The David Icke Newsletter, June 5th 2011WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT OUR SOLAR SYSTEM? ...... NEXT TO NOTHINGHello all,It is often the case that the more you know, the more you realise youdon't know. In other words, you see that so many assumptions of knowledge werejust that - assumptions.This is the same for everyone to an extent, because there is so much toknow, but with mainstream science it is part of the very fabric of the way itoperates. The disease of tuberculosis used to be known as consumption, butscience is infected with the disease of assumption.The assumptions are then constantly repeated, appear in the school books,technical and science journals, and morph, simply through repetition, intoaccepted 'everybody-knows-that 'fact'. But it's not; and if we are going tounderstand anything about reality, who we are and where we are, we don'tneed textbooks full of assumptions - we need blank sheets of paper and openminds.We live on a planet orbiting the sun with a few others, but we know nextto nothing about any of it. The more technology explores the Solar Systemthe clearer it becomes that previous scientific (actually unscientific)assumptions were wrong and often way out.There is also the little complication that the inner core of organisationssuch as NASA don't want us to know a lot of the information that they doknow. Mainstream science is as compartmentalised in its own way as a secretsociety.NASA is a military and intelligence operation, whatever they may tell you.Those who control NASA answer to their hidden masters, not the public, butmost of its employees, as usual, will have no idea that this is the case.There is so much going on that we don't know about and much of the'information' that NASA makes public is either inaccurate or designed to mislead.The 'one giant leap for mankind' Moon landing in 1969 certainly didn'thappen, as portrayed. I am not saying they haven't been to the Moon at all,only that it didn't happen the way they said in 1969. That footage was shotin a studio by the great film director, Stanley Kubrick, and it was donebehind the cover of his epic, 2001: A Space Odyssey, which was being made atthe same time.This has been brilliantly exposed by the American researcher andfilm-maker, Jay Weidner, in his DVD documentary, Kubrick's Odyssey. It is highlyrecommended and you can get a copy by _clicking here ..._( evidence on many fronts, including the universal themes of myth andfolklore across the world, strongly indicates that the Solar System didn'tlook anything like it does today in the not too distant past. It seems thatthe planets of Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Mars were much closer to the Earthbefore cataclysmic events, a series of them, rearranged everything.These were the upheavals - the 'war of the gods in the heavens' - thatdevastated Venus and Mars and relocated. Saturn and Jupiter. The Earth wastorn asunder and this is the origin of the universal legends about 'greatfloods' and global catastrophe.A painting depicting the theme of the 'wars of the gods' in the sky.When you compare the geological and biological records with the stories ofthe ancients they confirm each other with compelling common themes. Forexample, the myths tell of mountains splitting and falling and new onessurging from the earth.The Himalayas, Alps and Andes only reached their present height around11,000 to 13,000 years ago. Lake Titicaca on the Peruvian-Bolivian border isnow said to be the highest navigable lake in the world at some 13,000 feet,but around 13,000 years ago much of that region was at sea level.So what has happened, and is happening today, is a very different story tothe one we are being told. This is due to a combination of scientists whodon't know and just sing from their song-sheet, and the inner cabal that doknow, but want everyone else to believe the fantasies they promote astruth.This is certainly the case with the Moon which NASA has been lying aboutfrom the start. There is one heck of a story to be told about what ishappening on, and especially inside the Moon. I have been connecting the dotswith regard to the Moon for the best part of two years and it is clear to methat it is not a 'natural' body, but a control system that is manipulatingour sense of reality to make us the slave race of those who are doing it.The anomalies and mysteries surrounding the Moon are legion and its origin(if you ignore the official and untenable assumptions) is unknown. It is amassive body to be a satellite of a small planet like Earth. It is 2,160miles in diameter, bigger than Pluto and the fifth largest moon in the solarsystem. By rights, it shouldn't be there and as Irwin Shapiro, from theHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, said: 'The best explanation forthe Moon is observational error - the Moon doesn't exist.'The Moon is not 'real'? What? Yes, but hold on. There is an importantpoint to make here. If people are going to grasp what is happening they need ablank sheet of paper when it comes to judging what is meant by 'big'.Remember that humans have been held in a mind prison for aeons. We don't knowwhat 'big' is, or how such structures and technology of extraordinary size(to us) can be produced.We have been living in a tiny, tiny perception bubble and the cutting edgeof human technology (that we see) is the Stone Age in terms of what ispossible. Once you cross the Rubicon and enter an understanding of whatreality truly is and how it works, you can move forward in enormous leapstechnologically and in others ways. This is what we are dealing with here.Technological capability that makes a lot of science fiction look tame.Imagine you are sitting in a cave knocking rocks together and someone toldyou it was possible to build a Jumbo Jet or a Space Shuttle. You'd say it wasimpossible, crazy. The guy's been drinking too much mammoth juice.But this is the kind of chasm that people are being challenged to cross interms of their perception of the possible. The suppression ofinformation, and so the suppression of the perception of the possible, is one of thegreat ways the true scale of the conspiracy stays hidden.It means that when people like me say this or that is happening, theperception censor kicks in and says: 'That's not possible.' No, it is notpossible for us to do it. Others can do it and they are. I have talked toinsiders who said they have seen pictures of spacecraft around Saturn that are sovast few would believe it possible.The Moon as a giant spacecraft (giant to our perception, anyway) waspostulated in 1970 by Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, two members ofthe Soviet Academy of Sciences. They wrote a detailed article in the SovietSputnik magazine headlined 'Is the Moon the Creation of Alien Intelligence?'They said that the Moon was a planetoid that had been 'hollowed out' withincredibly advanced technology that melted rock to create cavities in theinterior. This 'metallic rocky slag' was then poured onto the surface tocreate the lunar landscape we see today.Dr D L Anderson, a professor of geophysics and director of theseismological laboratory at the California Institute of Technology, once said that'the Moon is made inside out'. Its inner and outer make-up should be the otherway round. The ancients used to symbolise the Moon as an 'egg', becausethey said the 'yoke' had been removed when it as hollowed-out.Dr Farooq Al-Baz, who worked with NASA on the scientific exploration ofthe Moon, said: 'There are many undiscovered caverns suspected to existbeneath the surface of the Moon. Several experiments have been flown to the Moonto see if there actually were such caverns.' Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa toldme that their legends said there are compartments within the Moon.NASA have smacked the Moon a powerful blow a few times after puttingseismometers up there. The result is still more confirmation of a hollow moon.An impact equivalent to one ton of TNT caused shock waves that built up foreight minutes and, in the words of NASA scientists, the Moon 'rang like abell'.Maurice Ewing, a co-director of the seismic experiment, said: 'It is asthough someone had struck a bell, say, in the belfry of a church, a singleblow and found that the reverberation from it continued for 30 minutes.' Hecouldn't account for what had happened and Dr Frank Press from theMassachusetts Institute of Technology said it was 'quite beyond the range of ourexperience' for such a small impact to produce this result.The Moon was later struck with an impact equivalent to eleven tonnes ofTNT when a Saturn V launch vehicle crashed on the surface after an abortedmission. The Moon 'reacted like a gong', NASA scientists said, to a depth of25 miles and the vibrations continued for three hours and twenty minutes.Alan Butler, co-author of the book, Who Built the Moon?, talked about thisto Ken Johnson, a supervisor of the Data and Photo Control departmentduring the Apollo missions. Johnson said that the Moon did more than ring likea bell. He said the whole Moon 'wobbled' in such a precise way that it was'almost as though it had gigantic hydraulic damper struts inside it'.The Soviet scientists pointed out that if the technology used tohollow-out the Moon involved nuclear power it would explain the mystery of theuranium 236 and neptunium 237 that has been found there. Neptunium 237 is aradioactive metallic element, a by-product of nuclear reactors and theproduction of plutonium, while Uranium 236 is a long-lived radioactive nuclearwaste that is found in spent nuclear fuel and reprocessed uranium. What is thatdoing on a 'natural' moon?The scientists said that the extremely high titanium content on the Moonsurface, along with chromium and zirconium, can also be explained if theMoon is a construct. These are known as 'refractory' metals which areincredibly resistant to heat and to wear.Vasin and Shcherbakov said that these metals would provide 'enviableresistance to heat and the ability to stand up to means of aggression' and thatif you were devising a material to protect a giant artificial satellitefrom the unfavourable effects of temperature, from cosmic radiation andmeteorite bombardment, you would choose precisely these metals.They said that this explained why lunar rock is such an extraordinarilypoor heat conductor and from the engineers' point of view the 'this spaceshipof ages long past which we call the Moon is superbly constructed'. Theywent on:'If you are going to launch an artificial sputnik, then it is advisable tomake it hollow. At the same time it would be naïve to imagine that anyonecapable of such a tremendous space project would be satisfied simply withsome kind of giant empty trunk hurled into near-Earth trajectory.It is more likely that what we have here is a very ancient spaceship, theinterior of which was filled with fuel for the engines, materials andappliances for repair work, navigation instruments, observation equipment andall manner of machinery ... in other words, everything necessary to enablethis 'caravelle of the Universe' to serve as a Noah's Ark of intelligence,perhaps even as the home of a whole civilisation envisaging a prolongedthousands of millions of years) existence and long wanderings through space(thousands of millions of miles).Naturally, the hull of such a spaceship must be super-tough in order tostand up to the blows of meteorites and sharp fluctuations between extremeheat and extreme cold. Probably the shell is a double-layered affair - thebasis a dark armouring of about 20 miles in thickness, and outside it somekind of more loosely-packed covering (a thinner layer - averaging about threemiles). In certain areas - where the lunar 'seas' and 'craters' are, theupper layer is quite thin, in some cases, non-existent.'The craters on the Moon are certainly within the rough estimates of thedepth of the outer layer that the scientists talk about before any impactwould meet the impenetrable 'dark armouring'.Vasin and Shcherbakov said that the strange variations in gravitationfields known as 'mascons' in what are called the maria plains can also beexplained from the 'construct' perspective. Any damage to the outer layer, whereit is especially thin in the maria, would likely be done by flooding thearea with a lava-like 'cement', they said. This would make them look alittle like 'seas' from the Earth.'The stocks of materials and machinery for doing this are no doubt stillwhere they were, and are sufficiently massive to give rise to thesegravitational anomalies', they wrote.The dramatically different ages of Moon rock were due to the cosmictravels of the spacecraft Moon that would have gathered material from many placesand of many ages, they said, and the mysterious clouds of water vapourthat have been observed were a release of the gases that create an atmospherewithin the Moon that sustains life. The scientists said that a large bulgeon the far side of the Moon could be explained by the immense strength ofa spaceship hull preventing the Moon from breaking up.The Moon is not a natural body, at least in its re-constructed form, andmaybe it is a total construct. I am open to that if the evidence shouldpoint that way. Our moon is not alone, either. I'm sure there are many 'moons'that are the same.There has been discussion over the years to the present day that Phobos, amoon of Mars, may not be natural. Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos,which are Greek for fear and panic. Dr Iosif Shklovsky, a Russianastrophysicist, is reported to have said in 1959 that Phobos could be an artificialsatellite.He asked the question in view of its strange orbit and indications that itcould be hollow. Raymond H Wilson Jr, Chief of Applied Mathematics atNASA, said in 1963 that 'Phobos might be a colossal base orbiting Mars' and headded that NASA was considering the possibility. Dr S Fred Singer, specialadvisor to President Eisenhower on space developments, said the same.The European Mars Express spacecraft took a series of close-up pictures ofPhobos in 2010 and the findings indicated that Phobos is lighter than itshould be, could be hollow, and its composition is not like any knownasteroids or meteorites.Unexplained activity on the Moon's surface has been constantly covered up.Former NASA employees, and those with experience of its work, have told ofhow non-natural phenomena on the Moon were airbrushed out of picturesbefore they were seen by the public.Sergeant Karl Wolf was a precision electronics photographic repairman atthe (CIA) Langley Air Force Base in Virginia. Wolf told an event at theNational Press Club in Washington DC in 2001 that he saw pictures of enormousstructures on the far side of the Moon in 1965. He said he was asked torepair a technical problem in a part of the base where they were puttingtogether 'mosaics' of pictures taken of the Moon to make a bigger picture.Wolfe said that the airman working with the images told him: 'By the way,we've discovered a base on the back side of the Moon.' He then showed him apicture of the base which had geometrical shapes, spherical buildings,very tall towers and what looked like radar dishes.Some buildings had reflective surfaces on them and some reminded him ofcooling towers at power generation plants. Other towers were straight andtall with a flat top or round with a dome. He emphasised that many of thesestructures were huge (the size thing again). Some, he estimated, must havegone on for half a mile.The DVD Documentary, Moon Rising, by Jose Escamilla, highlightednon-natural objects on the Moon that were 'smudged' to hide what they are. A NASAinsider told the documentary makers: 'We lied about everything'. The objectin the picture below was sent for examination to forensics imaging expert, Jim Hoerricks, and he estimated it to be as big as ten cities the size ofLos Angeles.That's the sort of technological capability we are dealing with and eventhat is nothing compared with what can be done, and is being done,elsewhere. I read a book called Someone Else is on Our Moon published as long ago asthe late 1970s, which details countless examples of non-natural phenomenaon the Moon.The book was written by George E. Leonard who studied thousands of NASAphotographs, talked with NASA informants, and listened to hours ofastronauts' tapes. His conclusion from the mountain of evidence he saw and heard isthat there is certainly intelligent life on the Moon. I agree, but in theMoon is where the real action is. NASA said they 'bombed' the Moon in 2009in search of water, but you can be sure that was not the real reason.There is so much we don't know about what is happening, but we know farmore than we did a few years ago. An open mind is absolutely essential togoing on from here. But then, it always has been.____________________________________David Icke: You Think That's Air You're Breathing Now?_Click here to watch ... _( Icke - Puppet Obama . . . Wake Up America!A video by Jay4louiseBrilliant - A Must Watch_Click here to watch ..._( Icke - The Global Banking Scam Exposed_Click here to watch ..._( Icke on Getting Shit Done_Click here to watch ..._( Icke & Sun House - The Lizard of Oz_Click here to watch ..._('Shame' (... About Obama's visit to Ireland): The David Icke Mix_Click here to watch ..._( Paz - End of Days Featuring David Icke_Click here to watch ..._(

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  • thats how the heading was when i saw it on another site........
  • You are also one of my favorit her on ashtar ;0)i reed your posts to ;0) i chouse not to ad coments or reed them , im her only to get the informashen out  not to jurge or debate on what is rite or rong  ;0)


  • I didn't read all of this, but I believe NASA is a great orginization.  Again, I think people demonize things they shouldn't.

    NASA has made it possible for us to see into the deepest parts of space, all of those beautiful pictures of planets, Super Nova's, yah - that's because of NASA.... :-)
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