Reclaiming Your Power - Becoming A Cosmic Being!
The power of your mind is infinite! The value of your body is so precious and special to all of creation as an individual self expression of Prime Creator -YOUr own Soul or Highest Self. And while physically incarnate here and now, you have the ability to participate in and contribute your own individual ray of light unto creation at the grandest scale. Your value as this individual is unmeasurable. You are multidimensional and eternal being; an intricate piece of this show that makes up everything in creation. You are irreplaceable!
With this knowledge, you can see the importance of owning YOUr thoughts as they directly dictate our feelings, and so these feelings only bring us more of the same. Just as our thoughts come from our Thought Body and our emotions come from our Emotional Body, the light of our soul manifests 1st through our Thought Body and then through our Emotional Body/Light Body and filters down to manifest YOUr 3rd dimension reality.
As you begin monitoring your emotions, you will then immediately feel the necessity to truly be the owner of YOUr thoughts. You will then begin feeling how silly the thought of watching television is at all, because if it doesn’t make you feel anything other than love and joy and beauty, why on Earth would you watch it? They are called “Television Programs” for a reason; their sole purpose is to emotionally program you to feel a certain way.
Without taking ownership of who we are and what we think, our thoughts can become quite easily manipulated by very few. The very few who decide what is broadcast on television, what is taught in schools, what food is sold, what chemicals are put in the food, air, soil, etc, etc, etc... The modern world is full of distractions, such as television and other gadgets. And when you are distracted, you are not thinking YOUR thoughts. Therefore you are not feeling YOUrself -Not shining YOUr own light.
We all want love and joy and beauty in our lives. To feel these things -to own these things as part of our being, one must truly master self. If you want freedom, you must take ownership of YOUr thoughts and in doing so, you will master YOUr feelings. In absolute acceptance without judgment of all that we are, we become free to feel in joy again -free to love. And steer the direction of your own destiny towards ever greaterness by means of your highest self wisdom, or Divine Willpower. Each and every person has this incredible power that wants to come down into their being. And this process begins by feeling your way through life again -feeling every part of the rainbow that makes you so wonderful, from Grounding into the deepest roots you can penetrate below up to feeling the light of the highest self.
As we move into this new cycle of creation, we will be able to manifest our desires instantly. This is a power that we already have, but the cycle in which the manifestation process plays out for us now is much slower. I urge you to begin asking yourself, "What is the origin of this thought I am thinking at this very instant?" I urge you to begin asking yourself, "Why am I feeling this emotion at this very moment?" I urge you to begin doing this on a regular basis. It is time to take responsibility of YOUrself. And as each and every one of us begins to own their own thoughts, we then begin to shine each and every one of our truly special individual light onto this world and that, my lovely and beautiful friends is the gift that you are -It is the gift that you chose to bring to this world -It is the gift that will not only heal Gaia, but the very special gift that will bring in all the changes we are crying out for. It is time to believe in the power of each of us! Be the change! Be YOU! Think YOUr thoughts and you will begin feeling YOUr soul power manifest in ways that will astonish you!
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Beautiful words of wisdom, really appreciate it =).
Feather Winger I feel those every day! Well maybe not yesterday, but I don't think it is contingent on the Earth, or the Sun or the Galactic Alignment at this point and everything to do with our own deliberate intent.
Abhishek Yes, I'm good. Thank you! :)
Love this one, its awesome, truth and hope, Thanks for will help many I,am sure of that !.
Thank you for posting this......
I have been working with my thoughts when I notice a 'negative' thought I try to shift it immediatly since one thought can trigger an emotional response. One of the things that I have been doing is repeating to myself over and over again in yoga thoughts of love and forgiveness, light and thoughts of manifestations...I noticed in one yoga class just a week or so ago that my thoughts where becoming me.... it started to feel as I was repeating thoughts where moving around if the thought forms where wiggling into my aura like worms moving into the was a real tangeble thing....that was inspiring for me to feel like I am moving forward......It has proven to be especially helpful and powerful for me......when my attention shifts from perseverating on things to the expansiveness of all around me that is where the freedom and the release is.......
It's funny but today, I mentioned to a computer salesman about energy being Free one day soon and I watched his facial expressions go through many stages of jest, disbelief and embarrasment that I would even say or think such a thing to a professional man. The mere thought of my "little" statement shook this man so terribly that he found it hard to resume his sales pitch to me. When you mentioned the power of thought above, my mind went immeadiately to this encounter. If such a small statement about something that is "unthinkable" to the masses had that kind of an effect...WOW!
Hi Light Warrior! :) :) :) 1st I caught your vibes here. You sure seem to be a powerful man! I will explain.. as if you are not already aware.. hehe
I see that the people as a whole are all wanting these changes(at least some kind of a change), even if their physical bodies are still playing catch up. I got a clear picture of this encounter from you. When you talk to people mentioning such things, you are also sharing all your knowledge and beliefs of the topic to them through your Throat Chakra and using the ethers along with the magnetic resonance between the two of you to plant that seed in him.
This is called coding your speech. I see that you are very powerful in this and you may not even know just how powerful you can effect people in this way. Forgive me if I'm telling you what you already know, but in my experience, encouragement goes a long ways. As you adapt this tool into your daily routine, you can fine tune your ability to encode your speech very precisely, all the while veiling what you may think is too much information and blasting out a light blue ray of very specific information that they will pick up on a multidimensional level and then be given this information you had gifted to them by their own higher bodies as their physical mind is ready for it. Essentially what you did, was forcing him to see way more than he was comfortable with. ahahaa But that is okay at this point -at least energetically coded information. Even more, this guy looked at you and saw that this was true -maybe for the 1st time, and it was because of the power of YOUrself holding truth in your eyes as you faced him. Quite a beautiful moment, in my opinion. ;) As this is why we are here, for these very interactions.
I don't hold back anything at all energetically when I communicate these days. It is in our verbiage that we get ourselves in trouble still. Well done! And thanks for the sharing that with me. :)
Thank you ! for sharing what you is so awesome to be apart of this when I can plug in. I go trough times where I, am so lonely, I miss home as i feel i don't belong here. Finding this site was a fresh of breath air and I felt home here in others. The knowledge in the souls of those on this site is astounding and very helpful along with love and peace...keep sharing we all need that encouragement, wisdom, and experience..much love n light.. abundance of peace to you !
Thank you teri! :) This comes in good timing for me as I just had a pretty rough day yesterday too and was kicked when I was down by two people I care deeply for. I can only keep on keepin on. and thanks
Hope u'r all right now...!!
love n light........:)
That sure is a beautiful motivation tool for those that are just getting started understanding where their thoughts come from. :)
And a very nice addition to this discussion. Thank you. :)
I don't relate to the "going blank" part though. I have so much chatter going on sometimes that its tough putting my own thoughts together. hehe