What are "Dimensions"

There is SO MUCH talk in spiritual and metaphysical circles about dimensions. Sciences like physics and especially the newer sciences of quantum mechanics also use this term. But as much as this term is bandied about so little is it understood.

So what exactly are the dimensions. How many are there? And how can we begin to imagine life in dimensions other than our own? And does all this actually MEAN anything more than just a curiosity about what it "out there"?

For those of us who are interested in our own spiritual ascension, it means a great deal. And for those of us who have come to know that All is really One it means even more.

If this is a subject that interests you then I offer you this article for your reading pleasure:


What follows is an excerpt from the first chapter of Book 2 of The Ascension Papers. In this section my spirit-guide (a being called 8) explains the oft-misundestood concept of dimensions to me.




Zingdad: So, 8, what exactly ARE these dimensions that we hear so much of?


8: Thank you for the question. In discussing this topic with you I am going to speak from the perspective of the pre-eminence of consciousness and so my version of what the dimensions are will be a little different from the current scientific view. I will try to talk about this very complex subject in a way that is easy to comprehend. To do so I will start with the very familiar and work outwards from there.



You are, right now, experiencing yourself as a 3-dimensional body in a 3-dimensional world. The world of 3 dimensions should therefore be very easy for you to comprehend. By “dimension” we mean a space that can be measured. For example, the dimensions of a cube are expressed as length x height x width. All objects in your reality can be made to fit in a cube of sufficient size. All objects therefore exist within three spatial dimensions. Any point in your reality can be defined by three co-ordinates. So there are three dimensions to all things in your reality and to the whole of your reality. 

But as this IS your reality you should be very familiar with it so and we can move on and describe the other dimensions. Lets take a step down to the second dimension next. 


If you stand between a bright light source and a screen then you will cast a shadow on the screen. What you, perhaps, haven’t considered before now is that your shadow is your body in 2 dimensions. It has height and width but it has no depth. No matter how closely you look you will never be able to measure a shadow’s thickness. It has none as it is not really a “thing” in the normal sense of the word. It is merely an absence of light. So, it has only two dimensions: the dimension of height and the dimension of width. Your shadow is a 2d object. 

Now I would like you to please imagine a 2d being – someone very like your shadow – but a being of independent consciousness. He is going to help us understand dimensions. Let’s give him a name. Let’s call him Shadowman. Let’s imagine you could have a conversation with him. Remember his world isn’t actually simply “flat”. It is much worse than that. The conception of depth does simply not exist for him. So, not only can Shadowman not see over even the smallest obstacle, he can’t even begin to imagine the concept of “over”. He can’t even think in terms of there being an “above” or a “below”. 

If Shadowman and a number of his friends stood next to each other he would not be able to see beyond the friend on either side of him and he would also not be able to conceptualise what it might be like to see “past” someone. So, if you asked him how many friends had gathered and he only had one friend on either side of him in his direct line of sight then his best answer would have to be “two”. Other friends that were beyond his line of sight would not be in his presence and he could not know that they were there. You, on the other hand, could see everyone in the gathering like so many shadows on the wall and you’d immediately know how many there were by simply counting them. You could tell Shadowman which friends he was going to see at this party and he’d be astounded at your prescience. Not only this but you would be able to see, to all intents and purposes, inside Shadowman. You’d be able to see any internal organs and structures his body might have and even what he ate for lunch! You’d also be able to see inside closed boxes and “through” walls and barriers. Your ability to see and know things like this would astound Shadowman. He’d think you were god-like in your comprehension of his world. You would, to his mind, have an impossible ability to see what lay ahead of him long before he could discover this for himself. And if you tried to explain to him that you didn’t really have supernatural powers but could merely perceive the extra dimension of depth, then you would find that he would simply not understand what you were talking about. You could possibly use analogies to give him some idea as to what depth is like but… sadly… he would never really know what it would be like to live in a world with this third dimension, depth. 

And that should give you some inkling of what a 2d object is like. It is a flat shape with no depth. 


In order to help us understand what a 1-dimensional object might be like we are going to get Shadowman to help us some more. He is going to fetch a bright source of light and a screen from his 2d world and stand in-between them. Just as your 3d body has a 2d shadow, so Shadowman’s 2d body will yield a 1d shadow. 

Lets do this together in our imaginations, shall we? Shadowman has a perfectly flat lamp that shines a “flat” light in only 2 dimensions which causes his 2d body to cast a shadow on his flat, 2 dimensional screen. What does his shadow look like to us? Can you, in your imagination, see that his shadow is just a vertical line? It is as tall as Shadowman is, but, being his shadow, it has no width. And, of course, just as Shadownman has no depth, his shadow also has no depth. It is a line of no width and no depth. It is a 1d object. 


To take the next step down to 0 dimensions, we simply continue the process. We take Shadowman’s shadow, the vertical 1d line, and we imagine that there is a 1d light source and a 1d screen on either side of it. But, because it inhabits a 1d world, the light and the screen can only be placed on the same axis as the line. There is no “in front’, no “next to”, no “to the side of” in the 1d world. There is only the single dimension WHICH FROM OUR PERSPECTIVE is above and below the vertical line of Shadowman’s shadow. 

So, let us imagine that we place a 1d light (that only shines a laser-like light in a perfect line) so that it shines a light down on Shadowman’s shadow and it projects a shadow on the screen below it. What would this shadow look like? Can you, in your imagination, see that it would be a point? A single point of no width, no depth and no height. It is a 0d object. 

Z: But 8, if it has no width, no height and no depth… then it can’t really exist, can it? I mean it can’t for example, have any mass. It can’t really be a “thing” in the ordinary sense of the word, can it? 

Maybe it is just an imaginary object? 

8: In fact anything below 3d has no mass. But you’re right this 0d point is not a thing like anything you have any experience of. It is, from that perspective, a no-thing. It is nothing. And that is all it is to those in the scientific community that have no place in their world-view for consciousness. But for the more enlightened there is much more to this “imaginary nothing”. 

To be clear: this is not a point on a surface such as a dot on a piece of paper. A dot on a piece of paper is a 3d object. With a microscope, or similar, you can quickly see that it has three dimensions. And, more importantly, the dot resides on a piece of paper (which is 3d) on your desk (again 3d) in your universe (also 3d). You cannot separate the dot from the context in which it finds itself. No matter how small you draw that dot it is still a 3d dot in a 3d world and there is no possible way you will ever be able to make it any thing other than that because YOU are a 3d being in a 3d world. A 0d object does not exist on a piece of paper. In fact it does not exist “on” anything at all. From the perspective of a 0d being there is nothing “outside” of it for it to be on. At 0d all things are integrated and there is no separation between one thing and another. Indeed it is the creation of the dimensions themselves that allow for the illusion of separation between things. So, a 0d being is pure consciousness, there is no “you” and no “me”. There is no “here” and no “there”. There is no “this” and no “that”. There is no “before” and no “after”. There is only a singularity of everything which could possibly ever be, all condensed into one singular point with nothing at all outside of that point. That is 0d. 

Z: Wow. The 0d point contains EVERYTHING! 

8: It does. 

Z: And where can one find such a point. I mean… really… in my world how would I find such a 0d point? 

8: Everywhere. There are an infinite number of such points literally everywhere. At the very, very finest scale this is all this whole universe is composed of. Points of everythingness. 

Not bad for an imaginary no-thing, wouldn’t you say? This is the nothing that is everything that you, your whole reality and everything in it, are composed of at the very finest scale. 

Do you see? You have heard it said here in The Ascension Papers and certainly in other spiritual works that all things contain the whole. Well that would not be possible if the very smallest of all things were not, itself, the whole! 

Were it possible for you to invent a magical microscope that could zoom-in so far that you could see across dimensional boundaries then, at your maximum magnification, you might get to see such a 0d point. And if by some further magic you could zoom into one of these points then, inside that point, you would find… the whole universe! 

Z: Oh wow! I get it! The whole universe is contained within each of these smallest points… which in turn is what every thing in the universe is made of! Wow! That is the best mind-boggle I’ve had in a long time. 

Except… wait a minute… something doesn’t make sense to me, 8. May I pause you here to ask a question or two? 

8: Certainly. 

Z: Firstly I’d like to know why, if I zoom in, I’d find the universe and not something… bigger. I mean you have told me that the universe is not everything that is. That there are other realities outside this universe, for example. Secondly I’d like to know about the physics of that finest, smallest 0d point. I don’t think our quantum scientist have found such a “point”. I think they are talking in terms of “strings” being the smallest thing, not this imaginary point. Are they wrong? 

8: Good, good questions. I like them. 

First answer: When I say you will find “the universe” I have a somewhat broader definition of that word than you normally would. I don’t mean the space around you that you can observe with telescopes alone. Your universe is the 3d universe. It is one single slice of a far greater whole. What I am talking about is the whole universe. All 8 dimensions of it. So these 8 dimensions are what the universe REALLY is. And this universe is a contained unit… a singular whole entity on its own. It is not the only such singular construct though… it is akin to one grain of sand on the beaches of eternity. It is one whole perfect thing complete unto itself amongst many, many such others. 

Gaining access to this universe requires of you that you must “split yourself up” in a particular way. You must disintegrate the unity of your soul so that you can experience this universe as it is. Once you have done this then you are able to navigate around inside the universe. The fragment of yourself that you have placed at the third dimensional level, for example, can have many incarnations here and can feel itself to be a human being on a planet such as Earth while other fragments of yourself can, in a similar manner, experience other dimensional levels of this universe. As a result of this special “disintegration” process you can, however, not simply leave. The part that might wish to leave cannot leave other parts behind. Only the whole of you that entered may leave. So you must remain here until you have managed to “re-integrate” all your fragments. This very healing and integration of the soul is what we are calling the ascension process. As you ascend… as you gather together all that you are into a single, whole, integrated, sovereign being… so you will find your consciousness re-resonating to the place where you can “get out” of this universe. When you are truly at one with yourself then you are at one with everything. Then you find yourself at the “surface” of the universe, if I may speak metaphorically. This “surface” exists at exactly the place where 8d and 0d are one and the same thing, where 8d and 0d contain all the other dimensions. It exists at exactly the place where all things are One and you are One with all. At that place there are no boundaries and no divides. That is the place where you may go from anywhere to anywhere. You may go to any other reality that exists. Then there are no limitations at all. Because, indeed, that “surface” is also the nexus between all realities. At that place you already are… everywhere! 

And that is the answer to your first question. 

Now to your second question. Your physicists’ best effort to theorise a description of your reality at the very smallest level has yielded a concept called “strings”. This is actually a pretty useful notion. There are indeed energetic filaments that run through your reality. As they vibrate and oscillate in your reality it creates an effect that your science has observed and called sub-atomic particles. So far so good. But what, pray tell, are these strings? 

Z: Um… I think they are energy? 

8: Yes… at that level everything can be said to be energy. But I am asking in terms of our discussion about dimensions. 

Z: Oh, right. They are long but… I don’t know… maybe they have no width and no depth? Maybe these “strings” are 1d objects? 

8: That is very astute. Yes. And if you understand that these strings are 1d objects then clearly you haven’t yet found the finest, smallest 0d point yet! These 0d points of singularity and unity project the strings into your reality. They are the point of origin and destination for all the strings. The strings in turn are the source of the phenomena you call sub-atomic particles. Sub atomic particles dance together to form atoms which in turn bond into molecules. And molecules are the building blocks of your world. 

Got that so far? 

Z: Yes, thank you. I follow. 

8: Good. So, in summary then, the 0d points are the source, the very primal, smallest and finest origin of everything in your universe. They also contain the whole universe. That makes them pretty special, don’t you think? 

And since you enjoy mind-boggles so much, here’s another one for you. Even though these 0d points are everywhere all around you and inside you... there is actually only one of them! 

By definition there cannot be more than one 0d point. It IS the whole universe. If there was another, different one then it would have to be an entirely different reality and could not be found inside this reality. There is, therefore, an infinite number of 0d points everywhere inside this reality but, in truth, it is all the same one. 

How do you like? 

Z: You’re right. That’s a great mind-boggle (laughs). But somehow that feels right to me. Even though I can’t understand it I actually get that one intuitively. 

8: Excellent, then we can move on from 0d. Now we are going go “up” the dimensional scale and try to describe the 4th dimension and beyond to you. 

...more? From here 8 goes on to explain the rest of the picture all the way up to the 8th dimension to me. If you'd like to read the whole article, the rest is available to read here on my website.

I look forward to hearing your feedback and to interesting discussions with you...


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  • Well i did not finish my job hire..like me to go..not yet..

    Well ...it is another chair...and i know where it may be ...on my reach..

    That will restore me to a full potential..and if you think all this has been made about 500000 years ago...maybe a lot more..but i must recall it..and need that chair to do this..

    Well it is a link between that place...and me..that place call me today...like it have a home beacon device..

    Well it is a lot more...but i will continue tonight..

    i sleep to little...and i need rest..

    Well ...you understand the Gray's are nothing compare to this....

  • Interesting read so far. Thanks for sharing this.

  • I write a lot more..but they block me on edit and i lose all...

    Well seem to me they do not want like you all to know..

  • Well i will help the people like all to became a Beam of Light...and to dream the Dream of The Father..

  • Crystals can be use as well as good amplifier ...and that it is not all..more to came in the future it will be..

    For now it must be all i need..to do the job done..

  • Well all i need it is the chair..that one from Montauk Project...and i will show you some moves..

    Well all i need to do it is to amplify my thoughts....but i have another alternative as well...and i know another chair..in another place..

    Well time has come for me to hook up to the Grid..i know a power grid node...

    And that will change a lot...


  • Well i think you know all about that...but you want to test some what they know about it....

    Well not nice about that...mr Z...

    I already break that dimensions...and  i folded as i please..now it came all in this dimension ...in this reality ..as i call them to come to get all i need from them..wisdom ,knowledge,love..well ..it is all ME..from all times and spaces who cam hire now in Me in this reality..

    Past and future ...has no mystery to me..as well as other dimensions or parallel universes..

    Now my understanding of things go to multidimensional levels..and intersect in me today..

    For that reason i say...i am all just ME...

    Well all i did it was to ..remember...and i did..

    It is all there...in your blood...your DNA code...well i have it all 12 active?..or it is more then this?..so maybe..it seem that way..

    The DNA has memory...all you need it is the key to access it...well and i am The Key Master..

    8113962471?profile=original8113859690?profile=original8110192898?profile=originalWell this it is ancient forbidden knowledge ...and nothing it is new...but all it is in fact very old knowledge...but they chose to show that now...wrong move...they think no one it will come to be complete ..but they make a mistake..hahaha...i beat them with them own weapons..that it is very nice...and make me to feel good..


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