In my case, I say Kurt Cobain, vocalist of Nirvana knew something. Defnitely. He experienced a lot with drugs, and I'm not saying it was good but some makes you allucinate. I've always believed he has something to do with the lion people, he looks like a cat to me. Anyway, in the song "Lithium", there is the part when he says:
"I'm so happy because today I've found my friends ... They're in my head"
and I think he does not just mean his friends he remembers them, not just the humans, I think he knew something else about his star origin. He also says he has found God. In this next video, Carl Jung says, that in deed, thought is alive, so in essence you do can have "friends in the head".The video is pretty interesting, by the way.
Besides, The song lithium is just, it made me remember something that wasn't from around here, something of a time of friendship and joy, that really I didn't experience here, but "I recognized it", if you know what I mean.
But, I think the really interesting concept is the fact that this ideas we have are alive by themselves. Most people here are preparing to ascend, where? 5th density, this density is the density of thought.
When we pray we actually communicate with the beings that live there, in the 5th density. That's why sometimes carrying an image of a being who live there, may actually help us, by allowing them to enter into our thoughts and help us. Carl Jung say, very well, that everything we have around us existed as ideas before, as fantasies, he calls them. That's truth, the real issue on earth is our thoughts, our ideas, the constructions of patterns, attitudes and elements of culture that in some way imprison our behavior and keep us away from other possible world. In this issue, I can put a video of Terence Mckenna where is says that the best way of getting out of this reality and build another better one or transform it, is by creating art, which is the ultimate way to communicate many things in one sublime thing that express what we really want. And art is powerful, sometimes is more powerful than words.
So, whit that said, what Art, ideas, concepts, etc. Do you think can change this reality? I've seen a lot of good ideas around here.