i have quit drinking but its so tempting to drink beer again because beer taste so good to me. and whenever i go to grocery store i always go to the alcohol section to see all the different types of beers they have and read about them. i've heard that consumption of alcohol lowers your vibrations which i don't want but is alcohol really that bad i want to hear your thoughts on this. i am underage i'm 17 but in some countries its legal to drink alcohol at young ages. i am a very responsible person when it comes to alcohol and quite aware i would never even think about getting into a car or drinking to much. and actually unlike most people i am very intuitive and speak directly from the heart when i have been affected by alcohol or at least  i try to. i don't think i will drink to get drunk anymore i think that is alcohol abuse and i will only drink in moderation.

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  • Snowcone17, what do you consider 'moderation' to be? 

  • I agree with Shaz. Thank you, Phylos, for sharing your brother's story. 17 yr-olds are looking for advice, evidence & cautionary tales, and the experience of others.  That's why they ask the questions they ask. One, we can each give our own answer. 

  • Do you go to your AA meeting and talk to the others like this?  Do you mock everyone elses battles with sobriety?

    I have no desire to make my countenance public,. how many soucres do you read here who do not post their name or face for whatever reason?

    You pathetic attempt at attacking me because I dont show my picture is very immature and being done out of some perverse anger you are holding onto.

    Being honest doesnt mean posting pics of yourself all over.  What does god look like? hmm dont know do ya? he must have something to hide too I guess.

    You can continue to attack and be rude and be full of anger, or you can be a man, your choice, and it doesnt affect me one way or the other.  It just shows everyone here your true nature :)

    • OK, now you are both beginning to sound like "dry drunks". Cut it out.

  • My only vices now are caffiene and nicotene.

    You are extremely rude and beligerant.

  • I am a sober alcohol and cocaine abuser for 30 years.  Nice try

  • EDIT, I just noticed you are not phylos, but the gist of the comment still applies..

    What about my friend who went to the hospital with 3 times the legal limit and docs said he should be dead already?  I am not advocating this behaviour, but you have to realise some people can do exactly what you suggest and not even mumble or stumble.

    A person who is allergic to alcohol needs only a bit to die, a true alcoholic whose body chemistry converts alcohol into a heroin-like substance doesnt even get sick.

    You just have your curlies in a bunch because you have personal loss, many of them it seems, because of this thing called alcohol.  You need to get over that and work on yourself before you alienate everyone around you.  I watched my father die from a heart attack right in my face, you dont see me going around telling people to stop eating chips or french fries. 

    totally healthy people get cancer and die, while total abusers of their bodies can live long lives, you yourself even said the docs dont know why some people get liver disease and some dont from performing the same activities.  Perhaps these alcohol related deaths didnt have anything to do with alcohol at all and everything to do with faulty DNA giving them an inherant weakness which natural selection has taken care of.

    Also you judged this guy too, mr "dont judge others"

  • i should never of made this post lol!

    • INCORRECT snowcone, this is a great post, it really shows us all the people who are fanatical and unrealistic about simple things.

      If you want to enjoy a fine beer from another country, you go right ahead, you already know not to abuse the substance, which goes for ANY SUBSTANCE or activity.  

  • yes, it is.....  unfortunately, for many it is difficult, even impossible Not to drink one's self to death.  The doctors that I spoke with were very clear that liver failure is a very individual thing.  Some people can be heavy drinkers all their lives and not have liver problems, others can suddenly have a terminal condition, at any age.  I posted this recent experience as a reality check for people who are caviller and casual about what is, in fact, dangerous to the point of being deadly in a most horrible manner.

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