - https://youtu.be/0ImMLetqwag

What is crucial for you to comprehend right now is that ~ although you may experience periods of time where you feel bleak and despondent, and other times during which you feel optimistic and happy ~ you are nevertheless always contributing to a particular version of Earth Reality in which we are either SUCCEEDING in birthing the New Earth - or not!


This is the same as saying ~ your overall belief that the Light is right now triumphing; that the quantum leap needed for Gaia to awaken into a new Golden Age has already taken place ~ it is this fundamental belief that needs to be underlying and over-lighting all of your life choices right now!


What does this have to do with the 7-7-7 Portal? The Andromedan Overseers of the Ascended Gaia Project say that the 7-7-7 portal is an unprecedented opportunity to change the collective timeline (i.e. future outcome) for the planet!


Not since Harmonic Convergence in 1987 has the potential for a collective upward shift in consciousness on our planet been so HUGE ~ and it is far far more powerful that that portal in 1987. Part 2 is a guided meditation ~ a visualisation process which we can use ~ not only now, in the portal ~ but from now until 2035, where the NEW EARTH timeline is predicted to manifest fully. With love love love as always,

Solara An-Ra Magic Weaver & Frequency Keeper for Gaia


Video: 2023 Essential Daily Practices - https://youtu.be/Hidjqkn5bCE








7-7-7 Archangel Blessings: Meditation To Clear Cleanse & Uplift By Melanie Beckler


Blessings and Happy 7-7-7!

There are many layers of meaning to the angel number 777.

One interpretation I like is that 777 is  a call to deepen in your spiritual practices ... to deepen your understanding of your Self and the universe, and to tap into inner wisdom as you make choices and consciously take steps in alignment with Spirit and your soul purpose for this life.

It was so awesome meditating with over 1100 souls on YouTube this morning to do this together!

Thank you to everyone who joined for the meditation ...

If you missed it, its not too late to join us and the replay is now available for you below.


So let's join together amidst the powerful 7-7-7 Gateway to bless and harmonize the highest Divine Possibilities for All.


In this meditation, we will connect through the heart, to Archangels in every direction. Receive, anchor, and embody the Divine Qualities that will most serve you now so you can overflow blessings beyond you to bless and benefit all beings.


Reset in the Frequency of Divine Love and Blessings connecting with the Archangels in every direction and receiving the blessings, light and love available to you now to bless and benefit all. This meditation is set to the beautiful music of Thaddeus.

With so much love and bright blessings,


Video - 7-7-7 Archangel Blessings - https://youtu.be/FW59f0X_-64





777 Gateway Of Purity, Alignment, & Power By

Anrita Melchizedek




Beloved hearts, welcome to this powerful energetic 777 gateway.

This gateway of July 7th, 2023 opens the portals more deeply to our beautiful Angelic Selves, our purity, our innocence, our Divinity whilst drawing us into the Sirian Gateway, the Divine Masculine and Higher Selves embodiment.


It is for many awakened Souls a new beginning with Divine Timing where all is aligned, a next level expansion of our magnificence and Soul Light, taking us into greater levels of joy as we activate the heart and thymus chakras, with shifting perspectives, Soul aligned, which deepens our connection to All.


777 is an Angelic number and as we deepen into our Divinity, we have done so through many cycles of seven. Seven days, seven chakras, seven initiations, seven rainbow colors, seven Archangels and so much more, all aligned to this vibrational frequency of the number 7.


And now as we expand into the higher dimensional fields of Light, as we lift our frequency as open hearts through this triple seven gateway, we expand into the frequency of our Purity, our Innocence our Angelic Selves, Overlighted by Archangel Michael, Metatron, and Melchizedek, as well as the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light.


Additionally, with this gateway the Andarian Beings step forward in this Angelic Sirian Andara Wholeness Activation of Purity, Alignment and Power working with the Andara Healing Grid. We invite you to use the frequency of these programmed Andara Crystals to shift perspectives and expand multidimensionally through what we call the “Seals of Alignment”.


These Seven Seals can be understood as awakening Light codes that activate from the Diamond Light and Innocence within and through the Divine Original Eight-Cell Blueprint to expand our Crystalline Light Body as our I Am Avatar Body of Light.


As each Seal is opened and activated through our Angelic Sirian Andara Healing Grid, our chakras, energy bodies and Divinity aspects amplify to embrace all wounded Soul aspects as we align ever deeper to the heart of Mother/Father God, our Purity and our Innocence. We further deepen into the Power from within through the Sirian Overlighting as we activate our Golden Race DNA.


Enjoy the Gateway beloved hearts.


Video - 777 Gateway Of Purity, Alignment, & Power













You Are Born To Be Free By Ann Albers & The Angels


Hi All,

Today the angels and I talk about how to unchain ourselves from the behavior of others and grant ourselves our God-given power to create life as we wish... no matter what anyone else is doing.

Have a blessed & beautiful week,



The Angels Message:


My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Each one of you was born knowing you were completely free. You entered the world expecting to experience the contrast which would inspire you to create. You came knowing you could adjust your vibration and attract whatever you wanted.

None of you ever said, "I want to give someone else control over my life. I want someone else to dictate my happiness or unhappiness. I want to give someone else power over my future. I want to let what someone is doing now, and all they've done in the past dictate what I experience in my life and my future."

Yet, most of you learned to do that somewhere along the way.

You learned to give the behavior and opinions of others more "air time" than the desires of your own soul. You learned to enjoy the "high" of others' dramas rather than the peace of God within. You learned to focus on what others were doing wrong instead of what you were doing right.

Dear ones, with each decision you make, you can reclaim your God-given power to be the sole creator in your life. While you may be affected by others, you need not let the effect be significant.

Suppose you see something in the news that concerns you. You worry about how it might affect your life. Although innocently, you are starting to give your power away to the behaviors of others. You are focusing on something you don't want, thereby drawing more of what you don't want to you.


If, instead, you see something on the news that concerns you and remind yourself immediately. "Ah well, this is someone else's journey I am witnessing. I create my own reality. I will sit briefly and envision a better and kinder world." Then dear ones, even if the behavior on the news is violent and angry, you will attract kind and loving souls into your life.

Suppose you are around someone in your personal life who behaves badly—a boss, coworker, child, or spouse. You can't help but witness their anger, upset, or worry. They are right in front of you.


You may not be able to control them, but you can control how much you focus on their negativity vs. how much you focus on their light or the light in anything else around you.

Your spouse may grumble incessantly about the state of the world. You can argue, complain with them, or choose a better vibration. You can say, "Yes, things are stirred up, but we're going to have a great dinner tonight!" You can enjoy your own vibration even when they do not enjoy theirs.

Suppose someone accuses you of putting your head in the sand and ignoring "reality" instead of getting worked and angry. You can get defensive and upset by focusing on their accusation, or you can happily agree! "Yes, I am ignoring much of what makes me miserable while I'm busy being happy!"


They may not like that statement. They wanted you to join them in their anger. So what, dear ones? You get to choose. You get to focus on things that make you feel better. Unless you choose this, you are not on a leash tied to feel what others feel.

Your world is loaded with stark contrasts right now. You already know this. You see it frequently. There are substantial political divides. There are arguments about technology and where it is going. There are clashes between old and new parenting styles, education, environmentalism, etc. If you believe contrast is terrible, this can be terrifying.


If you see through the eyes of your soul, you'll see an evolving world. The stirring up of the old is birthing the new! The political division inspires young souls who are focusing on solving the world's challenges here and now.


While old systems argue about the best way to clean up the environment, young people are actually doing it. While people debate and rage about politics, other individuals are vibrationally and physically creating a unified world in their own lives connecting with those who also want harmony.

You cannot change systems by fighting systems. You can not change others by making them wrong. You will only defeat yourself. You will chain yourself, vibrationally speaking to that which you focus upon. You can never wish for your horrible ex to know the pain they have caused you without causing yourself horrendous pain. You vibrationally chain yourself to that which you focus upon.


Turn away, dear ones, from the things that upset you. Turn your sights towards a better world and kinder people. The thoughts that give you joy will become your reality if you allow yourself to enjoy them and give the universe space to deliver their essence

If you allow yourself to live in a more loving expectant vibration, you will get something that matches the feeling of what you want—something which surprises and delights you! If you dim your light, dial down your vibration, and allow negative situations and people who crave your focus and vibrational companionship to own your mind, then you will delay your creations.

You never intended to be chained to the behaviors of another. Use your power of focus to turn the other cheek, to look away from what upsets, worries, and creates negativity within you. Turn your sights to the good in this world, the good you can find now, and the good you wish to see. Seek, and ye shall find. Knock, and the door will be opene

The antics of others can become no more impactful than the antics of characters in a play – a play in which you all get to focus on and act in the roles you choose. No matter who does what around you, choosing to remain a victim or become a creator is only a matter of focus. Place your sights where you want them to be, and don't allow the negativity of others to grab your attention for more than a few seconds. Your spirit and your energy are valuable resources. You are worthy of so much more.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels


Video - Message From The Angels Meant To Find You Now!




Ann's Message


Hi Everyone,

I talk to people in real pain every day. My work involves listening to my client's challenges and allowing the angels to present loving solutions.

The angels have worked with me to manage my vibration while witnessing so much pain. They taught me to listen with love and compassion and to focus more on the heavenly love coming through me. They prepared me to bear witness to the heart, capability, strength, and beauty of each soul I talk to. As a result, I can keep going and keep an open and loving heart. Love alleviates burnout and allows me to let the angels bring through their comfort, grace, and ideas for solutions.

I've had people love me for this and those who have hated me. Most people come because they want to feel better. A few come because they want to hear that their ex/mother/father, whoever will suffer for their "sins." The angels are always patient, always loving, and always honest. As people share their upsets, the angels compassionately offer understanding, love, and a kinder path. No one is ever made wrong.

The angels and enlightened souls view everyone as innocent, even in their worst behavior. They see even the worst characters on earth as those who live in misunderstanding. They know that if people understood who they are and the love available to them, we'd all act a lot nicer. Rather than hating theaters, they feel compassion. Rather than wanting to kill the killers, they wish for them to understand their actions' repercussions and return to God. Rather than being prejudiced about prejudicial people, they encourage prayers to help assuage the fears and misunderstandings that drive their sad behaviors.


They also encourage us to have good boundaries! Innocent. The angels and the enlightened beings see all souls as innocent. They have compassion for the lost, lonely, scared, and angry who become pariahs in our society. They, like God, wish for us all to return home to love.

So how does this have anything to do with us reclaiming our power? Well, if we get worked up about who is doing what and why, we can easily let the behaviors of others drag us into despair. If we can witness it, acknowledge the misunderstandings that drive it, say a quick prayer, and move our focus to better, we will experience a much better quality of life. Energetically we will rob the darkness of the attention it wants.


Those lost in darkness have no experience of connection to God, so they have no actual power source. They want energy from us—via our time, attention, and upset. We can put fuel in the tank of those who misbehave by paying attention to them, or we can do what we must then turn our sights towards better.

In so doing, we create happy lives. My vegetables get more attention than the wild antics of others. I pray for all involved and go back to my plants. My calling is to spread love and kindness. Vibrationally, I do a lot of good by empowering those who operate in love, whether or not I will ever know or meet them. So can you.


Video - Unlock Your Intuition & Higher Self





Here are a few tips to help you navigate the human tendency to focus on those who want attention for their negative behavior so you can reclaim your power to create a better life and a better world:

1.  Don't try to feel good about something bad

If your ex attacked you, lied about you, or cheated on you, it isn't likely you will ever feel good about those behaviors. However, you can feel good about your own growth, about how you embraced the changes, became more honest with yourself, treated yourself better, asked for more, etc. Or you can focus on the cool feel of your kitchen countertop and revel in the privilege of having a modern kitchen. You can enjoy some love with your dog.

The topic doesn't matter. Vibration is what attracts things, people, and situations to you. So don't try to feel good about something bad. Try to find something that feels better.

2. Relieve yourself from the burden of changing others

People change if they want to and not if they don't. That is true no matter how much we bully, cajole, threaten, manipulate, educate, or make wrong. And we've all done all of the above, even if unintentionally, at some point in our lives. We've all done it with the best of intentions.


We're concerned about someone else's bad habits, so, in our fear, we engage in all these "convincing behaviors" that focus on the other's wrongness rather than focusing on what we want. It always backfires.

Can you feel the difference between, "I'm terrified of losing you! You have to eat healthy so you don't have a heart attack," vs. "I love you so much I hope you live a long time. I know you prefer foods that don't agree with your heart, but would you permit me to explore some healthy options that might agree with your tastebuds? I won't pressure you to eat anything you don't like. I'll just do what I can to find things you enjoy."


Option 1 is a "make wrong" for which you'll get resistance or false cooperation at best. Option 2 is you saying, "I love you as you are. May I try some things to support your health and happiness?" It is easier to focus on what's wrong than to get creative and focus on how to be truly helpful if you are in your brain. In your heart, however, in a higher vibe, I've seen the angels inspire people with brilliant cooperative solutions.

As you relieve yourself of the burden of changing others, you empower yourself to be loving and to gently assisted them with changes they genuinely want,

3. Stop giving your power away to "those in power."

No one has power over your life experience except you and your vibration. That's it. That's the way the universe works, and in this generation, we are all grappling with the paradigm shift from a mechanistic world to an energetic one. We are the ones in between worlds. The young people get it already. So many in the younger generations will choose quality of life over "traditional" success.


I stumbled on a video on youtube where a young guy talked about how he strategically priced his items to sell. After describing his thought process, he said, "I look forward to the comments of the morally superior, but hey, I have a good life, and I'm being upfront." I howled at how honest he was! He certainly wasn't allowing the behavior or judgments of others to dictate his reality.

We grew up in a culture that looked to authority figures for how we should live. We idolized celebrities, expected world leaders to have our best interests at heart, and listened to those around us (or quietly rebelled!). We are moving into a new paradigm where we support what we wish in our leaders but take more responsibility for our own lives.


We can no longer expect others to do things for us. We can't wait for the economy to be good to dial into a vibration of abundance. We need not wait for peace on earth before we dial into peace. We are—one person at a time—choosing to manage our minds and, therefore, create our own experience of life.

So next time you see something doing something that inspires fear or upset, pause. Remind yourself that the behavior of others has little power over you if you exist in a loving vibration.



You and I were born free. Remembering that is bliss!

Have a blessed week,

Visit Ann's Message Archives: https://www.visionsofheaven.com/category/messages-from-the-angels


Video - Sound Alchemy for Your Soul (Regulating & Upgrading Your Central Nervous System) - https://www.youtube.com/live/Nm2rFMtLH-s?feature=share




Gateway Of Unity Consciousness With Patricia Cota-Robles &

Anrita Melchizedek


We are being told by the Company of Heaven that the level of resplendent Light contained in the New Earth patterns will only be perceived on a conscious level by Awakening Humanity IF we are able to reach ever higher into the frequencies of Unity Consciousness now present in every Heart Flame.


Assisting Awakening Humanity to reach this level of Unity Consciousness is the Divine Mission we are ALL being Called to assist with.
In this Global Meditation, we are Cocreating in unison with the Company of Heaven a virtual online Activity of Light to unify the Hearts and Minds of Humanity and to accelerate the Divine Alchemy taking place in our Earthly Bodies in the most positive way.
Please join me, Patricia Cota-Robles, an Anrita Melchizedek, Aeoliah, ADI Green Tara and thousands of Lightworkers around the World as we God Victoriously accomplish this essential facet of the Divine Plan.

Video - Gateway of Unity Consciousness with Patricia Cota-Robles, Aeoliah, Adi and Anrita Melchizedek





Patricia Cota-Robles:
Today, we have been given a powerful Visualization that will assist us in comprehending what is occurring now through our Holy Breath in this New Solar Reality. Initially this Visualization may seem complicated, but with a little practice you will become familiar with it step by step.
Once you are familiar with what is occurring with every INBREATH and OUTBREATH you can just Breathe normally and ask your I AM Presence to take over the multidimensional control of this Breathing process.
I AM One with the Holy Breath of God Sustaining Mother Earth’s NEW Solar Reality
I AM One with my Divine Self and I AM One with Father/Mother/God. My I Am Presence now merges with the I Am Presence of every human being.
Humanity’s Collective I AM  Presences now merge into One Luminous I AM Presence which is cradling Mother Earth and my 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies within the Divinity of Its Unified Heart Flame.
My individual I Am Presence now expands into a Luminous Being of Light that is cradling the collective I AM Presence of ALL Humanity, & cradling Mother Earth & my 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies within Its Immortal Victorious Threefold Heart Flame. 
Now, the Heart Flame in my 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies is pulsating in the Heart of Mother Earth, and is also pulsating in the Unified Heart Flame of all Humanity in our collective I AM Presence.
And the greatly expanded Heart Flame in MY Luminous I AM Presence are now merging into One Glorious Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame. Now, with every Holy Breath I take, this Trinity of God’s Infinite Light is bathing Mother Earth and sustaining her in the vibrational frequencies of her NEW Solar Reality.
My 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies are pulsating within the scintillating Flame of the Immaculate Concept that is blazing in the Crystalline Lotus Blossom in the newly Ascended Heart of Mother Earth. 
 Breath by Breath, I AM Consciously aware that Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth are now Breathing in unison with me as I affirm:
 I AM IN-BREATHING through my newly merged Immortal Victorious Threefold Heart Flame the highest frequencies of God’s Divinely Intelligent Prana and Life Force that I AM capable of assimilating. This Holy Breath Ascends into my spiritual brain centers and my physical brain structure, Restoring, Renewing and Resurrecting every facet of my brain to its full Divine Potential.
My Holy IN-BREATH now Ascends through the fully open Crown Chakras in my 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies, and in Humanity’s Collective I AM Presence, and in MY expanded Luminous I AM Presence into the very Heart of my Father/Mother/God. Instantaneously, my Holy INBREATH absorbs all of the Infinite Light in the Heart of God.
Now, on my OUTBREATH this Infinite Light descends back through the Crown Chakras of my Luminous I AM Presence, Humanity’s Collective I AM Presence and my 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies, into my newly merged Threefold Heart Flame.
As I continue my OUTBREATH, the Infinite Light I absorbed within the Heart of God now flows through my Heart Chakra into Mother Earth’s Crystal Grid System of Comprehensive Divine Love Blessing every facet of Life belonging to or serving Mother Earth. 
I AM now Consciously aware that with every INBREATH and OUTBREATH my Father-Mother God’s Infinite Light and Comprehensive Divine Love are now Creating the foundation for the tangible manifestation of the patterns of perfection for Mother Earth’s NEW SOLAR REALITY.
As I continue this Living Breathing Activity of Light day by day - my I AM Presence takes control and perpetually Consecrates my thoughts, feelings, words and actions with Loving Gratitude for my Gift of Life and the selfless service my Father-Mother God and the Legions of Light serving the evolutions of Earth are rendering to Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth. 
And so it is Beloved I AM Presence! Beloved I Am All That I AM !
Video - Taking Advantage Of This Moment -



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