Alright kindred spirits I will tell you what I mean by

LOVE testing me.

I was married for 10 years to this beautiful, amazing girl. Over the years we grew closer and helped each other grow in so many ways. I loved her deeply, took care of her in all ways to make her life comfortable and safe. But somehow along the way seven months ago she wanted to go on her own way. It crushed me. It almost destroyed me because I did everything right (she even says so to this day) and in the end lost the most dearest thing in my life. Like I said we did not speak for seven months. She went on her path and I on mine. Then one day two weeks ago she called and wanted to hang out,I said yes. She come over and we started talking. She told me she missed what we had in the sense of being comfortable with each other and the love we had. Your the best lover I ever had , she told me and she wanted to experience all of that again for that night. So, I told her to stay with me.

It was incredible all of it, and for a moment in time I felt the greatest I have in months . She said she wanted me, but did not want to be with me. If we could get together once in awhile. Have a blast with each other, hanging out talking ,make  love, and enjoy just being together for a little while. I know this sounds crazy, but I told her I would enjoy that. I told her that I will always love her but I'm not in love with her. Now at this point I believe I am not being truthful with myself. Even though she crushed my heart months ago I forgave her for that and never expected she would come back to me like this. My love for her is still there strongly. Then we met again last weekend and spent the afternoon and night together. Again it was amazing a she agreed. We talked about it ,to the point that we should not do this to often, because she is happy with her life and the way it's going . I agreed because I did not want to get feelings back to the point of being crushed again. But now I'm realizing that one day she will find that love ,or give that love she had for me to someone else and I don't know how to handle that. What we have now is a great thing I think and I want it to last. I'm very torn, confused, wanting this as long as it last. We both agree that this is not going to last forever, but to enjoy it as long as we can.

This to me is a big life test, of love.

I would be grateful for any input to help me work through this.


                                                 Thank you, Infinite Soul

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  • Feather winger thank you,

    Amazing video !

    And I'm very grateful you shared that with me.

    I love you so much and am so lucky to have a friend like you.    (:

  • Thank you Semile,

    Very interesting post, I enjoyed it very much.

    I give you my love and light beautiful one.     (:

  • 8115027655?profile=original

  • So much love, I really am truly grateful for you being in my life Verushcka.

    I too love you so very much. Your words are so very wise and thank you for taking time to send me this reply.

    And when I say your amazingly awesome, you truly are. You made my day.   (:

  • Your amazing and right.  (:

  • Dude, if some girl was playing me like that, I would tell her to get real or hit the bricks. That's not love, that's making yourself into a welcome mat for her to walk on.  If you love her and want her, tell her what you want and then tell her to either be it or be without you to use. 

    • She is not like that kindred spirit,

      She is sweet, caring and does still have love for me too. We helped each other grow over the years and We came to a point we're we had to go on our own paths, granted I did not want that. But at the same time I Always wanted her to be happy and if is has not with me, I still want her to enjoy her life her way. I love her that much. And she still has feeling for me too, love each others company  all the way around. We just realize that we

      can get together and have a blast, just not be together. 

      • Jeez, listen to yourself.  You say you want her, then you say all this other stuff.  Who are you? 

        • And you asked me "Who are you?

          I am a infinite being of love and light.

          • I am hereby totally schooled, bro.

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