What Does The Ashtar Command Mean to

That can be considered a very personal question or a very external question depending who each person is? or both

Let Me start by sharing on the spiritual path since the 1970's and having known as a kid back in the 1960's that I cam here from Mars but did not have any name for a Spiritual group of
Its that I had been connected to until my later years.

For I was seeing Ships since the mid 1960's at about 7 or 8 years old .All positive experiences .

My connection  came later in the 1980's at a workshop in New York with CmdrAshtarAthena where I was going to do a radio interview with her and also at the time Commander Ashtar .

I remember the day well it was on a weekend gathering at there were about 15 people for this workshop .
Ashtar Athena at the time came to New York State from Sedona Az where she had a Ashtar Command Center.

I found her through a journal called 'Sedona Journal of Emergence.

My inner guidance brought me to this place .

I remember getting stuck with some wild weather at the time lighting etc and a neon blue glow in the air.

Late to find out it was a Large Spaceship of the Ashtar Galactic Command in the lower atmosphere where we were at the time .

So after getting stuck over night I left on a Sunday back to Ct and felt like all that I believed in had left my consciousness.

I found myself my name from whom I am off Planet come into my consciousness and then that was the beginning of a long spiritual mission with what is
called Ashtar Command and or Ashtar Galactic Command .

I have cut through many years to tell this story to you .

For I found that I was also a Telepathic person and could get direct messages from the Command and from Kar Dar Monka who represents the Saturian Council
of the Ashtar Command.

Whom I have been in alignment for many years now.This is not what you would call (Channeling )   but the opposite.

Many are just starting out to get a grasp of what the connection is now for the first time and for others you have a deep understanding why you exist
and are now here on Earth.

The Ashtar Command or Ashtar Galactic Command off Planet are real Men Women Children Angelic Beings and come from many splendid Worlds of great
harmony and love .

We are not as some would believe a Computer off Planet providing a transmission to the People of Earth .

We are all real People on and off Planet Earth .

People on Earth just starting out will say when is Ashlar coming to Earth .

When is the Command landing on Earth/

This is my answer you are the Ashlar Galactic Command ,you are it regardless of what your mind tries to tell you .

Your Brothers and Sisters off Planet are it as well and when those on Planet Earth take ownership of who you are cosmically and spiritually then at that point you will realize all of us together are the Ashlar Galactic Command .

We can continue to learn and grow together and also by ourselves .

Focusing on Ashtar Meditations daily within a Christ Consciousness will help you in this  .

Not listening to loud music but listening to meditative music will help.

I know some will defend the music they listen to but understand certain music has different frequencies that affect the mind body and soul

Understand when you are in a cosmic alignment then you can communicate with your cosmic family off Planet if you are out of this alignment it will not work.

This has been my personal experience with music over the years on this cosmic journey.

I found that I am a cosmic healer ,communicator,media person and using these vast area's together on Earth has allowed me to help educate people about the
Ashlar Command or Ashlar Galactic Command.

Like a poem I am just allowing whatever cosmic words of wisdom to come out externally to be shared now.

I have also found that when I became aware years ago of the Ashlar Galactic Command I had finally come home .

Now I am home in a sense and learning teaching expanding and exploring all that connects to the Ashlar energies .

If you are connected you will know this within your total being.

Remember your spirit guided you here in truth and we cannot run away from our spirit within.

That’s my sharing with all of you here on Earth now.

Blessings In The Light Of The Most Radiant One Always,

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  • CmdrAleon, you truly are worthy of a highly important post in Ashtar's galactic command.
    I've been guided to Be Here Now.
    Thank you, CmdrAleon, for being here with us now.
    "Blessings In The Light Of The Most Radiant One Always" to you, too...

    • Hi Solar,

      While I respect what you have said, and believe its true to a certain extent... I do not think the word 'ONLY' is a great word when you talk of spirituality. Perhaps I am more tolerant about the different ways in which an individual can attain one's spiritual goal, because I come from a religion that believes in polytheism or many gods and goddesses. :)

      I'd like to ask you "who is WE?" Does what you say mean that anybody who does not follow christ will not be able to enter God's kingdom? This statement is preposterous IMHO. Its like saying, unless you worship Kali you will never understand what it is to have your kundalini awakened.

      The concept of "Kundalini" as well as the concept of "God's Kingdom" are not the properties of a particular religion... hence we need to be more open and accepting about the limitations of old definitions and look beyond what is taught by organised religion.

      And while WE are at understanding the meaning of what the word CHRIST means... In Hindu mythology the word KRISHNA (could be an aberration of CHRISTNA) is actually written as KRSNA... where the syllable KRI means "ACTION" in sanskrit... it could be an interesting take if one would suppose that both words come from the same root. ;-)

      with intent,
      much love, light and laughter,
      • The beauty that I have found within Ashtar is that the majority of entities I have witnessed here have celebrated the similarities they share, and have avoided focusing on the differences. Difference I am thankful for as it allows me to see things from others perceptions which adds spice to life. I feel that it is quite fitting that Asavari has ended her entry with finding similarity.....this is truly another reason what Ashtar means to me....... acceptance of others perceptions........as we were, as we are, as we will be....All..........Jamus
    • Hi Solar,

      When you say "Jesus Christ is the word, amen"... I was prompted to make you aware of the following writing...

      "Jesus and the Christ are seen as two separate entities. The Christ refers to the living flame of love that guides all life and evolution on our planet. Jesus was a man who was able to perfect himself enough to hold the high energy of the Christ, and thus become Jesus, the Christ."
      -- Annie Besant, from Theosophical Society writings.

      Christ consciousness as CmdrAleon mentions is not the consciousness ascribed to Jesus (Yeshua HaMaschiach) Its is the higher realm of consciousness that opens to you when you elevate your being to the energies of Jesus the Christ as propounded by Dr. Annie Besant. In Hindu, terminology it is termed as KUTASTHA CHAITANYA, and I am sure this same state of consciousness has various terms in the different religions that abound our planet.


      with intent,
      much love, light and laughter,
      • Very well said Asavari. I strive on a daily basis to meet my Christ consciousness, as I was told by a high channeler that Jesus was the refraction of a god like energy into a human form on an earthly plain. Specifically when I take responsibility for who I am becoming it gives me empowerment to grow into this reality. AS a collective I feel this is our mission, to help guide each other to this consciousness.....with much love ...Jamus
  • Hi Cmdr Aleon,

    I am from India and a hindu by birth... so essentially I should not even know what or who Ashtar is. But one fine day I did. It was after I went to this third eye opening initiation ceremony (some japanese method). It not only opened the doors of heaven and my ajna and sahasrara... my meditations started to become more powerful. In one such meditation and several after that I found that I would be on the deck of a ship. There would first be a lot of static in the vision (you know similar to the static you see on television, when you cant get the channel station) and then it would clear up and I would see that I am standing on this star trek like deck and looking out thru the main screen out into the galaxy, which was replete with thousands of stars.

    Later on as this destination became more focused in the meditation... I could interact with my surroundings on the ship, but I never met any entity. So of course I was very curious as to what I was doing on a uninhabited ship (my journeys may they be in my dreams, meditations or in reality, have always been alone.) Thats when I started asking questions in the meditations... and I heard the name Ashtar as an answer to one such question.

    As I said I am of Hindu upbringing, so "Ashtar" as a name did not mean anything to me, other than a garbled sound... but surprisingly it stayed with me, until a year and half after I discovered ASHTAR for the first time, in Doreen Virtue's book - "Archangels and Ascended Masters".

    Since then I have always been looking out for information on Ashtar, so you can imagine when a friend on fb asked me to join the ashtarcommandcrew page on fb... and then I came here. Its good to be a part of this family and learn that I am not alone on the ship after all.

    with intent,
    much love, light and laughter,
  • I see it as an awakening within a collective of like beings from around the globe and off the earth. A communication matrix for our spirits to relate in a place that is safe and share who we are with sincerity returning from gifted individuals.
  • I would call it another home away from home.
  • Dear brother, Cmdr Aleon
    Thank you for sharing, well spoken. I agree with you in all you wrote.
    When I was guided to this AC Network 3 month ago I knew it was the right place to be in. I have learned a lot, share my wisdom with others, the best I can. And here I can say: Yes I am also a part of Ashtar Command, I am here, and have been here for a long time.
    "If you are connected, you will know". you said. Thank you, I know. When I read your post, line by line, I felt so much love and Light. You are doing a great work here....
    This beautiful morning here in Copenhagen, I felt it was like an Initiation reading your post....
    Love and Blessings to you
    from a sister from Sirius.
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