What a powerful frequencies today ! Not only is it the full moon of Awakening , it is also a portal 14-5-14 , the second 5-5-5 portal and simultaneously from the Mayan Calendar GAP day !
"">thus come very much frequency currents along and tilt the frequencies flowing to earth today and the Collective Consciousness touch enormously .
old veils may be shed today and unconscious layers of depth will be vigorously shaken. "">
The full moon in Scorpio gets old scar fields and emotion layers forward we held hitherto perhaps still some " pushed under the carpet ." "">Now is the time for great cleaning.
"">Full Moon Awakening , in a bit more strength and grounding provides a powerful silver mirror to everything "in the eyes to see ' what it wants to be . Seen now from your unconscious
The Portal frequencies of the GAP help support day to reveal . Scrambling all that can be seen "">And make them more exposed through the veils between dimensions continue to light up.
"">The vibrations of the vibrating frequency 14-5-14 inner Osiris Blueprints to the Original Divine Masculine Fields , which are free ( or beyond ) to scar fields survivability , power / powerlessness , fear, control , etc.
"">While the frequencies of the second 5-5-5 Portal precisely the Christ Consciousness Frequencies ( Unity Consciousness brings into all dual fields that are shaken and exposed.
"">There is a lot of work to do , but it also delivers masterful steps forward within our own consciousness , our ascension path and hence through us as 'part' of the Collective also offers openings in the Collective Human Consciousness .
The Promise of the Full Moon Awakening is not only the deeper awakening within our own unconscious and the layers of duality and pain that still are stored in us. But the promise also means renewal, rebirth and new growth and steps forward in much higher frequencies of our being in incarnation on earth . In a higher resonance of our Self in deeper cleansing and therefore deeper in tune with our Divine Potential !
Feels like a good time to meditate and/or howl at the moon.
I'm very sensitive to energies. Yes, you're right, today the energy levels are very high. I am able to sense angelic energies all around me and apart from that some very high higher dimensional energies too. And thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I never knew about 14-5-14 and 555 portal.