What do you make of this

On the morning of May 8th, after not sleeping for several days after being quite sick, I had the strangest experience between 5:10 Am (last time I saw the clock before finally dozing off) and 6:10AM.
I have a heart problem, on top of the migraine headaches I get every day and have for 40 years, which saw me retired to a disability pension at 34 years of age (forcibly).
Sorry, I haven't slept, so this may be all over the place.

I awakened and wasn't in my bed but was being taken to some kind of vehicle by 3 childlike beings (can't remember faces or specifics). I remember seeing a caged area within the vehicle to separate the passengers from those in control.

A very short version of what transpired:
In all the goings on, early in the experience I mentioned I knew it wasonly a dream because I have longed to meet non earthly beings for years, and I was assured it was no dream. I remember pinching and punching myself, and when asked why I was doing that, I again replied I was dreaming.

 As I was being guided to get into the craft, I protested that I was concerned for the welfare of my son, and despite their insistence my son would be fine, I continued to protest. I also mentioned (exact phrase) I'm not trying to be rude, but I don't require assistance. This was said after one of the beings placed their hand on the small of my back, not in an aggressive manner, they were very caring beings, and I felt no fear at all, actually, I enjoyed being with them, I felt as if they cared.
When we first got to the vehicle (I can't clearly recall what type of vehicle) it was bogged, and one of the beings placed their hand beside the craft, raised his hand, and it floated up out of the bog.
I was also told my late pets (2 cats and a small dog) were awaiting my arrival, and would be very happy to see me, as would I to see them (my pets were very loved family members).
Again, despite their assurances my son would be fine, I kept protesting, eventually, I recall seeing a full aerial view of my bedroom, and received the message that I had a short time to get my affairs in order.
I was also informed my son and I would be together again, and his mother (my ex wife) would also be with me again, that we were all connected spiritually.

The strange thing about this is I never dream, due to medication. I consume neither drugs (other than prescribed medications), nor alcohol, and haven't for over 20 years.

This wasn't a dream, I do know the difference between dreams and reality, and one other point, when I mentioned something to them, they corrected me on something about one of my pets which I was never aware of.
I have once before approx 25 years ago, experienced astral projection, but only once and it scared the crap out of me, but this time, I wasn't supposed to return. I think the vehicle bogging down was due to my protestations, and the fact I strongly feel I have unfinished business where my son is concerned. I'm a single dad, with a 15 year old son who is hearing impaired, and has mild epilepsy, though the medication has stopped his blank absences.

I have made a point of writing a will, and explained what happened to my son and his mother, right down to helping ease my sons mind by telling him even if my bodily shell ceases to exist, my consciousness (spirit) will go on and I was informed we would be together again.

I know my son is the reincarnation of my late father. When my son was 3 he told me something, not in his voice, and he clearly expressed words he had never heard, and couldn't pronounce due to his hearing problem. What he told me were the exact nasty words my father had said 25 years before.
At that very moment, I almost smacked him down, the words were so hurtful, then I realised what had just happened, and asked him what he had just said. He told me he hadn't said anything.

It was at that very moment I had to choose whether I went through life hating my child due to whom he formerly was, and due to the fact my father had severely beaten me all my young life (till I ran away aged 11), and I now had the perfect opportunity to give him some of his own back. I looked down at the small child before me, and had to let go of a lot of anger immediately, and chose to love him with all my heart as all parents should. I have never regretted my decision, and know had I taken the other path, both our lives would be very different now. We have a very close relationship, and last time I smacked him on the hand was when he was 4.

A few days after the experience, I searched for alien species and found the following information, which fits in exactly with my experience:


Arcturus is one of the most advanced extraterrestrial
civilizations in our galaxy. It is a fifth dimensional
which, in reality, is like a prototype for Earth’s
future. Its energy works with humanity as an emotional mental
and spiritual healer. It is also an energy gateway through which
humans pass during death and rebirth. It functions as a way
station for nonphysical consciousness to become accustomed to


The book, "The Keys of Enoch" has described it as the mid-way station or programming center used by the physical
brotherhoods in our local universe, to govern the many rounds of
experiments with physicals on our end of the galaxy. Their total
focus in every aspect of their society to the path of God


The Arcturians teach that the most fundamental
ingredient for living in the fifth dimension is love. They teach
that negativity, fear and guilt must be overcome and be
exchanged for love and light. Arcturus is the brightest star in
the Bootes constellation (click image
right), which is approximately 36 light years
from earth. The Arcturians work in very close connection with
the Ascended Masters whom they refer to as the brotherhood of
the all. They also work very closely with what they refer to as
The Galactic Command.

The Arcturians are very short
in physical stature, about three to four feet tall. They are
also very slender. They also all look very much alike in
appearance. The Arcturians pride themselves in this because this
erases the pettiness of comparison of looks which is so
predominant in our society.

More about them here:

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