What about the PoleShift??




I have no idea so went on the internet:


2012: pole shift

It sometimes seems a bit like the supporters of the 2012 hype as many horses at the same bet, hoping that at least one win, if the earth is not stifled by mysterious energies in a galactic alignment, or perhaps to screaming a planet, or else by visiting aliens - or another popular feature I have not been talking about: the "pole shift". The latter would be an abrupt and catastrophic shift of the poles should be. But is not that a bit of a bet on multiple horses?


For what is exactly is meant by the "pole shift"? Because we have two sets of poles, the magnetic and geographic poles. The earth rotates on its axis, as we all know. The two places where the imaginary axis emerges from the earth, the geographical north and south poles. But the earth has a magnetic field and a magnetic field has a north and south poles. These are the magnetic poles of the earth, but they are not exactly the same place as the geographic north and south poles - so there can only be between one kilometer or one thousand. (In fact, really are the north and south poles reversed defined. The north pole of the earth's magnetic field is basically what a standard magnet and a south pole is indicated. But that aside.)


So when we talk about a pole shift have, what exactly are poles shift? And to which shift they? Let us consider the potential long run.


One possibility is that the Earth's axis shifts itself. But like a toll that remains standing by the gyroscopic effect, or that your bike stays up almost automatically once you have a good father, so will the axis of the earth, not just change. The earth is obviously a very big and very heavy toll, so the position of the earth's axis does not change overnight. However, the earth subject to precession, but that's a very slow change, about 26,000 years for one revolution around. Also, with the location where the precession axis through the surface like sticks - the axis points only one other way and the earth moves along with it. There is also a process in which the position of the shaft relative to the earth itself shifts. The earth is not exactly spherical. Like all other rotating objects try to rotate the Earth so that the imbalance is minimal. Here, the rotation axis is slightly changed. Although there are indications that some 800 million years ago happened very quickly, this pole shift today, however, much slower than precession: approximately one degree per million years.


A sudden and drastic change in the earth's axis would require tremendous amounts of energy you have. The only thing we know that something can make it we know it occurs, a collision of the earth with something big. But with an impact of the size above what is needed is a new state of the Earth the last thing you worry about should make.


Another possibility is that the poles themselves are in place will continue, but the land that is now above the poles, moves over it. We now know that the continents actually move. Through our satellites, we can now measure the Atlantic Ocean every year a few inches wider. Currents in the Earth's crust push the continents where the tectonic plates are produced, so they drifted apart in some places, and at others against each other, so they push up mountains. This example explains the similarities between the geology and wildlife of Africa and South America and even the shape of coastlines: those were ever together, but now drifting apart. It also explains why we sometimes fossils of tropical ecosystems are far from the equator: these areas were once closer to the equator. But again, this is a pretty slow process.


But this theory was generally accepted, there were also other explanation proposed. One was an idea by Charles Hapgood, that the entire crust in the past came loose from the underlying layers, and as a whole suddenly shifted. This idea is taken seriously by few geologists, simply because there is no evidence for it, and again by other evidence contradicted. For plate tectonics is overwhelming evidence properly. It may also explain many other phenomena such as earthquakes, which can not be explained by the theory of Hapgood. Despite all this theory is used in the 2012 film, where it is prized by the character Charlie Frost.


The last possibility is that the magnetic poles shift from the geometric poles. And that is certainly the most likely scenario, because the magnetic poles are constantly shifting indeed. The earth is not a permanent magnet, such as a bar magnet. Instead, the magnetic field of the earth in all likelihood the result of deep currents in the core of the planet, which consists mainly of molten metal. These currents are in turn influenced by the magnetic field, so many complex interactions can occur. Thus the magnetic field varies continuously. It even appears possible that the field within a relatively short time completely reverses itself, so that north and south swap places.


"Relatively soon" means, however still many centuries. Recent computer simulations of the Earth's magnetic field have shown a reversal that lasted about 1200 years, but the average is probably around 7000. This is no time on a geological scale, but can also hardly be called a catastrophic event on a human time scale. It is worth noting that the only magnetic field orientation changes. The surface of the earth continues in its normal position, the earth is not upside down and the earth does not rotate in the opposite direction. It is even so that the magnetic field completely disappears for a while, and then reversed again to come back, as shown in the animation of the simulation. During the reversal the field probably be weaker than normal, so if we are more vulnerable to solar storms. On the other hand, the fossil history, no evidence of additional extinctions at the time of reversal, so that much immediate danger will're not his. So although this scenario is most likely, and the best scientific support, it is also this scenario hardly be called a sudden catastrophe.


The problem is that the supporters of the 2012 disaster scenarios, these features can not be separated (or want) to keep. So you will often see data on the movement of the magnetic north pole is used as a precursor to a catastrophic shift in the earth's crust, but that really two different things.


This confusion is simply due to ignorance? Or is it a conscious effort to pseudo-science which spice with real science? Or is deliberately vague what they really mean by "pole shift" in the hope that at least something that looks like will take place in 2012?

(google transelator from:   http://denkeensechtna.blogspot.com/2009/12/2012-pole-shift.html  )



Can you please explain the polar shift theory? Supposedly the earth's crust does a 180 degree rotation around the core in a matter of days if not hours. Furthermore, this is stated to be a regular occurrence in Earth's geologic history and has to do with our solar system dipping beneath the galactic equator. Is there any merit to it?

I will try to explain. This is one of the craziest lies that is being promulgated by the 2012 conspiracy theorists -- worse in many ways than the Nibiru hoax. It is totally absurd, and completely untrue, but still the story spreads and is frightening people. First, on the matter of a sudden reversal in the rotation of Earth: this is impossible. It has never happened and never will. There are slow movements of the continents (for example Antarctica was near the equator hundreds of millions of years ago), but that is irrelevant to claims of reversal of the rotational poles. However, these scam artists sometimes pull a bait-and-shift to try to fool you. They claim a relationship between the rotation and the magnetic polarity of Earth, which does change irregularly with a magnetic reversal roughly every 400,000 years on average. As far as we know, such a magnetic reversal doesn't cause any harm to life on Earth. A magnetic reversal is very unlikely to happen in the next few millennia, anyway. But they frighten you by falsely claiming that a magnetic reversal is coming soon (like in 2012) and that this is the same as, or will trigger, a reversal of rotational poles. The bottom line is: (1) Rotation direction and magnetic polarity are not related. (2) There is no reason to expect a reversal of magnetic polarity any time soon, or to anticipate any bad effects on life when it does eventually happen. (3) A sudden shift in rotational pole with disastrous consequences is impossible. Also, none of this has anything to do with the galactic equator or any of the other nonsense about 2012 that appears on these Internet conspiracy theory sites.




NAI Senior Scientist  http://astrobiology.nasa.gov/ask-an-astrobiologist/question/?id=4912

 David Morrison




 Earth's Inconstant Magnetic Field




Our planet's magnetic field is in a constant state of change, say researchers who are beginning to understand how it behaves and why.

Every few years, scientist Larry Newitt of the Geological Survey of Canada goes hunting. He grabs his gloves, parka, a fancy compass, hops on a plane and flies out over the Canadian arctic. Not much stirs among the scattered islands and sea ice, but Newitt's prey is there--always moving, shifting, elusive.

His quarry is Earth's north magnetic pole.

At the moment it's located in northern Canada, about 600 km from the nearest town: Resolute Bay, population 300, where a popular T-shirt reads "Resolute Bay isn't the end of the world, but you can see it from here." Newitt stops there for snacks and supplies--and refuge when the weather gets bad. "Which is often," he says.

Right: The movement of Earth's north magnetic pole across the Canadian arctic, 1831--2001. Credit: Geological Survey of Canada. [More]

Scientists have long known that the magnetic pole moves. James Ross located the pole for the first time in 1831 after an exhausting arctic journey during which his ship got stuck in the ice for four years. No one returned until the next century. In 1904, Roald Amundsen found the pole again and discovered that it had moved--at least 50 km since the days of Ross.

The pole kept going during the 20th century, north at an average speed of 10 km per year, lately accelerating "to 40 km per year," says Newitt. At this rate it will exit North America and reach Siberia in a few decades.

Keeping track of the north magnetic pole is Newitt's job. "We usually go out and check its location once every few years," he says. "We'll have to make more trips now that it is moving so quickly."

Earth's magnetic field is changing in other ways, too: Compass needles in Africa, for instance, are drifting about 1 degree per decade. And globally the magnetic field has weakened 10% since the 19th century. When this was mentioned by researchers at a recent meeting of the American Geophysical Union, many newspapers carried the story. A typical headline: "Is Earth's magnetic field collapsing?"

Probably not. As remarkable as these changes sound, "they're mild compared to what Earth's magnetic field has done in the past," says University of California professor Gary Glatzmaier.

Sometimes the field completely flips. The north and the south poles swap places. Such reversals, recorded in the magnetism of ancient rocks, are unpredictable. They come at irregular intervals averaging about 300,000 years; the last one was 780,000 years ago. Are we overdue for another? No one knows.

Above: Magnetic stripes around mid-ocean ridges reveal the history of Earth's magnetic field for millions of years. The study of Earth's past magnetism is called paleomagnetism. Image credit: USGS. [More]

According to Glatzmaier, the ongoing 10% decline doesn't mean that a reversal is imminent. "The field is increasing or decreasing all the time," he says. "We know this from studies of the paleomagnetic record." Earth's present-day magnetic field is, in fact, much stronger than normal. The dipole moment, a measure of the intensity of the magnetic field, is now 8 x 1022 amps x m2. That's twice the million-year average of 4 x 1022 amps x m2.

To understand what's happening, says Glatzmaier, we have to take a trip ... to the center of the Earth where the magnetic field is produced.

At the heart of our planet lies a solid iron ball, about as hot as the surface of the sun. Researchers call it "the inner core." It's really a world within a world. The inner core is 70% as wide as the moon. It spins at its own rate, as much as 0.2o of longitude per year faster than the Earth above it, and it has its own ocean: a very deep layer of liquid iron known as "the outer core."

Right: a schematic diagram of Earth's interior. The outer core is the source of the geomagnetic field. [Larger image]

Earth's magnetic field comes from this ocean of iron, which is an electrically conducting fluid in constant motion. Sitting atop the hot inner core, the liquid outer core seethes and roils like water in a pan on a hot stove. The outer core also has "hurricanes"--whirlpools powered by the Coriolis forces of Earth's rotation. These complex motions generate our planet's magnetism through a process called the dynamo effect.

Using the equations of magnetohydrodynamics, a branch of physics dealing with conducting fluids and magnetic fields, Glatzmaier and colleague Paul Roberts have created a supercomputer model of Earth's interior. Their software heats the inner core, stirs the metallic ocean above it, then calculates the resulting magnetic field. They run their code for hundreds of thousands of simulated years and watch what happens.

What they see mimics the real Earth: The magnetic field waxes and wanes, poles drift and, occasionally, flip. Change is normal, they've learned. And no wonder. The source of the field, the outer core, is itself seething, swirling, turbulent. "It's chaotic down there," notes Glatzmaier. The changes we detect on our planet's surface are a sign of that inner chaos.

They've also learned what happens during a magnetic flip. Reversals take a few thousand years to complete, and during that time--contrary to popular belief--the magnetic field does not vanish. "It just gets more complicated," says Glatzmaier. Magnetic lines of force near Earth's surface become twisted and tangled, and magnetic poles pop up in unaccustomed places. A south magnetic pole might emerge over Africa, for instance, or a north pole over Tahiti. Weird. But it's still a planetary magnetic field, and it still protects us from space radiation and solar storms.


Above: Supercomputer models of Earth's magnetic field. On the left is a normal dipolar magnetic field, typical of the long years between polarity reversals. On the right is the sort of complicated magnetic field Earth has during the upheaval of a reversal. [More]

And, as a bonus, Tahiti could be a great place to see the Northern Lights. In such a time, Larry Newitt's job would be different. Instead of shivering in Resolute Bay, he could enjoy the warm South Pacific, hopping from island to island, hunting for magnetic poles while auroras danced overhead.

Sometimes, maybe, a little change can be a good thing.

More Information The Geodynamo -- (Gary Glatzmaier) An overview of Earth's magnetic history and the physics of the geodynamo


The North Magnetic Pole -- (Geological Survey of Canada) find out where the north magnetic pole is now, and much more.


Magnetic Field of the Earth -- (Hyperphysics) an explanation of the dynamo effect


Core Concerns -- (Science News) The hidden reaches of Earth are starting to reveal some of their secrets.


Earth's North Magnetic Pole -- (APOD) The North Magnetic Pole is currently located in northern Canada.


Origin of the Earth's Magnetism -- (NASA) a history of ideas concerning Earth's magnetic dynamo











Zetatalk talks alot about it but  they have lost their credibility. (not that I could read it.,)

So for now channelers just talking about it and seeing that contain some evidence but they can pretend to Save on me because what do I know ..


I personally  think that Earth always moves, She is a living energy, always moving

Like everything is always moving


We will see..

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  • Very reassuring information.  Great post, helped me to understand things a lot better concerning pole shifts.  Poor Napa Sarn Nappa will be very disappointed.  He used to be a member here who took everything that Zeta Talk said as gospel. That site was a great advocate of pole shift horror stories and lots of other dubvious information channeled from alleged Zetas by a woman named Nancy.  What a disappointment it will be when all the catastrophic changes do not occur and the world does not tip upside down and all the land masses fall off the face of the earth, lol.  Poor Nappa....

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