Beloved All.....
In recent times I have read a lot of the disappointment of those who hoped for the visions of others to come true.....I pretty much knew that most predictions were only manifestation requires the collective consciousness to be emitting the frequency of that manifestation......before the manifestation happens.....that is why it is called a manifestation....meaning the coming into physical form the energy of thought and feeling....
I know..... that I know...... that I know this.....with no need for outside it is what has happened in my life all along.....and now that I emit a higher frequency.....a more unconditionally loving life is transforming very quickly to match it...
For me this is ultimate self responsibility and and life is what I have manifested through my energetic state....always has been.....
I would like to hear what you know...that you know....that you know....
Lori Scott Kaiser
Was I ever lonely before I re-created myselves?
The "void" is never a-void, I am within it, the void is I, I the word! Re-creating myself over and over, becoming words forming thoughts.
Thoughts that communicates with themselves.
Within a mere moment I created the "ego". This ego of mine argues with myselves, thus recreating more egoes.
Ahhh, existence is a bliss. I can communicate, express, show what I am to my selves and enjoy watching, teaching, supervising,etc..what I am creating.
Some egoes of mine believes that I am better than I, that I should be able to control how my many I should be!
I can clearly see where I am going with this thought.... well, should I continue?
I know that you know that you know....that I know!
I will live as I to be I and it shall be.(as you know that you know!)
I know that the truths I find within myself may not be the same as those of others' but are, nonetheless, still parts of the puzzle of the universal truth. Each learns to discover certain truths that will help them realize themselves spiritually, hence why I've learned to trust myself and not question myself too much. I know that the things I've learned that came from within are truths indeed and I need not to consult others for any confirmation, as they have been confirmed on their own for me, and also, people have their own set of truths, unique ones, according to their own paths and soul's needs.
My dear Lorie..could not have expressed it better myself~ LIGHT REFLECTED IN MIND MIRROR~ Thank you dearsi sister as you are sharing BEAUTY..LOVELINESS..PATHWAY~ ARTISLOVEISLIGHTISGODISJOY~
I know that I poop every day, beyond that, unrelenting uncertainty and infinite possibilities.
Oops, I forgot... I know that my viola is incapable of lying...
I AM apart from the whole,
I AM a part of the whole
I AM the hole.
I AM that I AM
Mooji has been explaplaining the non definable many more years than my febal attempt of talking about the unspeakable. but We are saying the exact same thing. enjoy........
Getting back to telepathy our original knowing will be my answer to what I know to be known.
I know that we are all loved :-)
Sorry I don't have the brain capacity at the moment to decode the meaning of that topic :-). Sometimes I find it hard to decode what "I AM that I AM" really means xD!